《Deals & Destiny》Chapter 3. Maid & Ardent


Chapter 3

Road to Tristan Magic Academy: POV (Michael)

It was late afternoon, and Michael was travelling down the main road heading to the academy, the reasons for going back there that he had given to his men back at the camp were not entire true, while he had business, it was not exactly with the academy per say, it just involved someone at the academy, not the academy its self. In fact, the person he had business with was not at or of the academy anymore, they didn’t even know Michael had business with them.

‘Speak of the devil, there she is right now.’ He was thinking about the one walking down the side of the road ahead of him, it was Siesta. During the attack on Count Mott’s place, Michael had tasked his mages with rounding up all of the staff and maids and then lead them to a place in the woods slightly off the main roads and have them wait there till dawn. Siesta was of course part of that group, and now she was here most likely trying to get back to the academy. The odd part, was that she was currently alone, odd because there was easily over a hundred people that were with her when she was led away.

Seeing this Michael couldn’t help but smile at the luck of finding her alone and quickly rode up on her as he called out.

“Hey Siesta!” The sudden shout out to her startled her and she fearfully turned to the one calling her, when she saw who it was her expression turned to a happy and very relieved look.

“Sir Michael!” She exclaimed and ran to him as he dismounted then practically tackled him in a desperate hug and then proceeded to sob uncontrollably into his chest.

“Whoa there, calm down Siesta, everything’s going to be alright.” He spent the next several minutes trying to calm the hysterical girl, all the while feigning ignorance as to what was going on. When she finally calmed down a bit he asked in a more direct way. “Siesta what’s going on, why are you out here?” Taking a step back she managed to explain.

“Oh Sir Michael, the last few days since you left have been horrible; first Count Mott purchased my contract from the academy forcing me into his service, then some outlaw mages came last night and kill the Count and his guards, rounded us up and led us to a place in the woods and threatened us not to move until dawn, we all watched the Count’s estate burn from where we were. I was so scared that I was going to die or never see you again.” She almost worked herself into another sobbing fit so Michael had to calm her again before asking.

“Okay, that explains the blaze I saw last night as well, but what are you doing out here by yourself?”

“Well, once dawn came we all went to the main road, everyone but I had some place nearby they could go but it was in the direction of the capitol, the only place I could go was back to the academy and hope to get my old job back. However, I fear that since my contract has been sold and now likely destroyed, they may not hire me back, especially with the Count’s death.” She had a very distraught look to her now.

“Well, I don’t see why any of that would make them not rehire you, but if you really think it will be that much of an issue, how about I hire you?” That brought her up short.


“W-what?” Michael smiled his kind smile as he explained.

“I’ll hire you and make up a new contract, you will then become my maid, and I’ll even increase your salary from whatever it was when you worked at the academy.” Siesta had stunned look to her as she couldn’t believe what Michael had just offered her.

“You’d really hire me Sir Michael?’ He nodded. “B-but how could you afford to pay me an ever greater wage then the academy, the salary I was making there was already quite generous for a maid to begin with, it was the main reason I took that job in the first place.” Michael just chuckled at her monetary concerns.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ve made some very lucrative business deals over the past few days, paying you will not be difficult.” Hearing that eased her concerns but as she thought about it some more she suddenly blushed as she realized something.

“Wait if you become my contract holder t-then you’d also be my…m-my…m-m-master!” He nodded and she blushed even more.

“Yes Siesta that’s true, do have a problem with that?” She fidgeted and looked around a bit before shyly shaking her head. “Then there is no issue with you becoming my maid. So, the deal is such, you agree to be my maid and in exchange your salary shall be greater than what it was previously, do you accept?” She appeared slightly unsure but then finally gave a meek nod. Michael then held out his hand. “Then take my hand, and seal the Deal.” She daintily reached out and clasped his hand triggering Michael’s power of the ‘Deal’. After that he smiled and tossed her a small pouch which she clumsily caught. “Great, here’s your first payment.”

She opened the pouch and examined its contents, her eyes then bugged out upon seeing how many coins there were. “S-sir, this is easily more than what I made in a month!” Michael laughed at that.

“Really? I guess you had better work hard for me then, ‘cause that’s your salary now.” She blushed at that. “Plus, if anything else, you can use the extra to replace any of the items and/or clothing you lost when the Count’s mansion burned.”

“Y-yes…master.” She was barely audible as she said that last part. Michael just smiled and got on his horse and offered her his hand.

“Now Siesta, despite our new arrangement I am still your friend, nothing’s going to change that, now come on, I want to get to the academy before dark.” Heartened by that, she herself smiled and let him pull her up onto the horse, but that last part raised a question.

“Um, M-master…” She was still a little embarrassed at calling him that, what with him being her current love interest and it was sending her fantasies into overdrive. “Why are we going to the academy?”

“Well, even though I’ve got a fair bit of wealth, I still don’t have anyplace to call my own and thus I technically have no use for a maid, so I thought I’d go and see if I could get the headmaster to let you live and work at the academy until I could better utilize your services myself.” He explained aloud, in his head he thought. ‘Also, having a cute maid amongst an army of revolutionaries probably isn’t a good idea.’ Siesta frowned at this.

“Does this mean we will be apart for some time before you gain a use for me as a maid?” Michael gave a sad smile as he answered.


“I’m afraid so, but don’t worry, it won’t take as long as you think.” Siesta felt a bit of melancholy at the thought of being away from Michael again, but at the same time she felt somewhat secured by the fact that he was her master now and that an incident like the one with Count Mott wouldn’t happen again along with the fact that as soon as he got a home or an estate of his own then she could properly serve him as she should. It may take a little time, but she was confident in him. The rest of the trip went mostly in silence with only an occasional remark or question from one of them.

That evening… Tristan Magic Academy: POV (Michael)

Once Michael and Siesta arrived at the academy they immediately noticed the mess left over from Fouquet’s attempted robbery of the academies vault via her gigantic golem; attempted because according to a passing staff worker Fouquet failed to breach the vault’s wall before she had to retreat.

‘Looks like without Louise’s void powered explosions the vault was just too strong for Fouquet’s golem to smash through.’ Thought Michael at the news of Fouquet’s failure. After getting their little update on current events, the two proceeded to the headmaster’s office where they were greeted by none other than Ms. Longueville herself, aka Fouquet, which was surprising to Michael, since her attack failed he thought she give up the charade and leave.

Once inside Michael explained to Osmond about Siesta’s situation and what he wanted to arrange with the academy as well as a few reasons why Osmond should let Siesta rejoin the work staff.

“Well young Michael I must say you do raise some fair points; young Siesta was indeed a fine worker and it was a shame we had to give her up to the Count and under normal circumstances I would be delighted to take her back on, but with the Count’s violent death I’m afraid there would be a bit of a stigma surrounding the young miss that may affect the academy negatively.” The old headmaster explained to the two.

“I understand that perfectly well old Osmond, but as I have said Siesta is under contract with me, therefore I am the one who is paying her salary, all I am asking for is that you allow her to reside here as she was in exchange for room and board. This way you get a quality worker that you yourself said claimed to be as such and you’d get her for a fraction of the cost of a regular maid. As for the stigma, you don’t even need to record her presence here, no one of importance even knows who she is or what she looks like, you lose nothing.”

Osmond stroked his beard as he considered these points, the young man standing in front of him was right, he did lose nothing and the before mentioned stigma was almost a moot point.

“You are right, on all points, plus we are short staffed because of Fouquet’s attack and Siesta already knows the grounds and how to do her job well enough. Very well, I will allow the young miss to stay here as a maid; she may even use her previous room.” He then looked at Siesta. “Welcome back, you may begin first thing tomorrow.”

With that agreed on they finished hashing out some of the finer details before going through the final formalities, said their goodbyes, and parted ways. As Michael and Siesta exited the main tower they ran into Tabitha, Michael gave a quick explanation that Siesta was now under his employment and that the two should work together. That finished, Siesta then invited Michael to her room.

“Alright Siesta, I have wondered about where you actually live around here, lead the way.” She did, and after a short trip to the servant’s quarters they found themselves in Siesta’s old room.

Michael looked around, it was a nice and homely place, had basic furnishings and was surprisingly warm, and there was even some sort of bathroom. ‘The benefits of living in a magic school I suppose, even the servants get plumbing.’ He thought and was about to comment as such, but before he could utter a word, Siesta was on him. Lip-locked the two began a full blown make out session, or at least tried; Siesta was frantic and fumbled around with Michael’s clothes all the while trembling with so much nervousness and excitement that Michael had to grasp her shoulders to hold her still and take control.

“Siesta, slow down girl.” She was blushing hard with embarrassment and was practically vibrating with nervousness.

“I-I-I’m sorry m-master, I didn’t mean to over step my bounds, I just couldn’t help myself a-and just…” She would have continued but Michael silenced her with a kiss of his own that left her seeing stars.

“It’s okay Siesta; do you really want to do this?” She gave a blissful nod. “Alright then.”

With that he resumed the lip-lock and undid a few things on her dress causing it to fall from her shoulders and pool on the floor at her feet. Now standing there exposed wearing nothing but a pair of panties, Siesta fidgeted under Michael’s gaze trying futilely not to cover up. Her outfit that was given to her by Count Mott didn’t come with a bra so now Michael was pleased to see her perky C-cups and most of the rest of her.

“You’re very pretty Siesta.” He complemented which caused her blush to deepen. He kissed her some more and gently grasped one of the soft orbs and started to tweak its nipple making Siesta break the kiss and let out a gasp that became a moan. Michael just continued to kiss and nibble around the crook of her neck while maneuvering his other hand to slide into her now moist panties to begin fingering her wet pussy and start playing with her hard clit.

“Oh master!” She exclaimed as his actions caused her to wrap her arms around him and forced out a heavy moan as her legs became wobbly as they started to lose strength under his ministrations.

After a few minutes of this she started to climax and as soon as Michael felt this he jammed his thumb down hard on her clit making her hands cling to him hard as her head lifted up and her mouth opened into a silent scream as she was rocked into orgasm after orgasm. As she finally came down she gasped for air and slumped against him, burying her face in his shoulder, her body still quivering from the aftershocks she felt.

Now boneless, Michael had to carry her and deposit her gently onto the bed to let her recover from what was probably her first multi-orgasm ever. He stepped back and took of his greatcoat and shirt then undid his pants to release his now painfully hard erection. This caught Siesta’s attention and as soon as she saw his throbbing member her eyes lit up in a combination of fear, awe, and lust. Finding strength, she moved to her knees and went to the edge of the bed where he now stood and moved her shaky hands to grasp his hardness.

Remembering what she had read in some of her novels, Siesta tentatively began licking the shaft before she took what she could into her mouth, going as deep as possible before letting out a gag and then began sucking in earnest doing everything she could think of to make her master feel good.

Michael was a bit surprised at how well Siesta was at giving head, she was far from an expert, but she more than made up for it in enthusiasm and he let his approval show by letting out a groan and then a compliment.

“That’s good Siesta.” His praise seemed to spur her on and before long he let out a grunt. “I’m cumming Siesta.” Hearing that she sucked as hard as she could and he erupted in her mouth with several large spurts which she did her best to gulp down. Siesta actually did manage to swallow it all and when it was all done she sat back, dazed by what had just happened.

“That was very good Siesta.” Michael said while shedding his pants and boots. “But now it’s time for the main event.” His words brought her back to reality and she sheepishly nodded and scooted back to lie on the bed. Michael moved on to the bed and removed her now sodden panties revealing her womanhood covered in a thin layer of fuzz. He positioned himself at her entrance and as he touched her she let out a little squeak and quickly said.

“P-please be gentle m-master it, it’s my first time.” She looked so innocent and vulnerable as she told him that and it aroused Michael to no end. He leaned over her and gave his gentlest smile and a chastised kiss.

“I’ll try to be as gentle as I can, now hold on to me.” She did and Michael entered her in one steady thrust tearing through her maidenhood making her cry out as he claimed her virginity and she tighten her grip on him. Once he was in he paused, letting her get used to the feeling of being so full. After a few minutes he felt her start to squirm under him prompting him to start moving.

He began with a light rocking which soon worked up to trusting, after a few minutes Siesta started to meet his thrusts then she quickened the tempo. Soon Michael began sliding further and further out before slamming it home deeper and deeper eventually fucking her full tilt bringing Siesta to her first orgasm. Michael didn’t stop when Siesta’s first climax started, instead he just started to thrust in as far as he could, bottoming out with each entry, and this caused Siesta to orgasm again before the first one even started to subside.

When her third major climax ripped through her, Michael decided to pull out and flipped her over onto her knees in a classic doggy style before resuming their coupling. This position allowed Michael to reach Siesta’s cervix every time he thrust in causing her to start a series of multi-orgasms that seemingly had no end and resulting in her arms collapsing from under her as the last of her strength left her, forcing Michael to hold her up by her hips as he continued to pound into from behind.

The feeling of Siesta’s velvety insides convulsing, squirming, and gripping him in incredible ways finally caused him to let out a primal roar as he release his load in to her. The feeling of the explosion of warmth within her sent Siesta into one last mind blowing climax that left her gasping and shivering in bliss and joy.

When he was finished, Michael laid down beside her pulled the covers over the both of them; he then gave her one last deep kiss before he just held her in his arms. She practically molded herself to him and they stayed that way as they both drifted off to sleep.

Michael awoke the next morning to a very pleasant sensation, he opened his eyes and spotted a large lump under the covers, he pulled them away to reveal Siesta, with her breasts around his cock and her head bobbing and sucking on what was sticking out. ‘Little minx seems to have gained some confidence since last night.’ He thought to himself, a bit surprised by her boldness, but he didn’t say anything as he just laid back and enjoyed her attentions. Eventually he reached his climax and she once again drank all he had to offer.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what brought this on?” Michael inquired after she was finished sucking the last bits of his spunk out of him. She gave a surprisingly lustful smile as she slid up on to his chest and explained herself.

“Well, I thought I’d give you a ‘thank you’ for such a wonderful night master.” Michael smiled at her explanation, especially the master comment; it was surprising turn on for him.

“I must say your thanks are much appreciated, but the fact remains that you have gone down on me twice, I think it’s about time I return the favor.” He said as he flipped her over onto to her back and started to trail a line of kisses down her body, ignoring her protests.

As he reached her breasts he paused there to give some attention to the wondrous globes, electing soft moans and gasps from her which turned to giggles as he moved lower. He quickly made it to her pussy and was pleasantly surprised not to not see any evidence of last night’s exploits, meaning that she had cleaned herself up before giving him his surprise wakeup. Michael didn’t dwell on this though as he immediately dived right in; using his tongue and fingers he attacked anything he could reach with as much intensity as he could muster and using techniques that have probably never been seen in this world. The sensation of all this caused Siesta to cry out.

“Oh Master!” She was quickly brought to the cusp of climax, but Michael easily caught this and stopped right as she was on the edge, causing her to give a pitiful whimper in protest. After a few seconds he started right back up, only to again stop just before she could finish just so he could start again. He did this several more times and before long she was writhing in maddening lust and pleasure that became too much for her as she finally begged. “Please master, please let me cum!” The desperation in her voice made him smile.

“Okay then, cum for me Siesta.” He commanded and then latched on to her clitoris with his mouth and gently took the little nub in between his teeth and started flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth while at the same time his fingers attacked her g-spot with a vengeance.

The effect was near instant; her hands viciously latched onto the bedding and her eyes and mouth shot open as Michael’s ferocious assault on her sensitive parts combined with the buildup from the delayed orgasms sent her hurling into a climax far beyond her comprehension that just kept going on and on. Michael actually had to hold her down as her back arched up and her hold body tried to jerk away, he kept up his actions for a solid minute before he pulled away, however even when he did her orgasms didn’t stop, instead she just started shaking and shivering in ecstasy as she continued to experience multiple orgasms for nearly five minutes.

Eventually, it finally stopped and Siesta just lay there limply, tears running down the corners of her eyes, her body still giving the occasional twitch, and her eyes coming in and out of focus as her mind tried to recover from what had just happened. Michael just sat on the edge of the bed with a pleased look on his face waiting for her to come to. It took another ten minutes before she was able to think coherently, the first thing she did was sit up and look at Michael; the look she gave him contained something akin to reverence and awe normally reserved for one’s deity. After a moment she moved into his arms, shivering at his touch and he wrapped her in his embrace.

“I love you master.” Siesta said with complete honesty.

“You too Siesta.” Michael replayed with a smile.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before eventually separating; they then got cleaned up, got dressed during which Michael gave Siesta a vile which contained a birth control potion, one of several that he had picked up while he was at the capitol, after she took it they then headed out. Once outside, Michael gave Siesta one last hug and kiss before saying his goodbye.

“You take care of yourself now Siesta and I’ll come visit you as soon as I can.” Siesta smiled at that, she had a look of assurance, of someone who had no worries about anything, a look of begin at peace.

“I will master, I hope to see you soon as well.” With that she turned to start her day, completely content with the world and her place in it.

Michael then turned to head towards the stables with the intent of returning to his troop’s camp. He got about half way there before a shout of ‘darling’ followed by a tackling mass of red hair and bronze softness nearly knocked him off his feet.

“Hello Kirche, how are you this morning?” He asked with an almost amused voice. She just pressed herself onto him harder as she declared.

“Oh darling, I was worried that you would never return, I have completely fallen for you, ever since your incredible duel with what’s his name my thoughts have been filled with nothing but you! Please darling, I must be with you… tonight!” She sounded quite sincere, but Michael knew all about Kirche, plus he didn’t want to wait around that long.

“That’s quite a shame, because I was on my way to the stables in preparation to depart the academy.” This answer brought a pout to her lips and she whined piteously.

“But darling, I just can’t go on without you, please stay.” Michael’s face took on a predatory grin at that.

“Well then,” He began as he slipped a hand under her skirt and gripped her bronze, panty clad ass. “If that’s the case then how about we head on up to your room right now, unless, you have something more important you need to do?” His words and his action actually brought a blush to her face; he was definitely bolder than anyone she had ever been with. She thought about his question; she of course had classes in a few minutes, but she really wanted to be with him before he left, it was a difficult choice, one made easier when he gave her ass another squeeze.

‘To hell with class, I must have him NOW!’ She thought before answering. “Of course I have nothing more important than you darling, this way!” She linked arms with him and led him to her bedroom, during the entire walk there Michael had his hand on her ass giving it an occasional squeeze as well as running a finger along the slit of her pussy through her panties, driving her nuts and sending shivers through her body.

By the time they reached her room Kirche’s panties were soaked and she was really worked up, but she managed to keep her composure as she led Michael in, she discarded her cloak and he tossed his greatcoat onto a chair as she began.

“Well here we are darling, what do…” She never got to finish her question as Michael caught her in a kiss that quickly had her seeing spots, when they separated for air she exclaimed. “Oh my darling, that was…ahh!” Michael didn’t give her a chance to do or say anything as he continued his offensive by pulling open her already almost open blouse letting her large DD-cups to spill out. He took one in one hand groping it and teasing the nipple, and he took the other nipple in his mouth and sucked it before lightly tugging on it with his teeth. She brought her hands to his head and moaned and mewled in rapt approval.

While that was happening, Michael’s other hand went to work by first undoing Kirche’s skirt letting it fall to the floor before slipping his hand into her wet panties and going to work on her pussy. Her eyes shot open as she felt that hand start to do things she has never felt before as it hooked two fingers inside her and stroked her sensitive spots while the thumb teased her nub. All this, combined with his actions on the way there quickly sent her way over the edge.

“AHH darling, I’m go… g-going to… AHHHH!” She erupted in a torrent of juices drenching his hand and nearly collapsing as her knees buckled forcing Michael to basically catch her and then letting fall to the bed. She just laid there shaking and panting as the aftershocks of her climax subsided. ‘By the Founder, I’ve never came that hard in my life, darling is definitely a real man no question.’ As she got her breathing under control she sat up and discovered that Michael had finished undressing himself. “Oh my, darling’s magnificent, none of my other boys can even compare!” Kirche stared transfixed at Michael’s throbbing hardness causing him to smirk.

“Well now Kirche, I hope you’re ready for the real thing?” Her eyes widened in both fear and excitement as he climbed onto the bed and pulled of her sodden panties while she quickly tossed away her top. She then looked surprised when he bent down to between her legs and started trailing kisses up her thy until he reached her quim and started licking.

‘Oh my, I’ve never had a man do this before; usually they just want to get to the fun part or are too clueless.’ She was quickly absorbed by Michael ministrations as he did yet more amazing things that swiftly left her a quivering mess as she was brought to another mind numbing orgasm. Before Kirche could even finish cumming, Michael quickly lifted her legs to hang over his shoulders, lined up his cock with her cunt, and went balls deep in one solid thrust.

The size of his member combined with her still ongoing orgasm and his rapid entry of her resulted in Kirche experiencing a rapid succession of multi-orgasms that came in seemingly unending waves that had her twisting and thrashing in earthshattering ecstasy the like of which she had never experienced before. Michael tried to continue, but found that fucking her like that was just plan unrealistic, so he stopped and waited for her to finish cumming which took a surprising amount of time. ‘Geez, the guys at this academy must be complete morons when it comes to sex; it’s taking practically nothing to get her off.’ Michael mused to himself.

When her orgasms finally subsided, Michael finally got to fucking her in earnest; however she had become incredibly sensitive and was soon sent into another wave of multi-orgasms. By this point Kirche was a complete mess, the constant climaxes had made her a gasping, sobbing, and moaning wreak, she couldn’t even move anymore, she was nearly completely limp with her only real movement being her full body orgasmic tremors while all her energy went towards breathing. Michael wasn’t even trying anymore, he just thrust away enjoying the sensations of Kirche’s excessively convulsing pussy and let his climax occur when it will.

After he finally got off, he pulled out of Kirche’s overstimulated pussy and just waited for her to recover. When she finally did she looked up to him with pure love and joy in her eyes.

“Oh darling, that was the best I’ve ever had by far, I didn’t think anything could feel that amazing, you are definitely the man I’ve always dreamt of.” His predatory grin returned at that.

“Well I’m glad you liked it, ‘cause I’m not satisfied yet.” Kirche suddenly had a worried look on her face.

“Darling, I don’t think I can survive another bout like that so soon.” She tried to keep the lingering fear out of her voice as much as possible, but some got through.

“Well don’t worry.” He began as he flipped her onto her hands and knees. “This won’t be like the first time.” Kirche was really getting nervous now.

“D-darling, what are you…” She cut herself off as she felt the head of his dick poke her back entrance. “W-wait, I’ve never done that before, please no I… AIE!” She screamed as he pushed into her little rosebud, pushing in until he bottomed out.

‘Oh yeah, nice and tight.’ He thought as he enjoyed the way her bronze ass gripped his penis in its warm hold. Kirche on the other hand was groaning and moaning in not only pain, but also in growing pleasure as she felt the new sensation that was anal sex.

“Oh by the Founder, darling please slow down, I-I’m starting to feel weird, I’m scared.” She pleaded with him as her ass continued to get pounded.

“Now Kirche, the fun is just starting.” He responded as he lifted her up so that her back was against his chest so he could start teasing her breasts and nipples while he continued to fuck her tight little hole. She clenched her teeth as she felt him pinch and tug her tits, pulling them and twisting, but despite it hurting, despite her giving out little shrieks, Michael could tell she was enjoying it immensely. This became especially clear when he felt her ass tighten up as she finally came.

“Oh Founder, my ass is cumming, I’m cumming from my ass!” She shouted as she trembled in lust and humiliation.

‘Damn, I didn’t think Kirche had such a masochistic streak in her… oh who am I kidding, this is an anime, and now thanks to me it’s a hentai anime, so of course the labeled slut character has a masochistic side to her.’ His inner monologue was interrupted by yet another climax for Kirche and his own need to finish. Deciding to end it big he quickly reached around and took hold of her engorged clit and then whispered into her ear. “Cum with me Kirche.” He then shot his load up her gorgeous bronze ass while roughly pinching her clit. The result was that Kirche grit her teeth, her entire body went ridged, and her pussy let loose an eruption of Michael’s remaining semen and her love juice that totally drenched her bed.

When Michael had finished letting out his load, he let her fall off his cock and onto her now soaked bed. Not feeling quite done with her, he got off the bed, walked around to where her head was, and lifted her head up by her hair to his dick.

“You’re not done here sweetie, lick me clean.” His cock was still covered by remnants of his own jizz and her juices, but she was too dazed to care and just did as she was told and clumsily sucked him clean. After that he turned away and spoke again. “Well I must say, that was a fun one time fling.” His statement seemed to bring her back to reality.

“Wait, darling, what do you mean ‘one time’; you can’t mean that this was the only time we will ever do this, I can’t live without you now!” She had a desperate look to her as she pleaded.

“Well I’m sorry Kirche, but that is just how it is, but I’m sure it’ll be alright, after all you have your little following of boy-toys, I’m sure you’ll be alright.” He said it so casually that her heart felt like it could break.

“No please darling, those other boys don’t mean anything to me they’re nothing compared to you, you are all I need, please don’t make this the only time we make love!” She was in tears now.

‘As if you could call what just happened “making love”, ha!’ “Well, I suppose I could make you a deal.” He got her full attention; his face got a shark grin. “If you swear to be completely and utterly mine and mine alone then I will promise to have more fun with you like this on occasion.” Her eyes lit up with happiness at the thought of being his and nodded so rapidly it was amazing she didn’t hurt herself. He then extended his hand. “Then take my hand, and seal the ‘Deal’.” She grasped it with both of her hands.

“I promise darling, I promise I’ll be yours one and only!” With that she was his, so he turned and moved so that his dick was right in front of her face.

“Now that that’s done, your cleaning blowjob left me hard.” He reached out and grabbed one of her tits eliciting a gasp and then a moan as he teased her nipple. “So why don’t you use these and your mouth to fix that?” At that she smiled and wrapped his erection with her impressive assets and started sucking him off like the pro she is.

After the titjob in which he pretty much came down her throat, he gave her one of the birth control potions and then proceed to fuck her comatose in both her front and back holes, then cleaned himself up in her bathroom, got dressed, and then headed to the stables. Along the way he talked to Tabitha who was going to lunch, that Kirche was now a part of their group, to which he received a look that asked ‘really’, he then congratulated her on her winning the familiar exhibition, even though he had already predicted the outcome, and then said his goodbyes to her and got his horse and left the academy, again, for his budding army.

Along the way he merrily thought to himself. ‘Well, these past twenty-four hours have been great, not only did I get two hot girls as my newest thralls, but I also fucked them into basically worshiping me, and the best part, this is still only the beginning!’ He started laughing evilly as his evil smile returned in full force.

Oh how he was enjoying all this…

Chapter End

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