《Asura》The Beginning


(I have also started to host this story on a site that I started with some of my friends. http://lightnovels.world It might be easier to read there. Give it a try and furthermore all the grammar and stuff for all 72 chapters of the first book will be updated too.)

Chapter 1: The Beginning

In 4000ZD, a great comet from the north crashed dead center in the Eragoon Forest, creating a crater five hundred miles wide. At that very moment, our protagonist, Zhang Xiaowei, was born onto this Earth.

However, this comet was not a comet at all, but instead, it was a great demonic looking human possessing eight dragon-like arms. It stood thirteen feet tall and a blood red flame surrounded its body. Its eyes, devoid of all life, scanned its surroundings, as an extremely terrifying aura seeps out of its body. He roared out in rage. This roar was heard within a thousand mile radius. All wildlife fled in fear. Even the great heaven realm beasts had no choice but to leave. All the clans within the surrounding region sent out hundreds of experts to suppress this disaster. Since this demon was known as an Asura. An existence so vile and ruthless, that no amount of words can describe it.

These experts used their strongest martial art skills against the Asura, and yet not a single scratch surfaced on its skin. It was the same as throwing cotton candy at someone. That night about one thousand experts were killed without discrimination. Finally, the sealing team managed to seal the Asura in a hundred foot long barrier, but only for a one day. Eventually the Asura began to break the barrier as if it were made of tofu. Xiaowei’s parents had no choice but to go and try to suppress this catastrophe. His dad Zhang Xiaotian and his mom Zhang Lin Yue were the strongest within the Zhang family. They managed to contain the Asura for two straight days before their death. Moments later three God-like humans arrived. They used various methods to weaken and kill the Asura. Even with the three God like humans arriving, the Asura managed to hold out for a whole week before it died.


Eight years later, Zhang Xiaowei is now an orphan who lives with his Uncle Ming and his wife, Meiyun. His uncle Ming has three children: two boys and a girl named Xingxing, who is the same age as Xiaowei. The boys’ names are Lei and Chen. Lei is twelve this year and Chen is ten. They both attend Tian Academy, the number one academy for cultivators on the continent.

Today is the day in which all children over the age of eight are to be tested for their element affinity and talent. Xiaowei sat on a bed in a white room with a white cylinder shaped machine against the back wall.

Xiaowei was excited for this test because he wanted to get into a good school and make his dead parents proud. Even though Xiaowei never met his parents, he had heard people talk highly of them. He was proud to be their child and from that pride came a sense of duty to live up to other people’s expectations of him. The reason he felt this excitement is because generally speaking a child usually inherits their parent’s ability and talent. Also, only one in a hundred million have a body that cannot cultivate, so the odds of him getting disappointing results were the same as someone winning the lottery.

Moments later a female instructor in a white suit enters.

“Are you Zhang Xiaowei?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”

“My name is Su Xuiyin, but you can just call me Miss. Su. Are you ready?” she asked while pinching his cheeks.

“Yes Miss Su.”

“You’re so adorable.” she said while letting go of his cheeks. “Walk into that machine over there and face outward.”

Xiaowei did what he was told, but he was still really creeped out by a stranger pinching his cheeks like that.

Xiaowei stood inside the machine. and There were glass cylinder rings all around him. He heard the humming of the machine and it started to light up. A red glow on one of the rings started to light up and down.

Xiaowei felt a homely sensation, comparable to a warm bath. Then a blue ring lit up afterwards, then green, brown, and finally yellow. When the yellow ring lit up he felt a slight tingle run up his spine. Then there was a yellow flash. The machine slowly died down, but the door did not open.


Xiaowei had never done this before so he didn’t panic. He thought this was all normal. The machines started to hum again but this time only the yellow flash happened. The machine shut down again and the door finally slid open.

Xiaowei stepped out of the machine and saw Miss Su beaming with pride. “Xiaowei your results were great. You have fantastic affinity with fire and lightning and a little above average with earth. So, SS rank for fire and lightning, and B rank for Earth. This dual element affinity only happens to one in a million and I just happened to test one.” She was beaming with pride and her smile could stretch across the room.

“Is SS really good?”, Xiaowei asked as his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

“Yes, it is the best. SS is the best you can get. Then it goes S. After that it is A, B, C, D, and N. B is above average and C is average. D is below average and N means you have no affinity with it. Your dual element SS is a very rare occurrence and only one in a million will have it.” She repeated that last line because of how amazing it was.

“What about my talent?”

“There might have been something wrong with the system, so I’m going to have to check with the other instructors.” She stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh” Xiaowei answered with a hint of worrying in his voice. Xiaowei wasn’t naive and knew that something must be wrong but there was nothing he can do about it so he could only wait.

“Go to the waiting room and the results will be given to your chaperone later.” she said as she led him out of the machine room and into the waiting room. He saw Xingxing, his cousin, sitting there playing with her hair and felt a surge of curiosity.

“Xingxing,” Xiaowei called out, “how were your results?”

She had the biggest grin on her face like as if she just hit the jackpot.

“I got S rank in the water element and my talent is an A. What about you?”

“I got SS in fire and lightning, but I don’t know about my talent. She said she will announce it later.” I told her.

With her huge eyes she stared at Xiaowei like he was some kind of God, but Xiaowei felt something must be wrong with his talent. Later on they did some physicals and Xiaowei got the best results out of everyone. Afterwards, one of the instructors handed their results to Xiaowei’s chaperone, Leo. They got back late that night and Uncle Ming was in his room reading. The moment he heard footsteps his head shot up as he looked curiously at his daughter and nephew.

“Xingxing, xiaowei. Welcome back. How did the test go?” he asked.

“Daddy, Xiaowei got dual element SS rank for scores and he also did the best on the physical exam. I got S rank in the water element and my talent is an A. Aren’t you proud of me?” she asked cutely as she cuddle in her cuddled her way into his arm.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he rubbed his forehead on hers, “Xiaowei, how is your talent?” His eyes were still gleaming with pride.

“Uncle, I don’t know. My instructor wouldn't tell me, but it should be on the paper they gave to Uncle Leo,” Xiaowei replied.

“I’m sure you did great,” he laughed, “Our family finally got a dual element prodigy.”

He gently put Xingxing down as he got up. “I will be back in a while after I check Xiaowei and the other children’s grades.”

Aunty Meiyun came in just as Uncle Ming was going out.

“Ming, where are you going this late at night?” she asked.

“Just going to check on Xiaowei’s talent. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Make sure to come back in time for dinner. I made a feast for Xingxing and Xiaowei”

“This shouldn't take long,” he said as he smiled gently.

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