《PenDragon's PicToStory Challenge》PicToStory 4.7 Cherdenko1 - Beyond The Sands



Beyond The Sands

The desert is ours. It is my home. Invaders come here, but they do not leave. They do not understand the desert; they do not understand how it gives life or how it kills. And so they die.

It is the year 1115 an auspicious year. The crusaders conquered the kingdom of Jerusalem. Those heathens massacred Muslims, Jews and other religious denominations because of it we were forced to flee for our lives.

While me and my family are traveling towards Mecca we discovered a wonderful sight, we saw a prosperous town in the middle of the desert. At first we thought it was just a mirage but when got close to confirm whether it really was a mirage that we discovered that it was real.

It was a small town on the top of a small hill, when we entered the town we discovered that it was empty, we went here and there and found not a single soul.

In the middle of the town was a lake and in the middle of the lake was a weird temple with unorthodox design. It has dragons statues on the eight corners of the rooftop while tigre statues guards the 4 entrances, it was a really amazing piece of architecture but since when did this design starts to trend here in the desert? And where are it's inhabitants?

We went inside to further investigate but the only thing we found were scrolls and scrolls of unknown language. To avoid damaging it we put it back to its rightful place.

We spent countless hours searching for any inhabitants until in finally darkens that we stopped, me and my family decided to stay at the temple to rest, my wife prepared our meals and had our fill for the night.

Something happened before we slept though, my family and I saw a young lady on a fishing boat accompanied by an old man.


We thought we finally found some inhabitants when suddenly they vanished leaving only the boat behind.

We just ignored it and thought it was just a mirage and went to sleep. In the next morning something mystifying happened, there was a feast laid at us that look like a feast for the emperor.

Here and there we look to and fro we go but sadly found no one so the only thing that we can do is silently thank those who accepted us.

After the meal we prepared all our belongings for the journey when suddenly we saw a man, a very young man accompanied by a colorful bird that has a little bell on its legs talking to another young man surrounded by 2 most beautiful women i have ever seen they are the kind of beauty that can topple nations.

I tried to get close to them for i thought they were the ones who provided shelter to us and thank them when suddenly another young man clad is beastfur clothing with a violetjewel sword stopped us and said that it is not necessary to thank them anymore and we should be on our way.

Because of that we left the town, when we were quite a distance already i saw the most unbelievably extraordinary thing in my life, the town moved slowly then finally flew.

When I stated this story to my friends they thought i was going crazy but i know that because of what my family and I experience everything is going to change.

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