《Asura》Chapter 14-The Asura Wei Lintian


About a week passed and Xiaowei has been training diligently inside the dream space and has been cultivating qi in reality.

After a week worth of cultivation he has only cultivated about a cup full of qi if qi was visible. Also his Emperor Steps has improved slightly but not much. He could not get the qi to match his movements due to low level of qi. Normally only cultivation stage 3 can begin to practice it. Linmei’s intentions were to increase Xiaowei’s control over his qi.

He did manage to have little spurts of speed but one spurt depletes all his qi. Today was also the day he leaves. During those few days he spent most of his time with little Xingxing who has open up one qi point too. They would go into the forest and adventure. Pretending to be heroes of the past, slaying demonic beasts. He also spent a lot of time with his aunt and uncles. He wanted to spend as much time with them as possible because after this he will not see them again for many, many years.

Today is the day he leaves. Xiaowei looks back at the house and reminisces on all the memories he has had here. He remembers all the good times and bad ones. As he looks at the house he felt a sense of longing but he knew in his heart he cannot stay. Xiaowei turns and looks at his Uncle Ming and they both got into the car. Xiaowei packed his essential needs into the interspacial rings. There were not many things to pack. He got his egg into the beast box. The gifts his parents left behind for him. He also brought his favorite blanket and pillow. It’s a weird habit that he picked up. The rest of the stuff his Aunt has packed for him and he stored it into his ring.


“Xiaowei everything will be alright. You will be back before you know it” smiles Ming.

“It’s ok Uncle Ming” replies Xiaowei, “Lei left for the best school on the continent when he was 8 too. I’ll just think of it as the same thing.”

“Good boy. I remember Lei crying the day he left,” chuckles Ming.

“It just he missed you guys a lot.”

“Xiaowei when you go over there you will have a new identity.”

“Can I decide my name? Or is it already made,” Xiaowei pouted.

“It’s already made but I think,” Uncle Ming was saying before getting interrupted.

“What is it? Is it foreign or still Chinese?” Xiaowei asks warily. He doesn’t want to give up his national identity. They say a name defines a person and in the end a person only has his name.

“It is still Chinese” reassured Ming, “your new name is Wei Lintian. It is your mother’s and father’s name combine with yours. Lin is the forest like your mother a mystery, Tian like your father who has unlimited future prospect and wei is to become.

Your name means to become the forest and sky. It can also mean the power of heaven and earth. You must live up to that name in the future. We put a lot of thought intoit” Uncle Ming said while patting Xiaowei.

"Thank you Uncle Ming. From today onward I will be the Asura Wei Lintian.” He smiled and from today onward he has locked it in a treasure chest and buried the name Zhang Xiaowei deep inside his heart. A special name his parents give him. A treasure that will cause the greatest harm to the one closes to him. Asura Wei Lintian does have a nice ring to it Xiaowei thought.

“Xiaowei the family you’re going to be living with is the Tsukino family. They are a Japanese clan. This will lower the connection between you and the Zhang family. The reason being their son has died of an illness 6 months ago here. The father is Chinese and one of my friends. They are a small family so changing the information in the family is easy. Also the father wanted the son to have a solid Chinese background that he sent him here since he was 1 to learn the culture. He has hidden his child’s death in order to not cause more grief for the wife, but since his wife won’t be able to live for 5 more years the wife has begged him to bring their child back. My friend Chen not wanting to cause her to feel regret has agreed to have you as the replacement after much convincing. Your age match very closely so you should be fine.”


“Wouldn’t my new name be an issue?”

“No because his family name is Wei and he has told his wife that their son is name Wei Lintian now due to not having the proper paper works here on the continent and the family not being able to contact him gave the boy a new name. Also he told her that he knows how important names are too her and that’s why he lied before. It’s a small family so they won’t pry too much into it. Furthermore they have three other children besides you. A girl name Yuki whose one years older than you.

Two older brothers Tsuna and Kira. Tsuna is 12 this year and Kira is 14.”

“Oh. They won’t hate on me because I’m Chinese right?”

“You should be fine their half Chinese too. Be on your best behavior. Keep a low profile. We have registered you for a second rate school to not raise any suspicion because both Tsuna and Kira are in second rate schools. The girl Yuki will be registering for a first rate school this year. Her talent vastly surpasses her brothers. We have compressed a file of the Wei family for you to read. Since he’s eight there not much to know beside family structure. I will be going with you.”

“Oh,” Xiaowei said feeling disappointed at the fact he has to go to a second rate school.

“I know you want to go to a first rate school, but this is for the best. People are always checking family backgrounds for top rate school children. It might raise suspicion.”

“Uncle I understand. I will keep a low profile. You don’t need to apologize. I understand.”

Afterwards they talk about Xiaowei’s pet and stuff like that. They also talk about Ming’s childhood with Xiaowei’s father. The more they talk the more Xiaowei forget the time and they arrived at the airport in a flash.

Xiaowei stares at the plane and a drop of tear rolled down his face. This was his first time going on the plane but a sense of excite was overshadowed by the sense of homesickness. He knows that once he boards this plane he will never see his family for a very long time. It will be a brand new beginning under a new identity. His parents won’t be Xiaotian and Linmei anymore but two completely new strangers.

Tears begin to roll down his face. It was the same as two waterfalls. Even though he knows he will see them again but some deep emotion in the back of his mind won’t let logic dictate his actions.

Ming grabbed Xiaowei’s hands and whispers, “from today onward you are Wei Lintian. The child of Wei Mao and Yukira Tsukino.” They board the plane Wei Lintian was born into this world. “I promise I will do everything in my power to bring you back.” He swore.

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