《The Dragon King》Chapter 9: Hunting trip


This statment came to me as a complete shock. I didn't know what to say, so I just kept silent. As for Lucas, he didn't really understand what Dad was talking about. I'd say that's for the best. Not being able to hold back his curiosity, Lucas asked what he was talking about.

"Dad, what is Dark God's Hand?"-Lucas

"Don't worry about it, Lucas. This is something for only me and your brother to know."-Corwin

To this Lucas couldn't help but look dissapointed. He always did get frustrated whenever someone knew something he didn't.

"I will not have my son using such a despicable and underhanded method of battle. Do you pick up what I'm laying down?"-Corwin

"Yes, sir."

I can honestly not agree with this rule, but what choice do I have? If I want him to train me and take me out hunting I have to follow this exaggerated rule of his. With no other choice but to follow his commands, I look him in the eyes and give a respectful answer which he seems pleased with.

"Good. Now let's get going. Today we are starting you off small with a boar so-"-Corwin

"Oh can we hunt an Afrit again?"-Lucas

Before my Dad could finish, Lucas interupted to ask a question. I wonder what an Afrit is.

"What's an Afrit?"

"Firstly, no Lucas. Last time you tried that, the thing nearly singed all your hair off."-Corwin

So that must have been why he was wearing a hat for so long last month. Lucas seems to be embarrassed when Dad brings this detail up as well.

"Secondly, it's a fire spirit. Small but not cute at all. Since you can't use magic, you should run if you ever see one, Cyril."-Corwin

Magic huh...The thought of never being able to use magic really pisses me off. Bring me to a fantasy world and I can't even do anything! That cock sucker Tayrn! If I ever see him I'm shoving my fist down his throat.

"Don't worry, I'm sure someday..."-Corwin

I must have had an unsightly expression when he mentioned magic without realizing it because it's like he knows what I was thinking. I know both Mom and Dad care for me, but I wish I really knew what they thought about me. Dragons have such pride so to have a son that can't even use magic must be unbearable. Will I even be able to gain my dragon form?

"Alright, enough standing around! Let's hunt us a boar."-Corwin

Seeing how it put me into deeper thought about my troubles, he quickly changed the subject with an awkward smile whilsts walking out of the clearing and back into the woods with me and Lucas in tow.


After only a short thirty minutes of following tracks and looking through dense bushes. Apparently Dad just wants to find a male due to the fact that they are solitairy unlick the females who often stay in a sounder. If we do find a male, he will most likely be asleep in a dense cover of leafs since they sleep all day and forage for food during the night.

"Dad, I think I see one!"-Lucas

Finally, Lucas is the one to spot our prey. Ten yards away is a boar about four feet tall laying under a pile of leafs. This one is clearly a full grown adult due to its size. If I remember correctly, that's about their max height.

"Alright, you go kill it while Lucas and I watch from the bushes."-Corwin


"Good strategy, Dad. I'll get right on that."

I retort in a sarcastic tone. I don't think he liked that one....

"Don't be a smart ass."-Corwin

"Aye aye, captain."

He definitely did not like that one because the next thing he did was pick me up by the back of my collar and throws me in the direction of the boar. As I was flying through the air, I took a mental note to not use sarcasm with him ever again. Once I land I'm only a good three feet away from the boar. I knew it would smell bad, but not to this extent! Oh God, it smell like rotten egg salad and three year old milk had a baby.

Luckily it's still asleep. I'll just finish him off in his sleep.


Just as I was about to pull my blade from its sheath, I hear what only could be a certain someone's whistle. I look back, giving Dad a "You'll regret doing that" glare. He only gives me a thumbs up with a stupid grin on his face while Lucas is giving him a confused look, wondering why he would do that.


Oh yeah...I should probably focus on what's behind me instead. Assuming that if I stayed in place any longer, I'd be torn to shred by the boar's tusks, I leap to my left. I was right to assume I would have been impaled if I didn't immediately move out of the way, because as soon as I leaped it had charged right by, narrowly missing its intended target and running head first into a tree. I quickly unsheath my blade to prepare for its next charge.

"Hmm doesn't seem like he's too good at stopping himself."

Whispering this to myself, I come up with a plane for the next charge.

After awkwardly stubling around for a few moment, the boar whips around. Obviously frustrated that he missed, he gives a few angry squeals before once again charging at me full speed. At only a foot away I step to the right, hold my sword to the left of me and brace for impact. You could tell the boar knew what would happen if he continued on this path. However, he realized it far too late to do anything about it. He couldn't stop himself from running straight into my blade, snout first.

The thing is, it didn't feel like I had cut anything even though I watched it happen. The boar even continued on its course before smacking into another tree and falling to its side. Walking over to see if it was dead, a long, clean slash from its snout all that way to its ass became visible. With its guts hanging out, the smell became much worse than before. So bad that it felt like a kick to the face, making me gag.

This sword really amazes me. It looks like it cut clean through the ribs as well! I think this while admiring the blood soaked Falchion blade.

"Nice work son. Did you want to make anything from it?"-Corwin

Busy revering my trusty sword I didn't notice Dad walk up behind me.

"I don't think this would make the best armor or weapon, Dad."

I say this, turning towards him. But there was one person missing. I couldn't see Lucas anywhere.

"Right. It's definitely not the best materials to make things from."-Corwin

"Uhm where is Lucas?"

"Getting us dinner obviously."-Corwin


Immediately after that statement, behind where my Dad is standing drops what looks like a giant Falcon with a familiar Falchion protruding from the top of the head and its throat slit! Standing on top of it....well you guessed it. It's Lucas giving me a friendly wave! I mean, for God's sake, it crushed the trees it landed on! I'd say this thing could carry an elephant in both feet.


"Bu-But how? It couldn't have even been five minutes!"

"Man~ we got lucky! I saw this Anka flying over-head and since Lucas doesn't know any air manipulation magic yet I threw him up there....You didn't think we were going to eat that thing, did you?"-Corwin


I could only keep silent at the moment. Seriously, the only way I could imagine Lucas beating that Anka would be a surprise attack. And just how strong is Dad to be able to throw Lucas, at what must have been a great height?

"Well you could eat it if you wanted but...I'm not cleaning it. First you have to chop off the ba-"-Corwin

"Stop! I don't wanna eat it either!"

"Dad, I want to make something from its talons!"-Lucas

"One sec, Lucas! If you're not making anything from it, clean this up."-Corwin

He says before walking over to praise Lucas on a job well done.

"Looks like I have a long ways to go till I'm as strong as Lucas... Anyways, I better clean this up."

So I get to work on digging a hole and burying the boar, not to mention covering up the blood soaked grass with dirt. This way there won't be any bigger beasts coming near the village. This whole thing sure is a pain in the ass, espessially since I had to use my hands to dig.

Once I was finished on my side, I run over to Lucas and Dad who were just waiting on me to finish on my side. Six colossal sized talons were sticking out of a large sack, which was over Lucas' shoulder.

"You were awesome Little Bro!"-Lucas

Such a good kid.

"Good work, Cyril. Let's go home."-Corwin

After giving me his praise, Dad grabbed one foot of the Anka and pulled. The entire way home he dragged this monstrous beast! I can only imagin how much this thing must weigh...Maybe a couple tons.


Back at home I watched as Lucas skinned and cleaned the Anka. Of course, Dad was there to tell him where to cut and what parts to throw away. Surprisingly, they kept the heart. Mom says it is the best part. Afterwards, Dad went to give all the talons except one to the elder while Mom cooked the dinner. He says they are good for trading. I wonder if this means there are other dragon villages nearby?

Again everyone ate dinner like a pack of wild dogs. Everyone except for me, of course.

"Do you want me to read you a bed time story, Cyril?"-Cassandra

My mom asked me after I finished cleaning everyones dishes. I guess she must still be worried about me...


"Which book do you want?"-Cassandra

She asked with a heart warming smile.

"It's in my room! Come on!"

Still acting like a kid my age I run into my room. With my mother standing in the doorway, waiting while I recieve the small blue book with no title from under my bed. Giving her the book, I then lay under my blanket while she takes a seat at the end of the bed.

"This book..."-Cassandra

"You know it?"

"Yes. Elder must have given this to you, correct?"-Cassandra

"Yep! I already read some of it though."

"Ooh such a smart boy I have! Where did you read to?"-Cassandra

I point out where I left off which would be right when the hero figures out what happened to his village.

"I'll continue from there then"-Cassandra


Grabbing the Man's collar tightly, he smacks him a few more time to knock some sense into him. "Where is my family!" Shouted the son.

"Boy! You are finally back! But your family th-they were taken, along with the whole village!"

Taken? Everybody was taken? "You said a dragon did this! Where did it go!!?" Questioned the son. Seeing the burning fury in his eyes the Man could tell he would stop at nothing to kill the one who destroyed his home.

Still a bit hesitant about answering, not wanting the son to die going after the dragon he tells him "This dragon is too powerful, boy! You would surely die"

But his attempt to keep the son from goin was futile. "Shut up and tell me where they went! I'm more powerful than I used to be, you old fool!"

Reluctantly giving in the man told the son which direction the dragon went. The dragon lived at the very top of a mountain just East of where the village was. However, before the son left, the Man warned him of the dragon's great power and appearance. Its scales were a dark as the void its self, eyes cold like ice, and the size of a hill. The son was still not afraid of the dragon, no matter how monstrous it may be. The only thing that scared him was his fear of being too late.

And so the son took off on his steed, riding as fast as he could. Once he reached the mountain, he climber for several day with no rest, before finally reaching the top. At the top was a cave. From outside the cave, the son could hear what could only be the dragon snoring! Before entering he prayed the dragon was not sleeping after from a nice meal.

Stepping inside, he could see a giant dragon sleeping. The Man's decription was spot on! Not on'y was it huge, but its scales were truly as dark as the abyss its self. Next to the great dragon was what looked to be a cage. The cage was full of the villagers from his home. The son thanked the Gods that he was just in time.

Before even taking a single step, all of the villagers noticed him. All were bouncing up and down in joy thaqt their savior had come! Of course he did not want to wake the sleeping monster, so he signaled for them to quiet down.

Quietly and carefully, he tip-toed to the dragon's throat. Unsheathing the giant great sword on his back slowly, attempting to not wake the dragon. Once fully unsheathed, the son raised the greatsword above his head and with one single blow, the dragon was dead.

He son saved his family and was known through the kingdom as a hero!


"The end."-Cassandra

Well that was anticlimactic...

"Thanks Mom."

You're welcome, Sweetie. Now get some sleep."-Cassandra

I give her a nod before she leaves the room and I quickly fall asleep. Finally I'll get a good night's rest

"Guess who!"-Tayrn

Or so I thought...

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