《Asura》Cultivation System and Rankings and some other info


Cultivation Realms

Martial Body Realm: Strengthens body:(100)

Refinement Realm: Absorb Qi and refines it:(120)

Martial Realm: Allows qi to exit body the stage to learn marital art skills:(160)

Master Realm: Qi Dan Formation (300)

King Realm: Qi/Elemental Qi Dan Formation(500)

Heavens Realm: Rebirth(Spirit Soul Birth)(2000)

Ancestor Realm: Domain Skills(10,000)

Titan Realm: World Construction(100,000)

Emperors Realm: Only one in 100 billion reaches this stage(Celestial)

Spell Master's Ranking

Rank 1-Basic Spells

Rank 2-Martial Realm Strength

Rank 3-Master Realm Strength

Rank 4-King Realm Strength

Rank 5-Comprehending the Law

Rank 6-Upper heaven Realm Strength

Rank 7-Ancestor Realm Strength

Rank 8-Titan Realm Strength and the World Construction

Rank 9-Emperor's Realm Strength

Tiers for Beasts

1-Martial Realm(From low to Medium)

2-Upper Martial Realm

3-Lower Master Realm

4-Middle Master Realm

5-Upper Master Realm

6-Lower King Realm

7-Middle King Realm

8-Upper King Realm

9-Lower Heavens Realm

10-Mid Heavens Realm

11-High Heavens Realm

12- Lower Ancestor Realm

13-Mid Ancestor Realm

14-Upper Ancestor Realm

15- Titan realm

Qi Stones- 1 qi stone=2 dollars. It is made with the use of Emperors Realm Qi and a special metal that is able to contain energy. There are a total of 1,679,000,000,000,000,000 in the world.Maybe more

Background of this World: The setting is in another universe on a planet call Earth. This Earth is 10 times bigger than our Earth and it spins about 10 times faster and the days are 24 hours. They also have 365 days in a year. Unlike our earth they have 22 different continents and you will learn about each one in the story. I will also be using some references from our time and universe so as to not confuse people. So I will being using some of our countries as continent references. So for example Japan is now a continent. China and United States would now be a continent too instead of just a state. This earth is also 15.7 Billion years old and the human population has only just started 4.543 Billion years ago. The current technology is a mix of qi and our version of technology. Therefore I feel that technology would be more advance due to the qi part of the world. I did this so we can feel some familiarity with some of the situation and history of this world rather then having to explain everything from scratch.


Questions That have been asked-

Guns-In our universe guns are great and awesome but in this universe guns will eventually become obsolete due to qi. Guns are useful when people are facing Martial Realms practitioners and down but once a person ascends to Heavens Realm guns are pointless. There are many more points why but it will turn into an essay if I do. Biggest factor is to make gun weapons useful it is too costly verses using swords.

Guns vs Arrows-

Guns-Faster speed, rapid fire, and light. Less Qi require. Overall weak in power and penetration.

Arrow-Greater Power, reusability, Greater qi storing ability. Overall Greater Power and penetration but less speed.

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