《The Dragon King》Chapter 5: Tayrn's blessing


Tayrn pov

Sitting here in my little shit-shack in the realm of the gods I continue to stare through the ripple in space with enthusiastic eyes and a big smile on my handsome face. With a pair of jet black eyes, curly red hair (kinda like carrot top but a little less crazy) and jade white skin. Yep I definitely am the most handsome, and prettiest of them all!

“...Oh what’s this? The reader wants to know what exactly could make such a horrendous, evil, and pain-loving being such as myself happy? Nosy little thing aren’t you… Well I suppose it can not be helped if the bug wants to know.

I have just witnessed my new toy KILL a living thing! Of course he said that he wasn’t going to kill anything last time we met, but now look at him! Awe he reminds me of when I was also just getting into that cute phase of psychopathic killing and torturing…”-Tayrn

Being reminded of the good ol’ days a small tear drop falls from my left eye, but I wipe away the small tear as soon as it fell.

“Yahayahaha! I’m so glad that my blessing has a hidden effect! Of course it increases his dark attribute in magic and gives him the feared [berserk] ability, but the negative power of my blessing makes people more sensitive to negative emotions. For example, Cyril will become more irritable and be more likely to kill someone, resulting in me gaining entertainment! Hehe it’s not like [berserk] is really that great of a thing to have though. Hmmm let’s see what the father’s reaction to this will be.”-Tayrn

Now I switch my view to my toy’s new father, Corwin, who is currently flying to tell his wife the troubling news of how their son is a psychopath. They will without a doubt try to keep this a secret from that old man.

Just as expected, Corwin arrives very quickly and far ahead of my toy, landing in front of the village entrance. Although I don’t think this will go as he expected! A man with messy blue hair just like the sea and brazen eyes who also seems to be a few inches shorter than Corwin. This mortal stops him at the gate.

“This should be good! let’s see what they’re saying.”-Tayrn

I then zoom closer to listen to these mortals convers.

“Corwin, I need you to come with me.”-Blue haired man

“Uh can this wait? I’m kind or in a hurry right now…”-Corwin

“No, this is an urgent matter. I insist that you come with me.”-Blue haired man

Said the mortal in an oppressive tone.

“Atlas… My matter is much more urgent than anything you are dealing with at the moment. Get out of my way before I make you!”-Corwin

Corwin quickly countered the mortal named Atlas which made him furrow his brow.

“Do not worry Corwin. We already know of your ‘urgent matter’ and the elder is waiting for you along with Cassandra and Lucas.”-Atlas

“Atlas you son of a bitch! What have you done to my wife and son!”-Corwin

Said Corwin as he gripped Atlas’ collar and lifted him off the ground, but Atlas continues to keep his cool. However, the two guards guarding the front gate immediately brandish their spears at him. Now a grin has crept onto my face! I am so interested to see where this goes now!

“Calm down. Me and you are old friends, are we not? Your wife and son are completely safe, drinking tea with the elder.”-Atlas


He says in a nonchalant tone.

“Do you really mean that? Are they safe?”-Corwin

“Of course they are. I would never lie to you and I promise that no harm shall come to them. We can do anything together, remember?”-Atlas

Corwin then gently sets the mortal Atlas down which results in the two guards to withdraw their spears, but are still on alert in case Corwin decides to do anything fishy.

“Now, let’s go to the elder’s house. They should be in the library right now.”-Atlas

“Alright… Let’s go.”-Corwin



Cyril pov

Just before I reach the village, I squat down in a bush. Staring at the 10ft tall stone wall that surrounds the village while racking my brains on how I'll get back in. Last time I had to knock out the guards because I didn't know they would try to stop me. Now I can't go back through the front gate since I’m bound to get in trouble if I just try to walk in like I own the place.

Since I can’t go through the north gate let’s circle around to the east side of the village.

Putting my plan into action, I begin moving through the shadows and eventually end up at the east wall. Before my eyes are 4 guards in leather armour standing at the top of the wall, all of which are taking their job very seriously. None are slacking off, but instead are watching the surroundings like a hawk as if trying to see through the darkness of the shadows in the forest.

“This definitely is not going to work out the way I want it to. If only I could use magic!”-Cyril

Whispering this to myself due to being agitated about the situation, I continue to brainstorm a way to get inside without being noticed.

I highly doubt that there wouldn’t be more guards like this at the other walls, so this should be really troublesome. Maybe if I can find someone who’s slacking off at one of the walls I can manage something….Ugh should I just knock the guards at the front gate out again? They were actually easy to trick.


“What the fu-!”-Cyril

All of a sudden, something in the shape of a tear formed under my feet, causing me to fall into it and land on my butt.

“What the hell was that? Was it magic?”-Cyril

“That’s right. Space magic to be exact.”-???

A familiar voice reaches my ears. It’s an old and gentle voice that also carries a hint power in it. This is the elder’s voice.

Why would the elder suddenly teleport me? Unless someone followed me and...and saw what happened!

Thinking that I had been seen doing something horrible like that, I keep my head down, staring at the floorboards, not daring to look up in shame.


A voice full of sincerity and worry reverberates in my ears. Since I know the owner of this voice, who sounds very worried, I lift my head. I am back at the elder’s library, surrounded by Mom, Dad, Lucas, Elder, and a few other people in leather armour standing behind the Elder.

My mom then crouches down to check if I am alright, searching for any bruises or scratches. Her eyes are full of worry and concern the entire time, making my heart shake. After checking to see if I am alright she hugs me tightly.

“M-Mom… What’s happening?”-Cyril

To my question, she quickly releases me from her grasp.


“Ah well...the elder hasn’t really explained that to me, but he says you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble.”-Cassandra


“Geez first you steal my banshic and now this? You better be prepared for a good spanking later!”-Cassandra

Oh god, please do not let mom know about this! I don’t want to disappoint her. If I had to be completely honest, I have been pretending to be an innocent child. If I was my normal self, mom and dad would start thinking something is wrong with me! Since I definitely have a bad habit of cursing they would definitely wonder where I learned it from.

“Dad what’s going on?”-Cyril

I asked my dad hoping he could shed some light on the situation. Contrary to my expectation he just avoided eye contact and said “I...do not exactly know either.”

Right after my father answers my question Lucas pushes his way past dad and crouches down so that we are at an equal level.

“Are you ok? Does your butt hurt from falling?”-Lucas

He says as he holds out his hand for me to grab.

“Big bro...I’m okay!”-Cyril

I say this as I extend my hand and latch onto his. Lucas then helps me up. I then pat off all the dust on my pants.

““By the way, where is your shirt Cyril?””-Lucas/Cassandra

My mom and Lucas say this in unison. This makes me break into a cold sweat. I completely forgot to come up with an excuse!

“Uuhhhh weeelll I wasssss…. Taking a bath in the nearby river and a wild deer stole my shirt!”-Cyril

No that was such an obvious lie! Now I’m sweating even more than I was before!

“Well we can talk about his punishment later. Right now I need to discuss a very serious matter with you three. Everyone please leave except for Corwin, Cassandra, Cyril and Atlas.”-Elder

Atlas…? If I remember correctly that’s Tide’s dad. Why would he be here?


Said the two men behind the elder. They seem to be twins. Both have black hair, blue eyes, and a muscular build. Anyways, they both leave immediately after responding to the elder’s order, dragging Lucas along with them.

“Please come and sit everyone.”-elder

I look at the surroundings and notice that the library is not like it was before. All of the tables for sitting down and reading are gone! The only table left is a small coffee table with a couch on opposite ends, big enough to fit three people each. The coffee table is a very plain and the two couches are a velvet red with a gold ancient chinese dragon pattern. There is also five small cups of tea at the coffee table.

I sit between mom and dad while Elder and Atlas are sitting on the opposite side. I can feel quite a bit of tension coming from my dad whilst he sips on his tea.

It remains quiet for at least five minutes but it feels more like an eternity! I can’t take the awkward silence! The only sound being made is the elder slurping his tea! I can tell mom is also kind of on edge because she can’t stop looking all over the place.

*slurp “Un this tea is delicious! What’s wrong Corwin? Why are you staring at me?”-elder

“Just get to the point already geezer!”-Corwin

Shouted my dad since he couldn’t take the silence anymore.

“Alright you noisy brat! Who’s a geezer? I’m only………..shit…”-elder

It would be best to just act like I didn’t hear that.

“AH! Are you the one who taught Cyril that kind of language?!”-Corwin

Shouted my dad towards the elder. Wait wait wait I’ve never cursed in front of them before so how should………….Oh shit. It can’t be that he actually…

Thinking this, beads of sweat begin to roll down my face.

“WHAT! Elder is that true? Have you been teaching my little boy such things?!”-Cassandra

Mom seems to be pretty pissed! Now I’m sweating like a pig due to the amount of bloodlust coming off of her! My father and the elder are also both sweating profusely.

“No no no! I have never taught him such things!”-elder

“Then back in the woods, why did he use such vulgar language!”-Corwin

“I don’t know!”-elder

“Let’s all calm down. We still have many things to discuss, do we not?”-Atlas

Just as I had suspected, my dad must had followed me into the woods which means he saw me….oh god! Please don’t hate me because of this!

“Ahem Atlas is right. Please calm down Cassandra. Grandpa would never commit such horrendous acts such as teach a young boy all sorts of slurs and curses.”-elder


Mom still seems to be a little pissed off, but manages to keep her composure and sits down. I haven’t ever seen her angry before so this is my first time and I must say, I am not looking forward to the punishment later.

“Now Cassandra, as you already know we always have our highly skilled warriors keep an eye on the outskirts of the village. You also already know Atlas is one of those warriors, but is especially trained in stealth. Corwin, you also know about that since you two grew up together correct?”-elder

“...Yes, I do know. So what you’re implying is that Atlas…”-Corwin

“That is exactly what I’m implying.”-Elder

Now the two of them are in a staring contest while the rest of us remain silent. The elder has eyes as sharp as an eagles and feels like he could look right through you. My dad on the other hand looks as nervous as I am. Suddenly an irritated voice chimes in to put that staring contest to an end.

“What does that have to do with son?”-Cassandra

Questioned my mom out of irritation that he just won’t get to the point.

Elder then turned to her and said this.

“He tried to break the seal I put on him.”-Elder

“What’s the big deal with that? I don’t see how that could be a bad thing.”-Cassandra

“If it was only restricting his mana, then of course it would not be that big of a deal. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to break that seal.”-Elder

“What do you mean by that? What else did you seal away?”-Corwin

“Sigh I did not tell you because I didn’t want to worry you, but I had to seal away all of that negative energy coming off of little Cyril here.”-Elder

“What do you mean negative energy?”-Cassandra

“You do remember how that evil god blessed him right? Did you not think that would have an effect on his personality?”-Elder

“Wait what do you mean? I’m not following any of this Elder!”-Cyril

I don’t like being confused, so I quickly shouted my opinion. Why would Tayrn’s blessing have an effect on my personality? I have never noticed anything before.

“Little Cyril, you are a very smart boy, but allow me to show your recent events and I shall continue explaining from there.”-Elder

All of a sudden, Atlas pulled out a green emerald from his pocket and set it on the coffee table. Then a small hologram appeared above the table. It was me sitting in the forest clearing trying to use magic. This shocked me greatly, causing me to widen my eyes. This must be some sort of magic device because this world is nowhere near advanced as my old world and we could never create something like this!

“This is Cyril attempting to break the seal I used to keep his mana in place. He continues this for about another hour or so. Please skip ahead Atlas.”-Elder


Once given the command, Atlas waves his hand and the hologram also skips ahead stopping at the point where I finally give up trying to use magic. You can hear me cursing just as I did before out of irritation. I look towards my mom for this part and man does she look pissed! However, she continues to focus on the magic device.

Now we are at the point where that blue chicken shows up and the video stops.

“What you are about to see is the effect of the negative energy from Tayrn’s blessing. Please do not be alarmed Cassandra.”-Elder

To this my mom gives a solid nod and the video continues playing. Playing all the way from me examining it, to me ripping it apart with my bare hands. I do not dare to look up at my mom in fear of what her reaction will be.

Then the sound of the recording stopped. There was nothing but silence the the library. The anxiety of what my loving family would think of such a horrible act made my thoughts turn into a tornado, not knowing what to say or do. It was like a carnival was taking place in my head!

“...Would you like me to explain exactly why this is the first time you have ever seen him act like this?”-Elder

The Elder broke the silence with a question towards my dad and mom.


“The blessing of an evil god and a good god are completely different from each other. A good god’s blessing will give the person a radiant feeling of warmth due to the positive energy it gives off. This can also benefit the person whom has been blessed by making he or she feel much more happy and excited. Whereas the blessing of an evil god has the opposite effect. Now as I said before I did seal away the dark energy so that something like this would not happen, but it is a very difficult thing to keep under control. So when little Cyril here tried to break the seal, I could not help but let a little of it slip out….Do you understand what I’m saying?”-Elder


Hello people of the world! I finally gotten around to finishing this chapter! Sorry for taking so long but I was just busy. Also I made a book cover myself if you saw on the fiction page! This may just be my over confidence speaking, but I think it look great. It kinda reminds me of the cat from Alice in Wonderland though haha.

Anyways let me know what you thought about this chapter and also the new art by commenting! Thanks for reading this far!

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