《The Dragon King》Chapter 3: Big brother Lucas


I left the Elder’s house and returned to my home. When I arrived at my house, Dad and Lucas had already gotten back. This time, they caught a Horned Rabbit. A Horned Rabbit is a beast that looks like a rabbit from my original world, except it is purple with black spots and obviously a horn on its head.

As they began gutting the horned rabbit, I went back inside. inside, my Mom was preparing to cook the creature Dad and Lucas caught.

“How was your nap?”-Cyril

“I had a great nap. Thank you for doing all of the chores Sweetie.”-Cassandra

“It’s no problem, Mom. What are we having for dinner?”-Cyril

“Hmm I think I’ll make stew again. How about you go take a nap and I will call you when dinner is ready.”-Cassandra


So I head to my room. It’s a small room with a single bed, a dresser, and a side table. I climb up onto the bed and sit cross legged. I don’t really feel that tired, so I think I will read the book Elder gave me. I open the small book and begin reading.


“In a land far far away, there was a small village on the outskirts of a certain Kingdom. The King was a coward and never stood up to those who were stronger. Always taking his life as the first priority rather than the citizens. He also liked to pick fights with those weaker than him, so his country was contently in war. /he was nothing but a fool.

Now, in this village lived a man and his family. He lived with his wife, one daughter, and one son. His wife was a beautiful women, so naturally her daughter was gorgeous. The man used to be in the military and fought on the front lines. Over the years of being in the military, he became very talented with a sword. Naturally, he taught his son how to fight with a sword as well.

The son turned out to be a true genius with the sword, but there was one thing he was lacking. That was experience! As long as he was missing this one thing, he would never be as good as his father. So the father sent his son away to be apart of the military.The wife was against this. She did not want her only son to die at a young age for such a horrible king. But the man sent his son away regardless.

The son had been away for years and is now a man. He had killed many people and gained the experience he needed whilst fighting many battles. There is no doubt that he could beat his father now. After being away from his family for so long, the son decided to visit them. Within a short time, the son had finally made his way back to his home, only to find it in shambles. The entire village was destroyed! Houses had been completely flattened, the livestock dead, and the crops all burnt to the ground! Other than the fact that his home is destroyed, something was strange. It looks like this had happened just yesterday, but there were no bodies. It looked as if a monster had attacked, so where were all of the dead bodies? Seeing this, the son had hope that his friends and family had survived and just relocated. This made him feel a little relieved.

He began searching the ruins of the village. Perhaps if there were someone left he could find out what had happened. After a while of searching, he found a man who had been buried under the rubble of a destroyed house. The son recognised this man! He was a good friend of his father and was also his neighbor. The only problem is that the man looked half dead. He looked conscious, but was still out of it.


So the son gave the man a few slaps to the face. The man jumped alive and started yelling a bunch of nonsense. Things like;”Where is that dragon! I’ll kill him! Where are you, you coward!”. This shocked the son. Did he say a dragon?! Why would a dragon attack such a small village?


“Cyril! Dinner is ready!”-Cassandra

All of a sudden, my mom calls me. Argh it was just getting good too! I get out of the bed and head into the kitchen. The four bowls I set out earlier now have stew in them. My Mom and Dad are sitting next to each other and there is an empty seat next to Lucas. I can tell that everybody is waiting for me to sit down so they can eat. These people don’t look like dragons, but they sure as hell do eat like one.

I hurry over to the table and take a seat next to Lucas. Right when I take a seat, everyone begins digging into their food. Eating with them is definitely not easy. They smack, slurp, and get food on their face and the table.

Anyways, I also start eating my stew. My Mom’s cooking is definitely the best I’ve ever had! After only a few minutes, everybody has finished their meal except me. Mom, Dad, and Lucas begin to chat with each other.

Since I was still eating, I’m not paying attention. Instead, I begin thinking of my current life. I went from such a horrible place to a wonderful world like this. Now I have friends, a family, and a place to call home. I owe it all to Tayrn. He says he’s a god of Madness, but he doesn’t seem that bad.

“Cyril! Are you listening?”-Corwin


My Dad calls my name while I’m thinking about this.

“Oh sorry. I’m just a little tired.”-Cyril

“Geez. Cassandra, did you make him do all of the chores again?”-Corwin


“Mom is lazy!”-Lucas

“Wha-! I am not lazy!”-Cassandra

Really? Not lazy at all?

“You can’t overwork him like that. Dragons may be strong, but he is still a child.”-Corwin

“I-I’m sorry.”-Cassandra

She is now hanging her head in guilt. She then looks at me and reaches across the table for my hands. She grips them tightly and stares at me with her bright eyes. I can see tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

“Will you forgive me, Sweetie?”-Cassandra

It was never that big of a deal to begin with, so I guess I’ll forgive her. Besides if I don’t forgive her, I have a feeling she is going to start crying. I put on the kindest smile I can.

“Of course. I don’t mind helping you with chores, just don’t make me do them all by myself. Okay?”-Cyril

She just stares at me with a blank expression. After a while she wipes away the small tears from her eyes and looks at me with a sincere smile.

“My little boy is so sweet. Why don’t you go to your room and sleep? I’ll clean up the dishes.”-Cassandra

“...O-Okay. Then, goodnight.”-Cyril

I get out of my seat and begin walking towards my room. Before I turn the corner, I look back to my family. All of them are looking at me with happy expressions. I wonder why...All I did was forgive my mom. Guess there’s no use in thinking about it.

I turn the corner and head inside of my room. I lay on top of my bed staring at the ceiling. I think about continuing where I left off in my book, but I’m too tired. I crawl under my blanket, which warms me up from the cold of the night. It makes me feel very sleepy and I quickly fall asleep.



I open my eyes from my sleep. What I see astonishes me. I am once again in this dark and empty space. Don’t tell me I died again!

“Well, look what we have here.”-Taryn

I hear a squeaky voice coming from all directions. It’s Tayrn.

“Why am I back here? Did I die again?”-Cyril


Taryn begins laughing hysterically like he just heard a joke.

“No. No you didn’t die again. I wouldn’t be able to snatch your soul away if you died in this world.”-Tayrn

“This world’s gods are more serious than my old world?”-Cyril




There’s a short pause of silence. When he said that, it sounded like there was some regret in his voice.

“So um...Why am I here?”-Cyril

“Right! I just wanted to chat.”-Tayrn

“Just wanted to chat?”-Cyril

“Yep. You see, I have a problem.”-Tayrn


Why would a god tell his problems to me? It must be something important…

“Yes. The problem is...you.”-Tayrn


Why would I be a problem? I haven’t done anything!

“W-What did I do?”-Cyril


“I don’t understand. Why am I a problem if I haven’t done anything?”-Cyril

“What are you talking about?! That is the problem! You haven’t done anything this whole time! It’s so boring to watch you!”-Tayrn


“Yes! I had an interest in you because you reminded me of a certain someone, but clearly I was mistaken.”-Tayrn

“Why don’t you just watch that person?”-Cyril

“I can’t! He’s dead. Watching you run around like a happy puppy all because you found people who care for you is awful! I don’t need a sap story alright? *sigh* Look, just do something entertaining!”-Tayrn

What the hell? How would I know what a god of madness finds entertaining?

“What exactly is entertaining to an insane god?”-Cyril

“Well lots of things actually. We like to see people in pain, suffering, blood and guts. That sort of thing, you know?”-Tayrn

“I’m not becoming a murderer just so you can have fun.”-Cyril

“Yahaha! I never told you to do that. You can kill lots of other things right? Haven’t you been itching for a fight anyways?”-Tayrn


“Don’t you miss the adrenaline? The sting from punching someone right in their big mouth? The challenge and blowing past your limits! Violence is a such wonderful thing YAHAHAHAYAHA!”-Tayrn

“I’m not-”-Cyril

“You’re not what? You don’t do that sort of thing anymore? I can tell that’s a lie. You love all of the things i just mentioned. Everytime I saw you fight, you had the most brilliant smile! I love those kinds of people!”-Tayrn

“....Alright. I’ll do it. But I can’t fight the beasts in the forest. I can’t even use magic yet.”-Cyril

“Huh? Ugh of course. Useless mortals. Fine, I’ll teach you a little trick. We don’t have much time left though, so I’m gonna have to do this the easy way.”-Tayrn

“What do you mean?”-Cyril

“Yehehe don’t worry about it. Just close your eyes.”-Tayrn

I hesitantly follow his instructions and close my eyes. I start feeling a tingling sensation all over my body. It slowly grows stronger and stronger until it instantly fades away. Thinking that it’s over, I slowly start opening my eyes.

“Don’t open them yet you fool!”-Tayrn

I hear Tayrn shout at me to keep my eyes shut, so I quickly close them again. A few seconds after, I start feeling dizzy. All of a sudden, I start feeling an unimaginable headache! I shout in pain as my head continues to ache.


It feels as if something is inside of my head crawling around and gnawing on my brain! Then, a flood of information starts flowing into my brain. Things about the basics of magic and martial arts! This...All of this is incredible! Unfortunately, my head is still in pain.


After what felt like an eternity, the pain stops and I open my eyes. My eyes widen in shock as I find myself back in my bedroom. The bed is a mess and I’m sweating like a pig.


All of a sudden, my door swings open making a loud sound as it slams against the wall. My parents and Lucas are standing in the doorway. All of them have a very worried expression on their face. My mom rushes towards me and grabs my shoulders tightly. She begins checking my arms, legs, face, and chest. Why is this happening?


“Are you alright Sweetie? Does it hurt anywhere?”-Cassandra

“W-What happened?”-Cyril

“You were screaming. We thought something happened so we came running. Did you have a nightmare?”-Corwin

My Dad walks in and starts explaining what happened. Damn it, Tayrn! You caused this situation.

“...Yes, I’m sorry. It was just a nightmare.”-Cyril

“You had a nightmare?”-Lucas

Lucas then walks up to me. He’s wearing his light blue pajamas. He still looks very worried. I give a nod to his question.

“Want to sleep in the same bed? I can protect you!”-Lucas

Hehe he’s trying to be a good big brother. This kid must really care about me. Thinking about this, a big smile appears on my face.

“Okay. Let’s go to big brother’s bed.”-Cyril

I was originally reluctant to call a child my big brother, but this kid deserves it. Besides I’ve always wanted an older brother.

“Okay! Come on!”-Lucas

He holds out his hand for me to grab. Without hesitation, I grab it. Lucas helped me off of the bed and walked we walked into his bedroom. Mom and Dad came with us to tuck us in and say goodnight. In a very short amount of time, Lucas has fallen asleep. I also fall asleep in a few seconds.


Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I had writing it. Please remember to rate and comment! I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter or any suggestions!

Anyways, I will be busy for the rest of this week, so please do noot expect any chapters. Have a wonderful day! Oh hell, have a wonderful life everybody!!!

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