《The Crucible - (Terror Infinity Fanfic)》Trial 1 – 2 – Deus Ex Animus


I look over and see a police boat pull up. A guy in a uniform jumps out and ties the boat to a bollard and then the man of the hour steps off the boat black trench coat and all. He walks up to the Businessman and Uni student who are roughly the closest to the boat. Kovit starts moving closer and I follow his lead while 30 Something looks around confused.

JC: This is a restricted area, identify yourselves.

Adam: Arr um Adam Cox.

JC: And you?

Jill: Oh I'm Jill, um Jillian Haines.

Kovit: Agent Denton, I'm Trainee Kovit. I was ordered to report here, await your arrival and assist in your mission.

JC looks at Kovit before switching to me. OK follow Kovit's lead.

David: Trainee Stone, my orders were the same as Trainee Kovit's. It's an honour to work with you Sir.

I barely get it all out when 30 Something runs up to JC.

30 Something: Help, you're police right? I've been kidnapped, I don't know these people. I just want to go home to my family.

JC: Understood ma'am, please come this way and the officers on the boat will assist you.

JC called two officer over, one to collect 30 Something and one for Tatts. While this was happening Paul Denton arrived.

Paul: Welcome to the Coalition, JC … I might as well start using your codename. Looks like you got a busy first day, are these your trainees?

JC: As issued by command, what's going on?

Paul: The NSF – they hit one of out shipments. A few of them got away, but we trapped the rest in the Statue.

JC: What are we waiting for? Looks like a textbook assault.

Paul: The bots are holding the perimeter, but my orders are to hold back and send you in with your “team.” I think someone high up wants to see how you handle the situation.

JC: All I've got with me is a pistol and an electric prod. I don't mind a test, but UNATCO better issue some hardware. The trainees look like they need something too.

Hearing this reminded me that it would be nice to have something and if memory serves there is a crowbar by the creates beside us and there it is. Kovit was right, knowing the story can be helpful, I think I even remember the NSF login and password for the statue. I might have to keep a look out for the datapad the NSF kept it on just in case my memory is rusty.

Paul: Remember that we're police. A nonlethal takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate resistance. Just in case though, Manderley wants you to pick an additional weapon: a sniper rifle, a GEP gun or a mini crossbow.

JC: I like to pick'em off from a distance. I'll take the rifle.

Paul: This isn't a training exercise JC. Your targets will be human beings. Keep that in mind.

JC: I get the idea. What's the first move?

Paul: I'm going to give you a map of the island. If you can get to the north docks, a UNATCO informant will give you a key to the Statue doors. He responds to the code-phrase “iron and copper.” You could avoid a lot of fighting though, if you found a back way in to Statue. Might be a good idea if you don't want to loose any of your trainees.


JC: I'll see how it looks onshore.

Paul: Your primary objective is the makeshift command centre the terrorists installed at the top of the Statue.

JC: What are my orders when I reach the command centre?

Paul: Interrogate the leader. We don't yet know why the terrorists would risk an open assault.

JC: Understood, trainees you heard our objective now form up and I'll explain how we are going to go about this.

At this point, JC shows us the map (Liberty Island). He points out that the main forces will be in front of the statue due to the entrance and UNATCO headquarters. We will be leaving the docks and covertly travelling around the east side of the island until we reach the north docks where we will meet the informant. Once we know our possible entry points we will assess the most viable. All that's left then is to breach and proceed to the objective.

JC sets our formation as himself on point, followed by Kovit and myself then Adam and Jill in the back.

Adam: I'm not sure we should be doing this.

Jill: Um

JC: Keep it together trainee. Command has ordered your participation and as a UNATCO trainee agent to are obliged to follow it. Don't let the stress get to you, I will be doing all the heavy lifting. You will follow my orders and I will get you safe and whole back to headquarters.

With that said, the formation set and plan ready we moved to the entrance of the pier. Jill and Adam looking around nervously.

Objective failure challenger erased. Team Oceanic 5/6

Objective failure challenger erased. Team Oceanic 4/6

David: What?

Kovit: I told you all to check the objectives. The drop outs are more than 100 meters away.

The mission interface … 100 meters, erasure. I look back at the police boat stunned to realise what that meant in the objectives. OK stick close to JC. Looks like Adam and Jill are planning the same as they move a bit closer to Kovit and myself.

While I was coming to terms with the objectives, JC moved up the ramp to Liberty Island and to a grey brick wall just beyond ramp about 10 meters down the walkway. Using the cover of the wall he checked the path straight ahead and then moving back into cover unslung his rifle. He stared down the scope for a moment and then there was a crack. It wasn't very loud, so those a decent distance might not hear it. After waiting about 5 seconds he waved us up to the wall.

Behind the wall is a dead UNATCO soldier. I'm trying not to ignore it but my eye catches the collapsible baton beside the body and I remember this is one of the first points you can gain equipment in the game. Trying to ignore the body I grab the baton and shove it in my back pocket and while I'm doing that I notice the body armour.

Considering how I ended up here, I remember how easily hurt I've been tonight. Not wanting to spend too much time getting it all, especially the bloody parts, I only unclip the helmet and put it on. Judging by the sounds Adam and Jill have at least noticed and don't like what I'm doing.

Adam: Show some decency.


JC: Morose but smart, you need to use what you can when you're in the field with few resources. Next, we need to move to the other side of the entrance to the east of us and proceed around the side of the island. I neutralised the NSF that was over there and the guards further up the path to the statue have pulled back to the main square. I'll watch the square and when I signal, you will move in pairs as per the formation to the wall beside the path. I will follow after.

JC then moved to the edge of the wall and looked around it. After a few seconds, he waved his hand and Kovit and I ran to the wall. As we made it and turned back Adam and Jill were already following and by the time they arrived JC was almost to us.

JC: Follow closely in formation. You can and should assist in any offensive we need to but don't get in my or each others way. If in doubt stay in cover, I will handle it. Better to not help than to get in the way.

We all nod and that satisfies him. JC turned, checked around the edge of the wall and flowed around it. Still thinking about the other two's erasure and wanting to keep up with JC I rush around the corner and hear the others following.

There are some more bodies to our right on the path up ahead, one UNATCO and the other NSF but I don't have time to look too closely if I want to keep up with JC. I don't know how but he moves so quickly and silently along the wall without even trying and I have to slow jog to keep up. Luckily the grass is soft enough that it barely makes a sound.

We manage to get a few hundred meters along the dark area under the statue before encountering two more NSF. They're talking about Gunther Hermann, one thinks he is a badass fighter and they could use someone like him on their side and the other thinks augmentations will just lead to people being treated as tools to be upgraded. JC signals for Kovit and I to take down the Pro Guy and he will take the Con.

JC gives the signal and as expected moves fast, less expected was that Kovit was just as fast. He arrived behind the Pro guy facing me and punched him in the jaw, I almost froze from surprise but still acted on instinct and swung the crowbar also hitting the poor bastard in the jaw as he stumbled towards me. Second hits the charm as he goes down.

I look over towards JC but he is already dragging his NSF back around the corner we were using for hiding. I snap out of my staring as Kovit passes me doing the same with ours.

Ducking back around the corner too, Kovit acquires the NSF's pistol and ammo as JC looks up and notices me.

JC: Trainee have you completed small arms training.

David: I've completed basic training with hand guns but haven't use them in the field before.

A slight lie, I do enjoy going to the range and shooting the hand guns at targets. While I am a decent shot and 7 and 10 meters it isn't exactly small arms training and definitely not what I'm suppose to be using this gun for either.

JC: It will do, you will have to learn on the job for the rest. Just remember to not use it unless I tell you or as a last resort and more importantly, never point it at one of us.

I nod while putting the crowbar under my arm and taking the pistol and 2 spare clips from him. I shove the 2 clips in my pants pocket and start checking the gun to get familiar. Everything is exactly where I expect it to be and sliding the magazine out I see it is only 6 rounds which isn't much for a magazine. Sliding the mag back in, I pull the slide loading a round in the chamber and after checking the safety put it in my jacket. Terrible gun discipline I know but I haven't a holster and times are desperate.

Jill and Adam seem like they don't know whether to stay or go as they are just hanging around the back of the group watching and following with tense expressions. Ironically, seeing them freaked out helps me keep my head. I look both of them in the eye and try to give a reassuring nod. Economics for the win as my initial investment doubles with their return nods. Now if I can get the most of my second life and survive the night everything will be just great.

JC not distracted by us mere non-aug mortals is already looking ahead. About an hundred meters away back on the ring path that runs along the wall are a few more NSF standing around talking while keeping watch and one big ass shiny robot walking on 2 legs.

I remember the bonus objectives saying something about destroying the robots and points, I think it was a Page 3 or something robot and had what I assume was decent rewards since I remember it was more than we lost if JC died.

JC: Looks like we are clear until we reach the shipping containers, the NSF and bot won't be able to see us all the way over here. We will wait till the guard at the containers is looking away and then move up hugging the wall for cover until we reach the containers. When he does his next lap after that I will move in and eliminate the threat and we can reassess and continue from there. Alright follow me and stay in formation.

This is actually great news, if that game holds true some more the shipping containers actually have ladders on the sides that will let us climb in the back way. Skipping the docks and getting us out of this strange place quicker. We follow JC along the wall to the containers and when the guard does his next lap JC easily drops him and moves the body to cover. We all slip around the outside and into the safety of the containers. First thing I check for is the ladders and crates. Score, it's all there, now I just have to convince JC. I get his attention.

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