《Pieces of Me》Assimilation


Did they ship you in from Thailand?

Perhaps aboard a cargo ship stored and housed with a million and one of you?

Did they teach you how to walk, talk and to act and do what others do

without programming a mind for you?

Am I asking you too much now?

Could it be that you’re intimidated by my differences

or the complex mind that I won’t allow you to invade?

Will you try to change me like you’ve done the world?

Will you try to break me as you’ve done so many cultures?

Did you fly in on a cubic spaceship with your brothers of cyborgs,

abducting and destroying everything in your way?

Should I abandon my style and join yours

full of Louis Vuittons, Coaches, and other things of uselessness?

Should I try to be popular

so that everyone can l-o-v-e me?

Should I be more agreeable and less difficult?

By this you mean I should conform as you.

So, I’ll leave you with your pompous stance and intolerable arrogance

because I can’t comprehend your acts of assimilation.

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