《The Opportunist》The Negotiation


Gareth POV

Panting I ran out of the room and at the same time laughing at the havoc I caused. That went much better than I expected it to. The maids are about to have a real fun time cleaning the throne room floors.

I opened my palm to reveal a form of black powder which was formerly the pen with a large amount of formations stuffed inside it. Due to the overuse the pen turned into dust which caused me to run my plan a little shorter than I should have, but it still ended up working. I blew the powder out as a memorial for the King's balls as it will certainly be missing after that scare.

Walking back to my room with a grin on my face. With me not getting a chance to sleep yesterday due to the planning I needed some rest before I malfunctioned.

While sleeping I entered another white room. However, this was the same as the first time I was here. Empty.

I heard a faint giggle.

Ah fuck its her again.

"Are you Gods that bad with coming up with something original?" I asked the empty white space.

"You are no fun, You know that? You could have at least pretended to be scared" She spoke as she appeared before me.

"Yea yea. So whats with the surprise visit for?" I asked impatiently.

"Just wanted ya to meet someone." As she said so another figure came into view.

"What? Wanted me to meet your sugar daddy. Or in this case sugar grandpa?" I asked while laughing as the man was rather old whose face was covered in wrinkles. Not to mention he walked around with a cane.

I could see a vein popping out of her head but she did not say anything about it.


"He would be Peritia, the God of Knowledge and the creator of Anima" She said while introducing him.

interesting. This old man created such a world. Can't really judge a book by its cover these days.

"You did not interfere with my dreams just so I can meet him did ya?"

"Hm.. who knows" She responded while tilting her head. Guess she was mad about the whole sugar grandpa thing.

"If thats all then I am leaving" I turned around but realized that I could not leave. Well I could walk away..

"Leave where, little one? Into that white area or that white area?" She laughed while pointing at random directions.

"*cough*" We were brought back by the old man coughing. Which is probably the most normal thing about this place.

"So what is that you brought me here for" I asked again this time directing the questions at the old man.

"The calamity is coming. The first wave will be at the south nearing the [Elsewood] forest. We need you to go there to contain it or force it back" The Goddess answered.

"I could but why would I want to?" I said with a grin. She is not the only one who can hold a grudge.

Now that got the Goddess mad but before she could try to harm me the old man blocked her.

"Now now. We can work something out here."

Clicking her tongue "Fine...what do you want in return?"

"Information about space magic" This world has to have some information about space as the Princess used it to rip a hole through it to summon me. I never bothered learning much about space itself in my previous world but it would undoubtedly be useful in this one.

"We can only give you up to yellow stage"


Ha. They are the ones who need me but still want to give me a lowball?

"White. I won't back down from this" I quipped.

(Author's Note: Red

"Peak Yellow" She responded clearly unused to being in a negotiation. However she and the old man needed me to go to the forest but I did not need the knowledge.

"White. Final offer"

"Yell--" She wanted to say before the old man cut her off.

"Done" The old man gave in.

Sweet. The old man stretched his hand forward and placed his hand on my forehead. Knowledge of space flowed into my brain. At least it did not hurt like the time the Princess did it. Now due to this new found knowledge my arsenal has expanded quite a bit.

"So back to the whole calamity thing. What exactly is there?"

"Due to Peritia's way of creating the world. We cannot interfere with it. The whole world is entirely disconnected from the God's realm and the only one who can reconnect it is the original owner. But he cannot do that anymore since the world forsake him as their God so he lacks the power to do so. The result is that we can only see a little bit more than the seers of your world. But there is something ominous stirring up there and you need to go there before it fucks up the world." The Goddess explained quickly.

"But how was I sent into that world" I asked her

"We cannot interfere with that world but that does not mean the residents of the world cannot interfere beyond it. Since you were being summoned by them all I had to do was provide power for the summoning as it connected to your world" The Goddess answered back.

"Enough talk. We gave you what you wanted so finish the mission or I will really start haunting you" Saying that she pushed me back leading me to fall into the white void. I woke up panting for breath and sweating but had a smile on my face.

Chuckling I went back to sleep. I had to go a trip very soon.


Goddess POV

"Think he will be able to solve it?" I asked Peritia.

"He should be able to but why the facade? You wouldn't normally be swindled, especially not by a small human child" He asked back confused at my actions.

"I was going to give him the power anyway. It just made it more fun for him to fight for it"

He just shook is head at my actions. Hopefully the kid makes good use of that magic.

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