《King of Hell》Volume 1 - Reawakening of the Prince of Darkness - Chapter 5


Chapter 5

Seir led us to the innermost part of his Estate. It was an area that I hadn’t visited previously. He stopped in front of a giant white door.

“Here we are everyone, Alice the key if you will.”

“...Right away my lord.”

“Beyond this door lies an area of my territory that has remained cordoned off for a long time. It’s so dangerous that the inhabitants of my territory in Hell, have been strictly forbidden by the penalty of death, if they approach it.”

“So does that mean that this is a doorway, to part of your territory in Hell your highness?”

“Correct my cute little Shiro-chan.”

“What does this have to do with me getting a familiar? You said that Damiens don’t have enough demonic energy to have familiars Seir.”

“Well we both know that you’re not an average Damien Kuro. What lies beyond this door IS your familiar, well if you make it your familiar that is.”

“Well what am I dealing with?”

“Lord of the Northern Skies, the Pitch Black Dragon King of Chaos, Bahamut!”


“H-hey, hey! Where are you going Kuro-kun?”

“Stop kidding around Seir, I know that you love manga and light novels, but there’s no way that something as stupid sounding as that exist.”

“It does exist.”

“What was that Shirayuki-san?”

“I said it does exist. My Grandmother told me about the Dragon King Bahamut. He’s said to be one of the strongest of all the Dragon Monarchs. it’s said since his birth, he’s only ever had one master and that was Lucifer himself. This is bad Fujioka-san, there’s no way that you could make something as dangerous as that your familiar. Your highness, I know that Fujioka-san is your vassal, but please, don’t make him do something as dangerous and as likely to result in his death as this. L-let me go! Dragons are weak against Ice, I think I’ll be a better match...”

“Open the door Seir.”

“W-what! F-Fujioka-san, it’s too dangerous. Bahamut is said to devour the mind, body and soul of anyone that tries to make him their familiar. There’s no way that you’ll make it back out alive.”

“...I agree with Lady Shirayuki, even among familiars Bahamut is feared. I was also against this when my lord informed me of this plan.”

“Ladies, ladies, let’s all calm down here. Looks like I’m the only one that thinks you can do this Kuro.”

“You’re the only one that is set to gain the most and lose the least from this Seir, it’s not surprising that you think I can do it.”

“Whoa a little cold there my friend. Listen, the only bit of advice I have for you is to not allow Bahamut to enter your body willingly. If you do, then he will devour your mind, body and soul. If you can’t use the will of...your power, from the start, then I want you to use this warp stone to retreat. Be careful with this, it cost me a pretty penny.”

“Anything else I need to know?”

“Nope, good luck, just make sure you come back in one piece aha.”

“W-wait, Fujioka-san, I don’t think this is…”

I didn’t wait for Shirayuki-san to finish and opened the door. The second I emerged on the other side, I was met with a darkness that would give the Panopticon a run for its money. No matter how much time passed, my eyes would not adjust to this place.


“Who goes there?”

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I could feel it, I could hear it, it’s presence was coming from all sides of this place. Occasionally, I could sense movement but strangely, it was coming from everywhere. 

“I am known as Kuro Fujioka, I am a vassal to Prince Seir, the lord that rules over this territory, I have come to…”

“Rules this territory you say? Wahahahahahahahaha, look around you foolish boy, this is my territory. Here, there is no Prince, no King, no Lord, here, there is just the neverending blackness and me.”

“Make you my familiar.”

“What was that boy?”

“I’ve come to make you my familiar.”

“YOU make ME your familiar? Wahahahahaha, I thought that the foolish Prince came back to beg for my help. But to think he sent someone to tame me instead, I don’t know who the biggest fool is, you or him.”

Just then I felt something tear into my jacket, If I had been even a second slower to react, then I would no longer be in the land of the living.

“Oh, nice reflexes boy, looks like you’ll at least provide a little bit of entertainment for this Dragon King.”

“Careful with the jacket old man, my Mum gave me this.”

“Your mum? Wahahahaha, you’re one interesting boy, but I smell, yes I smell impurity, you’re not 100% Devil. For someone that’s not 100% Devil to challenge me, YOU DARE INSULT ME BOY!"

After that I felt a bloodlust that would put Seir’s to shame. It felt like I was getting attacked from every direction. I could avoid all the lethal attacks but I could feel talons tearing into my flesh occasionally. The scariest thing however, was that it felt like Bahamut was holding back.

I decided to show my hand and use the Will of Lucifer. This power never lets me down. It had served me well throughout my time in that cursed prison. it was the last trump card I could use.

“What’s the matter boy? I thought you were here to make me your familiar? So far you’ve not even made me use a slither of my true power.”

“I-it’s not working!”

“What’s not working? Oh, you mean that pathetic excuse for the Will of Lucifer? Take it from someone that’s actually experienced the real deal kid, yours is nothing close to it. But I do feel a little pity for your sorry state, so I’ll let you in on a little secret. This is my domain, my realm, as long I exist in this place, then that technique, no matter how strong, will have no effect on me. Hell even Lucifer himself can’t touch me here!”

My heart sank. There was no way I could defeat this monster. I was just about to grab the warp stone that Seir gave me to retreat, when I remembered the look on Shirayuki-san’s face and how adamant she was that I couldn’t do this. How she saw me as nothing more than a pitiable existence, that was weaker than herself.

“Hey old man, there’s a way for me to retreat.”

“Oh really? Then go ahead kid, I won’t stop you, go back to mummy and have her lick your wounds.”

“Don’t you wanna devour me?”

“Not really, you’re just a halfling, you’ll probably give this Dragon King a stomach ache.”

“Even you can sense the amount of demonic energy that I have, are you sure that you don’t want a taste of at least that?”


“Hmmm, what’s your point kid? Didn’t you say that you were about to retreat?

“Here old man, It’s all yours! In fact, I give you leave to enter my body and devour my demonic energy!”

“Wahahaha! You really are a foolish boy.”

Bahamut morphed into a dragon shaped point and lunged into my outstretched right arm. The pain was unbearable, I could feel Bahamut climbing up my arm and rapidly devouring everything along the way. I waited till every last part of his body entered my right arm and then put my plan into action.

I activated the Will of Lucifer, on myself.

“Well, I'll admit it boy, you don’t taste half bad...WHAT!”

“Hngh, you feel it don’t you old man?"

“What, what is this, this feeling. It’s like I can’t control my own body.”

“That’s right old man, the second you entered my body, you entered MY DOMAIN! As long as your remain in my right arm, then eventually my power will DEVOUR you!”

“Wahahahaha, I’ll admit it kid, I was wrong, your will may not be that far off of Lucifer’s. Although, that bastard was a lot more terrifying. There is one big problem with your plan though kid, all I have to do is leave your body. You won’t be able to contain me, if I do not wish to remain within you willingly!”

Bahamut began attempting to leave my body forcibly. Large gashes started to appear on my right arm and it began to convulse uncontrollably.

Every second that passed, I could feel my consciousness fading as a result of the pain. I grabbed my arm with all my force and squeezed it to get some feeling back into it.

“*pant…*pant…*pant...Damn it old man, just give up why don’t you!"

“Same to you boy, there’s no way that I will ever become your familiar. We both know that your body won’t last much longer and just before it finally gives out, I will escape and watch you bleed out and die.”

He was right, I wasn’t gonna last, if Bahamut even gained a little bit of ground, then I would lose control.

Despite my dire predicament, I couldn’t help but laugh, in fact, that’s exactly what I did.


“You finally lost it kid?”

“Hey old man?”


“...If I take my own life now, would you die as well?”

“...Wahahahahahahaha, that is probably the most depressing thing I’ve ever heard kid and I’ve been alive for thousands of years.”

“Heh, I’ll take that as a yes...”

“...Wahah, very well boy, you win. It might not be in the most valiant of ways, but I don’t plan on dying just yet. You’ve peaked my interest kid. Just why is it that you need me to be your familiar at the cost of your own life? Just what do you need my power for?”

“I don't need your power old man, I just need to prove a point, prove to everyone that I’m not weak...”

“Wahahahahahaha,...Hey kid, I was wrong again, you’re a lot more terrifying than that Lucifer. Alright, I the Pitch Black Dragon of Chaos Bahamut, formally accept you as my Master.”

“I’m not your master old man, drop the formalities. When I’m done with my mission, the contract between us will end and you can go back to rotting away here for as long as you want.”

“Wahahahahaha, as you wish boy, I look forward to seeing how far you can go.”

After that the pain in my arm ceased, although I was bleeding from the many cuts left from my earlier exchange with Bahamut.

A small dragon shaped tattoo appeared on my right arm. I made my way back towards the doorway that I used to get here and gingerly pushed my way through it.

“OMG! Fujioka-san! You should have used the warp stone before you got into that state. I was worried sick, you’re bleeding from everywhere, and your arm, what happened to your arm!?”

Shirayuki-san was looking at me with a look of concern. I didn’t have the energy to say anything, so I pulled the warp stone out of my jacket pocket and tossed it at Seir, after that, I passed out.

“Ohhh, thanks for not damaging it Kuro-kun, take a long rest now, you earned it.”

“H-he, didn’t use the stone.”


“Haha, I don’t know why you two are so surprised. I knew he could do it! Alice, take him to the infirmary and begin treating his wounds and prepare the…”

“Wahahahahahaha, is that you foolish Prince?”

“Oh, if it isn’t Bahamut-san. I told you that I would get you to join me, one way or another.”

“Wahah, the last thing I remember is that handsome face of yours covered in tears as you begged me to help you all those years ago. I will admit that I didn’t expect you to send this boy in after me, just where the hell did you find this monster from?”

“Oi oi Bahamut-san, let’s not dwell in the past eh? So he decided to allow you to enter him willingly anyway, he’s either brave, or stupid. Either way, he’s one hell of a guy.”

“...Pardon my intrusion my Lords, but if we do not seal his wounds soon, he will die.”

 “Wahahahaha, what you really should be worrying about is the next 72 hours. Since he forcibly attempted to contain me, we haven’t properly synchronised souls or demonic energies yet. He will be crippled with fever for the next 72 hours at the most. If he survives, then he will officially be my master. If he dies, then let’s just say that you won’t be able to use my power after all foolish Prince.”

“Haha, well you heard the man, Alice proceed. Shiro-chan, you come with me, I don’t think our Kuro-kun will want you to see him in the amount of pain he will be in, while Alice carries out the treatment.”

“...Understood my lord”


Alice’s POV

It's the first time in my existence, that I am surprised. No, it would be more accurate to say that this is the second time. The first time was when I first met him. The amount of pressure he released at that time was intense. For him to fire bloodlust that was strong enough to make my master and I immobile, was something that I would never have imagined.

For him to now, make the great Dragon King Bahamut, that even the strongest familiars fear and even worship, a servant, is terrifying.

“Wahahaha, what’s the matter girl? You’ve been staring into space for a while now, aren’t you going to finish applying the Caladrius tears? Or has the boys screaming finally made you lose your nerve?”

“...My lord Bahamut, may I ask you a question?”

“Oh? Go ahead girl.”

“...How did he defeat you? From what I know of your power, there is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that he is not your match.”

“Wahahaha, he didn’t defeat me at all girl.”

“...I apologise, I did not mean to...”

“It was his will, his will was what won me over in the end.”

“...The Will of Lucifer huh, even I fell...”

“No, I’ll admit Lucifer’s will is strong with this one, but what won me over wasn’t that. It was his own will, the will to try anything to succeed, even if it costs him his own life. A being like that will either crash and burn after the first hurdle, or burn like the brightest star in the night sky. I wanna see how far this foolish boy can go.”

“...I see.”

After that I finished applying the rest of the Caladrius tears.

Time passed by and he finally looked a if he had some relief from the pain. It seemed that even Lord Bahamut was sleeping.

Just when the aforementioned fever was beginning to kick in, Lady Shirayuki entered the infirmary and sat next to his bedside.

She looked like she was deep in thought.

“How is he Alice-san?”

“...He is fine, although I think that the fever that Lord Bahamut mentioned is beginning to kick in.”

“...I see.”

Lady Shirayuki transformed into her yokai form, she had a sombre look about her. She leaned forward and placed her forehead on his and quickly pulled away.

“He’s burning up a lot, I’ve never seen a fever this high, Alice-san could you get me a sterile cloth and an empty bowl?”

“...As you wish Lady Shirayuki.”

“Thank you Alice-san and please call me Shiro, Lady Shirayuki is my Mother and my Grandmother haha.”

“...As you say Shiro-san.”

Shiro-san released a lot of spiritual power and the temperature of the room plummeted, she repeatedly froze the cloth I gave her and placed it on and off his head.

Time passed again, Shiro-san did not rest for a moment, she was beside him for what felt like hours, only when his fever went down to acceptable levels did she finally transform back to her human form and rest her eyes.

Another few hours passed and he woke up.

“...hngh, where am I? Shirayuki-san?”

“...She went to sleep a few hours ago, she’s been at your bedside since the fever started, it is thanks to her that it has stabilised so quickly.”

“Ah that makes sense, I could hear old man Bahamut complaining about the cold while I was asleep. I should be thanking you Alice.”

“...Thanking me? Why?"

“For applying the medicine so quickly and efficiently. If it wasn’t for you, then I’m sure that the old man’s talons would have left scars and you also repaired my jacket too, so thanks a lot Alice!

He smiled at me and went back to sleep, it seemed like the fever picked up again.

I decided that I had enough information to make a report to my master, so I made for my lord’s chambers.

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