《Ars Alogia》Entry 63


12th Light beneath the twelfth Moon

3761 Cycles beyond the Dark

722 Years after the Repentance

Entry: 1/063

Dear self,

Rahph had really taken to floating around within the dreamscape instead of sticking to the ground. You could be wandering anywhere among the trees and suddenly an oversized lizard with a ridiculously stupid look on his face would come drifting by on the imaginary wind. The way he turns his head like a bird to look at things only makes it look even stranger than it already does.

He’s been moving around like this for the last couple of nights already, but before he would still go lazing in his fire pool hour after hour. He must have finally realised that floating takes just as little effort as sleeping does. The only effort he bothers making now is when a Lightspawn drifts to close he would snap his jaws at them and waddle through the air to try to catch the escapees, which was all of them.

I’ve gotten a little too used to the dream lasting longer, so the last few nights have ended a little too abruptly for me. Less time sleeping in this case meant not only less time in dream, but a smaller proportion of time from my time away from the waking world. It takes some energy to sustain a proper vivid dream or vision, which means that the dreamscape relies on more than just me to exist continuously but adding to my stay there would take resources or become a drain on my health. When you get accustomed to having agency within the dream realm it becomes a pain to lose it. The difference between being limited to the waking world or having access to a mindscape is qualitative, and it has a potentially large effect on creative thought and introspection.


Today was spent working on the evasion cloak. It’s mostly complete at this point. It can project the image of it’s wearer as a glamour. It can suppress the presence of either or both depending on a few factors. You can act through the projection much like it was yourself and altering the presence suppression made it seem like you were switching places between one and the other. It’s ability to alter its appearance may also be used with both instances.

The hardest part was completing the material phasing, which allowed for a lot of freedom of use when joined with the other functions. Phasing allowed the wearer not only to reduce their weight and tangible presence but allowed them to grant that tangibility to the projected image as a result through a simple permanent invocation. It was similar to turning the user partially ethereal in a way. Ease of movement was greatly improved with the phasing magic included, since movement becomes incredible simple when you are phased out of Materiality to a limited extent.

The only downsides were its effect on aura. It was mostly an intimidation aura but could alert people if the wearer was observing them from nearby, even if they would not have sensed the wearer normally when not in possession of the cloak. The appearance alteration was also dysfunctional in the case of my personal usage, it kept turning into a colourless figure that didn’t blend into more natural backgrounds. I would be the only person fooled by such a camouflage. I could use essence to add the necessary colour, but the effort it requires every now and then means it would be useless for more active usage. You don’t want to be seen at all preferably, and a slip like that ruins the entire purpose.


Hope we fare well.




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