《PenDragon's PicToStory Challenge》PicToStory 1.3 Dargunz



Thron Maker stood in the clearing, his eyes fixed on the foliage before him. The wind on his cheeks felt ethereal, and the ground and the grass swayed under his feet. A sunflower whispered joyous words to him across the meadow. The meaning of all things came to him in an instant, and the demarcation between reality and the infinite fell apart. Something massive shifted in the distance. Coils of brilliant silver glinting in the sun’s rays. Eyes like the brightest diamonds bore through his soul, and he was filled with the relief of a man unbound from mortal desires.

“Oh, wow,” he said, his eyes fixed on a spot between two large pines. “That’s a big dargun. I wonder if big dargunz have big penises?”

He was high. Very, very high.


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