《To Sleep, Perchance to Dream》Chapter 2


I had never killed anything before. At least, I couldn’t remember doing so. Whatever was happening, I felt overwhelmed. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, waiting for my heaving breaths to slow down. Orc? Dead? EXP? What was EXP?

Whatever this was, I needed to equip myself and get out. Shivering, I put my shirt back on and knelt to strip the orc of whatever might be useful. The leather armor smelled terrible, but any protection was welcome. I buckled on the orc’s belt and hung the club on it but kept the knife in hand. Unfortunately, its boots didn’t fit. I found a pouch that jingled when I opened it.

5 copper pieces

I shook my head and blinked. Why was I being told how much I was getting? I could count, after all. Nothing had happened when I grabbed anything else off the orc. I looked down at the knife in my hand.

Orc knife. 1-6 damage.

You have learned the skill Identify Level 1.

I squinted at the malodorous leather armor on my chest.

Leather armor. Defense 2.

This was just too strange. Another glance down gave me information on my other weapon.

Iron-banded club. 2-8 damage.

I crept carefully down the hallway past other cells just like mine. It wasn't long before the corridor opened up into a brighter area. After a few steps, I came upon a room with a table and four chairs. An orc sat with his back to me. The other three chairs were empty. Unless I wanted to go back the way I had come and hope for another way out, I needed to get past this orc. I focused on it.

Orc – Level 1

I wasn’t a violent person—at least, I didn’t think so. But the last orc had proven himself to be bloodthirsty and homicidal. Somehow, I didn’t think this one would be any better. I took a deep breath and carefully edged forward with my knife held ready. I felt my hand shaking, and I tried to concentrate on making no noise as I crept closer to the orc, step by step. My bare feet made almost no sound against the cold stone floor. Suddenly, a message flashed in front of my eyes.


You have learned the skill Stealth Level 1.

I jerked for a second in surprise and then continued. I was going to have to learn to ignore these strange messages. I wasn’t sure, but it almost seemed as if I made less noise than before. Maybe it was just my imagination.

All too soon, the orc was directly in front of me. I didn’t know anything about fighting, but it made sense to hit it in a vulnerable area. The throat seemed like a good idea—it had worked before. I took a slow breath and then swung the knife down with all my strength. It plunged into the side of the orc’s neck.

Backstab! CRITICAL HIT! You stab orc for 10 damage.

You have learned the skill Backstab Level 1.

The orc gurgled and grabbed at its neck, standing abruptly. Its chair slid violently away and would have smacked into me, but I had already jumped backwards and pulled out the club. Before the orc even had a chance to turn around, I smashed it hard on the head with my club.

You hit orc for 6 damage.

You have learned the skill Blunt Weapons Level 1.

Orc has died! You gain 250 EXP.

Congratulations! You are now Level 2! You have 3 attribute and 2 skill points to distribute. Choose wisely as your decisions are irreversible.

I felt a rush of what I can only describe as LIFE filling me and bursting through every fiber of my being. Even as the pleasure of levelling up filled me, I wondered--what did it mean? What were attributes and skills?

After my heartbeat slowed, I considered for a minute. I didn’t know what levels and attributes and skills were, but I didn’t have time to just stand around trying to figure it all out. Life and death were on the line. If I died, maybe I would come back in that awful cell...and maybe not. And even if I did return, I didn’t want to reappear deeper in this prison after suffering another painful death.


There was some money on the table. I grabbed it. Evidently, the orcs had been gambling.

14 copper pieces.

The orc’s equipment was the same as what I already had, so I left it alone. He also had a pouch with another 10 copper pieces.

Continuing down the hallway, I passed several empty cells before reaching a rotting, iron-bound wooden door. Harsh voices could be heard coming from the other side. I turned the door handle ever so slowly and eased it open a crack before peeking into the room beyond.

Two orcs and a man stood arguing at the bottom of a stone staircase leading upwards. One of the orcs looked almost identical to the two that I had killed, but the second orc was twice as large. His forearms were as thick as my calves, and his legs were corded with muscle. His face was turned to the side, and I could see that pustules coated his cheek like bubbles of scum on dirty water. Chain mail covered his body, and a two-handed battleaxe was slung on his back.

Spittle flew from his mouth as he sneered, “The prisoner is mine. Don’t worry, it will reveal everything it knows after I’ve had my fun with it. If the Master wants it, let him come himself. I don’t take orders from servants.”

Level 3 Orc Sergeant. 26/26 HP.

Congratulations! Your Analyze skill has increased to Level 2.

The huge orc loomed over the man, but the man showed no fear. He seemed amused, if anything. He had brown hair and wore flowing black clothes with what appeared to be light armor of some type underneath. A thin rapier hung at his side, but I saw no other weapons on him.

When he opened his mouth, a smooth rich voice emerged. “If that’s how you feel, Tozk, I would not dream of urging you to do otherwise. I’ll just inform the Master that you feel that your interrogation skills are superior to his. I’m sure he’ll agree with you, especially after your success with the last prisoner.”

I focused my attention on the man.

Human. ???

I blinked. Why didn’t I get any information about him?

Tozk growled and took a step forward.

“Dirty little man. You think I’m afraid of—“

The man’s hand casually, almost absently, stroked the hilt of his sword. It looked completely non-threatening, like a subconscious habit. The orc froze and carefully shifted his weight back.

“I am loyal to the Master. Maybe I’ll bring the prisoner up and let him decide for himself how to question the scum.”

The man’s hand left the hilt of his sword as he clapped his hands together as if in delight.

“Excellent, Tozk! I know you have the Master’s best interests at heart. He will certainly be gratified by your eagerness to please him! I’ll go now and inform him of your wise decision. Why don’t you bring the prisoner up in half an hour. Yes?”

I saw the orc’s enormous fists clench before he nodded and grunted in assent.

The dark-robed man swept up the stairs, and I heard a door close behind him. I jerked my head back, just as the two orcs began to turn in my direction. I glanced around, but there was nowhere to hide. The corridor was empty and well lit with torches, and the nearest cell door was too far behind me to reach.

The orcs’ footsteps grew louder.

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