《Unto Dark》Chapter VIII | Tears of Lead, Pall of Ashes
I awake to a frightening sound. It’s as if the skies have opened, dropping their contents upon us. The mighty force rocks the foundation of Grandma Bee’s house, shattering all of the windows into tiny pieces.
Nevertheless, I stand firm in the face of terror. I might have screamed a little, but that’s beside the point. Where’s Grandma Bee?
Searching the dining room, I finally spot her when I check behind the table. She has tumbled face first, out of her chair, with her bum sticking straight up into the air. I can’t help but laugh a little, even though I try to hold it in. I’m sorry Grandma Bee, but it’s too funny.
(I don’t see that evil man anywhere.)
Oh well, first things first, I need to wake up Grandma Bee…
“Hellooo! Grandma Bee, wake up! There’s a dangerous man, and explosions… And also, I’m hungry…”
Barring the third one, even though it’s technically the most important to me at the moment, the other two things are urgent matters. Who knows, maybe the evil man caused those explosions. I wouldn’t doubt it.
Using some kind of evil magic, he trapped my brain in a sleeping prison. Speaking of which, that must be why Grandma Bee was sleeping at a time like that. I wonder if he’s stronger than Grandma Bee…? No way, right…?
“Grandma Bee, Grandma Bee! Are you awake yet? Some mysterious stuff is going on.”
With that, she finally begins to rustle and grunt, a sure sign she’s going to wake up. I could have just let her sleep while I ate by myself, but I think that might be considered rude. Besides, that evil man could come back at any moment.
“W-what’s the matter, dear? Oh my… Why am I on the floor?”
“I don’t know. One minute you were sitting on that chair, and the next minute you were on the floor. There was this weird man watching over you, all scary like, and just now there was this loud explosion outside that broke all the windows. What’s going on here?”
“Explosion?! Wait… A weird man…? Could that have been Horrence? Was this person a stern, intelligent-looking young man with a fine beard, by chance?
“No, he was more sickly-looking with evil eyes, and sharp talons, and pointy teeth… I think… Hmmm…”
“Oh ho ho ho! That’s certainly Horrence, dear. Oh ho ho…”
What? Grandma Bee knows that evil man? What business could the kindhearted Grandma Bee possibly have with someone like him?
“You see, dear, I found Horrence collapsed outside my house late last night, so I let him rest in the guest room. I must have dozed off while we were eating. And yes, he may seem a little gloomy, or cold, but he is not all that bad. He is a witch after all, and witches tend to live lonely lives. Not me though, since I have you to visit me, dear.”
I see… But I don’t trust him! The way he was looming over Grandma Bee, and what he did to me... He’s too suspicious!
“What about the explosion, Grandma Bee?”
“Yes, well… Let’s see here…”
Carefully walking over the broken glass, Grandma Bee heads outside her house to check what the cause of the explosion was. I follow in her footsteps, only to be blown away at the scene.
“Heavens! What could have happened here?”
A great rending, starting near Grandma Bee’s house, carves deep into the forest. Trees are torn apart, toppled, and even trees smoldering at the trunks are strewn about, like some sort of deforested highway.
What could have caused such destruction? The only answers seem to point to that evil Horrence person. He’s the only other person that knows of Grandma Bee’s house, so it can only be him that did this. How he managed it is beyond me though.
“Was this done by that man, Grandma Bee?”
“Hmmm… It’s possible… I did sense his terrifying power. But he keeps it bottled up inside of him. It seems something must have made him lose control over it. What that was, I do not know.”
Is he really that strong? Even Grandma Bee, who can fight the dreaded Beastkin barehanded, is afraid of his power. It must be terrifying.
“What should we do?”
I’m frightened… Inside that man’s eyes, was a vast, deep ocean of darkness. It felt like it was trying to engulf the entire world. If he suddenly lost control over it, what would become of us?
Likely the Gods may do something about it, but would they be able to protect us all the way out here in Fort Wayfield? All they ever do is hide in their palaces. Would they be able to make it in time?
Far away in the distance, a thunderous roar booms. Creatures in the vicinity erupt from the woods, fleeing in terror.
“We must make way to the cellar! We should be safe there.”
Grandma Bee hurries me along to the safe house located in the cellar. I’ve only ever been there once when the house was attacked by a Beastkin, and I was told to hide in there until it was taken care of.
The hatch is made of heavy wood, with thick iron fittings, so it’s a very secure location. I’m still uneasy though. Could wood and iron hold up to the force that created such a loud sound? The explosion may have sounded far away, but that doesn’t make me feel any better.
Luckily, Grandma Bee lets me bring my plate of food with me, so I feel a little better…
The ground occasionally rumbles, becoming louder, and louder, causing dust to sprinkle from the ceiling and supports. They must be coming closer, and closer. Grandma Bee and I huddle together. She’s doing her best to protect me, which makes me feel warm inside, despite the circumstances.
Eventually, the explosions come to an end, but still, we hide in the cellar. If we were to journey from the cellar to take a look, there’s a chance we would get caught up in another explosion. Just because they have stopped for now, doesn’t mean that they will not begin again.
Why is he even doing these things? What is he trying to accomplish? He keeps moving while causing destruction, so is he looking for anything in particular? Or does he just want to destroy everything he comes across? I wouldn’t put it past him, no matter what Grandma Bee says about him.
Come to think of it, I wonder… What caused him to lose control of his power in the first place? He seemed normal when we met in the house, so it must have happened afterward. Maybe he met a Beastkin or something?
Somehow, I think he deserved it. What with how he treated me back then. I only asked him what happened to Grandma Bee, then he just used that strange magic on me and I passed out. How rude!
Whilst thinking of how I would return the favor to that mean man, the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of glass crunching underfoot… The man has returned here! My breath catches in my chest. Why did he have to come back here?!
Slowly, the crunching becomes closer, until it is directly above the hatch. Grandma Bee begins to squeeze harder, increasing her grip on my shoulders. Is Grandma Bee afraid? The thought causes me to tightly close my eyes, as I just kneel there, shuddering in the darkness.
And then, the terrible evil made itself known…
A growl, ferocious and spine-tingling, even worse than the most frightening of Beastkin, shakes the ceiling, as the hatch is ripped clean off its hinges, along with a large portion of the floorboards. The new most terrifying moment of my entire life. So much so that I’m not even ashamed to admit that I was unable to hold my bladder.
What drops down and stands before us can no longer be compared to the man from before. A monster in the general shape of a human, with bulging veins and darkened skin covering overgrown, rippling muscles.
Growing from its temple is a great, black horn that curls behind its head and the entire body is engulfed in a haze like you see above a roaring fire. It’s truly a monstrous appearance, that gives rise to crippling fear.
I can no longer think. My mind has been stressed past its limits, so it turns off to protect itself. I simply slump onto my rear, completely paralyzed by the overwhelming pressure.
“Stay down, dear! This could get messy.”
Unlike me, Grandma Bee rushes forwards, as she begins to activate her magic trait. Like a flash, she’s upon the beast, and propelled by the fiercest winds, she lands a heavy blow upon its right cheek.
I have a bad feeling…
The booming thud from the strike, echoes in the confines of the cellar’s walls, as wind rips around the room like a tornado. The beast doesn’t even budge an inch from the attack. In fact, it looks as if the one most affected by the punch is Grandma Bee.
When her fist enters the haze surrounding the beast, it bursts into flames. Strangely, the flames give off no light, which makes them seem black in color, though still painful-looking to touch. Grandma Bee quickly uses her [Wind Magic] to extinguish them, unfortunately, with no results.
The wind seemingly passes right through them, causing no visible effects, so with quick judgment, Grandma Bee immediately creates a wind blade that severs her right arm just above the wrist. Luckily, the hand falls to the ground, taking the black fire along with it.
Applying a makeshift tourniquet upon the severed arm, made of a piece of torn cloth, she manages to stop her blood from escaping for now. This alone is unlikely to solve the problem. No doubt, she’ll have to make it to town to find one of the Guild’s surgeons, but that will have to wait.
It’s apparent that physical attacks are of little use, so instead, she applies a crushing amount of air pressure on top of the beast, leaving enough time for her to take me and escape. The problem is, being paralyzed with fear, my limbs have given out, while Grandma Bee is also missing a hand.
“Are you okay, dear? We have to escape for now. Can you stand?”
“Y-your hand…”
“It’s fine!”
I take her only remaining hand and try to stand, but just can’t manage to move my legs. Even my hands are too weak to keep a firm grip.
“I… I can’t…”
“Alright, dear. Hold on.”
With that, she bends down, reaching her left arm around my back, about to lift me up, when suddenly she stops…
At first, I’m unable to understand the scene going on before me. A red mist sprays across the cellar like a fountain, illuminated by the light streaming from the hole in the ceiling. I can’t help but think how pretty it looks…
That single moment… When Grandma Bee’s blood spewed from the huge gouge in her neck, seemed to last for an eternity, like time had broken down and was grinding to a halt.
How long did I sit there at that point in time before I was finally able to come to terms with what had happened, allowing the frozen time to finally move forwards again? I do not know…
As I watch the beast toss Grandma Bee’s body to the side, I reach out to touch her outstretched fingers, only for her body to be engulfed by those malevolent, black flames. Everything that those flames touch ceases to exist, not even leaving ashes behind.
In a matter of seconds, Grandma Bee’s entire existence is transformed into nothing more than a memory…
I can’t take it! Why must we suffer this way? Why must Grandma Bee…
“What have you done!? You monster! I’ll kill you!!”
Looking up at that evil beast in anger, I scream at him from the depths of my heart, hoping to blow away this entire nightmare. Alas, I find no relief.
Turning its attention to me, the monster reaches down and pins my right hand to the ground firmly. No matter what I try, I’m unable to escape its grasp. It feels like my hand is bolted to the floor. What can I do…?
What does it even matter anymore? Grandma Bee is gone, so I no longer have a place in this world. Even should I somehow make it through this, that fact will never change. What point is there in living anymore…?
“Just kill me already…”
It’s better to just end it now than to continue living in this messed up world. Even if it’s at the hands of this monster, at least it will be fast…
This time, although the growl once again rumbles terrifyingly, the intensity somehow sounds subdued. Come to think of it, I’m touching this monster, without catching on fire…
What’s going on? It’s just looking at me…
“What are you planning on doing to me, you monster!?”
Having the monster leaning over me like this is making me feel sick. The pure hatred bubbling in my stomach is only matched by the pangs of sorrow and regret tearing my heart apart.
The monster’s eyes are devoid of light, just pitch black orbs that seem to swallow everything. As I glare at them, searching their depths for answers, crimson blood begins to pool around the sockets, dripping down onto my face. The monster begins to cry tears of blood.
(Why is this monster crying? I just don’t understand what’s going on anymore!)
As the tears continue to leak from its eyes, the monster leans closer to my face, eventually placing its mouth upon my forehead. Its skin is hot and stings to the touch, and strangely, the smell of rain surrounds its body.
Is it planning on eating me now…? Fine then, let it come. I hope you choke on me…
Closing my eyes, I start to tense up in anticipation of the first bite, but the pain never comes, instead, a warm sensation floats upon my lips.
W… What…? What’s this bastard trying to accomplish!? To force itself on me after everything it’s done to us!? You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
“Get off me!!”
Struggling wildly, I attempt to free myself from its hold, only to be met with its unbreakably strong grip. I am at the complete mercy of this damned beast. What have I ever done to deserve this disgrace?
Contrary to its oppressive nature, the monster, for some reason, handles me very gently as it removes my clothes and grazes my skin with its fingertips, causing the shamefulness to only grow and grow.
It feels as if it is trying to slowly peel back the layers of my heart, so it can totally devour my being from within. It’s just playing with its food.
But… It’s working… Despite my utmost efforts to banish any sensations from my mind, they persist. Burning themselves into my brain, bombarding my sensors with an overloading amount of stimulation.
Even when I think about how this monster emotionlessly murdered Grandma Bee right in front of me, I still can’t drown out the machinations being evoked upon my body’s defenses. It’s infuriating that I can’t control my own body.
For years I’ve lived on the street, pushing my mind and body to their limits just to stay alive. But now I’m helpless, unable to swim against the tides I am awash in…
(Even in the most extreme scenarios, we cannot help but wallow in our filthy desires. I’ve seen it all before. Humans are trash…)
The greed of the wealthy miser who walks right by a beggar, without even thinking twice. The lust of the disgusting merchant, who despite having a wife and children, still spends his time off making love to a prostitute.
This world is full of garbage, and in the end, I am no different. My shameful state is perfect proof of the inhumanity of the human race. My body is hot, and my mind flashes bright, brought about by the heights of pleasure I am experiencing. Like waves, my consciousness and my heart erode away, until finally, I pass out.
As I groggily rise from my slumber, the first thing I notice is the chill I feel down my back. I am mostly nude, lying on the cold ground in what looks like some sort of cellar.
A little light is shining in from a hole in the roof, but apart from that, everything is dark. Somehow, it is kind of peaceful, you know?
As my eyes adjust to the dark room, I begin to recognize a few troubling things, mainly that I am not alone in this darkness. Like me, there is some other nude person lying next to me. A petite body, like that of a child.
Suddenly remembering my dream, I turn the body onto its back. What I was hoping for, I do not know. Nonetheless, I am disappointed with what I find. Although this child has faint similarities to my sister, her hair is white like snow. The complete opposite of my sister’s glossy black hair.
Oh well…
Placing my hand over her mouth and nose, I check for breathing. Since she seems fine, I decide to head above ground to figure out where I have ended up. As I tread through the dim room towards the light, my foot brushes against a metallic object, so I reach over to pick it up.
(So that is how it is…)
It is a familiar thing, although slightly different. Upon closer inspection, the whole scene could be said to be similar to that of my dream. The kitchen knife, along with the fact that I appear to be coated with a thick layer of blood. I can easily understand as to how I ended up this way.
Which means… Is this child supposed to be that urchin brat? I do not see the witch around, but the ground beneath my feet is still warm to the touch. The blood had to come from somewhere…
This child… The way her hair turned white like that is like some sort of manga character. I am pretty sure that rapid hair discoloration due to stress is scientifically impossible. What a strange power I have.
After carrying the urchin child upstairs with me, I place her body in the guest bed, taking care not to wake her up. The house is in shambles, with glass shards from the windows scattered all over the place. A pile of mangled timber, which must have come from this giant hole, occupies the center of the room.
Although the damage to the house might have been substantial, the outside of the house is far worse off. To put it simply, it is apocalyptic. Large tracts of forest have seemingly vanished, leaving craters in their place. Massive fires rage amidst great plumes of black smoke.
There is no doubt about it… This is my power…
(How did this happen? As far as I know, I was asleep. None of this should have been possible… Unless…)
[Falling Owl]… Is this a result of some wires getting crossed somewhere while I was asleep? Perhaps, if I should begin dreaming whilst under his influence... The conscious brain and the dreaming brain are not that different, apart from the body becoming paralyzed. While still a theory, it is likely that [Falling Owl] has translated anything I did in the dream, into real life.
Let me see… First thing I did in the dream was haphazardly run around that accursed, rain-filled place, trying to find a way out. In my supercharged form, I likely caused plenty of destruction by just wandering around.
When I was unable to find an exit, I tried using [Corruption] in an attempt to move faster. Who knows what damage I caused from doing that… Then, I…
I guess that was when I found my way back here. From the scene I saw downstairs, [Falling Owl] likely reenacted every single thing that went on in my dream. I suppose I should feel guilty, or something…
“This is that day all over again, huh…?”
They have no connection to me in the slightest, yet they have still managed to get pulled into the madness of the [Black Corona]. I even tried protecting this town, by getting as far away as I could… I really am a natural disaster.
I wonder if my disguise is finished yet? I had no time to check on it this morning, so I guess I will do that now. There is no use standing around here. It is not like I can bring back the dead, though that would be useful.
The forest is mostly leveled, so I have little trouble finding my way back to town. As I come nearer and nearer, I realize the gravity of what I have done… The town of Fort Wayfield has been destroyed.
“Damn! My fucking suit… Is not what I should be worried about in this situation, I suppose…”
What a severely unpleasant turn of events. While the fact that thousands upon thousands of people being unduly massacred is unjust, in the end, it can simply be chalked up to an unfortunate accident. The real problem is that I am the one who has caused this.
The fact that this entire area has been violently ravaged by my ability is an irrefutable fact. It is not like I can erase the evidence when the evidence is a whole town, its citizens, and a vast portion of the forest.
“Magic sure would be useful right about now…”
Resurrection magic, or time magic. Honestly, anything other than blow-stuff-up magic. I fear, more research into my ability’s properties is necessary. It is even possible that I am simply using it incorrectly.
Anyways, if by chance someone is capable of using some sort of detection technique to discover the identity of the person who has caused this devastation, it will lead them right to me.
Is this not the exact reason I needed my disguise in the first place? What good is blowing it up going to accomplish? Damnit [Falling Owl], do not fucking mess with me!
I guess I should check, just in case. First, I will need to find my horse though. Hopefully, my camp survived the blow. I would not want anything bad to have happened to Tomorrow since she did cost a fortune.
Tracing what once was the forest’s edge, I find my camp in relatively good condition. A human-sized, rectangular stone, part of the town’s walls, has flown all the way here. It has indented itself deep into the ground, only meters from my stage-coach. Luckily, no damage has befallen my assets.
Tomorrow is nonchalantly standing there as if nothing has even happened. It is kind of endearing, if not a little surreal. I guess it is a good thing she is so level-headed about the whole thing. Is not this horse’s character somehow different than before? I seem to remember her being a bit more… Unruly.
Hmmm… Maybe she was just testing me? Unless I accidentally put too much force into it when I disciplined her… I will just go with that. Thankfully, she still knows how to pull the coach, so at least she is not broken.
Now, if I do happen to find any signs of my outfit, I would say I might just be able to pull this whole thing off. Either way, I am still heading for Graves. Staying at the scene of the crime for too long is tantamount to turning myself over to the enemy.
Closer to the town’s limits, it is that much easier to see how badly it has been damaged. A huge black cloud of smoke looms in the air above the entire area, as ash rains down from the sky, covering everything in a blanket. So much so, that we have to cover our mouths and noses to breath.
The streets are scorched black, and what is left of the buildings, mostly the foundations, are still smoldering like hot coals. This town is only a charred skeleton of what it used to be, and I cannot even find the remains of the townspeople.
It is frustrating. I can barely see through the smog, so if I had not memorized the layout of the town, I would have never been able to find anything in this maze of a place.
I stay near the middle of the street, as I make my way to the location where the clothier’s shop used to be. The ruins on either side of us are too hot for Tomorrow to get close to.
Every now and then I pass by a heap of metal, which I assume is the only thing remaining from a vehicle, having been exposed to extreme temperatures. I would try to salvage some parts, but the metal is glowing hot in some parts. Touching it as it is now would be needlessly reckless.
Though I may not be in danger of sustaining lasting damage, I do not want to linger in this place. I should not forget my cautiousness in light of my immortality. Carelessness will only bring me even more misfortune.
Finally, I arrive at the clothier’s grave. It is quite the same as I had imagined it; A pile of embers, amidst crumbling rubble. I hope this fellow has a safe, or a cellar, or something. I cannot imagine any type of clothing could have survived this catastrophe.
Hopping down off of the coach, I carefully walk through the glowing coals, surveying the area in an attempt to find anything substantial. It is far hotter than even the hottest sauna, and I feel my skin reddening. I am slowly cooking in this blistering temperature.
Breathing is difficult, to say the least, even while cupping my hand over my mouth. The hot air flows into my lungs, causing a burning sensation. This could possibly be fatal to a normal human, but to me, it is more like an uncomfortable endurance test.
It is strange how disengaging it can be to lose track of the line that signifies your mortality. More and more, I find myself resorting to quantifying the boundary with a mathematical equation. This is based on my previous world’s mortality though, so I am sure it will require tweaks to remain sound.
“That is where the counter was, and that pile was the staircase. Then this was the hallway, and this was the kitchen. So, if I am not mistaken… Got it!”
Found it! I have located the cellar hatch. It is scorched quite badly, but underneath, the belly of the beast has been preserved quite beautifully. It is kind of astonishing how well this cellar has held up. Greed is amazing.
The darkness illuminates, as I climb down the ladder along with the lantern from the stage-coach. I had lost this particular lantern back at the house in the forest, thanks to a certain someone. Of course, it was just lying next to where I had fallen. Since I had been predisposed, I have only been able to retrieve it right before I came here.
It provides more than enough light to see in this cellar, though I am worried about the open flame. Oh well, as long as I am careful when I use it around my assets, it should be okay. I am far less flammable than they are. I need to protect what I currently have. After all, there is no longer any place to buy supplies in Fort Wayfield.
With the darkness put at bay, I begin my search of the cellar. Along both sides of the room, there are shelves built into the walls, not unlike a catacomb. Instead of bodies, the shelves are lined with an outrageous supply of cloth, leathers, strings, and the like.
Luckily, I do not have to sort through all this clutter, as there is a sturdy safe in the room’s corner. I did command the clothier to keep it in the most secure location he could think of, so it should be inside this safe. Now I just have to open it. That should not be a problem…
Ew… The grating sound that the metal door makes as I rip it from its hinges causes a shiver down my back, although that might just have been the corrupted power I have juiced my arm with.
Endlessly, I am baffled by how much strength I gain while using [Corruption]. This door peeled off like a wet piece of tape. Is that not troubling? What would that idiot have done if my outfit happened to fall into the wrong hands?
The people of this world need to be enlightened on the necessity of security. That foolish family from before had allowed a random stranger into their vehicle. Not to mention what happened to the old witch who fatally gave assistance to an anomalous passerby. Both times I was way too suspicious, yet they still fell for my ruse.
“Wait… Am I the villain of this story…? Hmmm… I do not feel like the villain, though the things I have done all seem kind of villainous. Anyway, it is the heart that counts, so… Er… Huh… I guess I am the villain? Oh well, that term is relative to begin with, so let us leave it aside. How about antihero? Hmmmm… Somehow, it sounds like I need a motorcycle or something…”
Forget it. I am me, in all of my maverick. Should I be labeled as the protagonist, antagonist, or whatever, I will not falter from my goals. The world is inconsequential.
I have been skeptical considering the overall condition of this town but had to at least give it a shot. Fortunately, the reward for my studiousness has finally come.
The outfit is all here. Not only that, it is completed as well. It is brilliant! And it rather should be, since that fellow literally worked himself to death for it. He shall be fondly remembered as the man who created the demon king. Although, that title is a pretty overused gimmick, so I will go with something fresher.
[Falling Owl]? It has a nice ring to it… What is that you say…? I already used that title? Hmmm… That is true. However, did you know…? Gas is expensive, so you should always carpool.
It is more likely they will refer to me as “The Owl”, or “Dark Owl”, or something else anyway. I would prefer that they would keep it canon though. For that matter, how am I supposed to let them know this whole mess was [Falling Owl]? A calling card, I guess…
Of course. For an owl that looks like a raven, there is only one calling card that can be considered appropriate…
It is nearing 4:00 PM and the sky is a dismal shade of grey. Before I leave this place and make my way towards the town of Graves, I have decided to pay one last visit to the witch’s house. There are a few items there I could really use, and since she no longer needs them, I figured I would help myself.
Making it there on an old-fashioned stage-coach was brutal. Even with most of the forest cleared, there was still a sea of roots to worry about. While Tomorrow is a crazily strong beast and pulled the coach right over them no problem, the whole ride was unpleasant for the passenger.
The house is in silence save for my rummaging, and I would like it to stay that way. The urchin child is still unconscious in the guest room. Since she was shivering, I assume she was having some kind of nightmare. I would still prefer she stay asleep, if at all possible.
Her body is visibly uninjured, so it is more likely from the shock that she passed out. Whether a child like her could live by herself in these woods, I am doubtful, but I just cannot afford to get involved with her. It is strategically impractical. Besides, I am not so good around her, or so I have discovered.
The gear I am planning to take with me is pretty commonplace stuff; Pots, pans, silverware, tools, bedding, food, spices, basically, things I was planning on accumulating over time. Since I can get it all in one place for free, I might as well take it.
“There we go…”
I have taken mostly anything I thought would be useful and packed them into the coach, only leaving a few bits and pieces. Honestly, I do not think I have enough room for everything, so I will leave the rest behind. Urchin child will have to make due with whatever is left. My apologies…
Suddenly, I feel a cold chill near my heart, like a dull pinching sensation… Is this some kind of remorse…? Hmmm…
Just as I am wondering what is happening with my body, a startled voice squeaks from behind me, causing me to twist around in an attack stance.
Blood spews from my mouth as I turn, covering my attacker, the urchin child, with specks of red fluid. I finally realize what the pinch from earlier is… a knife.
Ungh… Because I have been so busy packing up silverware and other things into a blanket, I had not even noticed the urchin child sneak up on me with one of the knives. I suppose she wants revenge or something… Oh yeah. She knew that witch, did she not?
“Why aren’t you dead?! I stabbed you directly in the heart! What is wrong with you?!”
Eh? This child is kind of messed up, right? Speaking about stabbing my heart, and such. How did a child like her learn something so scary to begin with? Although, I am not one to talk…
Damn… Why did she have to come out now of all times? This is literally my last load, then I would have been out of here. This brat is some kind of curse or something, I swear…
Turning back to my work, I continue tying the blanket into a ball, completely ignoring the urchin girl, and the knife sticking out of my back. Maybe if I ignore her enough she will go away? Sounds unlikely, but I should try.
After securing the makeshift bag of odds and ends, I lift it onto my shoulder, then start heading towards the coach. I hope all this stuff fits…
Not being discouraged in the least by my strategy, she runs to my back, plucks the knife from my heart, and proceeds to stab it in once more, repeating this over and over again.
She sure has guts, huh…? From what I am guessing must have happened to her and that witch, she must have seen what happens when I use my power. How terrifying that power must have been. Still, she continues her attempt to exact vengeance upon me.
By now she should know it is useless. I mean, the wound literally heals as soon as you remove the knife. It is impossible, you know…
“Just give up…”
“Never!! I’ll never forgive you!! Ever!! Die!! Die!! DIE!!!”
(I see… Then you are prepared for the repercussions…)
Turning to look upon this miniature assassin’s helpless struggle, I remember my sister’s valiant efforts to protect my mother. This is annoying… Then, when our eyes meet, I draw upon that wretched power. The girl is frozen like a statue, discontinuing her assault.
Grabbing her crumpling form with my left arm, I open the coach door with my foot and toss the bag of stuff inside with my right arm. I then fling the urchin child onto the driver’s seat and take my place next to her.
I am troubled… This whole thing is troubling… So troubling…
“Maybe I should leave her behind… What do you think Tomorrow?”
She shook her head, huh… Annoying horse…
“Fine… But do not come complaining to me later when your food rations are cut since there is an extra mouth to feed.”
“Ho…? Admirable… Alright, supper is compliments of Tomorrow’s bleddel supply! Maybe a soup would be good. I have a pot now, so I think I can manage something like that.”
Tomorrow spitefully turns her head to the side, firmly planting her hoof into the ground, as if in resolute fearlessness. However, it is quite obvious the ploy has had an effect on her. Heh…
“What was that…? You would not mind me taking a full week’s worth of bleddels to help out your new friend? How generous of you!”
‘Neigh, Neigh!’
Finally giving in, Tomorrow furiously shakes her head, changing her mind about bringing the child along…
“Eh?! You would even give up bleddels altogether, just so your new friend can be as comfortable as possible?! What a magnanimous horse you are, Tomorrow! I am so touched!”
Letting out a tragic wail, Tomorrow shakes her whole body side to side exaggeratedly. Fear is clearly displayed in her eyes due to my mercilessness.
“Well, let us be on our way. I do not want to be around this town when the Guild’s cronies show up, so we should gain a few hours on them while we can… There is no telling what kind of annoying fellows they will send at us.”
Tomorrow simply looks at me pleadingly, still worried about the prank I was pulling before.
“Go, go! I was not joking about the guild coming for us, you know. Do you want me to make you into glue, or something? Get a move on!”
With that she roared into action, carrying the coach like a bullet and bouncing over the roots with no regards for the passengers. Is this flimsy coach going to hold up? I will have to upgrade to something better once we make it to Graves. That is if we do not get caught by the Guild before then.
Somehow, I am already feeling melancholic about this journey…
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Republic Of Lions
Training for peace does not prepare you for war. The Socialist Union has declared war on the Leonis Republic. The Republic knows it can't win. The last time a large empire declared war on the smaller Republic an uneasy truce was reached. This time lines may have to be crossed that will cost the warriors their soul. Eric Spears has big shoes to fill because he is the nephew of the great Colonel Mike Spears, hero of the Han war, but unlike his uncle he is mediocre and he has never been to war. What none of them know is that there is something else out in the great dark. Something powerful and it is waking up to destroy Mankind's fledgling civilization.
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King Merc
Follow a kids adventure to becoming the Mercenary King
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Arcana Legends
Naturalism is the power to use arcana to shape the world around you and it's Daimyon's time to learn how to use this power. He enrolls at West Gaia Academy to start this long journey where he meets a shy girl named Kiyonna who holds incredible hidden power and is immediately thrust into protecting her from the dangerous Shadow Walkers. On the bright side Bones "The Spirit Reaper" decided to take him under his wing and train him. He'll protect his friends at any cost unless Bones training kills him first. On Hiatus.
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[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader
The only thing Rimuru wanted was for you to move in with him, and in order for that to happen, he'll have to marry you.--------With love, comes drama, and with drama, comes death. Your life with Rimuru was something you never thought would've happened and even the problems that came along with it. Let's read the story of Rimuru and Y/N Tempest as they experience many difficult challenges. Female oriented.
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Kick-ass Career Guide for Women
So you're fresh out of high school or college and landed a job? Starting your career? Here's some short tips on how to make the most of a kick-ass career.The purpose of the book is to empower women starting in the workforce, and give them confidence to set boundaries and thrive in their careers.I've used my own experiences to write the book, having worked in global management teams for international firms, particularly in male-dominated environments where unconscious bias and stereotypes still exist. If you want some career tips from an MBA graduate with published work on leadership, then this is the book for you. *Featured on Wattpad's official Non-fiction profile, @nonfiction*Nonfiction winner of the Reader's Choice Awards 2020Cover by: @iM0THSDisclaimer: any recommendations, suggestions or advice are only for information purposes and may not suit all circumstances related to the advice. The author is not responsible for readers' career choices. Readers are responsible for their own choices.If you see this story anywhere else but Wattpad please report it and alert the author. Copyright © E Pettersen 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be transmitted in any form without written permission from the author, with the exception of quotations in articles or reviews. This book is fiction. Names, characters, and most places are fictitious. This book may not be reproduced and sold for commercial purposes.
8 68 - In Serial92 Chapters
အချစ်ဝိုင် ( Complete )
မင်းမှတ်ထား ခရေဝိုင် ယောကျာ်းတစ်ယောက် မိန်းကလေးအများကြီးနဲ့တွဲနိုင်ရင် စော်ကြည်တယ်လို့ခေါ်ပြီး မိန်းကလေးတစ်ယောက်က ယောကျာ်းလေးအများကြီးနဲ့တွဲရင် ပျက်စီးနေပြီလို့ခေါ်တယ်မင်းတစ်ယောက်ဆို ငါက ၂ယောက်ပဲ သူနိုင်ကိုယ်နိုင် အပြိုင်ကျဲမယ်ဆိုတာ ရုပ်ရှင်ထဲမှာပဲရှိတာမဟုတ်ဘူး လုပ်ရဲရင်လုပ်ကြည့်လေ~~~~~~~~~~~~မင်းကငါ့ရဲ့ကံကြမ္မာမင်းကငါ့ရဲ့ဘဝမင်းကငါ့ရဲ့အရာရာပါမျက်ရည်တွေသုတ်လိုက်ပါငါ့အနာဂတ်ကို ကယ်တင်ပေးပါငါမင်းနဲ့အတူ နှစ်ပေါင်းများစွာနေချင်သေးလို့
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