《The Opportunist》The Discovery


Sorry bout the lateness. Had to go somewhere and thought of many plot details on the way so I guess it was a win.

Anyway, another chapter.

I plan to use actual physics equations and various psychological/biological concepts so I might need to start adding definitions either at the bottom or along the words itself to make it easier to understand. I want to know if anyone would be bothered by that.


Gareth POV

We landed directly in front of the castle and I turned around to get the full view of the entire city. Just as I expected from a medieval era. The housing districts where separated into three very distinct areas. The closer the homes got to the castle the fancier they got.

I unconsciously let out a whistle which I saw laid my eyes on the castle which caused the bystanders to glare at me.

Following directly behind the Princess as we progressed through the halls that led to the front of a massive door which looks like as if it was bejeweled by a hyperactive 8 year old.

'I guess tax money is wasted no matter where you go' I thought to myself as the Princess's guards slowly pushed the door open.

We were met with a room full of people glaring at us. Each male wearing highly fancy looking suits which were suited the color red and gold which perfectly matched the room, the carpet, the walls, and everything else in between. In the very far end the room on the throne sat a man who was also dressed in red and gold styled with various jewels, necklaces and a crown with bright jewels on top. 'Ah a whole show for little ol' me' I was very touched by the amount of planning to make the King seem important and powerful. I almost would have believed that the King did not even need me to solve the calamity if the Princess had not blurted it out to me.

The Princess walked forward by herself as the guards went to stand on the side lines. She bowed lightly and spoke loud enough so the whole room can hear her

"I present the summoned one..." she stopped as soon as she realized that she did not even bother asking for my name. With an embarrassed face she glared at me.

"Gareth Owen. Pleased to meet ya" I said while trying to hold my laughter.

"Welcome Gareth to the Harth Kingdom and the world of Anima. You shall be provided a room in the castle until we need you to solve the matter that may be coming"

'Oh ho ho, a calamity that is supposed to ruin all of humanity is an afterthought here' I mused as I watched the King's blatant attempts to downplay the summoning.

"But before this ceremony comes to an end. We need to gauge your power" He said as he waved his hands which prompted the maids at the sidelines to shift around till one came forward with a crystal looking ball.

"Simply put your hand on the ball and pour as much mana as you can into it" I could feel the stares of everyone in the room. Guess this was a rather important ceremony.

I walked up the ball and placed my hands and willed as much mana as I can. The ball quickly shifted colors from red to yellow to white to blue. I watched for the reactions and as soon as the ball reached the color blue the King's and the people around eyes widened to the point where I thought their eyeballs were going to pop out any moment. The ball glowed once more into a bright violet color which caused the room to gasp until the crystal ball shattered and flew everywhere.


"Um.. was that supposed to happen?" I asked but the room stayed silent.

*cough* The King quickly regained his composure and told the room "Hm.. a common occurrence. You simply lost control of your mana while pouring it in." emphasizing the 'common occurrence' part. "Luckily we have an item that allows the wearer to gain better control of their mana" he continued while another maid brought forward a ring with a massive jewel on top of it. I eyed it suspiciously while thinking 'They just had a ring laying around here just in case the summoned hero lost control of their mana? Ha fat chance' though I could tell what was wrong with the ring itself I knew it will not end well for me if I wore it.

"My thanks." I said while I grasped the ring and put in my pocket.

The King looked at me suspiciously so I came up with a quick lie "Oh. In my world putting on a ring in public means you are marrying the person who gave it to you. Which is probably not your intention. Unless..." I said in a seductive manner before throwing a wink towards the king. The suspicion on the King's face was replaced with a pale white face as if he just saw a ghost.

*cough* "Hm.. That's alright... just be sure to wear it when you can or it might cause some unfortunate accidents" He responded quickly while waving his hands.

"If I may request something, Your Highness"


"Do you perhaps have a library at this castle. I know nothing of this world and would like to spend some time studying it" while in reality I hoped I could find out what's in this ring.

"Granted" He looked towards one of the maid "Lead him to the Royal library. Grant him red level access". The maid quickly looked towards me beckoning me to follow.


King POV

With the sound of the table being slammed by the Prime Minister, the council meeting began.

"What in the actual hell was that! I have never been heard or seen of violet level mana let alone someone wielding it" He yelled at the room. "That kid will grow to be a threat. We are better off torturing that kid for information and killing him off afterwards than let him walk around with such absurd level of power. Seriously the Royal Magicians put together would not be able to crack that crystal ball let alone shatter it"

"We cannot do that. Though his mana stability was not the entire cause of the shattering but it is one of the main aspects. That kid has more mana than he can play around with. If we try to force him into anything it will end as a disaster. I would not want to be that poor sap that tries to capture him" The Royal Advisor spoke to the room as he tried to calm the minister down.

They both fell into a heated argument on what the kid's fate will be. I had to stop it after the Prime Minister tried to beat the Advisor with his chair rest. Irritated, I bellowed out

"Silence! This is a non-issue. The Royal Magicians imbued the ring with a special formation. As long as the kid wears it his power will be under the Kingdom's control"


"Wait but he is heading to the royal library. What if he cracks the formation?" The minister asked.

"His power likely comes from knowledge of the other world. I do not think that it is possible for that kid to crack the formation invented by one of the greatest magicians of this continent and fortified by our own Royal Magicians"

They both backed down after they heard my explanation though they still seem a bit dissatisfied.

"The meeting is adjourned until a later date" I spoke while dismissing them.

Whether or not a calamity comes I can surely use the kids power to consolidate my rule and perhaps spread my domain towards the other Kingdoms. I laughed at the various scenarios I could do with that kid's power.


Gareth POV

The maid led to me to a Royal Library and as soon as I entered the room she dashed away. 'Wow was the whole crystal ball shattering thing that bad?'

As I walked in I saw that the library was separated into many floors and the floor to the second floor was guarded by guards. The whole room was littered with books of various books and shelfs and even had it's own librarian; except it was a rough looking man with hateful rather than a sweet old lady. As I tried to walk up to the second floor the guards stopped me while stating "You only have red level access. You need a yellow pass to access the second floor"

'Seriously? The King really wants me to see that I am not that important doesn't he. Good thing I don't have much self-esteem issues or I might be testing out if I can summon bleach' I thought as I walked backed away and began to look at the books on the first floor.

"Man they seriously have a lot of books here" I marveled as I looked at the various titles of the book.

[History of Anima] 'skip'

[Economy of the Harth kingdom] 'skip'

[The Beauty and the Bindings] 'skip'

[History of the Harth Kingdom] 'skip'

[Charlotte's Webster Dictionary] 'skip'

[How to increase your mana in just three easy steps!] 'skip'

[Basic of Formations and Runes]

"Ah there it is" I exclaimed as I pulled the book out of the shelf and laid it down on the table to read along with the ring out of my pocket.

[Formations in essence are pre-written spells allowing the wearer to use them quickly without having to think of the spells. They can be used for offense, defense, traps and even utility. Formations are generally weaker than their spells counter parts and it is not recommended for one to fully rely on them in combat.

There are three main types of formations with various other types branching off them.

The first type is Mana Formation: This formation can only be activated when the wearer wills their mana (or life force equivalent) into it. This formation takes the shape of a Circle.

The second type is Sustained Formation: This formation is active at all times as long as their is mana in the user's surrounding. This type of formation is generally the weakest and is typically only used for defensive purposes where the user does not have to be on constant alert to stop an attack. This formation takes the shape of a Hexagon.

The last type is Dissociate Formation: This formation requires two separate formations to be created and connected to one another. One of which will be receiver while the other is the sender. The formation on the sender's side will only activated when the receiver sends mana. This type of formation is as strong as the formation itself and the amount of mana the receiver sends. This type of formation is typically used to create traps. This formation takes the shape of a Diamond]


[Analyzing or breaking formations:

In order to either analyze or break a formation. The user needs to posses more knowledge than the formation itself otherwise it will result in a massive backlash.

One has to spread their mana throughout the formation till it covers the entire formation itself and as soon as the formation acknowledges the user's knowledge it will present itself to the user. In rarer cases the creator of the formation may choose to not lock their formation allowing anyone to be granted access to them. As soon as the process is complete the information behind the formation is shown to the user.

If the user wants to keep the formation they have to state "Custodi" as they pour mana into it. If they wish to break the formation the user has to state "Solvite" and if they wish to change the formation the user has to state "Recensere" ]

'Well here goes nothing'

I looked towards the ring and willed my mana through it.

Suddenly after a flash of light one circle formation and one diamond formation came before me. As my mana coursed through the two formations words began to come out of them.

I read the circle one first.

[Mana formation is in the user's brain which spreads through out the body and the flow of mana is controlled by the heart and stomach]

"Hmm. Guess this one is supposed to help me control my mana. Custodi!" I stated decided to keep it. I stopped willing my mana into the formation resulting it in going back into the ring.

I glanced at the other formation's writings.

[By sending mana towards the top of the brain it allows the sender to control the wearer's basic movement]

'Hohoho.. Jackpot. Looks like this formation attacks the motor cortex of the brain to control the movements. Though this knowledge is rather basic it looks like it is enough for basic commands. Hmph. No wonder the King looks so satisfied when I told him I would wear the ring' I was angry at the thought that I was almost reduced to the level of a dog.

'But this is a interesting find. So as long as you have knowledge of the brian you can directly mess with it'

"Hahhahahaha" I laughed louldy way while rubbling my hands while thinking with the prospects of the things I could do with this thing. I had to quickly stop as the librarian glared me as if I just insulted his mother.

I just found myself something to play around with.


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