《Sunchild - A Starfall Chronicle》Chapter 20 - Shrewd Firebreathers


Dinner was more awkward than Azara had expected. While Irinia seemed to not hold anything against her, Valerius tried to avoid her at every point. He wouldn't say a single word to her or even glance in her direction at the table. He spoke to Irinia, but in a limited manner. It did not help Azara feel better about the whole ordeal.

Thus, the conversation was light, with a foreboding mood over everyone. The governor did not bring up anything about the business at hand while they were eating. He also did not mention that Azara had not shown up for breakfast.

After some time they had all finished their meal, and a conversation started to pick up, awkward as it was. Due to Gunvar’s direction, the subject turned to dragon slaying, and everyone pitched in a little of their thoughts on the matter.

In the middle of a discussion regarding the hardness of dragon scales, upon which Azara was speaking quite authoritatively, the governor said something which quieted them all.

"I'd ask that Irinia, Joakim, and Kasper leave the room now. I have nothing against you, but I have to ask a question of Lady Elefthera and Prince Valerius that is better suited in private, or rather just in the company of nobility and those discussing war."

"Irinia is also of nobility birth Lord Gunvar, it would be alright for her to stay," Azara commented, to which Valerius nodded. While this was true, calling any Veyorn ‘nobility’ was a bit of a stretch in the context of the discussion.

"She is indeed sir, and I would like her to stay," Valerius said.

The governor sighed. "Well...alright then, I guess that it is alright, even...anyway, now, on to the matter at hand. Joakim, Kasper, if you will."

As Kasper and Joakim left, Azara assessed the situation. It was now that Gunvar would be revealing his true colors, and telling them whatever it was he wanted out of them. Getting only Valerius and Azara into the room was to keep Valerius from feeling the support of his friends perhaps? Maybe he just didn't trust Valerius' companions? Whatever it was, he was making his move, and whatever he had been trying to hide when they first met would be revealed now.

"Azara, this is more about you than Valerius, but my ultimatum, you could call it, is for the both of you," he said, and then addressed Azara. "You were here as an emissary of Aruslan originally correct?"

"Yes, I was."

"Your goal in this venture with Valerius?"

"To secure a place at the table in the end, so that Aruslan can have a guarantee of Ursulam's neutrality in our affairs, and the concession of the disputed Veyorn territory."

"Ah, that little worthless waste, of course. I was wrong then, I had perhaps assumed you were after more." He flashed a knowing look between Azara and Valerius.

This man was shrewd. He had already thought of what Azara's dragon greed had come up with while on the journey. Even now, she could get much more than she was asking for if she pursued it. At a minimum, an enormous amount of influence within the entire kingdom.

"Yes, nothing more."

"So then, if I'm not mistaken, you haven't, yet, requested troops from Aruslan to be involved in this rebellion?"

For a moment Azara feigned surprise before she replied. "No, why would I consider it?"

"Well, you see, there is a lot that Aruslan could benefit from, and that Ursulam could benefit from, with a stronger Arussan presence in this country," he said, his tone innocent, but he implied something through this act of innocence.


"I can see what you mean to some extent, but I'd like you to state it clearly," Azara said, and she attempted to keep a firm tone. "There will be no beating around the bush here."

"Hrmph, some diplomat you are then," he said, his demeanor becoming disgruntled. "Alright, I'll make this a direct statement then. I know how powerful and rich the Arussan Merchants Guild has become over the years, under the Red Mage's authority. Powerful isn’t the word I mean though - industrious is the right word. The whole province has become industrious, productive. I want a piece of that. The direction, the technology, and the benefits.

Furthermore, the king's taxes on all goods coming in or going out have been burdensome. As much as I like you, Valerius, I want a guarantee that Arussan merchants will be buying our fur, wood, and mineral exports, and I want it guaranteed with force. I want companies like Small Man's Mining and the Dragon's Scales to give us guarantees we can count on."

At the mention of Azara's company, Irinia cracked a smile and then suppressed a giggle. This earned her a disdainful look from Gunvar.

"And what is she on about? What did I say that is so funny?"

“Nothing particular,” Azara said, and she tried to act the part too. To her pleasure, someone had finally laughed at her company’s joke name. “Please, continue.”

He eyed the two, suspicious - before he returned to his spiel.

“I don't want the monarchy controlling trade so strongly anymore. Arussan having a say in that, through a military presence in Ursulam, is what I am demanding. That is the cost of my forces now as well, I will add. No one will be marching to Ursus without this."

Neither Valerius nor Azara were quite sure of what they were hearing. Was he really requesting that Aruslan turn Ursulam in a puppet state, or at least, partially? All for the sake of the booming trade Arussan had experienced in the past few years?

"You can't be serious Gunvar," Valerius retorted, shocked. He slammed his hands onto the table. "We had an agreement!"

"Yes, we did, but this young lady's involvement changes things, as well as this early timing. You’re asking me to execute our plan many days in advance of the planned time. With more risk should come more reward. I want more, my people and this land want more. We need trade reinvigorated, and war doesn't do that, what comes after does. So I want the result of this conflict to be the best possible for my people at the end of it all."

"...and the best possible for you," Azara said, the sighed. "Why do you think I would even have the authority to grant this anyways?"

"You are the Red Mage's daughter, I know that much," he replied. "You can work something out. Besides, you have ties with the Arussan merchants, don't you? You own the DRagon's Scales do you not?"

"Fair enough," she said. He had called her bluff there. "What would the Ursulan people think of having Aerician troops, mages no less, marching within their borders?"

"Another fair point, but I think under the circumstances it would be allowed. Most Ursulans do not see the Ignis Evigan as friends of the Magi, and despite being magic users, they view them and your mother favorably. Your mother has been good at projecting that image."

He wasn't wrong, but Azara was unaware that the Ignis Evigan was viewed that highly within Ursulam. Surely, that wasn’t true.


"Valerius, how much would you agree with that statement?"

"Not much, but it isn't untrue. The people of Ursulam have longed for a strong opponent to the Magi for some time, and since your mother opposes them, she does not have evil spoken about her. Perhaps that favor would increase if Arussan forces helped fight my father for the throne." he explained, before he paused. He glanced over at Azara, but he avoided her gaze with his eyes. "Azara, as much as I do not appreciate his distrust, Gunvar does have a point. Committing Arussan troops and mages would increase our chances of victory. Furthermore, opening trade after the war would help the country recover. More troops means more ground that could be covered too, so law and order could be maintained after the conflict is over."

Was he really siding with Gunvar on this? Had they talked this over before? Was she stuck in the farthest northern province of Ursulam with two men trying to pressure her into committing troops from her country into their civil war? Azara's mind raced through the thoughts, then stopped upon one as she looked at Valerius, trying to figure out what he was doing.

Was this a test? Was this about last night? That was part of it, but it was more than that. He wanted to know what her intentions were. He wanted to know what she was. A friend, a girl in love, a diplomat working to her country's best interests, an ambitious woman looking to rule - what was she? He needed to know. Last night’s incident had probably redefined that for him a little, and this was the opportunity to figure that out. She wondered what either of the two men would think if they knew what it was that they were bartering with. It was a thought that had run through her head many times when making her riches through trading.

If she committed an army, then she would seem too ambitious and dangerous - being willing to sacrifice men for such a cause would paint her as either desperate for him or for power, and therefore a potential threat. Thus, she would be a dangerous and reckless ally.

But under the circumstances, if she didn’t accept the terms, that pretty much ended their arrangement then and there. She couldn't do that. For once, the prince was showing some intelligence and wit, not simple naivete and bravery.

She had to come up with a compromise, and so she did. The little prince was making a challenge, and she would meet it.

"Siege engines, siege engineers, a few of our best magi, a small contingent of troops to protect them, and military advice from our generals. You will get trade after this is over, as long as it is favorable to both our sides, my voice in the merchant's guild and my status as the Red Mage's daughter will assure this. The Dragon's Scales will even move a portion of its operations to Ursus. There will, however, be no large armies sent north." she replied.

Gunvar grinned, but Valerius had to consider it a moment before he smiled as well. It was a fair compromise. The siege engines would be useful in the battle and the following attack on Ursus. Military advising from Aerician generals was valuable, and Arussan engineers were unmatched anywhere in the world. If the battle for the capital became a siege, that would give the kings forces time to rally and break it. With siege engineers that would not happen. By not having a large army present, however, good intentions would be shown, and not stir up the populace or give the Arussans the potential for a hostile takeover or greater ambitions than the deal they were entering into at this point. Furthermore, it didn't offer too much in trade for what was only a meager offer.

"I can accept those terms," Gunvar replied, and Valerius concurred with a nod. "Now, the question is how to get a rider to Aruslan in short enough time. I can't see one making it before our first combat with the king's army occurs, but perhaps in time for the siege of Ursus. Yes, that is likely."

"No need, I can contact my mother now if you wish."

Gunvar looked somewhat shocked. "Really, how?"

She took the amulet from her chest. "Magic! Though I will warn you though, I may collapse."

"What, I-"

Before he could finish the locket began to glow in Azara's hand, she closed her eyes. Unlike other times though, when she had sent a message to Elise or when she had received a message from her mother, she spoke aloud instead. "Hello?"

Valerius and Gunvar looked on with both suspicion and surprise, and then waited in anticipation for an answer.

"Azara? What is the meaning of this?" a voice replied. Its overall tone was haughty and stern, as if the person behind it was not an easy person to deal with. Yet, when Azara's name was spoken at first, there was more softness too it, as if the name left the speaker's lips with endearment, and would every time it was spoken.

"I need some help in the north. Siege equipment, artillery, engineers, a small contingent of troops. Send Maximus with them and Matthias, the task being to advise Ursulan rebel troops fighting their king. Also, Astra, Fawsu, Elysia, and Addryn with his horse contingent would be nice. Anyone else who will come willingly, and who you think could be of service, would also be appreciated."

"My, my." the woman replied, and she laughed a little. She was delighted by the sudden suggestion. "I send you north as a diplomat, and are you already conquering the country? Perhaps that fiery heart of yours is less easy to control than I thought. Don’t tell me that-"

"-mother, please, two others are present. No, I'm not on any sort of conquest at the moment. However, I have found myself hunting a dragon and I am also participating in a coup or civil war of sorts. The perpetrators of which have asked my assistance in exchange for the things you asked as well as more open and profitable trade with Ursulam." she said. As she neared the end of the long sentence, her face became strained by the communication.

"Ah, I see. It is sad to hear about the dragon. I hope that goes well for you rather than terrible. I can't say I have any idea about that, but if I think of anything that can help you there, I'll tell you. As for everything else, I'm delighted to hear it, and I hope to see you soon - in good health naturally. Be safe!" Ezmeralda replied. "Also, you should have used the gem's fire, and not contacted me directly; it’s a waste of energy for you and I both. You're going to collapse at this distance."

"I promise I'll come home safe," Azara replied, her voice now strained. "And you are right, I can't maintain contact long. You all will have to go to Ursus through Souster, Elise should already be there and in contact with Prince Valerius' troops. She'll know what to do and who to talk with."

"Very well. Hmm, have a wonderful little adventure Azara...and a good nap, I love you."

The lines of Azara's consecration seal began to appear on her skin as she strained for a moment longer. "I will, and I love you too."

And then, she did collapse.

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