《The Dragon King》Chapter 7


Cyril pov

After meeting up with Lucas and Tide I kept up my persona of an innocent kid and played with them for a few hours. Fortunately they got tired and fell asleep, leaving me with just Auntie. Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to help her out with sweeping around the house. Honestly, I am also tired from all that has happened so far today as well, but I just cannot fall asleep at a time like this. Neither my mom or dad has returned from the Elder's house yet. Naturally it worries me what they are talking about if it is taking this long.

I do not think Lucas even knows what is happening right now! Urgh as the saying goes "Ignorance is bliss". Besides being jealous of Lucas' childlike innocence I definitely have other things to worry about. There is the fact of how Tayrn actually betrayed me for one! I seriously believed a god of madness would actually help me to live a nice life.

Remembering how stupid I was at that time I furrow my brows and I grit my teeth. At the same time as contorting my face in anger, I tightly grip the broom in my tiny hands. Obviously I need to start questioning people more! I mean how do I not have trust issues by now?

"Sigh I guess that is why he was so interested in me. I didn't believe him at first, but now I can see what he was saying..."

I whisper this to myself as I continue to sweep around the kitchen.

"Cyril, are you okay?"-Joanna

Then I hear Auntie's voice from behind me. She must have finished dusting the living room. I get rid of my frustrated expression and continue with my shtick.

"I'm almost done with sweeping."

I say with a bright smile.

"It's okay. You can stop now. Why don't you go and take a nap?"-Joanna

"Um I am not really tired, so I think I'll just continue sweeping. Thank you for worrying Auntie."

I kindly reject her offer. As I said before, I don't want to sleep until I see my parents again. However, it didn't really matter if I rejected her because she took the broom from my hands as she walked towards the dinner table and sat down.

"Cyril...how about we have a small talk. Come sit down."-Joanna

I can feel butterflies in my stomach now! I don't know how good a dragon's hearing is, so I am worried she might have heard what I said.

Nevertheless I take a seat from across the table. As soon as I do she asks me a question.

"Why do you act so mature all the time?"-Joanna


Her question definitely is not what I was expecting. Though I am relived she didn't hear what I whispered to myself before, I don't really understand what she is asking. She looks serious about the question.

"I don't get it Auntie."

"Cyril I can tell how mature you really are. Whenever you play with Tide and Lucas, I can see the worry in your eyes whenever they try and do something stupid."-Joanna


"Um I don't rea-"

"Not only that, but you have such nice ettiquete and you're so polite. I know for a fact you didn't learn that from Cassandra or Corwin..."-Joanna

She quickly cuts me off to say something like this. While she's right about mom and dad not being able to teach me proper etiquette, they are still nice people... To stop her from questioning me before this gets out of hand, I look at her with a confused expression so it looks like I don't know what she's talking about.

"Is it so bad to worry about my friends and want people to like me?"

"No, not at all! It's just...you should just try relaxing for once. I know what's happened today so if you keep this up it won't be good for your health."-Joanna

She then reaches across the table for my right hand. Holding onto my hand, she gives me a sympathetic look coupled with a grin.

"You worry too much and are very mature for your age. Try acting Your age for once."-Joanna

To this I simply give her a nod. I didn't think she would be this observative. Frankly I took her for a muscle head.

"Now how about you try taking a nap? I'll wake you up when they come to pick you and Lucas up."-Joanna

Looks like I need to step up my acting... I was never good at acting to begin with. Anyways, not saying anymore I nod once again and head into the living room.

Their living room has a coffee table in the middle of the room and one long brown couch, facing the horizontal side of the coffee table. On this aged couch are two small children sleeping next to eachother.

Both are sitting up. Lucas is at the end of the couch with Tide leaning on his shoulder. Thankfully these kids don't take up much room so there's lots of room for me to lay down. Thinking this, I hop onto the end of the couch and take my spot. Laying on my back with my head on the arm rest, I close my small eyes a and begin to attempt to sleep.

While I'm trying to sleep, I think about how bothersome it is to be a toddler. My body is so weak compared to everyone else. I mean, I am a dragon so I have the strength of a teenager, but everyone else is so much stronger! Not only that, dragon children need plenty of sleep so I sleep often just like my brother. I only know this much about my race which is very frustrating.

Maybe after today I will go to the Elder's library. There's so many books in there that I can definitely compare it to the New York Public Library.

Well... That is if the Elder's opinion of me doesn't change I'll be able to go there tomorrow.

Feeling my eye lids becoming heavier, I stop thinking about this as I shut my eyes to sleep.



"...wake...Wake up..."-???

I am currently being nudges while someone is telling me to wake up. However, since I am still half asleep I can't tell who it is. The voice is high pitched and childlike.

Once I realize this, it's not hard to realize who is trying to wake me up. Tide is standing over me.


"Your daddy is outside. You need to wake up!"-Tide

"What about my mom?"

I ask this since I can't help but wonder where my mother is after all that has happened today.

"I don't know."-Tide

A short and simple reply... Not that surprising coming from a kid like her.

After I think this, I get off of the couch and head for the door. Once I open the door I can see my dad is talking with Auntie and Atlas, but once they notice the door behind them open they turn their attention towards me. Without a thought, this is what my dad says to me and Lucas.

"Come on you two. Dinner should nearly be ready by now. Don't forget to say goodbye and thank you first though."-Corwin

So that's where mom is huh? Making dinner before we get home... I hope there won't be any awkwardness at the dinner table tonight.

"Okay! Goodbye Auntie; goodbye Uncle; goodbye Tide! Thank you for letting us play here for so long."-Lucas

"Goodbye everyone. Thank you for letting us stay for so long."

We both say this with innocent smiles on our faces.

"Bye Lucas! Bye Cyril! Come over and play with me tomorrow, okay?"-Tide

"Don't worry. We'll be sure to come back tomorrow. Then we can play aaaallll day!"-Lucas

Oh merciful lord in the sky above! I hope that doesn't actually happen. It is always so hard keeping up with them for just a couple hours. I don't know if I can handle a whole day of that! Well it seemed to please Tide, so I'll just let it be for now.

"Come back any time you guys want."-Joanna

"Good luck with your training, Lucas. Good luck to you also, Cyril."-Atlas

To the two's farewells, both me and Lucas give a nod. Also Atlas doesn't seem as uncomfortable as he was near me earlier today.

"Good, now let's go. We don't want to keep your mother waiting."-Corwin

After that statement, we were called over by dad. However, once we are about 25 ft away from each other, I hear Auntie shouting my name. So I turn around to see what she wants, as do Lucas and dad.

"Remember what I told you!"-Joanna

Remembering what Auntie had told me at that dinning table makes me smile. I wave my hand in the air for a brief moment before turning back around and continuing to walk back home.

"What did Auntie mean? What did she tell you?"-Lucas

Now Lucas is asking me with a curious expression. Since he was sleeping soundly at the time, he didn't hear what auntie had told me before.

"She told me to drink lots of milk and grow strong!"


It seems Like it wasn't really as exciting as he hoped it would be. Who cares though as long he doesn't know that the me he knows is just an act.

Dad slightly glanced at me when I told Lucas this. I think he already knows what Auntie said to me because he didn't ask me first. He can be pretty nosy... Anyways, dad was quiet the rest of the walk home. No doubt he has a lot on his mind after today and I'm sure that this is just the beginning. I have a feeling that there will only be more trouble in the future for the both of us.


Once we got home, my mom and dad pretended like nothing happened today. I know it was on their minds, but we didn't talk about it the entire time. We just came home, ate hour stew, and now I'm in my bed. There was a little bit of tension whilst everyone was eating dinner though. Of course, Lucas was completely ignorant to it though.

It would have been more awkward if we were eating in silence. Thankfully there was some kind of noise...Listening to a bunch of people slurp and smack their food isn't the most delightful thing, but something is better than nothing.

I swear, it sounds like a fat man is making love passionately to mac&cheese and then it somehow turns into a three-way as pasta joins in! I'm surprised I haven't gone insane by now just by listening to this everyday for two years. I guess that's another example of why Tayrn likes me so much.

(AN: Not gonna lie, I don't know where that whole three-way with a fat guy, mac&cheese, and pasta came from... HAve fun getting that image out of your brain!)

Anyways, I have a bad feeling about tomorrow. I have a feeling it's gonna be another roller coaster just like today. Thinking back at all of the stress I felt today, I recall what Auntie had said to me earlier today. Maybe it would actually be a good idea to just let loose for awhile and stop worrying so much.

And with that, I fall asleep after such a stressful day while I keep what Auntie told me in my heart.


Okay okay, I know that I'm taking a little too long with these chapters, but I'm pretty busy right now. Don't worry though, because soon enough I'll have enough time to write all I want!

Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments. I'm open to any sort of criticism, because it let's me know that you at least read to this point. While you're at it, try rating this amateur's work, if you would be so kind.

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