
The two of them had six pairs of wings growing from their back. Making for a total of 12 wings each.

They were angels. The number of their wings showed that they stood at the very peak of heaven. They were the Seraph.

One of the two, an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure, finally opened her mouth,

"Metatron won the bet it seems. To think it would really take him two years to finally open it. Look like you're really hated."

The man that floated next to her, a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes, let out a bitter smile at those words. When he gave this weapon two years ago the seraphs made a bet about how long it would take for Azrael to activate it. Metatron had betted more than one year. While Gabriel had betted on one year.

It was a little hurtful to acknowledge, but he had no right to complain since he truthfully never really did his job as a father. So him being hated was normal.

Still, he had no choice. He had too many responsibilities and meeting his son face to face might spell the end to him.

Even now, despite the fact that his eyes could see thousands of meters ahead of him, he didn't dare to direct them in the direction of his son.

Finally, he sighed,

"I will not ask for forgiveness. For I am unbecoming of it. Even thousands of apologies wouldn't be enough. All I ask is for him to live happily for as long as possible."

The woman, Gabriel, also known as the most beautiful woman in heaven, sighed, she knew how much it pained him to be unable to come near his son. The contradictory feelings inside him were not something anyone could understand.


She decided to change subject and looked in another direction as she said,

"Thankfully it was Ajuka who was in the vicinity. Another devil might have tried to force his way and find what was going on."

The man nodded. Ajuka Beelzebub was a peace loving devil unlike his predecessor. If it was possible he wouldn't have acted so rudely but he couldn't take any risk right now.

"*Cough* *Cough*"

Suddenly, his body shook as it was wracked in pain. He coughed harshly and put his hand in front of his mouth. Once the coughing fit ended, he looked at his palm, and saw a little amount of blood on it. Another bitter smile formed on his face.

'Seem like I really pushed myself too much.'

Gabriel, looked at him with worry,

"Did you really have to force the Holy system?"

The man shook his head,

"I want the best for him. His innate power was simply too strong. He needed a catalyst before he lost control. This weapon is the best I could come up with."

"But you had to pay such a high price. Even though you made use of the loophole, it was still too dangerous. You could have simply forged a normal holy weapon with the same attribute as him…"

The man shook his head with a smile and looked as his blood transformed into dust.

"I already told you. I want the best for him. You know very well what kind of growth curve we have. A normal hybrid would take decades or maybe even centuries to reach the ultimate class and higher. Now though, as long as he puts in the necessary amount of work, he will be able to do so in a matter of years."

She couldn’t help but be a little perplexed. She hesitated before asking,


“Michael, just what did you do exactly?”

The man, no, Michael’s eyes glowed for a short while with pride and a little arrogance. So much that his wings began to flicker and alternate between gold and black for a short while before stopping. He blushed at this display but decided to simply ignore it before asking ,

“*Ahem* Do you know the weirdest of all the longinus?”

He didn’t wait for her to answer and continued,

“It’s [CANIS LYKAON]. This longinus is an oddity between all the longinus. For one reason. It isn’t a gear formed from one, but two myths. Our father used two sources for its creation, creating an ominous distorted blade. I did the same, but on a larger scale. I used pieces of holy or divine weapons from different wars, and managed to create something that should not exist.”

Gabriel was stunned, never had she thought that he would manage to do something like that, she muttered,

“No wonder you were basically close to death when you finished it.”

Michael shivered a little,

“You’re right. I nearly died while trying it. Not anyone can step in the domain of the father. Frankly, I had to ask for many favors and make some concessions to assure the success. One of those being a contract with Azazel.”

“That pervert?”

“Yes. I knew that Grigori was researching ways of creating artificial sacred gear. By making a deal with him, I managed to get the result already reached. It wasn’t much, but It gave me the push I needed. The result was that ball.”

Gabriel turned back to look at it, her face showing a more serious expression, she knew it was a powerful weapon but to be this much.

“Just how strong is this weapon?”

“Right now, nothing much. It’s a new gear. One born from a mix of myths. At first I wanted to create an absolute weapon. But even with the loophole, doing so was impossible and might have simply destroyed the system. What I did was to create a weapon that could grow with absolutely no limit. A weapon that could potentially slay gods. In short… I created a longinus. One, that is in now way inferior to the strongest longinus.”

Gabriel’s eyes glowed with surprise and praise. It was truly a feat worthy of praise. Theoretically, it wasn’t impossible for a sacred gear to reach the level of a longinus. Even more so since their father wasn't controlling the system anymore.

But, until now, all sacred gear were created by their father. Michael did something that was basically impossible. Another bout of curiosity seized her as she asked,

“What kind and how many myths did you mix for this creation?”

A mysterious smile formed on his face,

“Now, now, Gabriel. It wouldn’t be funny if I gave you all the information right now. We need to keep a little bit of mystery. If you weren’t so curious, I wouldn’t even have said anything.”

Gabriel's beautiful face formed a pout as she turned her face aside,


"Ahaha. Let's go. I finally managed to hide the aura of this weapon. We have no reason to stay now. I think I will need at least four years to heal completely."

He didn't wait for an answer and began to fly away. His golden wings glittering behind him.

Gabriel gave a last look full of affection at Azrael, before also going away.


“Welcome, my master.”

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