《Arduous New World》Chapter 15: Incomplete


When Edra opened his eyes the world appeared once more, everything appeared with a strange vague violet hue, all the colours were there, the grass was green the sky was blue, but it was as if there was a filter on giving everything slight shades of violet. His returning consciousness brought with it that one moment of clarity, where his miniscule amount of positive feelings were in balance with his negative ones, but this only lasted for second or two, when he saw his see through mist-like hand his negative emotions quickly spurred into motion anger the dominant of them all! The barking stray quickly cowered as fear was induced into it, its tail between its legs, yet too afraid to move, too afraid to do anything, it simply stood there ears down tail tugged away shaking, drool dripping from its tongue that hang out of its mouth.

It was only then that Edra noticed the dark brown shepherd’s dog in front of him, only then that he really took in the scene around him, he was on a small hill with a few oak trees, not far from him he could see a stone road with a wooden fence here and there encompassing it, in the sky he saw the blue sky and bright sun, once more a he was in balance, he took a deep breath, only to realise that there was no breath to be taken, the dog that had slowly backed off while Edra had calmed down, was once again met with fear, and was once more paralysed. This time however there was more reason within the hatred and anger of his demise, he had many questions and no answers, he couldn’t help but wonder how if he could still access the system, he willed it.

Basic Information


Incomplete Ghost


Emotive Specter



24 Deceased

Access to negative emotions




Access to positive emotions






Soul Vitality






Soul Power








Raw Iron:








Soul Power




Rare Metals:


Physical Attacks


Mixed Metals:








Navigation Bar

Active Blessings

Journal: Skills: Titles

Active Skills

Passive Skills

Deafening screech


Communes With Dragons


Emotive emittance


Basic Spearmanship



Death Breath


Intermediate Swordmanship



Field of Sorrow

Intermediate Arcane Magic



Poltergeists Telkinesis


Basic Bowmanship



Ectoplasm Renewal


Basic tracking



Ghostly Physical Invulnerability

Emotive Disarray







There was a bunch of new information to process in the status screen alone. Edra sighed loudly as he began to feel very sad and depressed, his ghostly form sinking into the ground as his thought process slowed down. His sadness seemed to be affecting the nearby area as the dog all of a sudden lay down in a depressed manner, it had given up on life, if it wasn’t because it was so sad it would go jump into a nearby river and end its miserable existence, these feelings Edra read from its big wet eyes. It was almost comical to watch the dog’s similar reactions and feelings to those of his own.

An eerie laughter rang out into the area as Edra half inserted in the dirt rose up laughing madly at the comedy of the dog, and the tragedy of his situation, he looked back on his status screen and wondered what the locked meant, and where he got those passives from, although he could guess where his newly acquired passive skills came from. When he mentally tabbed the LOCKED of one of passives a box popped up.

LOCKED PASSIVE BASIC TRACKING: A part of your soul fused with Lockheart Eisrot, to unlock his passive you need to unlock his memory.

And that was all the information he got, the following passive boxes showed similar results, but with different names attached. At this information he tried to think of their memories, real hard at that, but nothing popped. As there was nothing to do about it at that moment he decided to continue on with the next step and look at his new active skills.

Active Skills

Deafening screech

Emotive emittance

Death Breath

Induce confusion for 1 second, Cone AOE 20m

Induce any one of the six negative emotions in one target for 5-10 seconds depending on the negative emotion

Deal soul & ice damage to targets, cone AOE 2m

Cost 2 soul power

cost 10 soul power

cost 30 soul power

Cooldown 60 minutes

cooldown 10 minutes


Cooldown 30 seconds

Field of Sorrow

Poltergeists Telekinesis

Ectoplasm Renewal

Create and AOE field inducing all six negative emotions to hostile and friendly targets

Telekinetically control inanimate objects below 5kg

Renew Soul Vitality by drawing in Ectoplasm from the nether.

Cost 100 soul power

Cost 2 Soul Power per second

Function 1: BUFF: recover 3% Soul vitality per minute for 10 minutes

Cooldown 24 hours

Cost 50 soul power

cooldown on both functions 15 minutes

Function 2: INSTANT CAST: Recover 20% soul vitality

cost 60 soul power

cooldown on both functions 20minutes

A large majority of his skills were related to emotions, which gave him a bit of a clue in regards to himself, although he had no idea as to how effective the differing skills were, however judging by the reaction of the dog they might be quite strong under the right circumstances. It was while he was in the thought process that he realised just how different he had become, and it wasn’t that he could simply blame it all on his current fractured emotional ghostly state, no it was more fundamental, his time travelling might’ve been short, but it had matured and changed him in a way he didn’t truly fathom until this point, and with these thoughts he recalled his pal Bardo, fury clouded his mind as he in tandem recalled the so called master who had destroyed him, and inflicted upon him unspeakable pain, and had Bardo been able to escape? Or had he met a similar fate to his own, his raging emotions calmed into a deep-set worry, although he knew that his emotional changes were a result of him lacking in certain emotions, he still couldn’t change the fact that he felt the way that he was feeling.

After his active skills he went through his titles, they remained the same, except the old one [Denying Death Initiate] had been deleted; albeit a fairly useless title as far as Edra was concerned had been created in its place.

Title: Ghost lvl 1 – 0% progress

Increases spookiness in your immediate surroundings.

He was just about to access his journal, when he looked back at his status screen, somehow it had slipped his mind, or maybe the emotive dissonance had confused him while he passed it by, but his race was incomplete? What did that even mean? When he tabbed it mentally nothing happened, and instead of levels he had stages? Yet nothing appeared to be explained when he tried to access the two,

After a while of floating around throwing a bit of a spectral tantrum he calmed down and accessed his journal, whereas a string of messages popped up in a chronological order.


Edra Walker – humanoid CHANGED TO Edra Walker – Monster

Title Gained: Ghost lvl 1: Die and transform into a spectral form.

Survival Quest: Grade - -

Survive and escape the staff of Negativity.

Quest reward: Survival

Completed: Survival Quest: Grade - -

Successfully survived and escaped the staff of Negativity, and absorbed the remaining emotive specters in the process, new quest initiated.

Quest reward: Survival

Quest of the Lost Emotions: Grade A

Edra Walker has survived the staff of negativity and absorbed the remaining emotive specters; in this process he absorbed knowledge, race traits and negative emotions.

Part 1: Successfully retrieve the remaining six positive emotions in full. Joy, Gratitude, Hope, Amusement, Inspiration, Love: 10% complete.

Part 2: Successfully retrieve the memories of the specters which you absorbed.

Quest reward: Race Completion, ???

Edra realised that his conjecture was real, he was mostly just a bundle of negative feelings, the thought itself was depressing, but he kept on thinking about the information he had absorbed. He was no longer a humanoid, and he was incomplete too, yet he was very much aware of this, yet until this point he hadn’t thought too deeply about the creatures, did they too have status screens? Or were certain monsters special? And how was he going to collect positive emotions? Did they appear at random? Or would they have to be gathered in a similar way to how he and the negative specters had been gathered? It was all very confusing to him. And while he contemplated the sun slowly set.

After a long period of contemplation; Edra looked up at the starry sky and the bright moon, even with the slightly red hue it still looked magnificent, if only he could touch it, he lifted up his hand in a moment of folly, as he floated up into the sky slowly, unbeknownst to him, his positive emotions went from 10% to 10,5%.

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