《Night Terror》Chapter 17 - First Blood ( 13th Year, AE)
The weekend came quickly, but Haruki's mind still hadn't settled down. Suzu had jumped up in excitement when he'd first told her the news.
“You got an offer to join the guild?” Her mouth falling ajar as she spoke. “Even apprentices are treated like nobles!”
“Nn. Special Master” he replied, puffing his chest out with pride. “We can adventure freely and always have a fallback for money.”
'Not having to worry about money... It's truly a good feeling.'
“Haru, knock knock” Suzu lightly tapped on his head, interrupting his thoughts.
Suzu was wearing a beautiful, light blue sun-dress that clung loosely to her feminine curves. It was something Haruki had bought on a whim while wandering around town, but it had since become one of her favourite things to wear.
Wen and Yuji arrived shortly after, joining them by the west gate, talking excitedly amongst themselves. They were going to a wide section of river, further upstream, well known as a gathering spot for Academy students.
After a noisy 10 minute walk along the dirt path, they arrived at the riverbank. It was a much nicer place for swimming than their old spot. Both banks had sandy beaches, covered in students and families with similar plans to escape the city. The water was deep and the current almost non-existant, so even poor swimmers could enjoy it.
With Yuji waving frantically, they met up with another group of students, sitting down together for introductions. It was only a small group, but it was a close one.
The two other girls introduced themselves as 4th year Umezawa Maki and Matsuda Tama. They were both slightly shy, but warmed up quickly towards Suzu and Haruki.
The three other guys introduced themselves as well. One they already knew – Nishikiri Keishi. Throughout the introductions, he had been stealing glances at Suzu whenever he thought no-one else was watching.
'I see you, you sly bastard... Good luck, you'll need it to avoid Suzu cutting off your balls...'
The other two were both old friends of Yuji and Keishi. They had grown up together, so they had all formed a solid bond over the years.
“Yamakawa Hideyoshi” a tall Elven youth blurted out, followed by the last, “Kanai Nobuo”.
“Now that's done, let's have some fun.”
A cheer rose up from the group, causing many around them to look at them all strangely.
The girls split off, chatting noisily together while occasionally glancing over at the topless boys and cackling.
“Those girls...” Yuji grinned. “Last one in the water is a first year reject!”
The day continued on in peace, Haruki and Suzu both flirting at the drop of a hat.
The girls thought it was adorable, often watching on while blushing and shouting “Arara”.
While the guys were all jealous, most students in the Academy had come to accept that the two were stuck at the hip and given up all hope. Keishi, however, had come to truly despise Haruki. At first, he was respectful and patient, but Keishi trained hard day after day, looking down on the slothful Haruki who always seemed to be napping or bored.
'I can easily beat him now. I'll knock him down a level and win over Suzu's heart. What's so good about that lazy bastard anyways... Maybe he's blackmailing her? I wouldn't put it past him...'
The longer the day went on, the more and more his jealousy grew until finally, it popped like cork.
“Abe Haruki.” he said, standing with his bare chest out, attempting a manly pose.
“What...?” Haruki sighed to himself.
'This is going to be troublesome...'
“I hear-by formally challenge you to a duel to the death for Suzu-chan's hand in marriage!” At this point, his voice was so loud that everyone surrounding them could hear. Students started whispering and staring, awaiting the response with baited breath.
“Um, no? Firstly, it's up to Suzu who she marries. Secondly, it sounds troublesome....” Haruki offhandedly remarked, shaking his head.
Keishi's face turned purple at the insult. “If you run like a coward, I will simply ask her father to sell her to me... I hear he's constantly short on money...” and he followed up with an evil grin.
Suzu's face drastically changed beside him and Haruki took note. He squeezed her hand gently and put his other up to her cheek.
Turning her face towards him, he kissed her passionately on the lips. Everyone, including Suzu for a moment, were staring awkwardly. As their mouths parted, a thin bridge of saliva snapped, causing a single sparkle in the afternoon light.
“Oi, Haruki you shit!” Keishi had nearly drawn his weapon, he was so furious. Haruki turned back, staring daggers at Keishi.
“You said to the death?”
Keishi hesitated, suddenly feeling a wave of terror clutch his body. “I've said so already. What of it?”
“Then I GLADLY accept your challenge. Is tomorrow a suitable day for your death?” Haruki had started growling at this point.
'Gathering information on her family? I won't forgive it... I need to test myself with live combat eventually anyway. I need to know if I will hesitate...'
Suzu squeezed his hand gently, face paling as his words. “Haruki...”
“It's fine, I won't lose to that fuck...”
He quickly took her hand in his, kissing the back gently to assure her.
News of the duel quickly spread. More than half the student body had heard about it from those who had been there, while the staff quickly waved the paperwork through, eager to see a duel. They had become increasingly rare in recent years, as most of the military men had been sent off to train and prepare for war.
Duels to the death were even more uncommon, but the right itself was enshrined in the laws of both God and country. It might be a waste of talent, but that's simply how it was and no-one dared challenge it.
Keishi had stormed off afterwards, everyone else choosing to stay behind at the river.
“Haruki-kun... What happened between you two?” Maki asked, bewildered. She had known Keishi a long time and had never seen him that angry before.
“He's just a fool who's infatuated with someone he can't have...” he sighed back in response.
After explaining everything, the group finally understood what had just occurred.
“Still, of all things, to go after your fiance? I always knew he was a baka...” Miki and Tama both looked worried and slightly sick.
'Ahh, I forgot about them. In their eyes, nothing good can come from this. They lose either an old friend or a new one.'
As if sensing his uneasiness, Suzu hugged him from behind. This would be his second time in mortal combat, including the wolves, but it was his first time fighting another human. His mind raced, attempting to face the cold reality of his choice.
'I will kill a person tomorrow...'
Once the adrenaline and anger wore off, he'd noticed he was actually quite scared. He put on a brave face that managed to fool the others, but Suzu immediately noticed it in his eyes.
The atmosphere quickly grew heavy, so they all started marching sullenly towards Touhama.
Suzu held onto Haruki's arm quietly as they walked back, only responding if he called to her by name. Even when she did respond, her answers were shorter than usual.
She was absolutely terrified of the duel. Haruki had never been in a proper battle, while she had already experienced it many times. Suzu mainly worried that he might hesitate at a critical moment and be struck down, something that she had seen often from inexperienced fighters.
And despite being fully prepared for it, her first battle had left her with nightmares that haunted her even now.
Haruki waved goodbye to their new friends at the square, dragging Suzu towards home so he could prepare their dinner. Suzu rarely used her own house, usually only returning to sleep. Every other hour of the day, she lived along side Haruki.
“Haruki...” she started, not knowing what else to say.
“I'm ok, Suzu.” he tried to reassure her, but his voice wavered a little. “It had to happen eventually. I won't let someone threaten you with slavery and live...”
His eyes had grown a dark look, Suzu instinctively flinching back from the bloodlust he was radiating. It was her first time ever seeing him so angry.
Haruki had managed to guess enough about her past over the years, seeing Suzu often tighten up at the mere mention of her father. He understood that the man was a fearful presence for her, but he just wasn't sure why. Thinking back on Keishi's words again, another few pieces finally clicked into place.
Suzu's eyes brimmed with tears as she jumped into Haruki's chest, sobbing loudly.
“Please don't die... Hic!” she mumbled into his chest.
Wrapping his arms around her slender back, Haruki held her until she calmed down, smoothing her hair gently with one hand.
“I won't.”
Kissing her tenderly on the edge her lips, he deftly scooped her up in his thick arms and carried her inside.
“Let's eat, Suzu.”
Neither of them slept well that night. Haruki managed to get a few hours of rough sleep, but many anxieties lurked in the depths of his mind.
'Can I even do it? I've only ever hit someone in anger once... And he really deserved it... I mean, Keishi kind of deserves it too, but death? That's a little much... Perhaps I shouldn't have given into his provocations... But he did threaten Suzu...'
The sun eventually rose, despite the wishes of Suzu. They met up with Yuji and Wen over breakfast, but the table was tense and their conversations were brief. The entire town seemed to have been overcome by a fever since the challenge, people constantly walked up to them asking various questions. Duels to the death were exceptionally rare, requiring a noble from the church to initiate them, so even the shops and stalls would likely close early to watch.
Finishing their breakfast, the two hurried off to prepare.
The crowd spoke in hushed, excited tones as Haruki entered the arena, many people placing bets on the outcome of the duel. Large white pillars and archways were dotted around the grandstands encircling the dirt ring, briefly reminding him of the Roman Colosseum.
“Quiet!” An elderly priest walked forwards “I am Bishop Quintis, I will be acting as arbitrator of this duel. Opponents, step forward and bow.”
Haruki's heart and stomach both tried to escape his body as he heard those words. Thousands of students and townsfolk had entered the arena to watch the spectacle and the atmosphere was quickly turning into a frenzy.
“I'll be right back, Suzu.”
“Nn. Win.”
Haruki stepped forward to his mark, drawing his long-sword and dagger as he attempted to calm his breathing.
“I won't kill you right away... instead, I'll make you suffer...” Haruki growled through clenched teeth, causing Keishi to flinch back. They bowed briefly and the entire arena descended into heavy silence.
'Fuck me, I feel like I'm about to pass out...'
Haruki struggled to control his shaking hands and ragged breathing, fear almost taking over his mind.
“I need to be able to do this to stand by Suzu in the future. I won't be any good if I show mercy to my enemies...”
Crouching into a low, guarded stance, Haruki stepped in carefully and swung his sword in a flat arc, attempting to get a read on his opponent. Keishi caught his blade, parrying back with a solid hit and sending a small tingle into Haruki's hand.
The two each took a step back, circling gently around the arena with locked eyes.
'He's almost as strong as me in sword play, he must have grown up training daily. I might have to use magic to end this.'
As if having the same thought, Keishi started to channel his strongest spell, Inferno. It was normally a level 30 spell, but his was a modified version that had been in the family for generations.
He smiled devilishly as he felt the mana building in his hands, while Haruki simply stood there, as if waiting to receive the attack.
'This fool won't even know what hit him... Does he not know I'm casting?'
Haruki let out a bellowing roar as clouds of gaseous white flame materialized around him.
The floor shook and everyone in the arena stood silent as an explosion ripped through the spot Haruki had been standing moments ealier. He seemed to have been completely devoured by the vicious pillar of fire.
Splash... plop.
Keishi stopped smiling and looked down, horrified, as his intestines spilled out onto the floor.
“Die slowly...” Haruki growled from behind him. As if his spine were severed, Keishi fell limply to the ground, frantically trying to scoop the muddied viscera back into his torso.
The crowd was silent as Haruki walked out of the arena, lost in his own mind, sword dragging on the ground behind him. He went over it again and again in his mind as he wandered forward aimlessly. The feeling of the knife entering Keishi's stomach. The sensation of tearing flesh and organs against the back of his blade.
He had predicted Keishi would likely switch to magic, so he'd simply waited, using Windstep at the last moment as his enemy was distracted and drunk on his easy 'victory'. However, Haruki hadn't predicted the intense shock that shut down his body.
Haruki threw up violently, his breakfast splashing across the stone corridor. Falling back against the wall, he slid to the floor, tucking his knees tightly into his chest as he sobbed frantically.
The whole arena was quiet, except for the fast fading screams from Keishi. His movements grew slower and slower as he whimpered, before quietly passing with a final, terrified shiver.
Suzu's mind flared back to life as she watched the boy bleed out before her.
She had noticed him walking off, but her mind had barely registered it at the time. She remembered back to her first battle and how badly it had shaken her soul, so she immediately charged after him.
Her heart wasn't ready to see him hugging his knee's and weeping.
'Ah, he got hit far worse than I did... '
Feeling a strange mix of both sadness and pride, she sat down next to Haruki and held him to her chest until he had calmed down enough to talk.
“sniff... Thanks...”
“Sorry you had to see me like this.”
“It's fine. I spent a week in my room after my first battle.”
“Let's go home. I feel like hammered shit...”
Haruki stood up, wobbling slightly as Suzu took his arm. They quickly made it home but the staircase seemed to stretch on forever as they climbed. Normally, Suzu would have gone home, but she didn't have the energy.
Collapsing onto Haruki's soft bed, they both fell into a deep, unsatisfying sleep plagued by constant nightmares.
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