《King of Hell》Volume 1 - Reawakening of the Prince of Darkness - Chapter 1
Chapter 1
It’s been 15 years since I escaped. No, it would be more accurate to say that it’s been 15 years since I climbed out. Although that’s not surprising with being a Damien and all. Yes Damien, neither Devil, nor Human. Born between the union of both species, an occurrence that is not wholistically uncommon. I can still remember the cold emotionless face of my Mother as she threw my 7 year old self into the pit. All I could see between my tear stained face was a small spec of light above the heights of the Panopticon Prison.
Now I know what you’re thinking, how did a 7 year old kid make it out alive? it is actually a pretty big deal, if I do say so myself, nobody leaves the Panopticon, you either die from exhaustion/starvation or get preyed on by the strong.
To cut a long story short though, when I crossed the threshold into the human realm at the age of 11, after escaping the horrors of the pit, a middle aged lady picked me up. She wasn’t especially beautiful but she wasn’t ugly either, she was the epitome of normal.
“Kuro? You’re my Kuro aren’t you? I know it! I prayed and prayed for years at this Shrine for the Gods to bring my Kuro back, I knew you’d be back Kuro...I knew it *sob*"
The lady took me to her home, a Temple that was run by her and her husband. With one look at me, her husband knew that I wasn’t the Kuro that his grief stricken wife was waiting for, but he remained silent and allowed his wife to indulge in the illusion. Soon after the couple asked me to call them Mum and Dad. They were Chisato and Yoshinobu Fujioka, my adopted human foster parents. So there I was, Kuro Fujioka, the escaped Damien, now just a regular inhabitant of the aging and overly peaceful Island nation of Japan.
The next few years of my life ran as you would expect of someone of my age and someone living in the same geolocation. Despite having hair as dark and thick as most other young Japanese boys, my eyes were a sharp crimson/blood red and my skin was pale. However, like all Damiens, I could mask this with demonic energy. Although, doing so resulted in losing demonic energy rapidly and subsequently being a very sickly child. This didn't bother my now Mum though, She would shower me with endless love and affection at every chance she got and believed that I would grow up to be a strong and influential member of society.
My distinctive features were what made me a Damien. To be clear, no Devil has red eyes, surprising I know, it is somewhat expected in the human world because only Damiens have been seen in the human world. A true Devil is hardly ever seen.
So high school flew by. I wouldn't say I had many close friends. Although, I was a member of the Student Council as well as the Fencing club. My grades were top of the class. Being a Damien though, I wasn’t interested in standing out, I was just thankful that I had a normal life, but when Chisato beamed with pride every time I got full marks on a test or when Yoshinobu said “That’s my boy!” every time I won a Fencing tournament, I couldn’t help but claim the spotlight.
It wasn’t until my 18th birthday and my high school graduation ceremony however, that I realised how naive I had been being and how fortunate I had been for so many years…
“And now we will have a farewell speech from the Valedictorian of the graduating class, Kuro Fujioka.”
“*whisper*, here he comes.”
“*sigh* He’s so cool…”
“Darling look, that’s our boy up there.”
“Yes Chisato dear, I can...Hey, hey, why, why are you crying?”
“I’m just so proud!”
“Chisato dear, people are staring...”
Following the ceremony I met up with my Mum and Dad.
“That was a great speech son.”
“Thanks Dad.”
“You made me so proud Kuro! If I was a girl in the audience I’d totally fall for you.”
“Thanks Mum…”
“You've finally graduated high school, just one thing I'd like to know though beloved son of mine. Why is it, that throughout your entire time at high school, you haven’t even brought ONE girl home huh? You’re causing your own mother to worry!”
“Now now Chisato dear.”
“You stay out of this darling!”
After that we did the rounds of the school as a family, since I was graduating Valedictorian, many students and teachers would approach us and wish me well for the future.
“Your son was a great example for all aspiring students at this school Mr Fujioka.”
“Ahhh...thank you, thanks for always looking out for our son.”
“Sempai, the fencing club won’t be the same without you.”
“Don’t worry Takane-san, I’m sure the club is in safe hands with a Manager as reliable as you.”
“Ahhhhh! How many times do I have to tell you senpai, call me Manaka! Ma-na-ka!”
“Oi Kuro, this girl is pretty cute, how about it girlie, wanna be my daughter in law?”
“Kyaaah! Then can I call you Okaa-sama?”
“Hhh-hey Dad, could you take mum home, there’s something I have to do at the Principal’s office before I head back.”
“R-right, come along dear.”
“H-hey, stop pulling me, hey I’m talking to my daughter in law...uuuuuurgh...you better hurry home Kuro, I made your favourite birthday dinner and I also made cake!”
That would be the last time I would see my parent’s smiling faces. Even now I can see them waving at me as they walked back towards our home.
“Damn it, that principal goes on and on about nothing, I hope that Mum isn't causing too much trouble for Dad…”
“Do you see it Eric? That is a Damien.”
“I do sir, so that is the thing that we have to exterminate. Pardon my rudeness sir, but he looks like a normal human to me.”
“Ahhh don’t let it’s appearance deceive you Eric, that THING, is an abomination, to think it slipped through the net for so long, if we don’t exterminate it soon, then there will be serious implications for both the Human and Devil realms. The fact that it hasn't given into it's nature and gone berserk, is remarkable.”
“What about the Human couple that were with him earlier? What will become of them?”
“We have no choice, they must also be exterminated, our orders were clear.”
“...Understood sir.”
“Come along Eric, we can move toward their residence prior to the Damien returning.”
“Ahhh crap! Hey bus driver, waaaaaiiiiiittt! Damn it…I guess I’ll have to wait for the next bus...”
When I finally made it home, I was met with a sight that haunts me even now, a sight that I thought I'd never see again.
“Dad! Dad! What the hell, OMG he’s not breathing, wake up, come on!”
I heard a ear shattering scream coming from the kitchen.
“ huh? Muuummm!?”
“Sir it appears he has returned.”
“It does indeed Eric, you go ahead and intercept It, I will finish up here.”
“N-nooo! You leave my son alone, he has nothing to do with this, Please...please, I already told you where all the valuables are!”
“...Foolish human, I pity you for encountering it. However, our orders were clear, we MUST exterminate those closest to the escaped Damien.”
As I ran towards the sound of my Mum screaming, I was only able to see the blade slice through her flesh. It was instant, but it felt like that one moment lasted an eternity. I forcibly brushed aside the figure blocking me and ran down to the body that was slowly sliding onto the cold tiled floor.
After that I blacked out. Something in me snapped, it was like I was back in the Panopticon. The cold feeling of nothingness that my adopted mother and father kept at bay for so many years, gradually filled me. Memories of holding those I held dear closely as they perished returned. The loneliness, caused by constantly being made to fight for survival in that cursed prison reappeared. The pain, returned.
“...Sir what is it doing!?
“Get back Eric...get ba...”
I dashed to the man and grabbed him with all the force I could muster.
Why...why...why did you do this? They were good people...why...why!”
The tears in my eyes would not stop flowing. It was the first time I had cried since being thrown into the Panopticon.
“Unhand me filth! Don’t worry, you will join them soon.”
I had heard enough...I released it. I unsealed the thing that kept me alive in that prison for so long, the thing that only Chisato’s smile could keep at bay.
“Wait, the atmosphere has changed...it’s like, we're in a world of grey...what is this?”
“Sir I can’t move...I can’t breathe.”
“Ehhhh? W-what is this...it’s like, I don’t have control of my own body.”
I released the man from my grip and stood upright.
“...What is your name?”
“I am Tharos Darin, this is my assistant Eric, we were sent here by the Damien Extermination Bureau…(ehhhh? Why am I compelled to answer? What is this….)
“So they found me, I had thought that I was free, but I’ve only been living in a dream for the last few years...”
“That is correct, we received a report from an anonymous person, that you were hiding out here, it sent our entire department into a frenzy.”
“...I see.”
“S-sir, it...it can’t be, for, for this thing to have this much power….”
I made up my mind and issued a command that I hadn’t for such a long time.
“Well then, I will have you both offer your lives to me.”
Their faces went blank for a split second and then…
“My hand, my hand is moving on it’s own!”
The same blade Darin used to slice into my Mum’s throat, he now turned on Eric. It was instant, due to my power, Eric only showed a hint of pain when he was seconds away from bleeding out. Tharos then turned the blade on himself.
Killing oneself is not something that can be easily done, it goes against the very nature of a living thing, even Devils are afraid to die. That much I had learnt from clawing my way up the Panopticon at such a young age. Tharos plunged the blade into his stomach with no hesitation and then, dropped to his knees.
I was finally hit with the realisation of what just happened. I knew I was a Damien and that someone would come after me sooner or later but from what my understanding was, the extermination bureau that is sent to hunt those of us that escape or are on the loose, tend to only wipe memories and erase records when it came to humans. So why, why did they have to kill Mum and Dad….why!!!
“Damn, we were too late Alice...”
I only just noticed his presence, I looked above and saw a handsome blonde youth descending towards me, he was probably only a few years older, but he carried a presence that was far beyond his years. Following close behind him was a girl dressed in a maid outfit.
“...It appears to be so my lord.”
“To think you were this powerful...To use The Will of Lucifer to such a degree, ahahahaha. I can see how you managed to finish Tharos and his apprentice off so easily. I am Seir and this is Alice.”
“I’m sorry, if I had only gotten here sooner...”
The comedic and easy going atmosphere that this youth brought with him did not match with his appearance, but there was no doubt, he was a Devil and not just you’re average one. Going by his aristocratic attire, he obviously had a high rank in the Ars Goetia. I could tell the girl that was with him, was hiding some immense power too. I wasn’t about to let my guard down, so I fired bloodlust at them to let them know that I wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
“...My Lord!”
“Whoa, that’s some bloodlust hah, If this keeps up, I don’t think anyone would benefit. You’re one interesting Damien though, that’s for sure. We are not with these two dogs. When I found out that they somehow made it into my territory without submitting a request to me first, I immediately began tracking them down, but I didn’t make it in time, I’m sorry…"
What was this man talking about? Going by what he just said, he must the devil that rules this region. Due to my time in the Panopticon, I learnt how to tell whether someone was lying or not, it was the only way someone could survive there. If you aren’t able to tell friend from foe in the Panopticon, you won’t last long. I needed to know why this happened, so I decided to at least hear him out, if it turns out that he was somehow involved, then I would not hesitate to kill him.
“As you probably already know, when Devils encounters a Damien, they don’t normally kill the humans related to the Damien, they normally just wipe their memories as well as any records of the Damiens existence. The two you just killed on the other hand, were given strict orders to eliminate any humans related to you.”
“...They said that they received an anonymous report, that I was located here.”
“Anonymous report? Hahahahahahaha, I can say with 100% certainty, that the order to eliminate both you and your parents, came straight from the top of the Ars Goetia, ”
“That’s right, you know who gave these orders don’t you?”
“If I told you that I could make it so you could confront the person responsible for this, would you believe me?”
“No...I can tell that you’re not lying when you say that you had no involvement in what just happened here, but there’s no way that even a Prince of a region like you, could get anywhere near the person responsible.”
“The Summit to decide the next King of Hell.”
“I have my own reasons for wanting to return to Hell but in 5 years time there will be a summit to decide the next King of Hell. The current Satan, King Lucifuge of House Bael, has decided to call the Great Families of the 72 pillars of the Goetia to determine who the candidates for the next King will be. All the bigwigs will be there, that is where you will be able to do it."
However, it won’t be as easy as waltzing in their, I will have to report that I was able to slay you tonight, after you killed the two sent to exterminate you. Follwing this, you must spend the next few years in hiding as my vassal. If you choose to do so, then not only will you be able to confront the one responsible but together, we can take down the very system that has enabled tragedies such as the one you’ve just experienced, to happen for centuries.”
There was something about the completely unguarded grin that this guy was giving me, that made me feel as if I could not trust him. However, with what I’ve just experienced, it was clear that I was mistaken to think that I could live a normal life in the human world. I had no interest in this summit or the next King of Hell, but I was certain that wherever Satan was, that person wouldn’t be too far behind. Being a Damien, there was no way I could get anywhere near her, without getting help from someone on the inside. I had not choice, I had to go along with what he was saying for now. However, if he tries something down the line, then I’m sure I would still have the resolve to kill him.
“Ah excellent! I knew you’d say yes hah, I’ll be in touch, come along Alice…”
After that, Seir brought in his servants to tie up the loose ends. I got the chance to bury my Mum and Dad in the Fujioka family grave. The grief was unbearable, but I knew what I had to do. I had to get stronger so that I was ready for what was to come and would be able to confront the person reponsible. I stopped masking my appearance and began learning all I needed to know about the upper echelon of Hell. Seir also used his authority to allow me to inherit my parents Temple and land.
It was always a dream of my mum's for me to go to University, so I enrolled in the one we decided on beforehand. I spent the next few years training and learning about fighting Devils from Seir, he showed me how to effectively use my demonic energy and also versed me in the etiquettes of the court.
“...My Lord, are we really going to utilise this Damien in the plan?”
“Patience Alice, we need all the help we can get.”
“...Do you really think so my Lord? Damien’s are widely known as being inferior to pureblood Devils in terms of power.”
“Did you not see and feel the pressure and bloodlust he emitted when he used the Will of Lucifer Alice?”
“...But my Lord, can’t all Devils use such a basic ability? I mean it’s how we’ve been able to remain in control from the shadows for centuries. It’s also how we’ve been able to subjugate the many monsters and humans for so long.”
“*pat pat* true enough my dear Alice, true enough...however, the Will of Lucifer cannot be used to subjugate fellow pure blooded Devils, In fact, the Will of Lucifer cannot be used by Damiens at all. If it could, then there would not be such fierce competition among the Great Families for the seat of King and Damiens would not be as persecuted as they are.”
“That’s right my little Alice, we just came across a pretty rare find with this kid.”
“...Understood my Lord, with this, maybe we will finally be able to rescue the Young Lady.”
“Hah, now you see it my little Alice!”
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