《Hundred Worlds》Chapter 3 : Training - Part 1
Chapter -3 : Training.
yO~ Guys,
I apologize for the late release, been busy with a lot of work and sleep. Weekend blew away with just a few pages of work done. I hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope I get a few feed backs on how to improve.
I know I have a slow pace now. I'm working on making it a quick paced soon.
Thanks and Enjoy.
Chapter 3: Training
Part - 1
Alex got ready to office by 09:30 AM, had his breakfast by 10:00AM and reached office by 10:30AM. On his 30 minute walk, he disabled the gaming mode of his MR goggles and opened up the News relay on the left side of the screen, so that it doesn't affect the view of his path.
"MR Command, Search News channel on 'Hundred Worlds'"
"Search found 1 million topics. Top 10 displayed on screen"
"Play video from topic like 'Hundred World's creator, Jin Hye Park says..'."
"Playing video.."
A view opened up on the left side of Alex's display showing a man in the late forties, Alex identified him at first glance, as he was the face of the company which was forefront in creating the most advanced technology in the world today, from the quantum computers to the latest CAPSULE VR console. He was a saviour to his boredom.
The interview was on a show which was hosted by the young and beautiful host of the show, Morning Roasts with Joan Hark. The Interview started after a intro of the show.
"Welcome viewers, to begin the show we are going to introduce Mr. Jin Hye Park..."
Alex fast forwarded the video until Park started to talk. He knew the history of Park - the genius was a part of the secret society who lead to the discovery of the quantum technology and leaked it into the world. He was kicked out of his country for revealing the secret and later he started a new organisation, which is also responsible for the MR goggles.
"...Thank you Mr. Park for coming to our show."
"I was sleeping, so I didn't mind."
"Ah.. Well Mr. Park shall we start with the Interview.
Mr. Park the long awaited VRMMORPG, Hundred Worlds is released. We have known for over a decade the longing of people for a full immersion VRMMORPG. So, how did you happen to invent this. Did you plan to invent this or was this a reaction to one of your secret experiments."
"Well, yes, we can say it was an accident and also it wasn't. It was a result of our secret experiments, but also it wasn't. All you can be rest assured is, we now have the capability to fully immerse our senses into another reality. I would say into another alternate world because all the NPC or Non Player Character though ruled by my Artificial Intelligence design, they still have independence and self thought. "
"Mr. Park, if these NPC have individuality and self thought. So if they are killed by a player, wouldn't that be murder."
"Yes, It would be. I really like your questions Miss. Joan. It may be a game to us, but to the entities in the game, it's their reality. If you kill a NPC, it is murder in that World and you will be rightfully punished for that. I will not elaborate more, since the punishments will be known soon enough."
"Thank you Mr.Park for answering that question. Now I have another question, we had a talk with few of the first wave of players who started playing the game and they seem to have all said there was no character creation or class selection. To be more precise, no one even got a human race. Is this going to be an alien race related VRMMORPG."
"Miss. Joan, the game is unique and it was made such that it will last for decades. I will not like to disclose information about the game, it would not be interesting then. "
"But Mr. Park the players all started as animals or birds or insects, is there a purpose to this?"
"As I said Miss. Joan, wouldn't it be fun for the players to find the answer to these questions. Why should we run their fun."
"Ah..mm.. Ok. Could you at least tell us the concept behind the name, Hundred Worlds. Are there Hundred Worlds in this game?"
"I will be glad to tell you this. The game had Hundred Worlds and the first to join them under the same banner will win the game or unlock the end of the game."
"One more question..."
"Miss. Joan, I believe this is more than I can say. Shall we conclude."
"uh.. No... It's been only five minutes Mr. Park, this is an hour long show."
"Huh? Alrite then, I'll answer any question except about the game. I hope that is fine.."
Alex fasforwaded the video again since the next part started talking about Park's favourite food, movie, anime and love life.
Yes, Thank you Mr. Park for spending your valuable time with us. Now we go back to David at the studio who will walk us through the sudden increase in the GDP of GGL Tech. Off to you David."
And the video stopped.
So everyone was born into different animal races. I wonder what will happen next. I can't wait to continue. But, his voice... the God AI..
He got onto the elevator and reached his floor, as he entered office he only had one thought in his mind.
"Eight hours, 10:30 plus eight hours is 18:30, then a 30 minute break, so 19:00. I need to finish all my work before 19:00 and I have the whole weekend to play."
Some might have figured out why eight hours, but for those who don't know. The minimum hours an employee must is eight productive hours and after the integration of MR goggles this was strictly monitored for performance and productivity reviews, but if you stay late you don't get compensated nor does it give you a better review.
Alex started his work quickly as soon as he booted up his machine. And he went on with his tasks without break( except lunch).
10:45 - Checked e-mails and replied.
11:00 - Started on a task.
12:00 - Sent latest update on the task to Dan.
13:00 - Lunch
13:20 - Returned from lunch and continued the task.
16:00 - Found the issue and fixed it. Testing it with multiple scenarios.
16:00 - Testing failed at one scenario. Sent an e-mail to user to understand requirement.
16:30 - Still no reply. Sent a remainder.
17:00 - User replied. Understood issue and fixed. Testing again.
18:00 - All tests completed. Alex called Dan to let him know the issue and the approach taken.
18:30 - Packaged it and placed it in SVN.
18:55 - Alex called Dan and mentioned that location of the path.
"Dan , I have sent you an e-mail mentioning my approach to the fix and placed the package. I think you can take care of the next."
"Alex, good work, this guy is really annoying. I'm glad we finished it before the weekend else he would have asked for it to be done by the time he comes in on Monday."
"I know, I did rather not, so I found different method to fix it.
Dan, I called you to just let you know I'm leaving for the day and to wish you a Happy weekend."
"Leaving early today as well.. something is up... Tell me what it is.. "
"Nothing Dan, it's Friday...and I just got a new activity. It's a new VR game and it's different. "
"You mean CAPSULE. You managed to get your hands on one. Awesome. Now I understand your eagerness to leave office on time. So, how is the game?"
"Different. Nothing else to say. "
" Hmm.. Different huh? Well, I saw the videos today morning and it was quite interesting. I ordered it as well and I will get him next it week or the one after. Well, I will keep you for long. Happy weekend. "
"Bye Dan."
Alex left to the washroom and changed to his track suit. He logged out of office a few minutes past 19:00 and switched on his MR goggles and set it to default route.
On his way he was greeted with "hey" and "hi" and he greeted back without stopping.
He reached his room within 20 minutes and looked at his notifications before him.
" Ability : Sonic run has levelled up.
Grade 4 - Level 6 - 2%
Passive Effects: Able to disappear from MiRRoR world since moving near the speed of light ( in game while running).
Active Effects: Can slow down time in the MiRRoR world by /1.5 ( previously /1.2). Can be activate even when standing still. | Mana : 50 per second. | "
He swiped them away, as he was not going to use it anytime soon.
"Open up!!"
"Hey bro, you're early today. Wassup?"
"Just. Why? am I not allowed to come early? "
"I just asked, since it's rare. "
"I'm gonna start leaving early at 9AM return by 6PM."
"Hehe.. sure sure. "
Alex got out of his tracksuit and hung them to dry. And the clothes he wore to office into the laundry bag.
He waited for Madhan to get ready for office and went in for a shower. Madhan had left by then and Alex got out of the shower. He wore his clothes and went out for dinner.
After a light dinner since he didn't want to waste anymore time. He returned back to his room and took out the CAPSULE from his cupboard and placed the control box on the ground below his bed.
He locked the door of his room from inside with the key and set his status in the MR goggles as "Away, please send me an e-mail to get in touch for a couple of hours."
He checked the time and it was 21:00.
Have checked everything was taken care of, he lied down and slid the VR beanie on his head.
After having lied down, the VR beanie started up.
"Start Hundred Worlds.", he said.
The login sequence started and he was first brought into the white room. A moment later he was slowly feeling like he was waking up from a deep slumber. He was offline for more than 21 hours, that was 63 hours in the game and didn't know what changes had taken place while the time he was away .
Waking up he felt a sudden rush of hunger like he was dying from it. He saw that his alerts at the right side of his screen was flashing continuously, but he didn't have time to check them.
He sensed food nearby and suddenly by instinct he turned towards the side and found a huge mass of the sponge like fungus and started to bite down on it until there wasn't much left.
"OUCH!!!", cried out Crimson while holding his head as if it was going to separate from his head. He turned around to see who had assaulted his head and found the elder behind him.
"You have been sleeping for three cycles. If you slept any more than that, you would have died in your sleep."
Crimson nodded as he understood it was true.
"Thank you elder for bringing me the food, else I really would have died."
"How did you...? It's ok. I'm supposed to take care of you anyway. We have to start with your training soon, the others have started already and you are way behind. I hope you have time to learn everything. "
"The others? You mean, there are other like me here. And what do you mean I'm behind them, is something going to happen soon?"
"Humph!!, You sleep for over three cycles and then you bombard me with questions. Well it's ok.
Yes, there are other warrior like you throughout the great hive and each have started their training with their respective teachers .Next, the reason why I said we are behind and the soon to occur activity is.. well let me just show you.
Show status to Crimson."
Status Window Name:Et'uanAlignment:NALevel: 60Class:SoldierRace: EntomonGender:MaleLife Force 25.1%Fame:NAInfamy:NA-Health: 2000Health Regen:33/ SecMana:200Mana Regen:3/ SecStamina:950Stamina Regen:16/ Sec-Strenght:100Agility:180Vitality:200Intelligence:20Wisdom:50Leadership:0Luck:0-Attack:150Defense:100Physical ResistancesSlashing:0.1Piercing:0.1Crushing:0.4Elemental ResistancesFire:15Water:100Wind:100Earth:100Light:??Darkness:??Racial benefits - +5 TR, AGI and VIT for every 10 levels. ??????????
OMG, his life force is at 2%. Will he die after he reaches 0%.
"Elder, I'm sorry. I didn't..."
"No, Do not be sad young one. My life force was stuck at 5% for a long time and without purpose. I knew then training you was my purpose and we shall start quickly. I will make modifications to the training to teach you everything I know."
"Thank you Elder. But, before we start I want to understand a few things. Can you please help me in understanding them."
"Of course, it is my whole purpose to teach you. Ask and be done with it!.", said the Elder stern and proud.
"Elder, These cycles you mentioned are these the way of counting the way the day passes?"
"Yes in a way it is. In a cycle, we have it split into three periods: First it is continuous sunlight then followed by continuous rainfall and finally by thick fog. Each period is eight hours. If all these three periods happen at a time, it is called a cycle."
So each period is eight hours.
"Elder, If I might ask. How often should one eat to not die."
"That is really a strange question young one and I do not know the exact number. But from what I saw you were alive even after not having eaten for three cycles. But that was mostly because you were sleeping and you did not waste energy. If you were awake and doing training, I think half a cycle would be the limit."
Hmm.. I will just have to test it out during the weekend.
"Young one, we don't have time to waste. Follow me quickly, we must start your training.", the Elder strolled out of the chamber and quickly started moving outside and Crimson started to follow.
While following the Elder, he opened up all the notifications and alerts.
First he open up all the Alerts,
The same alert seems to have occurred continuously. Do you want to consolidate the notifications and alerts?
Y/ N?
You are famished. Hunger levels are at cautionary low levels. Life force reduced by 1 % for each hour. X 10.
You are more famished. Hunger levels are at dangerously low levels. Life force reduced by 1% for every 30 minutes X 5
You are most famished. Hunger levels are at deadly low levels. Life force reduces by 1 % for every minute X 10
After having read the alerts, dark clouds were over Crimson's head.
I lost 25% of life force just on the first day. Sigh! Lost is lost..., I wonder how long it actually takes to reduce life force by 1 %. Moreover, I have been getting these notifications for over 7 hours and 40 minutes. But, I was not online... wait... Another dark cloud with lightning was hovering over Crimson in his mind. He realised that he had set his character to sleep the last time he had logged off.
I wonder if I didn't set it to sleep, what would have happened.
Wondering at his helplessness. He opened up the notifications next,
Spoiler :
You have entered a growth stage.
New Skill : You have learned Adaptation Growth.
Adaptation Growth is Active.
Growth has started.
The last stats which was raised before going to sleep will increase by 1 for every 2 hours the player is in growth stage.
Strength has increased by 1. x 5
Adaptation Growth has level up to Beginner Level 2.
Energy consumed during growth stage is reduced by 10%
Strength has increased by 1 x 7
Adaptation Growth has leveled up to Beginner Level 3.
Energy consumed during growth stage is reduced by 15%
Strength has increased by 1 x 8
Adaptation Growth has leveled up to Beginner Level 4.
Energy consumed during growth stage is reduced by 20%
Strength has increased by 1 x 5
Adaptation Growth has leveled up to Beginner Level 5.
Energy consumed during growth stage is reduced by 25%.
The last stats which was raised before going to sleep will increase by 2 for every 2 hours the player is in growth stage.
Strength is increased by 2 x 2
You don't have energy to sustain growth stage. Your life force is being used as energy source. Please eat before it causes ill effects to your body.
Ill effects??
Spoiler :
Since the body is now famished and life force is being used as energy source, the body is malnutritioned.
Strength and vitality is reduced by 1 until energy is replenished. The effect persists for an hour even after consuming food. ( Effects will add.) X 2
Strength is increased by 2
Since the body is now famished and life force is being used as energy source, the body is malnutritioned.
Strength and vitality is reduced by 1 until energy is replenished. The effect persists for an hour even after consuming food. ( Effects will add.) X 2
Strength is increased by 2
Since the body is now famished and life force is being used as energy source, the body is malnutritioned.
Strength and vitality is reduced by 1 until energy is replenished. The effect persists for an hour even after consuming food. ( Effects will add.) X 2
Strength is increased by 2
Since the body is now famished and life force is being used as energy source, the body is malnutritioned.
Strength and vitality is reduced by 1 until energy is replenished. The effect persists for an hour even after consuming food. ( Effects will add.) X 2
Strength is increased by 2
So totally, I got 37 Strength, but a debuff of -9 Strength and Vitality for 9 hours. I should be careful with this sleep option. It's useful if I can find a way to make it work. But, I lost 25% of my life force, Sigh.
"Show status "
Status Window Name:CrimsonAlignment:NALevel: 1Class:WarriorRace: EntomonGender:MaleLife force depleted 25.2Fame:NAInfamy:NA-Health: 100Health Regen:2/ SecMana:100Mana Regen:2/ SecStamina:75Stamina Regen:1/ Sec-Strenght:57 -9Agility:20Vitality:10 - 9Intelligence:10Wisdom:10Leadership:1Luck:1-Attack:75Defense:5Physical ResistancesSlashing:0.1Piercing:0.1Crushing:0.1Elemental resistancesFire:5Water:0Wind:0Earth:0Light:0Darkness:0Racial benefits - +15 STR, AGI and VIT for every 10 levels. ??????????
Luckily HP doesn't drop below 100 at Level 1. I wonder if what will happen if I reach 0% life force and ....
"OUCH!!!!!", he cried and fell down losing his balance. It was difficult to for an ant to lose balance while walking on plain ground. The sheer amount of force it took to knock him down reduced his HP by 30% health.
Crimson looked up at the Elder before him and saw the air around the Elder was deadly and he wasn't someone who liked to wait.
"You better follow me rather than playing around. You don't have that liberty any more. You will be trained continuously for two cycles and more if we can. The other colonies and races have started training their new younglings and you are far behind them. Now come and don't make me find you the same way I did now."
Crimson could only nod to the Elders words and followed him without question. They were deep in the colonies and as they crossed many joining sections within Crimson looked around him without stopping. He saw the trail of ants smaller than him carrying various things, most of them were fruits,
trees and even roots.
I wonder how many forests they destroyed.
They crossed many leagues and finally reached a joining section from where fresh air and light was in abundance. The Elder didn't turn and walked at a stern pace to which the young warrior who towered the Elder followed.
On reaching outside, the Elder turned and stood in front of the young ant. It was day and the light was shining off the scales of the Elder ant.
"You seemed to have grown more than the last time we talked. We will deal with that later. First I'll tell you what we are going to do and you will follow them.
Firstly, we are leaving the colony for your training. Since we don't have the liberty as others with time.
Secondly, we will be eating what every we hunt. So, you are going to fight for your food while I do for mine.
Last and final, You will not be distracted. If you even get distracted with the training for even a moment. I will make sure you regret it a thousand time over. No time for questions and follow me. "
I feel like I just signed up for hell camp.
The elder started walking and again the young ant followed. They walked for leagues and the elder slowed down and told the following ant to stay hidden. After a few minutes out of nowhere a bear was lunging at the Elder. The elder side stepped and was rounding up at the bear. The bear dropped to all fours and roared at the ant; the ant stood its ground.
The bear chased the ant, but was never able to catch up with its reflexes and the bear was being worn down. It was tired, but it could not let the ant free for it was trespassing onto its territory and something about the ant didn't tingled its rage.
A few hours passed and it started to rain. The bear was huffing and its moves started to get sluggish. The ant turned and rubbed against its scales with its hind legs and suddenly another ant entered the field.
"Now young one. I'm going to show you how to fight. Since you are not fully grown yet you will not be able to do some of them, but see them and remember it because from next time onwards you will be the one fighting. "
The bear was watching everything and didn't move. It was tired and was conserving it's energy.
"This is how you being an attack. Get on all six and.."
The elder said to the young one and got into position. He got down on the ground with his abdomen raised as if it was a sting and his head was down glaring at the bear.
The bear seeing this felt the killing intent towards him and got ready for an attack.
The ant ran towards the bear, but the bear which had the advantage in size swiped at the ant with its right paw. The ant just jumped backwards in a split second and jumped forward after the swipe had completed. The ant jumped at the bears face and started to bite hold of the bears head.
With a firm grasp at its head , the ant raised its abdomen and the tip of the abdomen bulged out into a pointy hook. In mere second, the ant had poked the hook into the neck of the bear and the bear cried out in pain.
The ant pulled out the hook and again pierced it into the right eyes of the bear. The bear fell down and was rolling around the shake off the ant. But, the ant released the bite on the bears head and jumped back.
The bear was bleeding, but was far from dead. It was in its final moments, but it did not want to die alone and with its last bit of energy tried to get up. The area was soaking red with the blood of the bear mixed with the rain water and the bear could not see with only one eye.
After a while, the bear stopped moving and it died. The ant approached the bear and bit down on the neck of the bear and cut its head off.
"The next one is yours , but now let's eat."
The two ants dragged the bear below a tree and feasted on the dead bear before them and left only bones behind. The hide of the bear was wrapped around a tree to mark this territory.
After having eaten the bear, the elder soon started to move towards the side the bear had come from and after a while they were confronted by another bear.
"This one is yours young one, but I will wear it down for you.", saying that the elder jumped towards the bear and paced around the bear. At regular intervals the elder would bite down on the swinging paws of the bear and sting its arm.
After a few minutes of fighting and having stung at all the paws and feet of the bear, the bear was greatly weakened and it's paws and legs had started to swell from the areas of being stung. The bear was sloppy and slipped often due to the rain.
Seeing that the bear was significantly weakened, the elder turned towards Crimson and nodded.
"You haven't grown fully to get your hook yet. But, your mouth and claws are a strong. Don't think, let you instinct guide you."
The young ant nodded back in response and moved forward towards the bear. The ant got down low and approached the bear. The bear was resting and only reacted when the young ant got near. The bear swung at the ant, but the swing was slow and looked clumsy ; the ant was able to avoid it easily by taking a step back.
The bear was frustrated and frenzied slashed at the ant. The ant jumped back and the bear fell forwards, it tried to land on its paws, but the swollen paws and the slippery ground due to rain caused the bear to fall down. The ant taking this opportunity jumped onto the bear and started biting down at the neck of the bear with its razor sharp and huge mandibles. The bear cried out loud in pain and it was over within seconds. The head of the bear was separated from the body and the bear was dead.
Various notifications had come up in front of Crimson as he killed the bear and he opened up one by one and started reading them. He read that he had levelled up and that the status points were evenly distributed based on class.
"WHAT did I tell you before the training? No more distractions.
Now carry the bear and follow me. It's time for your punishment and keep up.", the elder said and moved away and it looked like he was smiling which frightened the young ant.
Chapter 3 : Training - Part 2
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