《Orion’s Last Words》13./part 3
The motorcycle was a hybrid, running on fuel and supported by a battery as well as a solar panel. Most of the machinery made in the Settlements ran on at least two different power sources, the type of which depended on what was available and cheaper. Tengu’s motorcycle, having three different sources of power was suitable for traveling long distances. They had already reached the end of the Settlements and without much concern, she watched as they were leaving them behind.
Ana considered herself a good passenger. She had ridden the motorcycle before, going on errands with H when they were younger and he hadn’t got the Jeep yet. She knew how tight to grasp and when to lean in with the driver at the steep corners. Tengu wasn’t as fast or as good a driver as H, but he was more reckless, which made the ride all the more unpredictable.
She pushed up the visor and exposed her face to the wind. The need to ask the many questions she had for him disappeared, words seemed superfluous all of a sudden. Just being with him was enough. She felt like walking on the edge of the deep gorge, and while they walked together, she was the one on the outer side. The reins were in his hands, and not knowing what was going to happen next filled her with an exuberating feeling of freedom.
They drove deep into the Low lands, an area far up north, where Ana had never been before. It was an abandoned wasteland, so remote from the Forbidden City and the Settlements and so scarcely populated that even the tax inspectors didn’t bother to collect the taxes there.
The kind of folks that lived there were mostly sectarians -- closed groups devoted to some belief or a particular way of life. The land was arid, with lots of depressions and sinkholes, some of them natural, some caused by the war.
Sometimes they drove past the walls of rocks, which at first sight appeared as part of the natural landscape, but if one looked closer at their shapes it was clear they were man-made. They were the remains of towns and villages, abandoned long ago when people migrated to the cities. Left behind at the mercy of nature they withered away with time and merged with the natural environment.
She clung to Tengu more than she had to as they drove over relatively smooth terrain. The continuous humming sound of the engine made her sleepy and she dozed off. She awoke to an all-encompassing silence. Riding on the battery they moved silently through the empty land, which was now cloaked in the mysterious purple of twilight.
The road turned bumpier and a hissing sound startled her. Looking in its direction she saw steaming fumes coming from the earth. Tengu glanced at her across his shoulder and with his finger directed her attention to an encampment ahead. She stretched her neck over his shoulder and gazed at the large sheets fluttering in the evening wind.
Tengu drove the motorcycle right through the encampment and stopped in the vicinity of what looked like an entrance to a reinforced underground shelter. The tents were set up around it in a circular shape, using the few ruins as supporting walls. Dusty white sheets were tied across their peaks, providing additional cover between the tents. Occasional hissing sounds were heard in the vicinity of the place.
Faces smeared with dark dirt and dust popped out of the tents, their bulging, white eyes looking with curiosity. Ana unsaddled the bike, wondering which sect lived here and why Tengu came to them. Untying a small bag from the back of the motorcycle he paid no special attention to the curious tent-dwellers and seemed very familiar with the place.
“So you’re gonna tell what kind of a place is this?”
With a smile on his face, he nudged his head for her to follow. “It’s a mine.”
“A mine?” she asked incredulously, lagging a step behind him.
“Mhmm, I’m here to negotiate a deal.”
He opened the door of the bunker and asked her to hold it, while he entered inside. After scrambling around in the dark for a while, he lit an oil lamp. Ana let go of the door and joined him in the small room with a strong earthy smell and no windows. Her eyes immediately turned to a deep shaft with an iron elevator frame. Tengu handed her one of the two carbide lamps, which he found in the cupboard next to the shaft, and pressed a button on the frame of the elevator, putting it in motion. Soon a poorly built, wooden cabin came up. He slid the door open, using a substantial force, and stepped into it.
“Umm….I’m not sure about this,” Ana said, suddenly feeling very appreciative of the solid ground beneath her feet.
Without any warning he grasped her arm and pulled her in so that she stumbled inside the elevator, almost dropping her lamp. She shot him a glare but he smiled confidently.
“Don’t worry, I’ve done this a few times. It’s perfectly safe,” he said while closing the door. The elevator started to descend, and Ana looked warily at the muddy walls that surrounded them from all sides. Standing with her legs slightly spread to keep her balance on the shaky elevator board she observed with uneasiness as the darkness grew thicker around the two flames of their lamps. She held hers up towards Tengu to see his face. He seemed perfectly at ease, watching her back with a reassuring smile. Too many feelings gathered inside her -- fear, insecurity, trust, and excitement, which prevented her from uttering any sensible words.
The elevator cage hit the ground and she instinctively grabbed Tengu’s left arm.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, keeping his arm still.
She scoffed and let go of him.
From the elevator they headed into a narrow underground tunnel, wide and high enough for one person of average height. Leading the way, Tengu walked with slouched shoulders and drooping head to avoid the ceiling. Ana followed closely behind, focusing her eyes on the circle of light, which moved with her on the ground. They walked only a few minutes before the place widened into a rectangular cavern. The deep darkness was broken by the several small flames scattered around the space at different heights. Men with lamps like hers but attached to their helmets sat on the ground, facing an illuminated altar with a large, iron cross. Their hands were clasped together in a praying position and they were repeating words after the man who stood near the cross and read from a book. Their rhythmic murmur, the smell of soil, the confined space, and the many flames made up for a unique, mystical atmosphere.
Tengu sat on the ground and signalled her to do the same. “They are one of the sects that pray to one God. We need to wait until they finish their mass,” he said in a loud whisper. A man sitting in front of them turned, the flame on his helmet illuminating his glaring eyes. The message was clear and for the rest of the mass, they both stayed quiet.
When the praying finished everybody stood up and lined up in front of the altar. The man that led the mass gave each person in the line to drink from an ornamented glass and placed a piece of something that looked like bread in their mouths.
“It should finish soon,” Tengu pointed out.
“What are they doing?” Ana observed the ritual with bewilderment.
“It has to do with their beliefs. I think it means drinking the blood and eating the flesh of their God, something like that.”
Ana winced in slight disgust. “You mean….that looks like bread to me…but what’s in that cup?”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, they don’t drink blood, it’s just wine.”
She leaned in, covering her mouth with her hand as she whispered: “I hope you’re right and we don’t become material for their ritual.”
“I don’t think we will,” he responded in an equal whisper; “we supply them with wine.”
“That’s a relief,” she said nodding; “ ’cause I’ve always found the monotheists the most fanatic amongst the sectarians. Frankly, I‘m surprised you do business with them.”
Tengu offered no comment. His stare gravitated toward the men, who were slowly dispersing around the cavern after being fed a piece of their God. Some walked past them into the tunnel that led to the elevator, others disappeared in small tunnels on the other side of the cavern, and some remained. There was little talk between them and even that was no louder than a whisper. The remaining men retreated into small niches carved into the dirt wall, which Ana noticed only now. They were barely big enough for a sleeping body, and looked like animal lairs, but seemed to offer some privacy.
Tengu left her side and walked to the man at the altar. After a short conversation, he handed him a pouch from his bag. The man plunged his hand into it and drew a handful of silver and gold taels. Seemingly satisfied he nodded. Tengu offered his left arm and they shook on it.
“Seems like you made a deal,” said Ana upon his return.
“I did.” His face radiated with satisfaction.
She gave him an edgy look. “What was the deal about?”
He tilted his head forward and looked at her from beneath his brows. A sardonic smile appeared on his mouth. “Can’t reveal to you everything…”
“No, I guess you can’t.…What now then? You take me back to the Settlements?”
He continued eying her. “I thought we stay the night. It’s easier and safer driving in daylight.”
“I see,” she muttered, nervousness tightening her muscles. “Where do we sleep?”
He tilted his head towards the holes in the wall. “The last time I was here, I slept in one of those niches. The tents are usually full and believe me it’s cozier here than outside. Choose one of them I’ll get some food and water.”
Ana, her mind full of thoughts, sat inside the oval niche closest to the tunnel that led to the elevator. Her elbows pressed against her knees she leaned her chin on her hands and waited. With a vary smile, she observed other people as they crawled into their niches. The flames started to disappear, going off one by one. She kept her lamp close, thinking of it as something most vital. Tengu soon returned bringing with him a wrapped cloth and two steel flasks. He put everything on the ground and then pulled out a blanket from his bag.
“It helps against the cold surface,” he said, receiving a grateful look from Ana, whose bottom was already freezing. They spread the blanket inside their lair and sat on it, his side of the body touching hers. Tengu’s head reached the ceiling so he had to lean forward with his upper body. He unwrapped the cloth which contained pieces of bread and some dry meat. Ana’s eyes sparkled in the dim light of the lamps Her stomach had been making noises for a while and receiving actual food instead of just jars was a welcome surprise. While she chewed on the dry meat Tengu opened one of the flasks and poured its content into the flask’s cap, using it as a small glass. Ana took it hastily to wash down the dry pieces of food that got stuck in her throat.
“Umm.. wait…” Tengu tried to stop her but she had already taken one big gulp.
The fire spread inside her mouth, throat and chest. She began coughing uncontrollably. Looking at Tengu through her teary eyes, she felt red heat flare up over her face. “What--- the--- fuck…..” she uttered in-between coughs. Laughter was heard from around the cavern.
“I’m sorry…should have warned you sooner,” said Tengu, making a visible effort not to laugh. “It’s some kind of fermented drink from the local herbs…it’s strong, but warming. You should make small sips, though…here, this is only water,” he said, offering her a cap from the other flask.
“It’s certainly warming…” she gasped, the burning sensation finally subsiding as she gulped down the whole cap of water. “Couldn’t they spare us some wine?”
“Wine’s used only for ritualistic purposes. Much too expensive for daily use, or to be given to us non-believers.”
They continued to eat, picking at the pieces of meat and bread and exchanging the caps of water and the fiery drink between them.
“What kind of mine is this?” She spread her arm pointing at the cavern.
“This here is not an actual mine, I mean… not anymore. It’s more like a living space for these sectarians. They’ve lived here for generations, some moved above the ground, but many stayed below. The corridors that extend beyond this cavern are vast and form an intricate labyrinth that only the members of the sect know. I don’t know where the actual mines are. I only know these people can provide certain natural materials.”
“Such as?”
“Coal, different types of gas….perhaps I can even find a precious gemstone for you.”
Ana giggled with her mouth full and waved her finger in front of Tengu’s face, which was now very close to hers.
“No, no…no need…”
“You sure? I’d make you my rebel princess…”
Nearly choking on his words she eagerly grasped for the flask. To her relief, it was the one that contained water.
The playful banter between them continued until they shared the last cap of the fermented drink, savouring its strong taste with careful small sips. Ana leaned back into the niche, feeling her body pleasantly soft and warm. Her movements were wobbly and she couldn’t stop smiling. The flame of the carbide lamp became a smudge of light in the darkness. Everything its light touched upon was blurred including Tengu's face.
That's how moles live, she thought to herself, giggling. I'm a mole in its own little hole, surrounded by other moles in their own little holes. With a grin plastered on her face, she stared at the blurred flames in her imminent surroundings. Tengu crawled next to her, his mouth spread in a wide smile. In the glow of the lamp light, his white teeth featured prominently and she felt an urge to touch them. As she neared her finger at them they made a sudden attempt to bite at it, but she was fast enough to move it away. She giggled loudly and tried again enjoying the game immensely. After a few attempts, her finger got caught and gently trapped between his teeth. Her stare moved from the mouth to his eyes. The cheerful spark in them attracted her even more than the grinning mouth. Trying to get closer to them she fell forward, pushing down on Tengu's body with her weight. Their loud laughter resonated within the cavern and was immediately countered by a shush of a nearby dweller. With their legs still dangling out of the niche they lay on top of each and with their hands over their mouths grinning like two fools.
Tengu reached for the flask, held it upside down above Ana's head, and shook it. "No more..." he said making a sad face. "We should go to sleep."
Pushing herself up she detached from his body and blinked her eyes at him. “Umm, what about me? Where should I go?”
“Well here of course, next to me, it’s plenty of space.” His wide grin turned into a half-smirk half-smile.
She deliberated in her mind briefly and rolled over Tengu, assuming a lying position on the inner side of the niche. Smiling, she glued her stare on the black ceiling above her and quietly enjoyed the excitement that permeated her. Tengu took off his coat and covered them both with it. As he laid back they both turned on their hips, coming face to face with each other.
Feeling his warm breath on her face Ana closed her eyes. His lips touched hers soon after.
“Wait, stop..." She separated from his mouth remembering the similar moment they shared on the hill above the hidden village. "Your headaches...”
“What about them?” he whispered back, his breath still warming her face.
“Well, tell me about it…Will it happen again?”
His grey-blue eyes stared at her from the darkness. “Yes, it will… I’m sure I’ll have a headache tomorrow morning.”
It took her a second to understand what he meant, and once she did she punched his arm: “I’m serious…” Or at least she wanted to be, but she couldn’t even utter the words without her mouth quivering with laughter.
“Shhh…” He put his hand over her mouth while shaking from laughter himself.
At that moment Ana caught a glimpse of the person that Tengu once was. Before he was the rebel leader, probably even before he lost his memory. And that Tengu was somebody, who enjoyed the simple moments of life without being burdened by the future, somebody kind, trustful and joyful. And she liked this Tengu, she liked him a lot, despite being painfully aware that save for this fleeting moment he didn’t really exist anymore.
“There’s nothing to worry about. I told you…it was just stress,” he whispered.
Staring into each other’s eyes they stopped laughing. Their good moods channelled into a passion and they kissed again. Beneath the coat, they began to undress. Ana traced her finger over both his arms, admiring such two extreme opposites in quality. He pulled her on top of him, and for a while they just stayed like that, skin against the skin, kissing gently and gazing into each other’s eyes. Then they reversed their position and he was on the top of her. The restricted space made their movements clumsy, but no less passionate. She felt like a youngster in love, aroused by the danger of being caught doing something she shouldn’t.
She woke up before him. Her head was on his chest, while he slept on his back, both of his arms spread wide. The cavern was well illuminated by the big lamps placed on the ground near the walls and the sectarians were moving around in a way they were hardly heard. Only an occasional murmur disturbed the quiet atmosphere. She had no idea whether it was still night or already a new day.
She scrambled into a sitting position and began to dress. With impatience that steamed from dressing up in a very confined space, she pushed her arms into the sleeves of her jacket. A box – H’s gift, fell from the jacket’s pocket. She picked it up and gazed at it with her mouth parted until Tengu’s sharp stare penetrated her field of vision.
“Oh, he also gave you a gift?”
She narrowed her eyes, her brow furrowed. “Umm, what…what do you mean?”
His eyes touched upon the box. “I saw Hanneghan giving a box just like that to Margot too…when you left them alone outside the shop. Margot seemed…very emotional.”
She observed his face while taking in what he said. The look in his eyes, the expression on his face. The rebel leader took over the man she slept with last night.
“Did he? Well, I’m glad he did. H is a nice guy.” She put the box back in the pocket.
He was observing her too, and she knew he saw more than she wanted to show.
“Could we go to the surface again, please? It’s starting to feel a bit stuffy down here.”
He began to dress, keeping the half-smirk half-smile on his lips all the while. He got up before her, leaned with one arm on the wall above the niche. and pinned her with his stare. The waving light fell on the elegant features of his pale face. “For the sake of the deal we made, I’ll keep it professional between us. But after the deal, Ana….”
His eyes bored into hers, mercilessly building up her expectations.
“Absolutely! We keep it professional,” she concurred in an attempt to regain some control, over him, and over herself.
Smiling, he offered her his arm and pulled her up from the niche. In the glow of their carbide lamps, they headed towards the elevator in silence, his unfinished sentence weighing on her mind. She walked behind him through the narrow tunnel, her stare glued to his back, her face darkening with each step. Professional, she scoffed inwardly, that was long gone.
- In Serial1672 Chapters
Sylver Seeker
After fulfilling the duty all arch necromancers are tasked with, Sylver Sezari was not expecting to ever wake up again. But he did. And after crawling his way back into the land of the living, he’s alive once again. In a strange land, a strange time, and with a strange floating screen in front of his new face. Either through plan or chance, he’s alive again, and planning to enjoy himself to his heart's content. -The story isn’t grimdark, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. There will be lighthearted and positive moments, as well as some sad ones. That being said, it’s a whole lot more light than dark. -This is a LITRPG story. Chapters are published every 2 days at 21:00 GMT. Author’s note:-It can get very GORY. I’m somewhat desensitized to gore and violence. So while the story isn’t full of gore for the sake of gore, it can get a little too descriptive.-The MC is a necromancer, so corpses and decay, and all the things that come with it, will be mentioned from time to time.-I’m a huge fan of Egyptian, Slavic, and Greek mythology, so expect quite a bit of that. That said, so much is altered, you’ll be hard-pressed to guess how exactly it is being used.-Despite being ‘immortal’ the MC can die. In the event he does, the story doesn’t end, simply time skips forward. Which in some cases is going to be worse than just dying.-I love plot twists, as much as I love red herrings and Chekhov guns. Deus Ex Machina’s not so much. Cover: https://angshumandhar.artstation.com/projects
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