《A Boy’s Simple Ambition》Chapter 18


While Lorelle seemed to understand what was happening, well at least the half smiling expression currently on her lovely features would suggest she understood, poor Ethan was left out in the cold, like a sad, shivering puppy looking for warmth. Well ok, perhaps the boy's confusion and subsequent uncomfortableness wasn't that extreme, or heart rending, but he did feel left out and without realizing it the 13 year old was pouting ever so slightly. Then, for some reason, as the door shut behind the fleeing Owen Ethan's face suddenly took on a look of surprise and then understanding as he put two and two together in regard to Cecelia's earlier behavior, the shiver that ran down his spine, and the fearful look on the Guild Master's face.

"Poor Mr. Owen." He thought to himself.

Within the next few seconds, however, the subject of the Guild Master and Cecelia, as well as the time it took for him to realize what was going on, was wiped from his mind as Lorelle began walking toward the door herself.

"As the Guild Master said, let's get you all settled for the night," she was about to motion for him to follow her when she realized he already was. Perhaps he was like a lost puppy?

After getting closer to the door the boy placed the shields carefully back with the other armor before hurrying back to her side. He looked rather conflicted after hearing her speak before finally speaking up.

"Umm, Ms. Lorelle, I'm terribly sorry but I don't have enough money for a room."

"Oh? Then what were you going do about tonight?"

"Well after the exam, if I passed, I was going to take a job, if one was available, and then I was going to see about finding a farm willing to let me sleep in their barn, or, well the weather hasn't turned too severe yet so I also figured I could find a secluded place outside the town to camp."


The matter of fact, this is simply the way it is, fashion in which Ethan told his plans to Lorelle, who, with each passing word was already feeling her heart constrict more and more, almost caused her entire body to explode in sadness. Of course she had seen and heard such plans and dire situations during her time as a receptionist for the guild, but for some reason Ethan's situation seemed different.

"Perhaps it's his age?" She considered to herself before he suddenly added with a smile.

"Of course the orphanage gave me some coins to cover food for a few days, and I have two sets of clothes, though..." He stopped talking when he patted his chest in regard to the clothing, and dust jumped up in front of his face. Frowning for a second his thoughts finally caught him to his emotions.

"Oh no! My clothes!" He started twisting and turning on the spot, patting himself all over and checking for any rips or tears.

Lorelle, silenced by her confusion, couldn't even say a word during the frenzied display before her, until Ethan inadvertently explained himself.

"Phew, nothing was damaged." He let out a sigh and whispered thanks to the Keepers under his breath for his good fortunes.

Amazed by the boy's sensibilities she simply smiled and remained silent. Once he seemed to collect himself she led him back to the room where his things were waiting.

"Worry not Mr. Kipley, I will explain everything, including the solution for your sleeping arrangements at the front des....." She stopped upon remember the current state of affairs out front.

"Actually, go ahead and sit down here and I'll go collect everything needed. Something tells me out front will be a bit too hectic right now." She turned to leave after Ethan entered before stopping and holding out a small container.


"I think she is preoccupied for a while but just in case." Her face held an apologetic expression while she held out the anti-wrinkle balm. Ethan took it more quickly than he meant to, holding it close to his chest while looking around the room despite knowing it was empty. He really was traumatized it seemed.

With that Lorelle stepped out and closed the door behind her before moving down the hallway to collect everything needed. In the meantime Ethan checked himself over once more, carefully this time, and finally took a seat on the floor, leaning back up against the wall. After taking a deep breath to try and relax he was quickly fast asleep.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but his eyes shot open when he heard a light knock on the door and his name being called by Lorelle.

"Mr. Kipley?"

"Yes, please come in."

The door opened as he moved to stand, though his muscles were tighter than he expected and he took an extra couple of seconds to right himself. It was during this time that Lorelle entered with a waist high cart with a flat top holding a tray. She noticed where he had been getting up from and tilted her head.

"Is there something wrong with the sofa Mr. Kipley?"

"Hmm? Oh no, I just didn't want to get it dirty." He replied while stretching out his legs before giving them a good shake.

Yet again Lorelle was at a loss for words at the boys manners, or at least his considerations, and she simply smiled before shutting the door behind her. How many times had he impressed her in such a way now?

"Well the guild thanks you for your consideration of its furniture, though, please feel at ease in sitting down on the couch now for us to speak."

He was about to deny her request, he was still dirty of course, but stopped just in time to hear her reasoning in that they needed to speak. She was right, he couldn't very well talk to her from the floor, at least not properly anyway. He took a second to imagine the scene and he couldn't help but think back to the classes at the orphanage with everyone sitting around one of the teachers to hear the lesson. Smiling at the memory despite himself he relented with a nod and moved to the sofa as instructed. It was when he looked up that he finally noted everything on the cart Lorelle had wheeled in.

Sitting on top was a large metal jug filled with water, two wooden mugs, a small plate covered with what looked to be bits of meat and cheese, and then a small stack of various types and sizes of parchment. Pulling a chair over to the opposite side of the small table in front of the sofa Lorelle placed everything between them save for the documents which she kept in her lap after sitting down.

"Please, have some before we begin. At the very least you must be thirsty after the exam, though I imagine rather hungry as well."

In truth he was beyond both, though he hadn't really realized it until presented with the solution. Despite being very, very thirsty though, he carefully poured the cool water into both mugs before holding out the first for Lorelle to take. Once she did so with a pleasant smile Ethan took his own and began to gulp it down as quickly, but carefully, as possible.

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