《A Wish Beyond Chaos》Chapter 22: 'Cool' Entrance
Grunting and heaving like a bunch of pigs in labor, about a third of the initial one hundred boys continued their supervised high intensity training, one hour after the public training’s start. The younger ones had retired earlier and now sat at the side, munching on free food provided by various merchant sponsors as they watched the remaining valiant warriors. Two figures in particular stood out, not for their awesome performance but the complete lack thereof.
Roland and Arthur had used the time when things were less intense, and everyone was warming up, to question various soldiers on good training methods for their problems.
While the majority of advice had quite frankly been utterly worthless for their current circumstances, a few decent suggestions strewn in between. One that captured Roland’s attention was climbing training. Scaling large trees in the forest would require a lot of hand coordination, and should hopefully increase his awareness. Though whether it would be a good idea or not remained to be seen.
Regarding Roland’s flexibility problem, he received dozens of different stretching exercises from the soldiers. Most already known to him, some new ones, and a couple of which he was fairly certain would break his wrists if he ever attempted them.
Satisfied with his haul, Roland started trying the non-lethal sounding methods one by one, leading to him stretching his arms here and there. And although he certainly built up a sweat, compared to the hard at work boys surrounding him, Roland looked like the biggest slacker ever. Something several annoying members of the peanut gallery made loudly known, once they got their energy back.
Though the three Knights and a dozen stern soldiers right next to them assured none of them went too far. Especially once a fan of Roland’s told them today's biggest maniac was his most trusted subordinate, Thomas being nowhere in sight to protest.
Said maniac was trying his darnedest to clear his mind, by kicking and punching violently in the air with his eyes closed. If the suggestion Roland had received were to be considered samey and formulaic, then Arthur’s would be the polar opposite. Screaming of individual touch and originality to the point one wondered how these ideas ever came out of military personnel.
Not about to deprive himself of sleep for a couple of weeks, like one soldier had suggested. And also, not particularly convinced getting blackout drunk would help quite as much as advertised, Arthur ultimately picked what sounded like the best idea. An accomplishment vastly diminished by it being the only idea that did not involve possible organ failure.
The brilliant mind that had advised them suggested sensory deprivation training. Block the ears and eyes, and then monotonously perform simple but taxing moves. The idea was, by focusing on these moves and nothing else while blocking all outside distraction, Arthur would be able to empty his head, and ultimately start using the Inner Breath Sutra while having nothing on his mind except these endless repeating moves.
Despite sounding a bit far-fetched at the time, I still did not expect it to go this badly.
What started as an esoteric looking exercise, due to Arthur’s closed eyes and blocked ears, quickly turned into him getting frustrated, before literally brutalizing the very air itself. Like in a trance the large boy seemed twice as intimidating than usual.
Well, nothing wrong in letting out some stress. I just hope he isn’t imagining those hits connecting with anybody specific.
Continuing his own training, Roland had picked out the exercises he felt worked best for him and internalized them. Now the time came to use them and the “Inner Breath Sutra” together.
Performing the required breathing, Roland concentrated, feeling his strength move throughout his burning body, coalescing in his arms. At first his form looked horrible as he spasmed every couple of breaths, losing control over either his arms or breathing. After some time however his movements became more fluid and controlled, in exchange for a quickly reddening face, the technique demanding its price.
Once he got used to everything Roland tried to direct more energy to his arms, unsuccessfully. Unlike with his legs, where he was already used to powering them through plentiful practice, his arms felt rigid. Using the stretching method, he clearly felt parts of them resist his movements and the energy he tried putting in them. Like machinery that hadn’t been used for a long time, they groaned under the pressure, wholly unused to what was currently expected of them.
This is horrendous. It feels exactly like when I started learning the Sutra years ago. Real blunder on my part.
Truthfully Roland could not be fully blamed for his missteps. Legs were simply stronger than arms. If he wanted to make the greatest immediate use out of the ‘Inner Breath Sutra’, training the legs was the way to go in the first place. Of course, in the long term it would set him back, because real Knights needed full control over every part of their body.
But how should a kid know that? Roland getting as far as he did without a real teacher should be considered amazing. And luckily there remained more than enough time to make up for his mistakes, though he personally did not feel that way.
Mind split three ways to focus on exercise, inner control and breathing Roland appeared to be at the limit of what he could do at once. Any more and he would collapse like a house of cards. Luckily this was all he needed.
Knowledge from when he had started diverting energy into his legs helped him get a general idea of how to go about getting his arms under control.
And the more Roland focused his mind on the processes happening during the training the more he understood how to change up the exercise. Straining the parts of his arms that were weak while using the stronger ones as support. One or two months of this kind of training and he should be able to unleash a railing destroying punch, though it would be significantly weaker than his kick.
The outside world slowly fading from his mind and sight, Roland immersed himself in the training, time flying away like his stamina and mental strength. Though the latter would most definitely last the longest, having been unnaturally heightened due to his painful stints inside the visions. Thanks to those, Roland’s strongest skill was, funnily enough, his pain endurance. Definitely not his first choice when it came to desired strengths.
As expected, Roland’s stamina ended up being the first to give. Burning pain running through his chest, he stopped the arduous breathing, letting his arms flop down powerlessly by his side. Sweat endlessly poured down his burning face, a strained grin could nonetheless be seen on it. Despite not being as enlightening as he would have wished, Roland still believed he had gotten a bit more familiar with his arms.
If the climbing ends up working well there should be a good bit of improvement in store for me.
His awareness returning from its focused training journey, Roland was startled when he noticed a figure standing by his side, looking at him somewhat regretfully.
“If only the big lad had your mental abilities. Or you his physical ones,” Edwin commented, voice full of pity. “You’d get a strong Knight out of that. Instead of this regrettable sight here.” Not mincing his words, he easily invalidated any feeling of accomplishment Roland felt after his strenuous raining session.
No need to make it sound so hopeless. We can both work on our shortcomings and become good Knights.
While he disagreed with Edwin’s patronizing statement, Roland did not try to argue against it. Nothing good would come from contradicting a Knight.
“Get your raging friend,” Edwin ordered, sighing after he saw Roland remained silent.
About to go and do exactly that, Roland reconsidered upon seeing Arthur still trashing around wildly. He was not really in the mood to be hit by one of those no hold barred attacks. I’d go flying for sure. Sorry Arthur. Apologizing internally, Roland instead picked up a smallish stone, and chucked it at Arthur’s unprotected back.
Not even close to being one with himself, much less nature, Arthur got hit easily enough. Eyes snapping open, he turned around to see who dared interrupt his ‘mediation’. Only for him to see his slightly grinning leader beckoning him over. Edwin gave a curious look at Arthur, wondering how any advice he had given the boy could have possibly let to whatever he just witnessed.
Dragging himself over tiredly, the opening of his eyes not only returning his sight but also ending his trance like state, Arthur felt his every muscle burning.
Edwin clapped his hands when Arthur arrived, purely out of habit, as the two pairs of bloodshot eyes looking at him were more than enough to reassure him he had their undivided attention.
Clearing his throat, he asked the boys to recount what they had done with his advice. Nodding his head idly, Edwin looked very much like he only heard at most a third of what they were telling him. Though as the Knight had previously proven, although lazy beyond belief, incompetent he was not.
“The climbing idea is fairly interesting. Though vaulting across obstacles inside the forest would probably better than actually scaling any of the trees,” Edwin commented, apparently in the mood for useful advice again. “Try to use your arms, even if you end up making weird jumps or end up in weird positions. Now for the training you did today…” Pausing, the compassionate Knight briefly thought about the best way to say what he needed to say. Ultimately deciding a softer touch was necessary.
“Good mental capabilities are literally your only redeeming feature, so might as well continue training them,” Edwin praised Roland. In a way. “But don’t expect much physical improvement from the ‘Inner Breath Sutra’. Its main use is teaching one to control energy inside the body, to prepare for future Knight techniques. You got about as much out of it as is possible already, so using it for your arms is not going to teach you anything you don’t already know. Ultimately there is also little point in perfectly controlling your body when its weak as it is now.”
If his advice wasn’t so good, I’d seriously believe he wants to demotivate me. But vaulting across the forest? Eh, I guess you can see it as the logical next step, after running through the City’s streets endlessly in my visions. Going to be an annoying trek though, and I sadly can’t stay overnight.
There were many forests fairly close by, at most twenty minutes from any city gate. The close proximity to so many profit-loving individuals had however led to many of the trees being used for the betterment of society. They no doubt still housed some obstacles, Roland however doubted these ravaged forests would do much to hold back anybody with functional limbs back, and as such would not serve him well for his training. To find a real training ground he’d have to go further, wasting that much more time. I can look around for a good spot tomorrow if nothing comes up.
Done dispensing his wisdom to Roland, a more troublesome opponent presented himself to Edwin. Looking at the heaving, sweat covered giant, who actually was about his own height, he couldn’t help but sigh. Something Arthur did not like to see from the person evaluating his future training direction.
“There will always be something you regret, the past in unchangeable,” Edwin unexpectedly started out saying something straight out of a cheap self-help book. “So, the worst thing you can do is worry about possible regrets. There will be some, so accept it.” Such deep wisdom.
Who else besides this sagely Knight could have considered something as miraculous as accepting one's regrets? Roland seriously considered contacting Vasperi’s King and the Lunar Pope with this shocking revelation, before remembering he was a fourteen-year-old orphan from a backwater province.
It almost feels like he has it out for Arthur, if only his advice wouldn’t sound so plausible.
“You are spinning that head of yours worried about all kinds of problems,” Edwin continued his explanation, turning his hand in circles to really get his point across, pointing straight at Roland’s amused face. “Be more like your leader here. He also thinks a lot, running in those worthless circles of worry and hope all brats your age hang out in. But he can shut it all down, focus his mind while ignoring everything else. Either learn to do the same or own your regrets. Make all the mistakes you are worrying about, and once you stand up from the ashes, surrounded by whatever remains, you’ll find emptying your mind is suddenly a lot easier.”
Silence reigned among the three of them after this dark, destructive advice. Though there were none who would deny it was also a path to Knighthood.
Roland agreed with Edwin. He believed Arthur should stop hesitating and do what he wanted, even if it ended up being a mistake. But he couldn’t say it. Because he knew if Edwin had given that kind of advice to him, something inside would have raged with abandon. The mere thought of regret being something unacceptable.
And while a part of Roland, walled in deep inside, wanted to see what would be left except ashes, it would never be allowed to find out as long as he could prevent it.
Can’t force Arthur to do something I wouldn’t do myself. He’ll have to decide for himself.
“Anyway, I’ll tell Morgan what I told you to focus on and he’ll see
what you managed next month,” Edwin said, clearing his throat. The silence had been a little too awkward for him.
“You are going to apply for the Sixth Academy this fall right?” He asked Arthur, immediately frowning when he remembered what events originally caused the current ordeal. Though his features relaxed when he saw that Roland showed no reaction. Edwin did not particularly want to talk about the failed recommendation, if possible.
“Yes.” Arthur replied, his momentary hesitation not escaping Roland’s notice.
“You are strong enough to pass the physical tests easily,” Edwin praised Arthur, basically guaranteeing the next word out of his mouth would be something insulting. “And though you may look dumb as a brick, I feel the theoretical part is also not going to be a problem. Especially with that sketchy friend of yours. Get your shit together and you’ll make it.”
Before the two boys could wonder whether this military Officer really casually suggested cheating at the entrance exam, or was actually talking about some good old-fashioned bribery, Edwin had already left. At least having the decency to end on a positive note, after these two boys supplied them with booze every couple of weeks for almost half a year.
Left alone, Roland and Arthur shared a tired look. They earned a lot of valuable advice today. Implementing it would not be easy however.
“I’d say he gets a passing mark,” Roland joked, trying to lighten the mood. “Not a lot of effort, but he came through where it counts.”
“Forgiving as always Boss,” Arthur replied, showing a strained grin. “Best you never become a teacher, otherwise there will be a lot of overconfident brats running around.”
All right, he ain't totally down in the dumps. That’s good. Next few weeks should be big for him. I’ll hold off on pressing him about the Academy application for now. Hoping his friend could finally put one of his burdens to rest, Roland felt the future still held some untapped opportunities for them.
The training coming to a close, one specific one actually approached rapidly. Though calling it an opportunity seemed a bit of a stretch. Mental health supplement seems like a more fitting description.
“Well, only one thing left now,” Roland whispered to his friend, displaying one of his rare, and quickly hidden, lecherous grins. “We certainly deserve a little break after working so hard. Let’s enjoy the sights.”
Rolling his eyes at Roland’s unrestrained brazenness, Arthur could not actually rebut his leader. Despite saying things like romance were of no interest to him a few days ago, he still remained a sixteen-year-old boy. There remained some natural reactions he could not suppress.
The training nearing its end, it became time for these varied students to thank their instructors for the help they had hopefully received. A scene that always looked quite nice, as countless children bowed at once to show their appreciation. What made it infinitely better, was that the instructors of the other group would also come to the square, bringing their charges along with them.
Although there obviously would be no rascally behavior under the watch of hardened soldiers and Knights, the sight of a hundred girls, flushed from training for two hours, was not something these tired boys would fail to appreciate. Especially the older girls and their impressive heaving bosoms, had often earned some unfortunate lad a little discipline from their unamused caretakers. Who, especially due to a certain noble lady's inclusion into the group, needed to make sure these curious brats behaved.
Just on cue, a large group approached from the direction of the cathedral, led by several soldiers and two female Knights. Behind them, some chattering excitedly, some way too tired from exercise, were a bunch of girls.
Unlike Roland’s group, which had a large range of ages, the majority of the members in this group tended to be on the older side, around fourteen to sixteen, as many parents did not want their younger daughters participating, no matter how much they begged.
The tired boys suddenly became greatly re-energized, though most of them tried to look nonchalant, but their glowing eyes betrayed them.
Surrounded by a veritable horde of basically every younger girl that came today, Claire happily chattered with her many fans. Her trusty sword for once showed it was not afraid of heights, hovering a good ten feet above its master.
Said master was not particularly winded, the training here being on the easier side for her. She mostly came due to social reasons. To be a good example for the various young girls, who maybe dreamed of something different than their parents had in plan for them.
Roland noticed Claire giving him a little smile, trying to not be obvious about it. Something he greatly appreciated. Don’t need several dozen little girls giving me the death stare.
Even though Claire’s healthy glow was certainly a sight to behold, drawing many gazes, Roland was not interested in the slightest, having seen way too much of the intense girl for one day already. Instead, he appeared to be on the lookout for a certain merchant's daughter, known for having an especially big personality. Her name escaped him, though it was not particularly important in the current situation anyway.
Arthur, not quite as blatant as his leader, snuck a few glances here and there. It would, after all, have been truly embarrassing if he stared at the ground like the younger boys. A good enough excuse anyway.
A sharp intake of breath broke Roland out of his reverie abruptly, the sudden noise having been loud enough to make several of the children jump in fright. Its source had been Lieutenant Edwin, who looked pale like a ghost, actual fear visible on his face.
Barking hushed order to the Knights and soldiers beside him, everyone erupted into activity. They gathered the confused children and quickly forced them into an orderly looking formation, before assuming a respectful stance next to them. A similar scene could be seen in the other group, though their formation ended up being slightly one sided, many of the younger girls not wanting to leave Claire’s side and the soldiers being too afraid to upset them for some reason.
As both of the groups ended up respectively occupying the west and east sides of the Square, everyone facing south, Roland finally realized what was happening. If the powerful Knights nervous behavior had not been enough of a clue, the sudden drop in temperature certainly was. Why is she here? Trembling all over, Roland was completely dumbfounded by the turn of events, no sign of his previous mischievous behavior remaining.
The children shivered, their breath turning to mist in the supposed summer air, and even the slowest of them realized what was happening. Fear and awe mixed in their red little faces as all sounds besides quiet breathing slowly ceased.
Noticing a figure step beside him, Roland glanced sideways, seeing Edwin standing there. The Knight stood straight like a sword, looking serious beyond belief. But he also gave Roland the briefest look of distress, seeming like he might cry at any moment, before focusing his sight on the south entrance. Their previous out of the way position had ended up giving the two Crescent Moon Helpers front row spots right beside the bitter Knight.
Gulping nervously, Roland eyes widened when an otherworldly woman suddenly appeared out of thin air at the square’s entrance, bringing with her a thin layer of frost that covered the windows of every surrounding building.
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