《The Tentacle of Fate》Chapter 1: Probing the Deep


Humans are weak, perhaps the weakest race of them all. By birth, they’re weaker than your average Beastmen. They lacked the fertility and growth of Demi-humans like Goblins and Orcs. They were inept in the Magic Arts and required external assistance in order to use even the simplest of spells.

To put it simply Humans were weak, weaker than anyone else. But perhaps this weakness was their one saving grace. Unlike Goblins and Orcs who would at times slaughter their own kin, or beastmen who would at times allow their children to fend for themselves, Humans were much closer in nature perhaps to their own helplessness.

Humans possessed neither the Demons pride nor the Elf's longevity. They possessed not the passions of the Dwarves that could allow them to ignore all else in pursuit of their craft or the wickedness of the Dragons who stood above all others.

Humans, perhaps alone they were weak, but together they formed a strength that could rival even the mighty Demon Empire that at a time sought to conquer the entire world.

But because Humans are weak, they sought the land of another. They sought to reach even greater heights. And in their greed Humans forgot their weakness and ventured towards the Demon Empire, the result…

Complete annihilation. The Humans who sailed across the open seas with sword and shield in arm, banner held high, and spears at the ready marched through one of the province of Lux under the command of a Hero from afar leaving death and destruction in their wake.

Countless Demons were slaughtered in the name of justice for this was but a Holy Crusade. “Death to the Demons! Death to the Sinners! Death to the Heretics!”, they’d shout with bloody sword in hand.

They’d cheer as they went through village after village, looting, pillaging, raping, killing. But as they marched onwards to the next province, in a single battle the army of crusaders was completely and entirely eliminated leaving only a half-dead hero, and several thousand crusaders running for their lives.

Here in the province of Gul, located in the northern region of the Demon Empire and to the east of the province of Lux, were several knights clad in a silver plated armor and a red cape with a white sun embroidered on the back. And as several howls were ushered behind them, the Knights turned their heads and began running frantically.

But it was useless, their silver armor and bright red capes they were so proud of weighed them down significantly making it difficult to run, and amidst the trees and fauna they stuck out like sore thumbs.

Several black furred werewolves shot out from behind and pounced on one of the knights. The werewolves that should have only been out in the night of the full moon, and should have feared the silver coating on their armor ignored the armors adverse effects and fearlessly ripped apart the knight's armor with its bare hands.


The knight now armorless, and being restrained by several werewolves far larger than himself screamed in fright. His right arm tightly holding on to his swords shone with a white light, but as soon as the werewolves saw this the werewolf pinning his arm down immediately ripped it off, but before munching on it.

The knight let out a blood-curdling scream as his arm was ripped off, and began maniacally cursing at the werewolves amidst his screams. The werewolves however merely laughed, and slowly began tearing him apart, causing screams to fill the forests.

All the knight could do was pray that one of his fellow knights would come and save him, to end his misery, but this was merely wishful thinking. His compatriots had long since left, they didn’t have the luxury to turn around and help him nor did they ever intend to do so.

The companionship they shared, the oaths they swore, they were all meaningless in the face of death. Yet almost as if God was answering his prayers, a silver light flashed by and the severed heads of the werewolves fell to the ground.

The dying knight slowly turned his head and saw a young woman with blonde hair in a tied into a ponytail, and blue eyes in a similar silver armor covered in wounds. He stared at the woman and smiled, “Captain...may the never-ending light of God bless you”

And with those words, the knight's eyes grew clouded, and he closed his eyes one last time.The female knight clenched her fists and continued running through the forest. She was gravely wounded, her armor was had been cut open by a werewolf just earlier, and she was constantly using spells to keep her wound from bleeding.

But she couldn’t last much longer, she quickly surveyed the surroundings and noticed a small cave. She quickly dashed towards the cave and cast a spell with the wave of her sword removing the footprints and the stench of blood.

She entered the cave and quickly moved a large rock to the cave's entrance blocking it off allowing her to momentarily breathe a sigh of relief. But time was of the essence, she slowly made her way deeper into the cave, using the light emitting from her sword to light the way before finally finding a place to rest deeper into the cave.

She stuck her sword into the wall and began removing her silver armor and red cape that was in tatters. She removed her bloodied black undershirt, revealing her bountiful chest. Even with all her scars, and wounds, the female knight was still quite the beauty to behold.

She was covered in dust and blood, but her fair skin free from any blemish would make any woman jealous. Seeing her well-toned body and ample chest that were hidden by her silver armor was a treat, and if it weren’t for her sheer strength that caused even trained soldiers to falter then maybe she would have already been wed.


It’s a shame that any such suitors were by now long since dead. Though to this female knight, that was none of her concern. She cast a spell and detected no Demons in the vicinity so she placed all her focus into healing the lacerations that dotted her body, and the large wound left by the werewolves claws.

But perhaps because it wasn’t a Demons, or perhaps because she was simply in a rush, the female knight did not notice the movement of a red tentacle that was slowly creeping its way through the rocks.

And before she even noticed several dozen red tentacles had surrounded her. These tentacles were nearly noodle shaped and covered in a viscous slime, and they gathered just outside of the light emitting from the female knight's sword.

Suddenly, the female knight opened her eyes and grabbed her sword swinging it outwards striking the air. Although she couldn’t detect the tentacles with magic, nor did she see them, she knew something was there.

She kneeled down and grabbed a piece of her armor, it was too late to put it back on. She could only use a piece of it as a shield at this point, but it was better than nothing. The female knight laughed wearily, “They were right when you’re in a dark alley always wear protection.”

The female laughed at her own blunder, not realizing the true meaning of the senior knight's words. The female knight took a deep breath and cast a spell causing the light emitting from her sword to illuminate the entire cave.

The tentacles being visible, she struck out her sword and hit one of the tentacles. But to her surprised as soon as the sword made contact with the tentacle it merely slid off. She clicked her tongue, these type of monsters could only be killed using magic.

Primarily the Crusaders would use either their holy light, or fire magic to kill such monsters, but if the monster were afraid of holy light it would have run away as soon as it became visible. And she was currently in a cave, using fire magic would basically be a death sentence.

“For the never ending light of God huh…”

The female knight closed her eyes, before opening them resolutely. She brandished her sword, intent on fighting to her very last breath. And as if waiting for this moment, all the tentacles lunged forward from around her.

The female knight ignored the wounds in her body and even stopped the magic that was clotting her bleeding, instead, she poured all her mana into her arms and legs. She swung her sword left and right, futilely striking the tentacles before sliding off. But it was enough to keep a few of these tentacles at bay.

As for the other tentacles, the female knight danced through the cave, jumping, crouching, kicking off the wall, or the ceiling doing her best to keep herself from being caught. But in doing so her wounds that she did her best to heal began opening, and the cave began to be covered in more and more blood.

The light of her sword slowly began fading, and with the blood loss and the dimming of the light, it became too difficult to make out the tentacles anymore. Soon enough several tentacles were wrapped around her arms and legs restraining her.

The female knight sighed and closed her eyes awaiting the miserable death of being ripped apart from all four limbs. But instead, she shrieked as the tentacles suddenly started crawling down her arm, looping around her shoulders, and finally around her ample chest.

Her body became slowly coated in the tentacles viscous slime causing her to grow hotter and hotter despite the tentacles cool touch. The tentacles began squeezing her ample chest and caressing her mountain peaks causing her to release a sudden moan.

“W-What is going on here?”

Due to her military education, this female knight was ignorant to the workings of a woman and a man, and she was even more ignorant about the true nature of monsters like these.

But as the tentacles began crawling up her leg in a similar fashion, she shrieked and began struggling once more. But as she struggled the tentacles continued to fondle her ample breasts, and mountainous peaks causing her to lose what little strength she had left in her body.

The tentacles rose into the air and began stroking the knight's most private of parts causing her to once again release an unintentional moan. Finally realizing what was going on her face grew beet red, and as she was about to say something the tentacle pierced through her body causing her to shriek in pain.

And in a moment everything seemed to grow white, and suddenly standing before her was another woman. She had beautiful golden hair that fell to her waist, and bright blue eyes that shined in the light. She two exquisite peaks on her chest and her skin was quite fair.

As the female knight stared at the naked woman before her, she gasped in shock as she realized the one standing before her was herself. The woman before her smiled seductively and said, “Finally, I have established a connection!”

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