《Pieces of Me》No, I Don’t Want Your Man II: Enter the Chicken Head


“I heard he wanted to get with you,” you said to me.

I answered truthfully, “That’s what I heard.”

What is it you said?

Niggas will do anything?

Well, I can see you’re a testament to that,

standing over there looking like a scarecrow high off crack.

No shape, no body, no boobs, no ass.

You got no dignity,

slutting around the job like ghetto trash.

He’s a hoe, I heard.

I ain’t about to get burned,

so, I’m staying away from him.

He’s an itty-bitty man and clearly unintelligent,

not even knowing what it means

to have a little man inside of him.

He needs to stop fucking and hit some books,

that’s what he needs to do.

You come to me being all friendly and shit,

fake ass broad, I’ll play this shit back.

You tell me how he cheats on you,

calling you bitches and whores.

I play along like I care,

Jesus, your life is such a bore.

You tell me about the time

you cried alone in your room at night.

I can’t believe I had a straight face

and kept from laughing.

Boy, aren’t you a pathetic sight?

What’s in your tiny little wind-swept brain

that makes you think I’d ever let something like that near me?

You chase him around the job,

head poking around the corners,

spying on him with other girls.

Jesus, you must have an empty world.

You got it out for me.

Don’t I know?

All your friendly acting shit is just for show.

You turn against every woman on your side,

that cheer you on and caution everything you do.

It ain’t gonna be me.

You won’t get me before I get you.

I guess you think I’m doing all of this because I’m jealous.

Girl, ain’t no real men on this job,

so, I could care less.

It’s all about those four words you spoke to me,

about niggas doing anything.

I’ll keep on laughing,

I’ll keep on that smile

as I watch this chicken head³ be made a clown.

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