《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 13 - I'm OP


I'm OP

The bandits that attacked us were very strong, if I was not already dead I would have probably died several times………..nah.

They could have won if we were a caravan of merchants, but unfortunately for them 2 of us are trained soldiers, the other are 2 C ranked adventurers, 1 B ranked and lastly me, a fucking immortal ghost surrounded by beautiful girls but pissed off because of his impotence…

The battle was noting special, we quickly subdued the bandits and continued our journey.

The only positive point of the battle was that I could see for the first time the skills of the people of this world.

The 2 guards were nothing special, their skills with the sword were so so, they were slightly better than the bandits.

Miki, Elise and Aila on the other hand, were pretty skilled. Miki sprinted immediately towards the enemies and stabbed them with her rapiers very fast, Elise used her strength to bulldoze the bandits with her great sword.

Aila was the most interesting. She used a magic different from the one that I use, I use the mana in my surroundings in its most pure form to create a phenomenon while she used her own mana to summon something that aided her in combat.

She took a bow from under her coat and started to shoot arrows. The things that she summoned (she later told me that they were spirits) used the mana of the wind to make the arrow more sharp and fly faster.

And me? I simply anchored the poor unlucky bandits face first in the soil with my telekinesis.

That night I started to think of how I should fight from now on. It’s boring to subdue everyone with my telekinesis. I need something more… flashy.

First, I used my powers to create a sword, a great sword 3 fingers wide. It may seem a normal sword, but I created it in the same with the same characteristics of my ethereal body. I can make the sword pass through object like me. Cool right? I can make it pass any type of armor and then materialize it. Very deadly...


Next, I began to think on how to use my powers… I can manipulate matter and mana alike as I please. Why should I stop with my telekinesis.

In a lot of light novel or in amine with magic, a very bad-ass magic is the black hole.

Why not? A black hole it’s cool, it’s powerful and of course IT’S FUCKING TOO POWERFULLL!!!

How can you summon a black hole without destroying everything?

Normally the mass of a black hole it’s more dense than a sun and creating one here would destroy the entire planet if not this solar system. Of course it’s a slow process…….not. In mere seconds the planet would crumble like a sand castle.

So if I make it smaller? With the mass of a coin? It wouldn’t have the power to destroy the entire planet……..the entire planet. But it would immediately collapse on itself, exploding with the power of 3 nukes. -_-


That said I still have a power very OP….

My pocket dimension. It’s an UNLIMITED SPACE...unlimited...kukuku…

I entered in my personal dimension and searched for my perfect weapon kukuku… I opened a portal for another galaxy, in a solar system devoid of life.

I was floating right in front of what I wanted…a star. I stored the star in my pocket dimension, it took less than 30 seconds. I tried my idea on one of the planets, I opened a portal of my pocket dimension of the dimension of the planet toward it, connecting the portal with the surface of the sun… it was a success.

An enormous ray of burning plasma shoot towards the planet, wiping it out and shooting all the materials in the space…ku… kuku… MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

This is an ATTACK!!! Who needs a black hole. To lower the output I only need to make a smaller portal. My RAY OF… of… of?… OF DEATH… okay I suck at giving names, anyway!… My Ray of Death will be my final trump card…Wasn’t why I didn’t want a black hole because it was too overkill…


With this even a god would have problem to fight against me.


After my tyrannical laugh I returned back to the camp as if I never went away and like the previous night I continued with trying to feel my… you know… fufufu 85%, when we arrive to the capital I should be able to… feel better.

Okay, let’s stop joking. The first thing I will do when entering the capital will be taking the exam to enter the magic academy. I want to know more about magic.

I'm finally back!!!

Sorry for the wait. I'm lazy but I didn't make you wait for nothing!!! I n this weeks I thinked of many possibilities for the plot, and I watched science documentaries to help in my fiction... I didn't get depressed because my engish test failed... ahahah of course I didn't...T-T

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter!



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