《Asura》Chapter 7-A Weird Dream


When Xiaowei got back that night he ate a meal fit for a king. There were lobsters, raging cow steak, vegetables, scallops, and even amarata cantaloupe for dessert. Amarata cantaloupes are fruits that help cultivators absorb qi faster. It was worth 300 qi stones a melon. Also lobsters, and scallops are all animals below tier one. The raging cow steak were a tier two demonic beast. The lobster and scallop were the same as our world but two times bigger and stronger.

After breakfast he went back into his room. Grabbed a cloth and started wiping down his future companion. He couldn’t wait to see what kind of beast would pop out from this egg.

After a while of wiping his future companion, Xiaowei started surfing the net. He wanted to know exactly what happened today. He later found an article about today’s event. It read.

(Today at Fanshu city a historically bizarre event occurred. The multibillion corporation Companions known for their beast trade had one of its centers go into berserk mode. Hunters and many master cultivators were deployed to track and capture the beasts. Furthermore police also dispatch martial realm cultivators to protect its citizens.

We later asked the manager what happen. Mr. Moshiwalucabasha reply was that there was an energy ripple that has never been recorded before. That it’s wavelength was able to agitate the beast’s instinct to its max. Reasoning was out the window and only thoughts such as lust, hunger, aggression, and fear remain. It was like someone releases all their sense of restraint and some seventh tier beast even rise to 8th tier but it was quickly suppressed. Also we will have all our investigators working full time on this. This could very well be an attack on our company’s reputation and on the people. We were very lucky the energy ripple was on a small scale. If it was just a rank stronger it might have cost catastrophic disasters. We would like the police to cooperate with us on this event since it could very much endanger civilian lives. Luckily we were able to suppress it and no one got hurt. We are also checking if any beast got loose at this very moment. One last we come down and shop at Companions where we offer the best offers.)

It seems the that Mr. Moshiwalucabasha was very happy that no one got hurt and is working around the clock to find the cause.)


Xiaowei exited the article and was a little scared of his Asura blood. He had a hunch that the cause was his blood and his future companion, and if this gets out it would be very bad.

The time now was 13 o clock or midnight in our time. He brought the egg onto his bed and hugs it like a child who would hug its teddy bear.

He wonders what his future would be like now that he is a dangerous individual. Should I limit my contact with others? Should I make a lot of friends? Will I ever find someone to accept me for who I am like my Uncle Ming and Uncle Lin? Those questions swirled around in his head and eventually drifts him off into deep sleep.

Xiaowei was lying on the dark floor. He got up and starts walking around. Slowly light began to shine. Doors appeared everywhere. There were big doors, small doors, black doors, white doors, yellow doors, pink doors, glass doors, metal doors, clown doors, doors that I cannot describe do to age restrictions, dragon doors, lion doors, snake doors, and all sorts of weird doors flowing everywhere.

Right now Xiaowei’s consciousness is at a point where it is just observing information. Somewhat like a dazed state. Like when you’re dreaming and you don’t question the events that happen. You just accept it for what it is.

He opens one door and a gush of wind charged out. Xiaowei was blown away by that but nothing really happened. The door closed itself and Xiaowei was not even hurt. Xiaowei opened the next door and a chill so cold that he felt a burning sensation and inside the door he saw an ice land. He immediately closed the door. His awareness began to creep in little by little.

He began to question this world. Where am I? He entered the state of lucid dreaming. It’s when a person can personally control his dream but it doesn’t last long. Usually last about half an hour.

Xiaowei kept walking forward looking at all the strange doors that kept popping up. He saw a semi interesting looking door. In a way this door was calling out to him. Like a light at the end of the tunnel. It was a door that was a tree but its trunk and doorknobs were dark black. He opens the door and inside was a lush green forest. A cool gush of wind dances out. Xiaowei steps in and wonders where this was because he has never been to such a huge forest before. He saw adventure videos of people hunting in a forest but have never really experience it himself alone before. He walked around for a bit pondering on this experience. Is it a dream he wondered. It seemed too real to be a dream. Every single atom of his body was feeling a sensation he never felt before.


The tree trucks had a diameter of about 100 meters with a height of at least a thousand meters. Every tree was about the same size. He eventually came across a cave. The entrance to the cave was about 13 to 15 meters wide and has a height of 10 meters. Compared to the trees it was like comparing an eagle with a hummingbird. To Xiaowei who was about the size of an ant compare to all this stared in astonishment. Right now he doesn’t care if it was dream or it was real but he just feels amazed by all this.

Compared with the tiny trees back at home this was a millions times more breathtaking. Xiaowei doesn't even notice that he was floated into the cave. Inside the cave laid a pair of dragons. They had feather like scales covering their body. Their head had two pairs of horns. One dragon had a pair of horns flowing back like those of the Chinese dragon. The other horn was like that of a ram. It goes back but curves forward later. The other dragon has both pairs of horns flowing back but was twisting around each other. The twisting horn dragon had a mix of light and dark blue feathers and 3 pairs of sky blue wings. Like a serpent the underside of both their body were a mix of white and gray while the ram horn one's was darker. Their tails were the same length as from the tip of the dragon’s head to where the tail protrudes out. The ram like horn dragon had bright crimson red feathers with mix of pink feathers. They both lay around a baby dragon. It seems like the blue dragon just gave birth to it and was cradling it under its arm and the feathers on its’ arm were like soft marshmallows. It was bright pink and white underneath.

Surprisingly both the dragon doesn’t even notice Xiaowei like he was a ghost. They continued to coo at the child. You can feel their love just from their eyes.

A deep rumble suddenly vibrated across the cave. Both the dragons were now in fully alert. The red dragon got up and walks out of the cave. The blue one hugged the baby tighter to her chest. It was still weak from giving birth.

Xiaowei floated outside of the cave and looked around. The red dragon stood outside the cave scanning for danger. A couple of minutes later five human figures appeared in front of this dignified dragon. One was a 60 to 70 year looking old man that had a skinny face in a suit of gold color armor. The second one was about the same age but has a full grown beard the run all the way to his belly with the same set of armor. The third guy looks like he is in his 50s and had a black suit of armor. The fourth guy was also old and around the same age as the first two except he doesn’t wear armor and you can see his frail looking body. The last guy looks like he is about twenty to thirty years old and had a dignified expression on his face. To most girls he would be a really good looking a Asian. He wore light armor and carries a sword on his back.

They all give off the presence of a Titan realm cultivator except that young man in the group. His aura was in the late stages of the Ancestor Realm.Those oppressive aura could have completely killed Xiaowei except he could not even feel it due to his zero presence here. The mighty dragon also gave of his aura that completely canceled out the five Titan realm cultivators. It seems that the red dragon was also in the Titan realm. Thus it was deduced that the dragon was a 15th tier beast.

“Humans, what are you doing in the Bermuda forest and in my dragon territory?” bellowed the great dragon.

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