《A Meta-Human In Another World》Chapter 2: A Meta-Human and Stats


Ojek POV

"What do you mean I can't keep Usagi as a pet? Lots of people have pets" Lilly asked. The Monster, the legendary Lightning Lord Jackalope, Has settled down in her arms and is now peacefully sleeping, a scene that defies all logic.

"Yes but that's a wild animal you can't just pick one up and expect it to be nice" Varen Said, trying to convince the insane girl to release the monster. It will be a nightmare she releases it in the town and no doubt she eventually will.

Now that the monster is resting it's a perfect time to kill the thing, there's just one obstacle.

"That's why I am going to a pet shop, I need some domestication balls" Varen sighed. I don't need telepathy to hear his internal screaming.

"That's. Not. How. It. Works!"

"Isn't it?" The girl tilted her head putting a hand on her chin, which admittedly was adorable. Now with just one hand holding the massacre waiting to happen. If it woke up it could very easily escape.

Varen tensed up.

"What gave you that idea anyway!" Varen muttered trying not to wake the beast.

"The dive game did, pretty sure that's how it works, otherwise how did humanity domesticate dogs and cats, and all sorts of other animals"

I just sat there, dumbfounded. This girl isn't sane, she has to be suffering from a curse of some sort, she can't have survived this long otherwise.

"I suggest we examine her, perhaps we can cure her," I tell Varen.

"E-examine?! But still a month away from the quarterly check, my last examination was spotless, I'm a model citizen!" Lilly seems agitated, probably a reaction from the curse, the one who cast the curse on her must be very skilled. "I'm even a thrice winner of the Nobel prize! B-besides, you're not police, you have no right to perform an examination!"

"I-it's just a joke! A joke, as you said we aren't police, right?" Varen Hastily said, not wanting Lilly's outburst to wake the Jackalope.

"O-oh, right, of course" Lily said sitting back down her face reddening. "Can I go home now?"

"Where do you live by the way?" I asked. At this Lilly looked smug.

"I live in arcology A! Floor three-thousand seven hundred eighty-two!" The girl said with the utmost pride

What nonsense is that?!

"A-Anyway, we just need you to do a couple of little things and then you're on your way"


We moved through the guild hall to the initiation room, this is where all adventurers gain their adventuring cards and have their stats inspected to see if they are ready for rank promotions or to see their starting rank, there's a lot more to factor in such as combat experience but typically that's not an issue.

The inspection could also be used to determine health and mental conditions so it's also often used in hospitals which is why we brought Lilly here.

The room itself was mostly empty save for a lone orb about the size of a man's head that stood on a pedestal and a crystal panel on a wall.

"Please put your hand on the orb" I instructed, hoping she would not recognize an inspection orb.


As she did the crystal panel light up with a detailed stat sheet. Normally the receptionist would attune an adventurer card to the stats. The card was less detailed and would need to be periodically updated but functioned as a form of ID and used to prove who you were.


Lilly Meadow

Race: Meta-Human

Sub-Race: Flower Child

Age: 54

Stamina: 830

Mana: 4003650/4003650 (+4000000)

Chi: 3650/3650

Mana Regen/Min: 344

Psy Power: 34

Qi: 0


Strength: 80 (1.0) [80]

Agility: 86 (4.2) [361]

Endurance: 83 (1.0) [83]

Intelligence: 420 (8.2) [3444]

Wisdom: 159 (2.3) [365]

Charisma: 155 (8.3) [1286]


Str skills: 1.0

Agi skills: 4.2

End skills: 1.0

Laser Construction: 3

Klark Tech Construction: 18

Nano-Scale Construction: 8

Nanite Construction: 3

Int skills: 8.2

Wis Skills: 2.3

Cha Skills: 8.3

Computer Programing: 13

Engineering: 23

Laser Engineering: 3

Klark Tech Engineering: 25

Chemistry: 5

Nano-Scale Engineering: 5

Telepathy, Subconscious: 2

Telekinesis, Subconscious: 2

Psychic Sense, Subconscious: 1

Remote Viewing, Subconscious: 1

Psychic Calm, Subconscious: 3

Mental Suggestion, Subconscious: 2

Subconscious Psionics: 2

Animal Husbandry: 16

Animal Taming: 33

Animal Domestication: 5

Monster Taming: 18

Monster Domestication: 1

Positive Conditions:

Negative Conditions:


Prosthetics: Left eye (Mythical Tier)

Prosthetics: Left arm (Mythical Tier)

Prosthetics: Right Leg (Mythical Tier)

Nanite Injection (Mythical Tier)

CPU implant (Mythical Tier)

Amputation: Left Eye

Amputation: Left Arm, Severe

Amputation: Right Leg, Major

Mental Conditioning: Severe

Cognitive Inhibitor Implant

Age Immunity: Racial

Regeneration, Lesser: Racial

Photographic Memory: Racial

Enhanced senses: Racial

Enhanced Cognitive Capabilities, Moderate: Racial

Enhanced Physical Growth, Lesser: Racial

Enhanced Intelligence Growth, Epic: Racial

Enhanced Wisdom Growth, Moderate: Racial

Enhanced Charisma Growth, Moderate: Racial

Disease Immunity: Racial

Toxin Immunity: Racial

Alien Thinking: Racial

Immature Psionics: Racial

Psychic Language Translation: Racial


Discoverer of Force Fields

Builder of Force Fields

Nobel Prize Winner

Discoverer of Artificial Gravity

Builder of Artificial Gravity

Discoverer of Wormholes

Builder of Wormholes

Otherworldly Traveler

Skill Genius

Ruthlessly Kind

Flower Child

Special Notes: An accomplished and prized model citizen of the United Terra dystopian nation. Her disappearance will be investigated and trust me, you do NOT want them finding out this world exists; and you do not want them discovering how to planes walk, for the sake of the multiverse.

P.S. Don't send her back, you'll only make things worse for yourself.

Fuck. My. Life.

The World System almost never puts special notes on people meaning she'll be a massive pain in the ass. And what the fuck is with her stats?! The average person is only at ten and her mana capacity is completely unheard of, not even heroes have anywhere near that amount.

It was actually fairly normal for adventurers to reach the hundred and even thousand point mark in terms of stats but that's aided through the system and it's limited, system-aided stats are affected in weird ways. Physical stats are mostly unaffected but mental stats only improve spells and abilities and don't actually improve mental capabilities. It's actually simple, the system can add or multiply forces, you push something and it can multiply your pushing force. But intelligence is not something you can simply multiply. So the best it can do is increase perceived time making someone think faster, but not smarter.

Alright, there's a lot of new things here let's take a look at them. I tap the display to see the race explanations.

{Meta-Human: A genetically engineered Human to have physical capabilities reach biological limits. Their body and brain don't fully mature until one hundred years of age. A Meta-Human no longer ages and has some regenerative abilities capable of regrowing limbs in about a month.}

So is she human or not? Says engineered so more like a chimera? But whatever the case her world has reached into forbidden knowledge and is playing god.

{Flower Child Sub-Race: A genetically engineered Meta-Human to have vastly increased brain functions. Due to the physical limits of the human brain, a Flower Child's brain is fully redesigned, their brain's hemispheres being split into eight as well as many other redesigns; the name comes from how the brain octospheres vaguely resemble the petals of a flower. A Flower Child has weak and subconscious psionic powers, they are unable to consciously use psionics until they are fully matured at which their Immature Psionics is replaced with Matured Psionics that enhance their powers to devastating levels.}


So she has been altered even more... gonna pass over the skills for now, it's usually self-explanatory.

Next are the conditions. And skipping some of the more of the obvious stuff

{Prosthetics: Left arm (Mythical Tier): A robotic prosthetic powered by a magicite battery. Allows even greater strength than weak flesh, is made with an indestructible alloy, and is extremely resistant to lightning. Has built-in compartments to store small objects.}

So that's the source of her mana... Magicite is a mythical tier material that vastly boosts mana capacity and spells cast. it's so rare only a handful of the stuff has ever been found and half of that has been lost throughout time. I assume her world was a way of finding these or that she is exceptionally valued in her world, or perhaps both.

Still, four million mana?! How large is that magicite?! or maybe she has more, assuming one for each prosthetic that's still about three million mana, if I could sell some I'd be set for life... no, I can't think like that; I'd just bring more disaster to myself.

{Mental Conditioning: A non-magical form of brainwashing and cannot be cured magically.}

Well, it certainly explains some things, but what exactly has she been conditioned for?

{Cognitive Inhibitor Implant: An implant in the brain that inhibits certain brain activity so the host cannot mentally progress past that of a child.}

This explains her childish behavior, I wonder if there is a way to remove it...

{Enhanced Cognitive Capabilities: A racial trait of Flower Children responsible for their incredible genius.}

An unheard of racial ability, pretty self-explanatory I guess

{Enhanced Physical Growth: a racial trait that increases strength, agility, and endurance; increasing the stats to one-hundred by the time the individual reaches the age of one-hundred}

Ooh! An ability that combines three others, thankfully the system sometimes does this, if several things do pretty much the same thing at the same level. Sometimes it may also combine skills that work synergistically, like Speed Casting and a music skill can create Song Cast

{Enhanced Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Growth: As Enhanced Physical Growth but for the corresponding stat with the exception that the maximum stat is increased to the severity of the ability}

So it wasn't incorporated in the same skill because they were at differing levels...

{Alien Thinking: This ability turns the individuals thinking into aliens ways allowing them to make connections and discover things that seemingly break the laws of reality and defy logic, trying to read their mind without this ability or skill that achieves the same result will end with a severe migraine and at worst madness as lesser puny minds cannot comprehend the minds of these beings. Grants immunity to the madness-inducing effect of eldritch horrors as these beings can easily comprehend such things.}

Yeah yeah, the system sometimes likes to add some "flavor" to descriptions, I honestly don't know where it gets that from. Anyway, does this mean she is more related to those eldritch horrors than human, or perhaps an in-between?

{Immature Psionics: A weak form of Psionics mostly only capable of minor and vague things. Including but not limited to things such as subconsciously mind-reading, premonitions, telekinetic aided physical activities, and danger sense. Most of the powers are imperceivable besides having uncanny intuitions, being able to sense lies and deceit, and achieving physical action one wouldn't think capable of the individual.}

So it's like magic but not?

The next are titles, they usually grant access some sort of unique skill or ability but not necessarily always.

{Discoverer of Force Fields: Grants access to force magics}

{Builder of Force Fields: Empowers force magics}

A new type of magic, maybe she can teach it, I didn't see the force magic skill so she'll need to get it first before teaching others.

{Nobel Prize Winner:}

No bonus, usually fame based titles don't grant anything, but rarely they do so it's always worth a check

{Discoverer of Artificial Gravity: Grants access to gravity magic}

{Builder of Artificial Gravity: Empowers gravity magic}

Nothing new to say here...

{Discoverer of Wormholes: Grants portal magics}

{Builder of Wormholes: Empowers portal magics}

Teleportation has already been discovered but portals should open gateways that anyone can travel through? If so it'd be a huge boon.

{Otherworldly Traveler:}

This one never had a bonus. Simply crossing into another world is not enough of an achievement to get access to a skill or ability, building the bridge that does, however, is.

{Skill Genius: Lowers the threshold for gaining and increasing skills}

Now that's an incredibly powerful title. I wonder how one gets it?

{Ruthlessly Kind: People, monsters, and animals are more responsive and reciprocating to kindness}

Hmm, another new one for the catalog, now we just need to know just how she got it.

{Flower Child: Grants access to Psionic abilities and Psy Power}

So that's where that comes from...

Otherworldly traveler title... Meaning she is not originally from this world just like the summoned heroes.

The demon lord was slain three years ago, and three of the five summoned heroes chose to stay, she is obviously not one of the three, meaning she is not expected. Heroes are only summoned for the demon lord, there is no exception. So either the gods summoned her for a purpose or it was not the gods who summoned her. Assuming it wasn't the gods then who?

In the end, it's not up to me to worry about it, I'm just the adventurer guild branch head, I deal with monsters, not people. Whatever Lilly is that's for the king and heroes to work out. If anyone can figure out her insane antics it'll be the other otherworldly travelers.

I pull out my adventurer card and overwrite it with Lilly's information

"That's enough, you can take your hand off the orb"

"Can I go home now?"

"Yes, but you'll have to leave U...sagi behind," I say, we have to get rid of that monster and destroy it.

Just at that moment, the Jackalope woke up, it's beady electric blue eyes focused on me. Lilly doesn't seem to have noticed she was looking at me with watery eyes. The Jackalope leaped out of Lilly's unsecured grip with a growl.

We- we're dead!

Lightning sparked from the horn of the beast charging up power as it readied its lightning spell. At the same time Varen and I drew our swords, I'd rather die fighting than to die whimpering like a coward.

"Bad Usagi!"


For some reason the monster listened, it looked at Lilly like a dog obeying its master.

"Com'ere" Lilly motioned to her shoulder, and Usagi leaped onto it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Did she just tame an S rank monster?

Breathing out a lifetime's worth of sigh I offer a prayer of thanks to Thyra the goddess of fate and luck.

"Umm, what are you doing, why are you kneeling and muttering?"

I need this girl gone, I cannot take any more of this.



"But I didn't even-"

"You know I hate escort quests"

Lilly’s looking at us as if we were speaking gibberish, a confused look on her face which was adorable with those round eyes of hers.

"The hero is just one city over-"

"Go find some C rank adventurer group" Varen insisted

"Your group is the only one that can handle the jackalope" I argued

"I hate escort quests because they often run into more danger, are too slow, or get in the way. This!" Varen pointed to Lilly "Is a nightmare"

Lilly started to pout, she may not have understood what Varen meant but she knew he was insulting her.

How can this girl be such a headache yet be soul soothingly cute?

"Fine! I'll pass this off on someone else, but I'll have to consider your quest failed. Since the parameters had changed mid quest I was willing to consider it complete with this escort" I had to resort to this, my trump card.

"Guh! You knew exactly where to hit didn't you?!" Varen prides himself on never having failed a single quest.

Varen looked at me, then to the pouting girl, then back to me.

"Fine! Fine, I'll do it but I am never doing any quest related to her again" Varen finally accepted begrudgingly. "We'll depart tomorrow"

"But I wanna go home now! It can't be that far away we're back in the city right? Just go to the arcology"

"This is going to be a long long quest" Varen sighed. "You owe me big for this" He then said, addressing me.

As long as this mess is out of my hair

"That's fine"

"Let's go, Lilly"

"I want an apology!" Lilly said, still pouting.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said" Varen sighed, then ruffled Lilly's hair. Lilly blushed shyly. Then followed Varen out the door.

I go to my office to write a letter to the nearest hero with my adventurer card now replaced with Lilly's information attached. He can view the detailed info by connecting it with another scouter orb.


Lilly POV

I followed Mr. Varen out into the lobby of the unfamiliar building. It was a large open space with several round tables that several larpers grouped up at. The chatter was fairly loud, were these people partially deaf? Thinking of Mr. Ojek and Mr. Varen are pretty loud people too, what's wrong with these nutcases? Does the government know about these guys? Wait... what if I'm discovered with these people? Will I be considered crazy? Maybe I should just leave these guys quietly, they seem to want me around but they are very rude anyway, yeah, I should get away the first chance I get.

Varen led me to a table where his party is at. Varen pulled up a chair and after sitting he buried his face in his hands, he must like doing that. He motioned for me to sit which I obediently do. I must deceive these crazy people so I can escape later.

"You're not going to like this..." Mr. Varen sighed.

The others groaned, do they perhaps have telepathy? They seem to know something unspoken

"Escort quest?" Mr. Kaithe guessed

"Yup" Mr. Varen answered

"Lemme guess, you didn't really have a choice did you?" Mr. Tallen said.

"Yup" Mr. Varen answered

Why do they keep bringing up this 'escort' thing?

"So where are we taking her?" Miss Ferra asked

"To the city of Gallonor, but now I'm starting to question why you guys aren't asking about the fucking S rank monster obediently sitting on her shoulder!"

"Figured something must have happened," Mr. Kaithe said.

"Can't apply common sense to people like her" Miss Ferra replied.

"I once saw a monster tamer before, and that looks tamed to me; how she did it I have no fucking clue," Mr. Tallen said "Maybe I should introduce her to him" He muttered in thought.

"H-how can you guys be so calm about this?!"

"Well, you're alive, she's alive, and we're alive" Mr. Tallen answered pointing to each of us as listed the reasons.

"Someone please wake me up from this nightmare- OW! Fuck that iron leg hurts!" Mr. Varen rubbed his foreleg, I didn't kick him that hard.

"Hphmm!" Kicking Mr. Varen under the table I look away from the rude man.

"I guess she doesn't quite like you," Miss Ferra said, seemingly amused. "So what happened to you for you to have a metal arm and leg?" Miss Ferra asked me.

"Hmm? A project I was working on exploded, force fields are really dangerous if not tuned correctly, deflectors can act as focusing arrays if you're not careful and nullifiers can multiply velocity of whatever comes in contact with by many hundreds thousands of times it if it is inverted" I explained "should have turned off the inversion field first" I muttered, reminiscing on my mistakes.

"That must have been a pretty bad experience," Mr. Tallen said

"Meh, it happens if Stem wasn't there I would have probably died by that graviton increase loop. She needed her entire lower body rebuilt from after ripping apart the generator."

"Is no one going to address the fact that she's from a place that can REBUILD PEOPLE with metal?!" Mr. Varen exclaimed

"Varen, She literally tamed an S rank monster in less than a day, you can't top that" Tallen replied

"They probably use some sort of golem craft, I love to know their secrets though," Kaithe said.

The others seem to be really nice people, maybe Mr. Varen is just the rude one. I still don't want to be labeled as crazy for hanging out with this crowd though, I wish Stem were here.

"Let's Just go back to the inn, we leave tomorrow. Ferra, you don't mind sharing your bed do you?" Mr. Varen asked

"Not at all! Maybe I can have more interesting talks with Lilly"

"Alright!, let's prepare and meet back up at the inn, who wants the babysitting duty?"

Babysitting? How does one babysit? Are there other ways of sitting?

"I'll do it! I can get her some spare clothes, her current ones have quite a lot of dust on them" Ferra volunteered

Thinking of it, there is a lot of concrete dust from the force field explosion on me. My nanites should filter out any silicosis I might contract but I really should wash my clothes.

We got up and left the building. The sun immediately assaulted my eyes with its still too intense light. After letting my eye adjust for a second the view came into focus.

"Wha! What's going on?! Where, where am I?!"

"Oh, right, I forgot. She has the Otherworldly Traveler title, so she might react in weird ways. Have fun with that!" Mr. Varen said before leaving Miss Ferra looking like a deer in headlights.

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