《The Epoch of Magic》Vol 1: Chapter 14: Preparing to sell


Nearly 10 minutes later, the head priestess came out of her daze as she looked meaningfully at the innocent expression on Daron’s face.

“Alright. Joanne will help you sell this.”

“Thank you!”

Daron was ecstatic! He had never felt this happy, not in this world, nor back in the 59 years of life he had spent on Earth.

“Come one priestess Joanne, let’s go!! We need to prepare a lot of things!!”

Joanne, who had already finished the food, followed behind Daron after taking one last glance at the head priestess in worry.

Once there was no one left in the kitchen, since Daron had gone to fetch all the ingredients, The Head Priestess sighed deeply.

“To think I would get to taste something like this again. And all the way out here, in the middle of nowhere, at the hands of a little kid nearly 200 years younger than me…”

A single lonely tear slowly slid across the head priestess’ left cheek and dropped into the food that remained stuck in her hands, already cold beyond the point of eating.

After staying still for a while, the head priestess inhaled the cold morning air once more and let it out in a big puff of steam, before standing up with a resolute expression as though she had come to a decision, and left the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Joanne, the children, and Daron entered the kitchen.

“Alright! I have permission from the head priestess to make money! You might be wondering, what are we going to do? Let me inform you! We are going to be making delicious food and selling it for money! A business of street food if you must.”

“I need to know, what is everyone good at?” Daron said as he looked over at Joanne.


“Ahem! I am good at everything.” She said proudly as she removed her ‘Identification Card’.


Name: Joanne *****

Age: ***

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Job: Priestess of the Lord, *******, ******

Skills: Cooking, Laundry, Cleaning, Shopping, Bargaining, Healing, *********

Personality: Hard working, Cheerful, ****-*******


“Hey! Priestess Joanne! What is this? Why do you have skills and I don’t?!” Daron yelled as he saw the ID Card that came out of Joanne’s right hand.

“Oh my… Daron, I must have forgotten to mention this to you, but once you turn 5, you get another blessing from the lord which can then record all your skills. Naturally, you can block that out as well if you so wish to. And once you turn 12, you will also receive a third blessing by our Lord, which will give you the Job section, where all you Job will be listed, and can be blacked out.”

“Oh…” Daron understood. He was just too young to fully unlock this world’s system it seemed.

“Alright then, everyone else?” after quickly gathering himself, he asked and read through all the children’s ID Cards.


Name: Lily

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Skills: Cooking, Laundry, Stitching, Cute

Personality: Hard-working, Cheerful, Secretly Likes Da***


Just as Daron was about to complete that last sentence, Lily realised she was displaying all her personalities and hid away the last one with an aggrieved face.

Daron simply chose to ignore the last one, but Sirious decided to but in at this point.

[Based on analysis, the last word on Lily’s ID Card is Daron.]

Daron ignored Sirious as well. He had a feeling that this was only some nonsensical ‘puppy-love’ between children which was as much bullshit as the shit that came out of a certain impeached president’s mouth.[1]



Name: Hans

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Skills: Fighting, Arguing, Slandering, Acting Innocent, Bargaining, Acting Cute

Personality: Energetic, Nonchalant, Aggressive



Name: Greta

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Skills: Fighting, Arguing, Slandering, Acting Innocent, Bargaining, Acting Cute

Personality: Energetic, Nonchalant, Aggressive



Name: Mako

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Skills: Counting, Maths, Solving problems

Personality: Quiet, Intellectual, Naive


Daron scanned through all of these and his eyes sparkled. He had everyone he needed right here!

“Good! Alright then, this is how we will be doing this! Priestess Joanne will be in charge of cooking along with me. Hans, Greta, you two need to make sure everyone pays before they get any food. They need to give you 15 copper coins. Got that?”

“Yes sir!” replied Hans and Greta, slightly shocked at how authoritative their little brother had become all of a sudden.

“Good. Make sure you collect the money, give them the food, and then give the money to Mako. Mako, you are in charge of keeping all the money and keeping track of all the money we collect. Lily! You need to attract customers to us. This is what we will be doing once we have opened shop. But, before that, we need to move all the necessary things to Food Lane. Everyone will help out in this. Got it?”

“Sure” Lily agreed followed by Joanne who also shrugged.

“Yes Sir!” Hans and Greta responded just like before, as though they were still in deep shock, while Mako just nodded quietly and got to work. Daron himself also got to work with all the items required, instructing the others, and moving some himself.


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