《The Epoch of Magic》Vol 1: Chapter 8: System!


Time flew by, and Today was the day Daron would turn 6 months old. The mysterious card that God had created was actually an ‘Identification Card’ which everyone in this world used. It had the basic details of the person displayed for anyone to see, with name, age and gender. There was also a layer of censoring on the rest of the card which contained the personality. This layer could be removed only by a priest, or the person’s own will.

Not that it would affect him much, since the card would completely vanish into the body of the user and only emerge on the right hand when a priest, or the owner willed it to.

Over the past 4 months, he had been steadily growing in size. The routine had been simple. Wake up whenever he felt like it, naturally, only after Joanne, or one of the children had awoken. He would then cry for food, eat his fill of some thick viscous porridge like baby-food, which like the bread, broke down in his mouth instantly, but tasted like shit. Next, he would go back to sleep, or play around with the children.

[Master, it was more of them playing with you…]

Anyway, the children were rather useful when it came to whiling away time. They had so much energy packed in their little bodies that it was simply frightening.

The youngest of the four, was black-haired Mako. He was the silent type who just kept sucking his thumb.

Next were the two blond-haired kids, who unsurprisingly were twins; Hans and Greta, who were as rowdy as ever, in a constant battle of wits, physical brawls, and crying against each other.

Last was the chestnut-haired Lily who had a similar ‘Spring’-like personality to Joanne.

In this tiny orphanage, there were only two adults, the head priestess, whose name was unknown to the kids apparently, and priestess Joanne, who did everything within and without the church. The head priestess’ job was only to manage all the income, expenditure, and important events involving the church.


All the rest was handled by Joanne, and sometimes the kids helped out. Although it feels weird to call them kids, since I am still younger than them, it is still not normal to call them his elder brothers since he was nearly 60 in his previous life.

By this point, Daron had come to embrace his new chance at life. Especially since it seemed to be in a somewhat fantasy world, greatly increasing his chances of gaining magic. However, that also put many worries into his mind.

In this kind of fantasy world, the weak would die, just like the law of the wild; kill or be killed. He needed to be strong enough to kill, but his body was too weak to be able to do that. And currently, only one thing could fix this problem.


‘Sirious, come up with the best training method for my current body given the current diet and situation.’

[Yes, Master Daron.]

A few moments later, a list of things to do came up.

‘Huh? Why is it so much?’

[Master Daron, your body seems to be stronger in a lot of ways that the average human your age]

‘Show me a comparison.’

[Let the average of all stats be 10 for an adult human. Normal babies are supposed to have 0-1 of each stat]

[You on the other hand…]

‘Wait, make it like the systems in novels!’

[Yes, Master Daron]

A screen displaying everything about Daron in his mind.


Name: Daron Cage

Age: 6 months (59 years)

Vitality: 1

Strength: 1

Stamina: 3

Agility: 0

Sense: 2

Toughness: 1



Bloodline Inheritance

Current information on this talent is incomplete.


Seeing this screen in his mind, Daron could not help but smile and compliment himself.


‘Well done Daron! You finally got yourself a system with a proper system page!’

With this in mind, Daron began his daily training while no one was paying attention. Since he could sleep whenever he wanted to as a baby, he simply decided to do his exercises around 20 minutes before anyone would wake up, so that when they do wake up, he could ask for food.

As for the exact times, Sirious had already recording the sleeping patterns of everyone in the church, and it had an internal clock to help Daron manage the time better.

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