《Project Frost : Gate of All》16 - A Continuing Job


Finally, after what feels like one hell of a long night, they reached back to the Hall of the Black Mirror - dirt-caked, tired through and through. They also managed to save Cath from the hungry murder rabbits. Since Aediva was pretty adamant about letting Cath being eaten alive by the rabbits, it was up to Eden and Arthur to save the poor monster. Talk about some irresponsible supervisor.

“Fuh… What time is it now… I feel like we’ve been stuck in the mine for days” Eden said as he took out the magic stones he shoved into his pockets before exiting the mine. Cath gasped when seeing the stone, perked up almost instantly when a hand grabbed him by the neck.

“No, you don’t. You caused enough troubles as it is” Aediva growled - feeling quite enough with everything that has happened throughout the day. The three let out a sigh in unison when a familiar sound of footsteps attracted their attention. The odd group looked at the door and it later revealed to be the headmaster himself - walking to the Black Mirror with a happy humming. The three teens looked at the headmaster with unamused look as he looks like he was not noticing them at all.

Aediva cleared her throat, instantly snapping Krow from his happy little world.

“EH?!” he exclaimed, shocked when seeing the three beat up youths with the little menace.

“W-what’s the meaning of this? Why are you all dirty and bloody?” Krow asked. Aediva sighed. Talk about some irresponsible adult. That one is even more of an irresponsible prick.

“... It can’t be…” Eden murmured under his breath.

“Bird man. Did you actually forgot you told Eden to go to the mine to get a magic stone? We just returned from a certain death deep within the mine, you know” Aediva deadpanned, sending the headmaster shocked at her statement.

“Wait, you actually went to the Starris Mine? I didn’t think you would actually…” Krow paused, rubbing his chin.

“Plus, not only you went there and you actually come back with a magic stone in hand… Here I am, quietly completing the paperwork for your expulsion…” the principal murmured. Aediva huffed.


“I heard that. Actually all of us heard that” Aediva sighed.

“The nerve of this guy! We had to fight some crazy beast, you know!” Cath said.

“No actually, it’s just us. You’re not included at all Cath” Arthur said.

“Beast? And wait, you are…?” the question is directed at Arthur. Arthur straightened up, placing one hand on his chest.

“It’s Arthur Briville, Principal Krow. I was with both Aediva and Eden when we descended into the mine” Arthur explained. Krow fell silent, only nodding right after.

“And this beast…?” he asked.

“It was an Orthrus that resides in a cavern deep within the mines. It was where we found the magic stones. We managed to defeat it with the help of Miss Aediva but…” Arthur hung his words, letting the state they’re in paint the rest of the pictures itself.

“And you went to help the student, Aediva?” Krow asked again.

“Yes. Yes, I did. And I can tell a lot at how much things could’ve gone wrong if Eden ventured alone into the mine. That giant two-headed dog was way too vicious and could’ve easily tore him apart” Aediva complained.

“I-I see. How generous of you, Aediva” Krow said, a bead of sweat slid on his cheek. Aediva looked at the man with a pointed look.

“You better keep your promise, headmaster. He came back with a magic stone just as you asked” Cath said. Krow let out a sigh.

“Of course. Of course. I will keep my promise. I… this is an unexpected surprise… I couldn’t believe that you actually went to the mine…” Krow muttered to himself before turning back to the students and janitor.

“I suggest all of you go to the infirmary before returning to your dorms. I will accompany you so please come with me” Krow said.

“Yes sir…” everyone answered. Stepping along to her new friends, she tiredly yawned. Before she knew it, she fell to the ground with the last thing she heard was a loud thud.

“I don’t want to clean all the time~~~ I want to be a student! That stingy headmaster didn’t even want to admit our prowess back at the mine incident! If not for us, they would’ve died. Instead he just gave us a few days off and a little allowance as reward for our generosity! While saying that he still wouldn’t accept a monster and a normal human who can’t use magic into the school!”


Here comes the usual complaint from the little monster. Aediva hates to admit that she has gotten used to hearing that annoying monster at that point. Probably anyone would be if they sleep, eat and even work together for over a week. Not that she even mind being a janitor in the first place. Working for 280 Fels a day is more than enough to buy food to eat three times a day, as well as her snacks and Cath’s canned fish. Average person could only dream to get 280 Fels a day - or at least that’s what Eden and Arthur told her.

Aediva sweep and sweep all the dried leaves on the road, gradually getting to know the mapping of the gigantic academy grounds. She had gotten used to the main streets since it was her main cleaning area.

“Aeedddivvaaaa…… Tell the headmaster that you want to enroll as a student!!!” Cath whined, tugging at her jumpsuit’s pants with his little paws. Aediva merely let out a sigh.

“Do you want your damn tuna?” she asked, completely ignoring Cath’s whining. The feline monster perked up, his ears high up on his head when Aediva cracked open an early lunch. Aediva reached out the opened can of tuna to her little companion. She wondered what she had done in the past to be stuck with this sort of menace. She could only wonder.

That said, it has indeed been almost two weeks since she arrived there in the Ba’athoris Night Academy. So many things had happened, she even wondered if it was all just a very long dream or whatever else.

But feeling Cath’s claws on her calf every night sure feels real. Maybe she should stop thinking this is all just a very weird dream. Aediva let out a sigh.

Everyday since then seems so mundane, she wished there’s just something happening so she could at least be entertained by it. Then again, it’s just the second week of school. She should also stop mentally complaining as well. No wonder why she’s stuck with the likes of Cath, she’s also pretty much the same. Except less noisy.

“Oi, Aediva. Are you going to go to the library again today?” Cath asked, munching on his canned snack with a happy look on his face - a sign that he’ll probably shut his mouth from complaining for a while. Aediva set aside her broom by the statue as she looked down the road towards the library.

“Nah. I think I might stroll around” Aediva said.

“Ho… Then can I go and disturb Arthur and Eden? They’ve been annoying me these past few days with their, ‘Poor you little kitty can’t go to class’ talk!” Cath said with a mischievous grin on his face. Aediva looked at the creature sitting on her shoulder, silently judging his request. Those round silver eyes, dilated pupils.

“Fine. Wreck some of their shit. Don’t overdo anything, you hear me. I was pretty annoyed too since they haven’t been around with their offering lately” Aediva said, grinning the same vibes as Cath as they cackled.

With their plans laid out, the two went their separate ways that day. As soon as she changed out of her work uniform, she went around wherever her legs brought her - maybe silently, wishing that Cath might cause a bit of trouble. But she turned troubled by her own wish.

“Yeah, maybe not that much trouble. Ah, it’s Cath anyway. It’ll probably be fine. Probably” she murmured to herself. She stopped after a while of mindless stroll, only to find herself somewhere she has never been before.

How long has she been walking while she was thinking to herself? Her feet hurt so that’s probably answering some of her questions.

“I think I’m lost again” she deadpanned to herself.

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