《PenDragon's PicToStory Challenge》PicToStory 4.2 Solfyr



"How long?"

An unsteady figure walked the vast desert, drifting from side to side a shade blown by the desert wind. Lifting its eyes ahead it spoke with haggard breath, slowly dragging one foot after another as it advanced.

A gust of wind blew the ragged cloak open, revealing a man dressed in worn clothes carrying a cracked leather booklet in one hand, as he weakly trudged forward.

Despite the man's apparent exhaustion his worn boots continued to pad on the sand as he still moved forward in his long chase. His eyes may have lowered to the ground once more, but his ears could still hear the gigantic footsteps of a voyaging turtle.

Unexpectedly the man lost his footing and collapsed weakly onto the ground. Dry coughs wracked his body, blood slowly oozed from his cracked skin, and in his eyes, something like tears formed.

"... Mother, Father, I'm sorry."

The man stopped coughing and looked up, resting tear filled eyes once more on what should've been his home; a place he should've never left, never been forced to leave. a roaming oasis in the desert he had desperately tried to catch up to for so long.

While he lay gasping on the ground a single tear fell from his eyes, the last remnant of the moisture contained in his body as he stared hopelessly on. Unable to draw out the strength to pull himself up and trudge another step.

mercilessly the desert wind took the man's last breath with it, leaving the desiccated corpse to lay lonely on a sandy dune, with its efforts unknown and its final words lost amongst the seas of sand.

nearby the man's journal, a small booklet carried through thousands of miles lay upon on its last page, the words contained inside had been meant for the man's family, but now would only be seen by the carrion who would strip the flesh of the corpse from its bones.


"The Exile known as Sie Sifus has completed the ninth trial.

Having proved his regret and sorrow over the past events nine times over he has met the terms of absolvement and is thus free of the crime of having poisoned the guardian.

Unfortunately, not only has he proven his regret and sorrow for the past event he has also proven his innocence of the event, he was NOT the poisoner, the man responsible is still amongst our people and continues to threaten your lives.

Signed by the elder of the ninth Trial of suffering


In the far distance, the sound of a turtle's dying lament echoed across the vast desert. The last steps of the giant creature heavily fell on the sand as it raised its tortured head up into the sky and bellowed. And thus, like its would've been savior, collapsed to the ground.

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