《Hundred Worlds》Chapter 6 : First Death - Part 1
Chapter 6 : First Death - Part 1
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Chapter 6 : First Death - Part 1
"Hey what you wanna do?"
"Nothing now, I got to go in an hour, I have to get to work. Let's discuss on the quest. "
"Work..uh? "
"What do you do Dan. ", asked Crimson looking at the Dan trying to look at himself at a broken crystal on the ground.
"I'm a grad student."
"You got class today."
"Yes... I'm not going.", said Dan not looking at Crimson.
"Well do you want to go back to your camp or group and form an army? I think I will go back to the camp and form one ."
"I...They...", Dan murmured still looking at the crystal.
"What? I can form an army in my hive easily. Moreover I need time to learn to use these things", he pointed to his wings and trying to move them as he did, but it did not respond.
"I will come with you. ", he worded quickly.
"But I won't be online for at least nine hours. That's like 27 hours in-game. In that time you can go back to your camp and form an army, later we can rendezvous at the edge of the forest we met. "
"Okay...", he worded slowly, but soon followed with, "Hey what level are you and why do you have a killing intent always. "
"I don't use my skills, they just activate themselves. I'm... wait . Show stats and skills to Dan."
Spoiler :
Status Window
The Guardian of Entomon
Life force depleted
Health Regen:
148/ Sec
Mana Regen:
22/ Sec
Stamina Regen:
30/ Sec
Physical Resistances
Elemental Resistances
Racial benefits - +20 STR, AGI and VIT for every 10 levels.
Title - Guardian of Entomon Race
Benefits : All of the Entomon race will respect and value your influence. Can talk with other races without the ??? Skill.
Crimson : List of Skills
Skill Name Mastery - Level Experience %
Racial ConnectionBeginner - 100 %
Formless Attack MasteryBeginner - 100 %
Primal InstinctBeginner - 100 %
Pheromone MasteryBeginner - 100 %
Adaptive GrowthBeginner - 100 %
Abate InterferenceBeginner - 334 %
"Level 100 eh. No wonder. Is that the max level?"
"I'm not sure yet, but if it is and the quest we got now should lead us into the end game."
"What does 'the truth of this world' mean in that quest."
"Not sure, this game is very weird and it's in its infancy, so lot to experience before we get to comment."
"You're very wordy...", Dan said looking at Crimson and blurted before the uneasiness set in, "Let me show you my stats. Show stats and skills to Crimson."
Spoiler :
Status Window
Name:DanTitle:The Guardian of Panthera
Health:3364Health Regen:56/ Sec
Mana:242Mana Regen:4/ Sec
Stamina:637.5Stamina Regen:11/ Sec
Physical Resistances
Elemental Resistances
"Racial benefits - +10 STR, AGI and VIT for every 10 levels.
Title - Guardian of Panthera Race
Benefits : All of the Panthera race will respect and value your influence. Can talk with other races without the ??? Skill. "
Dan : List of Skills
Skill Name Mastery - Level Experience %
Nimble Movement MasteryBeginner - 580 %
Minimise Force WithdrawalBeginner - 753 %
Survival InstinctBeginner -410 %
Precise attack MasteryBeginner - 788 %
Adaptive GrowthBeginner - 451 %
"Nice. You trained your skills quite well. Keep at it. Well I got to go. Bye."
"Yeah. Thanks, Bye."
Alex logged off from the game and began to stretch. Since he had started gaming, he wasn't sure why but his senses in the game were more reactive than in the real world. Inside the game, he felt everything, but back in the real world, he felt stuck in a game.
He put away his immersion gear in the package it came in and put it away in a safe place inside his cupboard without disturbing his sleeping roommates.
He wore his MR gear and selected 'My room'. Alex's room was small, it was a 14x10 room with an attached bathroom of 6x8 which he shared with two other people. The room was furnished with three beds, three cupboards, three cloth hangers and three separate power ports to which surge protectors were connected to. It had a 5x4 window which was the only source or fresh air and besides that the room was empty, but when Alex or anyone of his roommates selected 'My room' the whole space changed. The walls which were plan without anything on them were covered by customised display of things the user set up.
Alex has set his room to show various news and feeds from various ytubers. The wall facing his bed which has both the entry door to the room and the door towards the bathroom was covered with a BBC, CNN and other hot flash news. The space above the doors were having weather, temperature, time and word for the day - this was a default setting he had got and not changed it.
The wall towards the head of his bed containing the window had RSS feeds from amateur writing to facts on zebras. On the fall not containing the cupboard was a screen showing various different stretching exercises and yoga techniques to start the day. On the floor of the room there were other digital items which were not put back into the inventory. There was a football which were lying around from earlier, but it was a digital football.
Alex selected the penalty kick exercise and kicked at the digital football onto the wall which was like a goal nest and a generated goalie who stood before it. The goalie was standing and pacing while passing through the bed of one of his roommates. Alex has set it such that animated objects would not co-relate with real life, if he had set it such that they would, the goalie would not be able to pass through the bed and if he tried, the goalie would injure himself by bumping on it.
After a few practise shots, Alex turned on shadow boxing exercise for ten minutes and suddenly a mere shadow of himself stood before him. They continued to shadow box and Alex reviewed the score at the end of 10 minutes seeing that he had taken about 20 hits in the shadow boxing, while he returned around 21 and defended around 50.
He removed his MR gear to take a hot shower and left for office after having breakfast on the way. He never jogged to office on Mondays, so he went around nuking the early bird monsters which were roaming inside the streets, but he did not use his spells. He took out his blasters which were fuelled by his mana and tried to head shot all the monsters on the way.
He never stopped if he missed one and continued on his way, but some monsters followed him and they were blown away by the mines he left behind.
People around were also doing something similar, some were throwing bombs at monsters, but everyone took to the side of the roads which were almost ten feet wide. When MR gear was being used for daily purposes the main concern and problem it caused were people not paying attention to the real world on the road. It had lead to many accidents and the government with support from other corporations to widen the road and build separate pathways for MR users. The roads sizes were reduced and it was made such that only one vehicle could travel in one lane due to a divider.
Reducing the size of the roads were raged upon and caused for an uproar, but within an year it was calmed down when a survey showed that accidents were lesser and whenever emergencies were there it was faster to evacuate or clear roads because no one would rush to make a mistake and lag behind. If an ambulance wanted the first priority, a prompt will be given to the cars in the way to make diversion to let the ambulance go and since everything was monitored the MR gear gave precise ETA and adjusted your route based on priority so that you do not stop at long signals.
Another problem to the single lane was when a car broke down on a lane and blocking the whole route. To overcome this a machine called a floating chassis aka Floater is used. It is a cross like equipment which would be placed at the bottom of a car such that four arms of the equipment protrudes out of the vehicle. On these four arms wheels would be fitted and then controlled with remote control to move it out of the lane.
On his way to his office he saw a floater being installed on a car which seemed to be the lead role in a wreckage. It happens less nowadays, but a few people take manual control of the car's speed. Since the beginning of the single lane a new addition to moderation was the auto driving to every vehicle which communicated between each vehicle in a lane. So, it was possible to control the flow of traffic and even speed. When someone takes manual control of their car in a lane just to take a detour it causes a mishap in the pre-determined route and schedules it causes a few calculations to deviate causing accidents.
Alex reached his office and set about another day of mundane work life.
Dan was lying down at the same place he stayed earlier with Crimson letting the breeze caress his fur as he felt the small tremors and vibrations on the ground; his senses had started to become more sensitive after becoming the Guardian. He knew what he had to do next, but still a little revolted within him. Finally making up his mind to return back to his pack and even try to form an army, he got up stretching his now larger body and sprung forward.
Godspeed, he thought as the terrain blurred in his view.
The forest was in a havoc as all the travellers were fighting to take over the control of their camps.
At the camp where the young travellers of the Bubo race were kicked out of their nest. Karen was kicked out as soon as she logged in the second day, but by then she had grown all her feathers and claws. "Just open your wings and the rest you will understand." was what her AI mother, H'estha said as she pushed Karen off the nest which was over 400 meters above ground. Karen was freaked out by the reality was going to use her emergency log out, but the feeling of able to control herself helped her open up her wings and liftoff a few meters away from the ground.
Karen had now returned to the camp of various natives of the Bubo race which was an ancient tree which stood high above the rest housing a large number of Owls at every branch.
"Back already? Just to let you know, No, you can't stay here. ", said her AI mother while glaring at the others nearby.
"No Thank you, I already found a home.", cheered Karen to which the others started to glean at her words. A few even started to crowd around her to know of this location, but before they were going to push her off the nest H'estha stepped in and pulled her back in.
"Thank you, Mother."
"Yeah yeah, Now what do you want? or Did you just come to get yourselves thrown out...but where did you make your nest. ",
"It's on the side of a cliff quite a bit far from here. I don't know what to do, so I came to as you what should I do?"
"Cliff!!! How did you do that??", the older owl said pulling at the wings of Karen checking her bones hidden under the lush of greyish feathers. "I didn't know you had grown so much in this small time. Tell me what all you did as you left the group tree."
"I didn't leave you kicked me out... So any idea on what I should do next?"
" Huh? How would I know. Do whatever you want...No, tell me first... then I will tell you.", said H'estha.
She sounds like a bigger bird brain than me., Karen thought while she reiterate in detail the things which happened to her in search of a nest.
Dan had already covered a large distance with his greater speed. Though the new body didn't show any significant changes to the stats, the changes in the muscle movement and reflexes were increased to a very high degree. Even his sense of smell, hearing and feel were increased.
On entering the outskirts of the forest camping his race, he started to feel something following or spying on him from around the trees, moreover it was a couple of them rather than a single presence as he could hear their breathing or to be more clear the kind of whistling sound a nose makes while exhaling to a small degree.
Suddenly a pair jumped at him from the left side as he was still moving at a steady pace, it looked like they were waiting for him to cross. He had noticed them before they could jump and their whistling exhaling was quicker pace than normal and he guessed they had leaped or moved suddenly. Dan stopped in his tracks and jumped on the two who tried to gang on him dwarfing them with his huge body.
"Get...off .. me"
"What.. the..."
"Hmm.. is that you killah and... Link I think?"
"Huh?? Dan!!! Get the FUCK OFF Me!!!"
"Hey guy!!! It's only DAANNN... COME OUT!!!!", said killah and the other three who were trying hard to keep up came into the view. They looked different - grown and more adult like tigers but their fangs protruded outwards like Dan's own, but not to his calibre making them look different from tigers.
"What happened to you guys... you all look different"
"What happened to you. You look the most odd one out here.", said Sheen moving slowly towards Dan. He was larger than the others and his stripes made him look more intimidating, but Dan towered over a foot over him and the others making him look intense.
"Why did you guys jump me.?"
"We didn't know it was you D. Did we?", said Fun and looking at the others with a smirk which looked fake.
Dan looked at the other around and said " Well..."
"Well I'm sure you got the quest saying something is coming and to create an army for the days to come.", said Sheen.
Dan was not sure if he could believe Sheen, but even if he knew about the quest, he had to make sure something.
"Show me the quest.", said Dan looking at Sheen in him eyes.
"Show quest details on 'The Event' to Dan"
Quest : The Event.
A season of changes are coming to this land. Prepare yourself by uniting an army for the days to come.
Reward : ???
This is very different to the quest I received which had more detail on what to do, thought Dan as he closed the quest before him.
"Now show me your quest.", said Sheen looking at Dan with interest.
"It's the same, so nothing to show."
"I don't think so. If it was the same then you would have not asked me to show it to you. Show it to me.", said Sheen grinning menacingly.
"I don't think so. I going to the camp.", said Dan not caring for Sheen and turned towards the camp with his back toward Sheen. Sheen jumped in front of Dan grinning like a mad man like crazy.
"Well...", said Sheen.
"Move or I will make you move.", said Dan and he released his blood thirst at Sheen and the others around. He hoped they would move back or stiffen up as he had levelled this skill very high and it could even freeze weak animals, but what he saw was even more amazing. Sheen and all the others dropped to the ground as their feet collapsed under them.
Sheen was shaking in his paws as he tried to stand up, What the fuck.. How is he doing this? This looser. When he looked at Dan he looked huge and ferocious. It was like death was walking towards him and he slowly crawled backwards.
Dan look at Sheen as he passed by smirking. He had never had such an effect from his blood thirst, maybe it was the new changes to his body, but he liked it, he liked it very much.
As Dan entered the camp it was chaos everywhere and on seeing him everyone who were running around stopped to look at him. Not minding the look of everyone at him, he walked towards the area where his mother used to a part of.
"You're the Guardian?? You good for ....I mean.. You're the Guardian?"
"I guess I am, but what am I?"
"You're the Guardian. The most powerful of the race, well supposidly , but how did you become the guardian."
"Most powerful eh... That's a long story and one which I don't want to share. What is this army thing? Did everyone get this quest?"
"...", the tigress looked at the stubborness of her cub which was now the strongest of their race. Sighing she started to reply, "Well suddenly there was a flash of light and everyone of the travellers felt drowsy and slept for a few hours. When they woke up after a few hours everyone had transformed to their final stage and that was when they saw the quest.
Everyone is trying to gain favour within themselves and finally someone came up with an idea that they would select the strongest one in the camp as the leader of the army, so everyone agreed and everyone who submitted or said they had no interest in the leadership are inside the camp. Your siblings especially Sheen is aiming to be the leader, but with you here..."
" I saw him on the way here...", said Dan smiling.
" Is he..."
"He is crawling on the mud when I last saw him.", said Dan to the tigress, who was shocked by his declaration. Dan had known his tigress mother looked at Sheen with pride for he was quick learner and witty, but Dan never liked him.
"Are you..are you going to take over the army??"
"I got no interest, but you will not be able to complete the quest without me. Tell Sheen he can have the leadership and prepare the army. I will come back and then we will move towards the location of the quest. "
"You're leaving..."
"I have another army to prepare. You will see.", said Dan smiling. She is awestruck..This is awesome, I look so cool.
Dan left his mother to herself and made his way through the camp. He saw a group of adult tiger who were the adults in the camp and they were sitting on a number of boulders which showed their position in the camp. As he moved closer to them, they all slowly moved from their positions and stood.
The elders stood as though they would jump at Dan if he showed any resistance, but Dan released his blood thirst in small amount around him which made the elders make their decision quickly.
"The Guardian.. You're Delalah's son are you not?", asked one of the elders to shake off the killing intent from Dan.
So tiger mother's name is Delalah. So... 80's..
"I guess I am. Elders I have news for you. Let whoever is leading the army to prepare themselves with the army and I think within a week we will move out.", said Dan lowering his blood thirst.
"But.. Guardian, aren't you going to take on the army?"
"I will not. Not yet at least. I am going to get more help."
"Help ? From whom?"
"Someone is who is more powerful than all of us put together. I will be leaving now. "
The elders were curious and confused but this also hurt their pride hearing there was something or someone else stronger than them.
Dan moved through the camp looking at all the other players and tigresses who made fun of him as he was still a cub when they had grown in mere two logins. Now he towered over them and his appearance was enough to stop them in their tracks. Dan didn't like to be the villain, but that was the hand dealt to him in his camp.
He moved out of the camp terrain and into the forest. He was feeling hungry and slowly tracked down a buck a long way from the camp. He slowly approached the buck, but every time he closed in he was unable to conceal his body as before as he was much larger and harder to sneak around.
The buck moved further away as he felt a small presence around, but the presence was not threatening so it kept grazing and laid down on the ground.
Dan seeing the buck lying down pounced at the now startled animal. Dan could control his complete movement and he jumped off the ground again aiming for the neck of the buck which would kill it in seconds.
"AAAAaaaAHHHHHHH!!! NO!!!! Please don't...please don't.."
Dan stopped a few centimetres away from the bucks neck as it squealed out in terror with its eyes closed.
"Goddammit, it can talk!!!", Dan shouted out in frustration.
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