《Sunchild - A Starfall Chronicle》Chapter 7 - Soul of Fire


.A poke. That was it.

As Irinia woke up she realized someone was poking her with a finger. She rolled over, then blinked her eyes as they adjusted to the darkness. Someone was crouched over her in the wagon where she slept. It took a couple of seconds for the thought to register as something frightening.

When it did, she jumped with a start and yelped, before realizing there was nothing to fear. The light of the full moon didn't illuminate the person's face enough to identify them, but its light was reflected by the woman's golden hair.

"What is it Azara?" Irinia asked, rubbing her eyes with both hands to clear them. "Is Joakim still awake? I thought Kasper was supposed to take the watch after him. Why are you awake?"

"The soldier is asleep," Azara said, putting one finger to her lips. "Hush now, we don't want to wake him or anyone else."

"But how? He wouldn't fall as-"

"I made him fall asleep," Azara replied. The mischievous tone in the words caused Irinia to hope that no harm had been done to her compatriot, and it also raised alarm bells about what it was that Azara had done this for. Azara then spoke again.

"Come with me now, we have to get away from the camp."

“But why?"

"Why isn't important yet, now shush and come on," Azara commanded. She grabbed Irinia’s arm and tugged the girl along.

On one hand, this was sure to be something Valerius didn't want them to be doing. On the other, Azara was unrelenting and strong. The last thing that was needed at this hour was any sort of fuss, so Irinia followed. Soon, they were out in the field, far from the campsite, long grass all around.

"What did you bring me out here for?" Irinia asked.

"To practice magic where others can't annoy us if he woke up, or annoy us by watching," Azara replied.

Valerius did have a habit of watching over what people did with scrutiny, even if it wasn't his business. That was only because he cared though. Still, why in the middle of the night? Irinia, however, did not dare to voice that question.

"Alright. So I guess this is my second lesson?"

"Yep!" Azara stated, in a cheerful voice that Irinia had come to associate with the mage. "So, we get to talk about the details now. First of all, you should know that I've never practiced magic academically. That may be surprising, but I don't like reading that much, and I've found it far easier to practice it as an art rather than a science, so you won't be getting any reading from me, only lessons like this with word of mouth. Understand?"

"I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but...okay?"

"Alright then, we’ll start by explaining that. So, there are two schools of thought on this. Some people study magic with books, numbers, research, and so one. It is all a very academic pursuit, and this is how it is done in Aethera, and to a certain extent how my mother practices it. However, that is not the only way." she explained.

"And you practice it the other way?" Irinia asked. For her, magic had always just been an ability, one that could be honed, like muscles or a mind.

"Yes, and you don't need to worry about it since you've never practiced magic formally yourself, you've probably only ever learned my way, and it doesn't help that you've never had a teacher. There are a few questions that have to be asked though so I can know where you stand. Do you know what consecration seals are? You mentioned that you do not have one, so I suppose that you do know what they are. However, I can explain them if you would like me to."


The concept was vaguely familiar. Certain people had magical affinities, and these were tied to them from some sort of magic crest at birth. Irinia had never had any particular affinity and had never seen any evidence that she possessed such a thing, so she had assumed no. Then again, she was curious, and if Azara was going to teach, then she would learn.

"Somewhat. I know, or rather I'm pretty sure, that I do not have a consecration seal, but I'm not altogether familiar with what they are."

Azara smiled, her perfect, white teeth glinting in the moonlight. The expression made Irinia just a little annoyed. She’s too beautiful, Irinia thought, jealous. However, she stomped down the idea immediately. She tried to turn it around so that she was glad that the stars had blessed someone with such beauty. The thought itself had come from a sense of protectiveness more than a covetous heart, and she tried to reason with herself about why such an idea made no sense. Then Azara began speaking again, and Irinia had to focus on that.

"Believe me, you would know if you had a consecration seal. You should know that magic is an extension of one's energy into the world. That energy is called 'presence'. You can also manipulate the energy in the world and a host of other things, but at its core, manipulation of the world's presence through yours is what magic is. Your magical energies are stored within you, like water in a vessel or a reservoir. That reservoir, however, is not just your body, it is also your very soul - which just so happens to also be very well connected to you. Good thing too, or you'd be dead."

The humorous comment brought little to the extremely dry discussion. So far, Azara had added nothing to what Irinia already knew, or at least she had been told before in life by magic practitioners whom she had met. Azara then continued.

"As you probably know, when you practice magic, you have to force that energy out. This takes a lot of personal effort, literal soul searching, and knowing yourself well. You've already done this part to be at the level you are. It is as if you have to make your reservoir overflow and spill out. You have to make the water to leave. Consecration seals, and those consecrated, are a bit different though. They are like pour spouts that help the water flow with less effort - however only in one direction. This often aligns with elements, concepts, or other such things. For example, all of the Magi are consecrated to light - not so much the god or the stars they, or you, worship, but more of the concept. Though, they are always going on about how it’s the same, so I-"

"They are." Irinia chimed in, though it was not an indignant comment. She just felt the need to state that she believed the same. Who knows, maybe it would help Azara teach.

"As I was saying, I don't know. The point is this - that is why the Magi are so incredible with magic, but it always involves things like light beams or purification magics, and never anything to do with say...the night. Are you following?"

Irinia took a moment to process the information before responding. "Yes, it makes sense so far. , but I've never been sure about one thing - are these seals physical or just spiritual? You said I'd know whether or not I had one, but I've never had any evidence for it or against it in my life."


"Well, both. Legends say that consecration seals were first gifted to humanity by celestial beings, beings of pure presence. The Magi, for example, claim the stars granted theirs. Other sources claim that consecration seals were gifts from nature. My mother's research has indicated that both stories may be true, but that is beside the point. In physical forms, consecration seals appear as intricate designs on the skin of those consecrated, it’s...sort of like a tattoo that covers your whole body. It isn't normally visible. It appears sometimes when someone does something aligned to their consecration, or when they've expended a great deal of presence. Some say it also appears when one meets their fate or destiny, but that is just a legend. It is both a strength and a weakness too. If someone who is consecrated to light, for example, is kept in a cave for far too long in the dark, they will experience physical pain, weakness, and may even die. On the spiritual level, it is said a consecration seal can affect someone’s very soul, their morals, their way of life, and so on. Still following?"

"Yes, though I do have one question."

"What is that?"

"Why do I need to know this if I don't have one?"

Azara shrugged as if the question was not important, but then her tone became solemn.

"Because other people will Irinia. By learning magic you may have to fight another mage at some point, not just this crazy dragon threat Valerius is after. And for what it is worth, creatures can be consecrated too, and dragons are. In that case, you may be at a disadvantage."

It made sense. Irinia had always wondered why it took her great effort and study to learn the most simple things when she had heard of some mages who were capable of doing impressive feats with ease.

"Anyways, so that is some basics on that subject, and we can talk more of it at another time. For now, I'm going to ask you to do something else. I know you can already cast some magic, so if you would, show me that. Create a simple mage-light, for example."

"Okay," Irinia replied.

Irinia paused and began doing as she always did when using magic. She reached deep within herself, thought of her parents years ago, and the life they had once had. It was if she would look back through her memories, and then feel them, and seize them. That was when she could feel the energy, the power. She had once heard a traveling shaman say, 'that to use magic as mages do, one had to grab their heart and squeeze it very, very hard, till everything they had within them was empty - and that would be the source our power to be used.'

It was not always easy, but it had become rather natural to her over time and practice, and once she had the energy, there was the next part. This part was focusing and imagining, trying to imagine what she wanted. She envisioned a small light in her hand, like a firefly, blinking in and out and growing brighter, then a very bright star, and then, at last, a solid light like a tiny sun in her hand.

Sure enough, it soon appeared, a bright yellow ethereal light in her hand. It hovered in the air, and as she moved her hand back and forth, it followed. At this point, she could feel the energy leave her hand and going into the light, rather than just focusing on it in her mind. It was like a tingling sensation in her fingertips and palm, however that sensation soon spread throughout her arm. It also caused a tiring feeling.

Furthermore, there was a feeling that came from the light. Even if her hand was not touching the light, and it emitted no sound or outward force, she could sense its presence regardless. Even if she closed her eyes, she knew it was there. This feeling, a shaman had once told her, was the origin of the name for this type of magical energy.

Azara, looking on, nodded. "Good. Now, I'm going to have to break some habits. The first of which being that you are making this harder on yourself than it needs to be. In other words, you know the technique, but it needs to be refined. First, how do you summon your presence? What are you thinking of? I know that it can be personal so you don’t have to say if you don’t want to."

Personal. That didn't begin to describe it. Irinia felt somewhat comfortable around Azara though, since the other woman was always smiling and seemed to have good intentions. Besides, she already knew most of the story, so there was no use hiding the fact.

"I think of times before I was sent away, with my parents."

"Alright...well then, let us try something else. I want you to repeat your ceremonial name, Moss, over and over again, thinking of the things attached to it, till you feel the energy surface again."

"Ok..." she said, her tone wary. This was new, and she didn't understand it. After a few tries, she was ready to give up, but with a little guidance, from Azara she found herself getting the hang of it. As it happened, this wasn't too different from what she had been doing, but it was a short cut. By meditating on the word itself rather than simply nebulous thoughts, she could guide her magic faster, as if they were connected to the word, which was connected to the memories, which were connected to her soul.

Azara said that it was like a chain, and in-fact the technique was called that. ‘Chaining’. The association was like learning new words or a new grammar structure in a language, and Azara recommended that Irinia meditate on it often. By doing so, she would practice using the connection and make it faster. With any luck and much work, she would be able to cast some magic almost instantaneously, depending on how strong her chain from her mind to her soul was.

It had been well over an hour or so of practice when Azara finally decided enough was enough for the night.

"Alright, time to go back to sleep. I'm not going to have Joakim sleep for forever, and we do need our rest. You especially, since this use of magic is going to be tiring."

"That sounds good," Irinia replied, turning to head back to the camp.

"One more thing though."

Confused, Irinia turned back around.

"I want you to try and make fire. Don't try too hard. I just want to see if you can."

This was something Irinia had tried before and failed at. It was doubtful that one night of training and lessons would yield anything, but it was worth a shot at least. If anything, it was good to know Azara was optimistic about her progress.

She began accessing her presence, and she was pleased to feel it come just a little faster this time - though that may have just been because she had recently used it. She then extended one hand, face-up, concentrating there on creating fire.

"Stop!" Azara practically yelled. She placed a hand over her face and shook her head. "No, no, stars above no - not in your hand! I want you to breathe it."

"Really?" Irinia said, inquisitive. “Why on earth would I-”

"Just trust me," Azara replied, and then a bright smile in the moonlight met Irinia's worried expression.

Without saying anything in the affirmative, Irinia once more concentrated, and this time she wasn't sure where. Her lungs? Surely not, she would be burned. Her mouth? Again, that was just frightening. Her lips? That seemed like a good place.

Thus, she slowly breathed in, imagined what was to happen, and then attempted to bring up as much energy as she could. After that, she breathed out.

All of the air in her lungs went rushing out of her as if she were blowing out tons of candles on a massive birthday cake.

Nothing happened, but she did feel tired afterward. She stood, gasped for breath, and then fell to the ground on her rear. She clutched her chest with one hand, trying to get air in her lungs. After a moment of panic, she was able to get a couple of breaths, then spoke.

"That was exhausting..."

Azara shrugged and then sat down beside her new apprentice mage. "Yes, perhaps I shouldn't have asked you to try after all you've done tonight, but it was worth a shot."

Irinia nodded. "Yeah, that was a bit too much I guess. I've tried to create fire before, but I was never able to do it. I guess it is not something that comes naturally."

"That is true. We are all different in our affinities to magic. Even without a true consecration seal, and you can be better with magics of certain types and worse at others. I just wanted to see if you had any affinity in this particular area."

"What comes naturally to you?"

Azara didn't respond right away but smiled mischievously. "Well, I just tried to get you to do it, but I suppose that was bad form on my part as a teacher. I should have provided a demonstration first. Besides, if you are to be my apprentice, even for this short duration, you should know some things about me."

The mage then stood up and walked a short distance away. She reached out one hand and made a downward patting motion. To Irinia's surprise, the long grass all around flattened, as if by command. However, this was not to be the demonstration Azara spoke of, because after this Azara began to breathe. Inhale and exhale, steadily, over and over. Irinia could hear it even from a few yards away. It was almost as if the woman were filling a bellows with air and then forcing it out.

Then, with one powerful exhale, a massive gout of flame shot from Azara's mouth. The light illuminated the area, and the flames roared. To Irinia's surprise, as she looked at the strained and fierce expression on Azara's face, the flames did not begin once they exited the mage's mouth but seemed to come from within.

The length of the cone of fire was tremendous. It extended many, many yards out in front of Azara and up into the night sky. The heat radiating from it was almost unbearable, even though it was directed up and away from Irinia. It was gorgeous in its radiance, and it was hard to believe that such an inferno was coming from Azara.

It struck Irinia that she was very much just a beginner compared to Azara. Even if Azara was a few years older than her, she couldn't imagine reaching such a level even with those years. She would have never even thought this sort of display was possible, and yet here Azara was, alive and in front of her and doing so.

Irinia was going to be surprised a second time in the night though. As she observed Azara breathing fire, and the seconds ticked by, she noticed something change about Azara. Across Azara’s strained face, strange glowing lines appeared. They glowed like the bright embers of a fire. Then they intensified so that they were like sunlight. They formed a pattern of runes, symbols, and markings on her face, and Irinia noticed that not only were the lines there but also on her hands and arms. As the fire from Azara's mouth slowly vanished and died, fire sprung from the intricate pattern, and the glow intensified. Some of it could even be seen through the mage's robes.

The fire that had sprung from the pattern licked at Azara's skin, but it did not burn her or her mage robes. Then the fire died, and the pattern itself dimmed and then vanished. Irinia hadn't had time to decipher it, to see if it had any meaning. She couldn't tell if it had formed any pictures, words, or anything of that sort - but she had seen it, hadn’t she?

Azara was now breathing heavily, little flames jumping in and out from her mouth as she gasped for air. Before she was able to speak, Irinia jumped at the chance to ask a question.

"That was a consecration seal wasn't it?"

Azara nodded, still catching her breath a little, but recovering quickly. After a moment more, between breaths she replied. "Yes...Most mages are consecrated to light...such as the Magi...Their sworn enemies are consecrated to darkness. I am different from both...I am consecrated to fire."

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