《Become Immortal》Chapter 19


Chapter 19

From this day onwards the company of Lucian Van Don, was directed by Alec, the formers son. As most of the trade partners of his father were either dead or refused to continue the trading with him, Alec decided that it was time to search for new allies and employees, before he could start sending convoys, like his father did.

The first partner he gained was obviously Hakin, the man who brought him the horrible news and the only one he believed he could trust at this moment. Hakin was an experienced merchant, with abundant knowledge about the various trading routes. The most important knowledge he had was something entirely different though. His contacts. Hakin had contacts in a lot of cities of this Kingdom and even in some of the cities of other Kingdoms. He also knew a lot about the rivalling companies, which made him an irreplaceable part of the new Van Don-Companies leader circle. Alec directly promoted him to his representative.

With Hakins help, the next person they wanted to recruit was found quickly. They needed a supplier with sufficient materials and products, who was at the same time reliable. Normally this task would cost them countless days of negotiations and discussions with a lot of different suppliers, but all of this became irrelevant as Hakin directly recommended a supplier company, which was lead by a man named Soltun, who was apparently one of Hakin’s close friends. Soltun specialized in the creation and supply of pottery and beast hides, which was a decent business, even though one wouldn’t become rich over night with this.

After the integration of Soltun in the leader circle of the Van Don-Company, the next person they needed to recruit was the one responsible for the food supply, as a convoy couldn’t begin travelling at all, without any food. Once again Hakin recommended a man, who was his friend, but Alec didn’t really mind that, as long as he would get his food supplies. The man was called Fedric and he became the fourth member of the Van Don-Company council.


The last person they needed was the one responsible for hiring members and guards for the convoys, who was also responsible for the discipline in the company, so that no one tried to steal any wares or, even worse, sell information to the rivalling companies. This person was found without Hakin’s help as Alec already knew who he wanted to have for this job. It was an old city guard officer, which was close to retirement and had not that much to do anymore. The other guards were only joking about him and no one took him serious anymore, as he was already old. Alec came to know this old guard, while he waited on the walls of the city for the return of his father’s convoy. He had always waited the whole day on the wall when he was younger, without eating only waiting for the silhouettes of men on horses and carriages in the distance and one day while he was waiting, the old man sat beside him and waited with him. At first Alec thought this old man was crazy and strange, but after a year of meeting on the walls every day, he accepted the old man.

A few years passed and Alec, who stopped waiting for his father on the walls of the city, still came to visit the old man and talk with him, as they had become good friends over the years and Alec kind of saw him as his grandfather. Now that his father was dead he felt even more like this, as he needed the support of a completely honest person.

Although he trusted Hakin to some extent, he didn’t know much about him, as the man hadn’t joined his fathers company for that long. That was also one of his father’s teachings: ‘Never trust too much, it could be used against you’. Unfortunately it was not possible for most humans to stop trusting someone who was always kind to oneself, so betrayals were possible. The only person Alec really trusted of his subordinates was the old man, who carried the name Bark as his suntanned skin was wrinkled, which was looking like the bark of a tree. With the, for his age, muscular body the old man could be somewhat compared to a small tree in human form, which lead to his name.


With Bark, the Van Don-Companie’s council was complete and they began planning the first travel route, while hiring personnel. The first trade convoy would be sent to the nearest city, the City of Berse. This cost them more as it earned them, but it showed the other merchant companies that the Van Don-Company was not afraid of going out of the city. It also served as a sign for the different customers of this land, big or small, who would receive the news of the moves of the Van Don-Company.

Alec was busy everyday. He planned, he organized, he discussed with the council members and he learned new things. He didn’t forget about his father, which could be seen in the increasing usage of alcohol of the young man, but Hakin was right as he said that Alec killing himself wouldn’t change anything, but only make matters worse. So Alec tried to cope with the pain of losing his father by jumping straight into any work that was available, if it was his jurisdiction or not. Some days couldn’t go without the usage of intoxicating means though, so Alec was often seen drinking.

Like this a three years passed and the Van Don-Company was getting more successful. With every completed trade the convoys would bring back money to the white city, which was the place of residence of the Van Don-Company. With the increased amount of wealth, more and better personnel could be hired. Even a Master ranked warrior asked to be hired by Alec’s company and was welcomed with wide arms. The company was flourishing.

Then, one day Hakin came to Alec with a proposal.

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