《The Blue Emperor》Chapter 1: Alone in the dark
Four hours passed since YeFan and his classmates were transported to this strange place, it was dark and gloomy, they were standing on a huge circular platform that extended several meters, at the center was a thing that resembled an altar or a sculpture it was weird and on its surface were engraved strange incomprehensible symbols, from the extremity of the platform was connected a stone bridge that led to something but it was too dark to see the other side.
At first YeFan and his classmates were in a state of panic and didn’t know what happened some girls began to cry and others huddled together beside the sculpture but seeing that it didn’t help they began to adapt at the situation and decided to understand what happened .
“I explored all around and found nothing and I also noticed that we are in high altitude so be careful if you fall its death for sure , the only path is the stone bridge but it’s too risky we don’t know what is on the other side”
The tall young man who talked at this moment was Xu long the captain of the basketball team back in school he is handsome and had short light hair, being an athlete his body appeared strong and well-toned, he exuded strong self-confidence which made people rely on him.
Ten people appeared here including Yefan they were all present in the classroom on lunch break when something abnormal happened, a giant black hole appeared and swallowed them which led to this strange place, there was 5 boys and five girls in the classroom well the teacher counted as a girl, indeed the 25 years young and beautiful teacher miss Chen was present with them when the incident happened.
She was the calmest one when it happened and tried to reassure the students, as expected of a teacher.
Yefan was the one surprised the most because he was sleeping when he was swallowed, imagine yourself waking up in another place and a gloomy and dark one as that so he froze for several minutes he only understood what happened when he listened to the conversation of the others, Yefan is a loner and he rarely talked with them ,in school he passed his time reading books, the only people who talked to him was his teacher and the beautiful class-rep known as LiXiu , according to him she was a strange girl ,being popular and always surrounded she always took the time to exchange some words with him no matter how cold he was to her and she was also within the group of students who were sucked in the black hole.
“I think we should quickly make a decision at what we will do, we don’t have water and food and soon we will become hungry so we need to find a solution “
Miss Chen the most composed person here tried to explain and find a solution to the situation at hand.
“B… But teacher we don’t know what the bridge leads to maybe it’s something dangerous”
The one who talked this time is a petite and cute girl who goes by the name Lingling she appeared frightened and anxious.
“We don’t have a choice what the teacher said is reasonable if we stay here doing nothing we will starve! “
Another girl who was seating on the floor stood up and declared, she is tall with long black hair her droopy eyes exuded some charm and attracted the stares of the boys, she is fair skinned and her proud chest added to her appeal her name was Meifeng the president of the tea club and also the childhood friend of XuLong rumors are that they were dating.
“They are right nothing will improve if we stay and do nothing we should cross the bridge and see what happens I’ll be the first one to cross “
Added Xulong , some girls were impressed by his courage , he looked at the five people left who didn’t express their opinion including Yefan, the others were respectively liuZong,SuXing,haoChen and SuRong they are members of the gaming club and always stick together.
By the way SuXing and SuRong are brother and sister and also twins.
“We don’t have a problem we agree” said the twins.
“Us too” and the other two.
But someone wasn’t paying attention and XuLong stared at a certain direction.
YeFan was intently looking at the strange symbols on the sculpture and a weird feeling attacked him it was a feeling of deja-vu he racked hi brain and didn’t remember where he saw them.
“Hey you, what do you think? “
At this time the voice of XuLong reached his ears he then snapped out of his hard thinking and turned nodding to him indicating that he had no objection.
“YeFan what were you staring at? “
LiXiu approached him staring closely at his expressionless face.
“Your face is too close …and nothing “said Yefan while evading LiXiu.
A click of a tongue was heard but Yefan didn’t know who it was so he didn’t think too deeply.
“Then let’s go “
When XuLong walked near the bridge some noise suddenly echoed surprising the group
“Did you hear?”
“What was that?”
“I think it was voices?”
The noise escalated and from the other side of the bridge familiar sounds were heard it was footsteps.
“Be careful and let’s back off a little “declared the teacher.
Little by little from the darkness appeared several silhouettes, they were people.
“Its people!”
“Who are they?”
Exclaimed some of the students.
Finally the shadows appeared clearly, it was several men strangely clothed it made Yefan think of the medieval times, they were wearing robes and tunics some even wore complete plate armors, the students were absentminded thinking that it was some sort of joke.
“Welcome travellers!”
Suddenly an old man lightly walked some steps toward them and loudly declared.
This time the students were further shocked they clearly heard another language but they understood the old man clearly.
“I know that you are confused but I mean no harm so I will explain to you but we need to go because the entrance to the sacred altar will shortly be closed so we need to hurry! “the old man said amiably while smiling gently.
His appearance was not Asian he appeared to be Caucasian with long silver hair, in his hand was a wooden cane if it was a game or a movie he surely appeared like an old priest, he wore a white robe embroidered with exquisite motifs that made him seem elegant.
Hearing the old man words Yefan and the others were further surprised.
“Let’s do what he says we don’t have a choice anyway “
Seeing them nodding Xulong hinted to the old man to go.
And like that they began to cross the bridge slowly.
While crossing the bridge Yefan looked around curiously, they already walked some distance and the platform became smaller and smaller but it was still dark and the other extremity of the bridge still didn’t appear, Yefan thought that this place is gigantic.
“hey YeFan”
Hearing the sweet voice Yefan didn’t have to turn to know who it was so he replied nonchalantly.
“What is it?”
“A …are we going to be alright? “
Ye fan hearing the question of LiXiu frowned, they don’t know what sort of people are they nor what they will discover at the other end so he remained silent further worrying her but he still turned and uttered a few words.
“I don’t know but I think that it will be alright “
From the comportment of the old man and what he called them “travelers” it seemed that there was no hostility or ill will.
Suddenly his shirt was gripped by something he was surprised to see a delicate and beautiful white hand clutching him, he looked at the perplexed and worried expression of the girl and chose to not dismiss her hand and walked silently without realizing that someone was intently gazing at them.
“We are near the exit “
The old man still smiling said to the students and their teacher.
An exit finally appeared seeing that light illuminated the darkness but it was too bright so they didn’t see what was on the other side.
Suddenly a sound like something was triggered reverberated and the door began to vertically close, the old man was alarmed and yelled.
“Quickly its time the door will close!”
Everybody began to rush toward the door including Yefan who didn’t feel the grip anymore but at a few meters of the door Yefan slipped and was falling of the bridge, he only stretched his hand and with all his power he tried to return on top but in the space of a few seconds he felt intense pain coming from the back of his hand and fell toward nothingness that was like the giant mouth of a monster, he looked absentmindedly at the bridge getting further and further from him in despair.
All the students and the unknown people crossed the threshold of the door and succeeded in passing to the other side, all of them cheered and bathed in the sunlight.
“I never thought that seeing the sun will make me feel so happy hahaha”
XuLong laughed.
“Yeah feeling the warmth of the sun can unexpectedly feel good!” added Meifeng
“Huh? Where is Yefan?”
But the question shattered the ongoing mood and made the students notice that one of them was missing.
“Ye fan!! Where are you ye fan!!!!!?” Li Xiu began to yell hysterically.
“Lixiu calm down “ SuXing tried to calm liXiu .
“How can I calm down he stayed inside, hey please open the door please!! “
Lixiu frantically said to the old man who was looking at her with a complicated expression.
“I’m sorry but we can’t open the door, the sacred altar opens and closes according to a certain condition, regrettably I can’t do anything for your friend “
“No!! No impossible sob …sob “
“Cough …cough …cough…”
In the complete darkness, coughs could be heard but nothing can be seen, as far as one looked black was all over.
Up, down, right, left, in front and behind it was like the bottom of the sea, but the cough still echoed, there was a person in this abyss and it was Yefan he still didn’t die after falling from the bridge.
Little by little he opened his eyes but immediately an intense and acute pain crossed through his limbs.
“aghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!, it hurttts it fucking hurts!!!”
His left leg and right arm were broken and several ribs were shattered, he could also feel that he was bathed in his own blood.
“Shit shit shit shit shit, it freaking hurts!!!! Why did I s…survive I’m fucking going c…crazy with this pain! “
Howls continuously echoed for several minutes, the pain he felt made him faint and wake up again and again it was pure torture.
“How the fuck can I survive I don’t see anything and this pain aghhhh!!!”
He crawled with his hand aimlessly; he was alone in the dark without water or food with a disabled body.
“Shit I’m gonna die I’m gonna die …I’m gonna die “
He continued to crawl while murmuring, suddenly he remembered something, that intentional gesture, and he became furious.
“I’m gonna survive find who is the person who did that and tear him to shreds , no no no no no no I’m not gonna die here I will kill kill kill kill kill kill kill klill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill klill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill klill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill klill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill klill kill…”
Yefan eyes became red with rage and it made him forget the pain ,crawling tenaciously without end he was determined to survive even if that was for nothing , for several minutes , hours he crawled without stopping , even he himself have forgotten how many times he was nearing his limit but without knowing how he still continued to draw the last vestiges of his strength to still advance.
“W…what is that?”
Suddenly he saw something, not something but a blue light it flashed incessantly, the rhythm resembled heartbeat, that’s right like a heartbeat of a living creature.
“Am I hallucinating? “
Yefan was attracted by the light and crawled toward it little by little like a snake , gradually the light intensified , the first thought Yefan had was beautiful , the light emanating illuminated his miserable face , he bathed in the blue light and felt that his injuries didn’t hurt like before .
“My injuries are they healing? H…Holy shit am I dreaming?”
He further advanced and now he clearly saw the source of the light, a sculpture appeared, it was in the form of some creature but strangely Yefan didn’t have the ability to discern its features embedded in the middle was a blue crystal the size of a hand, the strange light emanated from inside it, Yefan was in a trance he was so absorbed by the crystal that he felt like he was a child comfortably being held by his mother he felt appeased.
Suddenly the rhythm of the flashing light intensified and an intense headache made Yefan feel like his brain was splitting apart, then with the insurmountable pain he didn’t have the power to withstand it and fainted.
The crystal light flash continued to intensify and then it separated from the sculpture and hovered near the fainted Yefan.
An imposing palace stood tall at the summit of a big city, it’s design appeared like the castles of the middle age in Europe but several times bigger, the city in itself is huge with several constructions also resembling the European ancient style, it was bustling with people and its streets were made of pavements, a truly beautiful and impressive city.
All of this was seen by the students and they were instantly distracted, never in their wildest dreams did they expect to see this scenery, it was like it came straight out of a fantasy movie.
Leading them to the castle the old man was amused at their reactions, but he noticed that a girl was out of it and she appeared dull.
Lixiu after what happened to Yefan lost all her cheerfulness and instead was dazed with a hollow expression her friend LingLing tried to cheer her but in vain.
Indeed after the incident all of them including the teacher took a great emotional shock there was a high possibility that one of them has died, the teacher Miss Chen was the most shaken, being an adult and responsible for the safety of her students she failed to protect him.
But with the feeble communication between Yefan and the students they quickly regained their vigor , Yefan never talked to them except Lixiu sometimes so they didn’t feel grief just pity an sympathy .
Crossing through a special path they arrived at the castle gate, it was of course huge and decorated with colorful gems and also engraved with symbols, it was imposing and intimidated the students.
Two guards stood at each side wearing a armors and holding spears, when they saw the old man they hastily bowed and proceeded to open the gate with a rumbling sound it slowly opened.
“Well travelers lets enter “
A huge courtyard made its appearance with beautiful gardens and tall trees some guards patrolled here and there but there also was some people wearing elegant robes all of them without excerption when they saw the old men bowed respectfully, based on the standards of the European middle age they were nobles they appeared refined and some of them had a subtle air of arrogance.
Shortly after they entered inside the castle, and walked through a long corridor, several paintings were hanging on the walls, some were of people some of landscapes and it was surreal for the students.
“We will now have an audience with his majesty and I believe that all your doubts will be clarified” said the old man with a serious expression.
This time for sure XuLong and the others knew that they were transported to another world not the past but another world because the paintings before had some people riding certain types of creatures some of them were familiar like griffins or wyverns they were all fantasy animals .
They quickly reached a door similarly guarded, and something bizarre happened it opened by itself, XuLong was the only one who noticed the strange move of the old man.
Walking inside the saw a large room and people standing on both sides of a red carpet, at the extremity was a few stairs and a man was sitting on a throne , the room was the throne room and the man was without doubts the king , beside him stood an elegant woman a young man and a young woman surely the queen and their children thought the students .
The old man quickly kneeled.
“Your majesty I have come back with the travelers “
The king was sitting on a golden chair and wearing a golden crown he was a middle aged man with blond hair and long beard, he was refined and emitted an imposing aura worthy of king.
A pleasant but powerful voice was resounded in the room.
“Well you did well Rodin, so they are the travellers “
All the people standing were curiously looking at Xulong and the others, it made them uncomfortable for they felt like animals inside a zoo.
When XuLong and the others were prepared to kneel… the king made a gesture with his hand
“No need for courtesy youngsters, I welcome you to the kingdom of Ederith!”
End of the first chapter.
Note : I hope that the first chapter will be to the reader liking and don’t hesitate to comment .
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