
A little while ago, at Shidou Touji home,

"Ah~! I am so bored. Az is a meanie."

Right now, Xenovia was on the couch as she watched the TV with Irina. Still; for her, TV was boring, as such, she couldn't help but complain out loud.

Irina, who was sitting cross-legged while eating some potato chips tilted her head at this outburst.

"Hum? Az nii-chan is outside. What is he doing? Father always told me we shouldn't be out late."


Xenovia covered her mouth with her hand on reflex, Irina wasn't supposed to be informed about anything supernatural before her formation, thankfully, Diethelm who was seated not far away from them intervened,

"Azrael isn't a child anymore. He had something else to do."


Irina didn't insist. She knew that a kid could not win against an adult.

Right now, in the living room, only four people were present. Diethelm, Xenovia, Irina and Shidou. Shidou's wife was currently away in England in order to search for a good place for them to live. The church would pay 35% of all the travel cost as well as habitations, so they could afford to splurge.

Suddenly, Diethelm's expression hardened, while Shidou was surprised. Only one thought went through their head,

'We are surrounded'


He immediately decided to activate the shield that was created by Azrael.

'It seems like his highness was right to worry. Only that, who would have thought that the situation would be that dire?'

It was normal for him to think so. After all, right outside of the house, was what could only be called a small army of mages.


Outside, a group of people wearing black cloaks with a scarlet eye on the back were nearing the house of the Shidou family. Their target was a high-class VIP, so they couldn't afford to make a mistake.

A little farther away, a man, of Japanese descent was standing close to a western woman. The woman, seemingly bored, began to chit chat,

"Hey! Seijirou!! So you guys are like weaklings from the clans, right? That's why you were thrown away right? Isn't it like, totally pitiful?"

The woman spoke like that as she twirled a strawberry lollipop in her hands. The man, who was wearing a suit and a pair of glasses, gritted his teeth but didn't lash out. The woman in front of him was a mid-class magician, close to high class. He couldn't afford to offend her.


"Us being banned has nothing to do with our strength. In their eyes, we were simply unworthy of being from the same family. Simply because we didn't receive the blessing of our gods and as such, were unable to use the main power of our clan."

"Shishishi, If it makes you happy, to think so. Anyway, this is like, so fucking boring. We need to make so many preparations to just catch a teen."

The man had to blow the air out of his lungs in order to calm his nerves.

"Miss Eleanor, please be mindful of your own words. The target is extremely important. The mission is clear. Catch him, then we flee and we enter the world of Oz. The identity of that boy is such that any mistake would mean a purge by the church. It would make the witch hunts of so long ago look like child play."

"Ah! I know, I know, but it's just soooo boring. How long will it take to make those preparations?"

'BITCH!!!! It would end way faster if you simply shut up!!!!'

He nearly screamed inwardly, but outside, he kept a polite smile as he answered,

"Not long, I assure you. Please be patient."

This was the sorrow of being a grunt. You had to listen to a stupid boss, and you couldn't complain. You could only smile, grit your teeth and bear your pain and humiliation in silence.

"Hum… Now that I think about it, how strong is the target?"

Seijiro Shinra felt like hundreds of horses were galloping in his heart. How he wished to simply strangle her to death and be done with it. Sadly, the alliance of their groups with the witches was still too recent and any accident could make it collapse. It was better to make a friend than to make enemies.

Still, this didn't stop him from complaining,

'Himejima-San. Why send me to such a place?'

Sadly, he could once again only do it inwardly.

"From the Intel, we have received, his holy power places him as a new high-class being. He only reached that level one month ago. Thankfully, his true level is far from it. The quality of his skills makes him only middle class. After all, he never left the church until two weeks ago, and as such, he lived a luxurious and sheltered life free from all worry all this time."




The sound of her biting in that lollipop was truly grating on the nerves. Still, he didn't complain and waited for her to talk

"Huh. So we must capture a sheltered brat who was born with a silver spoon. Lol. Easy peachy."

The man nodded before calling another mage,

"Did the two we sent to the Belial woman house find anything?"

"No. We still didn't hear from them. They should still be investigating."

'That's why I wanted to send a pair with a higher level of skill. Well, it isn't as if their absence will change anything.'

While thinking that, he waved away. The woman next to him gave a feral smile and said,

"I see. Now, it's time for the show."


The whole sky was suddenly full of light, despite the night. Light brighter than the stars and the moon.

Slowly but surely, a dome-like barrier began to appear and surrounded not only the house but also the few hundred meters in the surrounding.

"Shishishi. Don't you think this scene looks really funny? A barrier within a barrier. So beautiful. I wonder… Just how long can that shield stand and protect the one in? Well, the fun is in finding outright?"

A made grin escaped her lips as she eyed the situation. This night promised to be full of adventures.


While Azrael was rushing toward the house,


The scene was totally chaotic. Tens of mages surrounded the house and launched their spells in the barriers created by the Azrael. Those mages were all wearing black robes, making their face indiscernible.

Diethelm stayed behind the barriers and continued to shoot those mages one after another with his rifle.

Despite being able to take out some of those mages, he could only keep them at bay for so long.

He couldn't help but frown,

'Just how were they able to find his highness's whereabouts?'

He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to think about that. He had to survive first before thinking about what will happen later.

"Ojii-San… Papa...What is happening?"

He gritted his teeth. This was the true problem. If it was just him and Shidou, he was sure that they could somehow flee.

But with two girls the situation became too tricky. Xenovia was a little more trained, but she only knew some stances. It was impossible for her to fight against experienced mages.

'At least his highness is safe.'

He didn't know why they wanted to capture Azrael, but he was sure that it wasn't for anything good. When it comes to research, humans were way crueler than any devil could ever aspire to be.

He looked at Shidou who was trying to comfort his daughter while holding a sword. He truly felt a little bad about this. Children should never be put in such situations.

He let out a wry smile,

'I should at least use these old bones of mines to save those children'

As long as the barrier put by His highness stood, he could continue thinning their numbers before trying to break out with the other three.

It was then,

*Crack* *Crack*

The barriers began to crack. It was like the sky itself was breaking.

"FUCKING FINALLY!! This barrier was like really really hard. But still not hard enough. Shishishi!!!"

He looked in the direction of the source of that voice. Two people entered his eyes, a woman wearing a hood with a lollipop in her mouth, and a man wearing a suit standing behind her.

His heart sank. He immediately recognized her. Hundred beasts. That was how she was called. She wasn't that strong but she was known for her ability to summon many kinds of beast.

"Sisi, attack: Acid spray."

Behind her, a pink ten meters long serpent opened wide his maw and ejected a green liquid from it.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

The acid landed on the barriers, aggravating the already dire situation.

The crack on the Barrier grew more and more until *Bang* it exploded.


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