《[Backup Online]》Chapter 16- {[Overheal]}
Shelly's awakening was as sudden as it was jarring, and came along with a painful error message that sparked its way to the entire system including her containment vessel and thus her. One moment she was relaxing in her mindscape, she had long since finished her battle training with her dummy and was doing other activities she couldn’t normally do without a physical form, like…erm… dancing among other things, so she was completely unprepared when she received a notification stating
[Integration complete…]
And was promptly booted from her own subconscious.
She was even more shocked by the pain. It was most definitely a system problem, which was really more worrying than it was uncomfortable. what was even worse was the fact that she couldn’t feel Bac, her connection was still there, she could still access the facility, but Bac was gone and based on experience she could guess what was happening. She was justifiably worried about the digital dumdum. Sadly she couldn’t directly help him with what ever foe their enemy was throwing at him. Plus, she had her own problems to worry about. She just hoped the plan she had created in the last few seconds would be enough to save both their hides for the time being.
She started by turning her attention to Max who was still carrying her drone in his unbroken arm.
“Hey.” She stated.
“Oh, Shelly your up… again.” He sighed “Tell me next time you decide to clonk out for an hour!”
“Ha ha, Yeah, sorry about that” Shelly chuckled mentally rubbing the back of her head “Have you heard from Bac” She asked her concern leaking into her voice
Max picked up on her emotions and frowned “I uh, d-did earlier. He asked I was fine with him telling the other… um, clients? Employees? Uh, about my powers. Why?”
“I think he might be in trouble” She explained “but there's nothing we can really do about that right now. I'm worried that there may be someone pursuing us.”
Max paled at that declaration “S-so what do we do?!”
“This may be a stupid idea and I swear I'm not only saying this out of fan-girliness but I think we should still try to make our way to where Overheal is.”
“I mean I get where you're coming from where could be safer than being near an S10 ranked hero and all but… uh can we really bother some one like OH with our problems?” Max asked worriedly.
Shelly mentally shrugged, and then remembered that max couldn’t see her disembodied gestures, “He is a hero above all else right but that’s not really my reason for finding him specifically, if the organization arrayed against us is who I think they are I’m sure he’ll want to know”
Max still seemed dubious “…Any chance you can tell me what this ominous organization is.”
“None at all.” Shelly stated bluntly “Trust me there are things that you’d rather not know about.”
“I think I would like to know since they’re actively threatening my life.”
“Dude, trust me the less you know the better off you are” She shuddered internally “And take it from someone with a perfect memory, once you learn something you can’t unlearn it.”
Max was still frowning but seemed mollified at least, “So we just find Overheal and do what?”
“Just let me talk to him.”
Max gave Shelly a weird look but nodded as he began walking to the library where Overheal Had been doing his autograph event. It was most likely long since over now but he was hopefully still there for Shelly's plan to work.
They didn't really talk as they walked this time so Shelly used the time to look over her updated status and new abilities
[ Name: Shelly
Species: Human (Brain) technologically enhanced
Power: Advanced mind-1000, Photokinesis - 50
Abilities: Telekinesis, Mental time dilation, Hard-light shaping, Hologram projection
Traits: system integration, enhanced intellect, Suneater
Current STR:1255
STRENGTH needed for next powerup: 10000
Unassigned STR: 205
Power ranking: E-3(minor combatant)]
[Hologram projection(
“Can’t touch this!”
Create and shape light to form intangible three-dimensional images. Holograms can only exist as long as the user is focusing on them and cannot interact with the real world directly.
Current limit for number of holograms produced at a single time: 2 ]
[Hard-light shaping
“Can touch this!”
Solidify light into simple shapes and forms, Solidity is determined by Focus and will and Constructs must be mentally maintained or else will disperse.
Construct creation limit: 4]
“Shadows are not opposite of light they are the lack there of, you have taken the first steps on the path of realizing that.”
Passively consume light in place of other forms of sustenance. On active use consume all light in a given area for a short time, leaving Area of effect in perfect darkness.
Current active range : 8ft×8ft
Effect duration: 30 sec]
The amount of progress, even mentioning the NEW POWER, was still staggering. She felt almost giddy with it all.
And now that she was thinking about it it's pretty sure she could feel the changes the new trait had made to her biology, it came in the form of the distinctly odd feeling of not being hungry. Granted, she didn't really feel hunger most of the time because of her containment unit feeding her any needed nutrients (As well as her lack of a stomach) but now it was more distinct. like food was being poured into her rather than being slowly fed as needed, it was one of those sensations that felt like it should be uncomfortable but wasn't. She would actually call it rather pleasant in a weird way. Like the slight high you get after eating a really good meal, but constant. She just had to try the active effect out.
“Put me down.” She instructed Max with a bit of excitement in her voice, when he did, She flew up and ahead a bit, once she was far enough for her comfort she tried activating [Suneater]. There was a sensation of pulling, like slurping up spaghetti, but like… in her brain, and everything went dark.
She couldn't see but she could most definitely feel… The area of affect was only eight feet in any direction, so she simply flew out of it and landed, groaning. It was… unpleasant, She felt dizzy and muffled her head somehow both buzzing and fuzzy as if it were filled with bees and cotton , that wasn't even the worst of it. She felt overstuffed and bloated despite not having any organs or guts to experience that with, the sensation instead seem to reside in the back of our head making her feel what you could only describe as ‘thought nauseous’ (she was coining that.)
She really didn't know what she had been expecting, it was a trait that let her eat light not an ability that made things dark…what she had essentially done just now was eat an entire rooms worth of large pizzas In a single bite. How do you expect to feel after doing that (I'm talking to you Michael)?
“A-are you ok-okay…!? What was t-that!?” Max stammered as he picked Shelly’s drone back up.
“It was a new ability… Well, trait actually but you get the point” She moaned “I wanna say that I regret doing that, but I guess it's better than finding out the hard way later. That could be disastrous during a battle.”
“All I saw was a black square just appearing out of nowhere!!! It was crazy! I thought you had gotten sucked into a black hole or something.”
that comment make Shelly think of Trohorn and she chuckled.
“Don't laugh I'm freaking out here!?” Max cried, Which only made Shelly laugh harder.
“Ihahaham Okahehey, Let’s just go.” She said struggling to contain her mirth, and failing miserably.
Shelly recovered as they walked, Both from the discomfort of using her new trait and from her fit of laughter. before she knew it She and max were at the library somehow managing to avoid being attacked along the way. She was sure that that wouldn't last so they needed to act now.
They practically slammed their way into the building, receiving a loud ‘Shhhhhhhh!!!’ From the librarian working the front desk.
“We need to talk to Overheal!” Shelly informed the woman.
“Shhh! That event ended 30 minutes ago, I’m sorry but-“
“It’s not about that! Listen, is he still here?”
“Yes,” the librarian said moving to block their path “but I can’t let yo-“
“Thanks” Shelly said, pushing the woman aside with her telekinesis, as Max jogged by.
“S-sorry” the half-elf whispered as he moved past the downed woman.
They moved deeper into the building, Following the event signs that had still yet to be taken down Until they eventually came to a door marked ‘event room’ with a sign hanging on it that said ‘event over’
Max opened the door and the two of them stepped inside, only to be immediately surrounded by bodyguards.
“INTRUDERS!!!!” one of the guards shouted despite the fact that everyone in this room seemed to already be aware. His face hardened as he lowered his gun at them, “What should we do with them Sir?”
The voice that responded made Shelly want to swoon and blush and scream and do a whole bunch of other (some of it unmentionable) stuff all at the same time.
“Oh, calm down, put your guns away they're likely just some fans who came a bit late. let me talk to them?”
She had heard that voice many times before from TV to podcast to movies to documentaries and pretty much any other piece of media one could think of, and as he stepped out from behind his (more or less unnecessary) guard detail she almost fainted like a character from a cartoon. From what she could see Max was similarly awestruck as he stared at the figure in front of them, one that they had both been expecting to see but still, It was Overheal!!!
“Whoa, kid” The S10 ranker said, noticing Max’s fac growing pale “Take a seat.” He gestured and a chair came floating over to them Which Max unceremoniously plopped down into. “And while I'm at it let me take care of that arm. do you mind? ”
without waiting for a response green light began emitting from the Hero’s hands Moving like serpents to wrap itself around Max’s cast and begin worming its way into big cracks and holes that had developed. The light seemed to expand and then fade before disappearing altogether.
Overheal reached out a hand and the cast shattered, flying off in tiny pieces and depositing itself into the trash can as Max flexed his now uninjured limb. Shelly could practically feel the man's power suffusing the room. His telekinesis could crush her drone and Max with less than a thought. It made her own power look like absolute child's play, even his healing ability was probably dangerous, maybe he could cause cancer or something. She really didn't know.
“I-I uh… I just got healed by OH…!”
“Please, call me Overheal.” the man said is friendly smile and tone belying his statement. “So, what do I need to autograph oooooor…”
“Actually,” Shelly interrupted, working up the courage to force herself to talk for the first time since they entered “This isn't a fan thing… I mean I am a fan…uh a huge fan. Erm, maybe even your biggest fan, But uh ummm-“
“We need your help” Shelly said taking a deep breath (For drama reasons only) before explaining the events that had happened since her and Bac had entered the city, “And that's how we ended up here. there's more to it but I’d prefer to give you that information in private or as private as you're willing to be. I at least need you to leave.” she said addressing Max with the last bit.
the demihuman grunted but placed Shelly’s drone down of the nearest table and stepped out of the room.
“Go with him.” Overheal instructed his guards, who all did so without complaint. They waited a couple seconds in silence to make sure no one was going to come back in and then the hero turned to her “So what was it you needed to tell me?”
Max’s life was… Well, not great. He wasn't even talking about just today either, his life in general had always been a shitshow in every possible way. from his awful powerset, gaunt frame and everyone's expectations for him to be a hero like his father his life had just been set to be one catastrophe after another. today had been no different. Sure, it had started out well enough, he only fell through one floor of a building and he was offered an opportunity to improve his powers, and his control over them. Of course, the positively couldn’t last. He just had to be attacked today. Now one of his new employers was having a secret conversation with one of the most powerful men on the planet. At least he had gotten to meet one of his heroes, but even that probably would turn sour at some point. Maybe Overheal had accidentally made his bone too strong with the healing and it would explode or something. He knew that was unlikely, but he still felt like it would happen, and honestly, if it could happen to anyone it would be him.
Max leaned back against the chair in the reading room in the library. Shelly had already been in there for like 15 minutes and he had decided to catch up on some of his favorite manga while he waited, He swiped is phone against the Sensor on the shelf, his holo-display transforming into a copy of the book he had selected before sitting back down to read. It was another 40 minutes before a drone came zipping out of the event room and practically right into his face.
“Good news! He’s going to help us.”
“What did you have to say to make that happen?”
“I can't tell you everything but let's just say I think Overheal has a stake in this game too…”
“Well, t-that's not ominous at all…”
“Heh, Yeah.”
“You’re going to have to tell someone at some point, you know.”
“And that would be Bac first, I owe him that much, I promise I'll tell you after I tell him okay?”
Max just sighed He was starting to get a feel for this disembodied mind's personality and knew she wasn’t going to budge on this.
“Oh and speaking of which,” The drone turned to Overheal as he stepped out of the room she had just exited, a bit of worry lacing her voice “um… my- uh- brother, I-I think he may be in danger. Is there anything you can do to help him?”
“Of course. Let me get someone on that. CCOMU!”
{Yes?} A voice said coming from every speaker in the room, while also echoing in Max’s head.
“Could you please go help this drones brother, with your abilities I'm sure you're aware of what's happening. I give you full permission to interfere.” Overheal Stated in a commanding tone.
{Wait, wat… really? YES! Ohthankgod…} The voice cheered before the presence seemed to disappear if a flash.
Overheal chuckled “she gets so excited when she's allowed to help”
Max somehow got the impression that Shelly was frowning, maybe it was the way her drone bobbed in the air but the short yet heavy silence was definitely a tell of her discomfort “ummm…I’ve met Com before, they use they/them pronouns… I don’t mean to offend but…”
“Oh right, sorry, I may not look it but I'm old an old man. I forget sometimes.” The heroes tone was friendly enough but even Max couldn't miss the eye roll he performed at the end of his statement. “Now let's get you guys somewhere safe for the time being.”
- In Serial24 Chapters
Cinder Souls II
Dark Souls is known as one of the hardest game series to have ever existed and with the third installment of Dark Souls, being Dark Souls 3, the makers of the game decided to not make another. With the licensing of the game being put into limbo, a game company called Virtual World decided to buy the right to make another game in the series, this game was called Cinder Souls. Something was different about this game compared to the rest of the series and that was it is on the World Gear, a device that put your consciousness inside of the game and gave you complete control of your character's body. This game exploded and sold over 5 million copies in the first week since it had something other games didn't. Freedom. You could do 18+ actions, take over kingdoms, destroy guild bases entirely, and even rob NPCs. Of course there are laws in certain areas that prohibited certain actions but that all depended on what guild was in control of the land you are at. There are 4 continents with there being several countries dividing each continent into different sections and each having their own difficulties. The strongest continent of them all is Land of the Gods, which only the most legendary of players can enter and become apart of. It is a small island which only has 10 inhabitants but these 10 people could easily take over any other continent on the planet but decide to lay dormant on the island, waiting for something strong to spice up the game. Each of these 10 players is considered a God in the game and even have their own following base. Each God had major influence over the millions of other players in the game but that was all in the past. Now it is time for an update, a completely new world with new enemies and new beginnings for all and that update is coming soon. Its supposed to arrive in one day in fact. This update would have new quests and new adventures and the game title will be changed to Cinder Souls II, whether you kept your character or not is unknown but what was known was that the real world was excited for this. Since it was an update, you didn't have to repurchase the game so old players began to dust off their old copies and prepare for the copious amounts of fun in store for them. This story follows one of the best players to have ever graced the game, Frew, the God of Miracles, and his new adventures but it is not as expected. Not one of the 14 million players could expect what would be coming up next in Cinder Souls II nor would anyone be prepared for it. *****WARNING, IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE VIRTUAL REALITY ASPECT IT IS NEXT TO NONE EXISTANT EXCEPT FOR CHAPTERS IN THE FAR FUTURE***** For the original cover picture, check out this link! ----> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/420875527667199123
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Being a Bystander is the Best
Protagonist? Supporting character? Love interest? Cannon Fodder? Villain? No thanks. I would like to choose the bystander option please, so I only have to watch the drama while drinking tea and eating popcorn. What!? There's no bystander option? My stats are too high to be a bystander? What is with this broken system! I refuse to choose any of these roles. *Quickly grabs tea and snacks to escape* World Management Team: "............." Role Assignment Team: "..........." Yu Qian: "........." Yu Qian: "What the f*ck did you drag me into?"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Xue Yi had always been a lover of gossip and drama. Always seen at the side of a scene with her lemon tea and snacks watching intently at other people. She spends most of her time finding information on other people for entertainment, being a bystander is her best pastime. However, due to a mishap where she accidentally acquired top-secret information on other foreign countries, she got killed and that was the end to her short twenty years of entertainment filled life. After she died, Xue Yi arrived at the Afterlife HR where they would assign roles for the souls that had died and send them on to their next life in another world to live. Xue Yi was determined to choose the bystander option, however, she was too OP!? Nope, she will never become the main character no matter what. Let's just steal the World Traveling Machine and run. Yu Qian: "Who is this creature that just appeared out of nowhere?" Xue Yi: "Hello fellow mob character. I am Xue Yi a bystander and would like to know where the main characters are?" Yu Qian: "???" Xue Yi: \(^ o ^)/ Yu Qian: (*ಠ_ಠ;) Xiao Ji: ╥ ﹏ ╥
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Tales of Realms
A Cultivation World. A Young man named Scrifo with no knowledge of his birth parents, raised by a rowdy man, starts his journey in the world filled with complex relationships, plots and powerhouses that could bend the world to their will with just a glance. A Path filled with War, Honor and Helpless Sighs of Scrifo and his comrades. His brothers and sisters, who together with him will laugh with content at the World's Apex. A Tale of Brotherhood, Love, Tears and Oaths that will sometimes fill them with heart-warming joy while other times with heart-wrenching sorrow and would unknowingly lead them to the centre stage of the realms. Disclaimer: Though the book has Xianxia tag there will be no chinese names in the novel because it would be quite idiotic of me to try and use chinese names without understanding what they mean or represent and for that you have my apologies. What this tag represents is that you'll have a working cultivation system, fighting techniques, people on the quest to reach the top of the world, a world built around cultivation. Of course, everything with my own salt and pepper added to it. Hope you won't be veered off right here and will try a different take on the xianxia genre. I can assure you you won't be disappointed. Release Schedule - Ideally, Weekly Updates on Fridays or Saturdays. Chapter Size - Around 2200 Words Book Size - Honestly, I Don't Know. Reading Tips: 'Character Thinking in Their Head' "For Spoken Dailogues" *For Sounds* ||For Location And Timing|| [Attacks | Cultivation Techniques | Scriptures] Discord: https://discord.gg/zvGPYyb Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MunchingDevil
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Inside Access
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The Lone Survivor
"You sure he's here?""Yeah, I'm sure. Can't you smell him? And haven't you heard about the young leopard shifter who's been spotted around these parts? Talk is that he's the lone survivor, and he's going to be ours"~~~My name is Fabian Davies, and I am a rogue leopard shifter. But it wasn't always this way.I used to have a family, a leap. We all lived in a huge house in the forest together, and we were one of the strongest leaps of our kind. Now, I live alone, scared to let go of the past or venture far from the house that I used to call my home. My leap disappeared five years ago, leaving me with nothing, no trace of where they went. Not even a note.Zion and Chase. The twins who stumbled upon my home and changed my life for good. They seem to know something about my pack, but without knowing their intentions, how can I possibly trust them?I am a rogue leopard shifter, cast aside by everyone I meet. I am the lone survivor.
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