《In the Naruto world (1)》Chapter 13 SENSEI!
“OH wow!, This is so cool, how come i’ve never seen this place before” (Naruto) said when he watched the huge waterfall that I made earlier today.
“You’ve never seen this because it wasn’t here until an hour ago.” (Chris) trying to show off.
“Nah! That can’t be true, there is no way that this huge waterfall could have appeared here in an hour.” (Naruto) said, not believing in a single word I just said.
“Whatever, anyways you two might know this already but the Chuunin exams are starting next week, so we need to prepare for the upcoming exams.” (Chris)
“Aw, but I don’t see the point on doing the Chuunin exams.” (Naruto)
Hinata was just there with a blushed face, fiddling with her fingers while thinking of Naruto, I don’t think she heard a word I just said.
“Well Naruto, you wanna be the Hokage right.” (Chris)
“Of course I do!” (Naruto)
“Well I just saw that there are several more Genins who are very strong, and I also heard that these Genins could rival even Sasuke. Oh and Sasuke is also training for the exams with Kakashi” (Chris)
“Huh, that’s not fair, why does Kakashi have to play favourites with Sasuke.” (Naruto)
“My point is that if you want to be the Hokage you have to prove that you’re stronger than any other ninja in the village. Starting by fighting the other Genins. And if you don’t practice then you will be left behind.” (Chris)
Naruto for some reason isn’t motivated to get stronger like in the anime, is it because he already knows he's stronger than Sasuke, he did show the difference between him and Sasuke when we were on our way to the land of waves. I need to fix this problem as soon as possible.
“I guess, you’re right YOSH! Let’s do this then.” (Naruto)
“Okay Naruto, first put some of your chakra on this piece of paper.” (Chris)
I gave Naruto some litmus paper, I need to be sure if this Naruto is born with wind nature
“Hm???” (Naruto) was confused
"Just do it, it will tell me something very important about your chakra." (Chris)
“Okay!” (Naruto)
He put some of his chakra to the litmus paper, and indeed the paper was cut in half.
“What happened?! It just teared itself in half” (Naruto)
“It’s little bit over complicated if I told you, but just so you know your chakra nature is air.” (Chris)
I just explained the chakra natures to Luna, I don’t want to repeat the same thing.
“All right i’m an air nature?... what does that mean” (Naruto)
If I were to explain it to him we’ll be sitting here for the whole week.
“It’s nothing bad naruto, just know that you have a natural affinity for air. Now I want you to do this” (Chris)
I skipped the lecture and went straight to the training, I showed him a leaf and used a bit of my wind on it and it teared in half.
I re-summoned my clones earlier today and I was able to know how to cut leafs with my chakra, they had done a mervelous job.
“I want you to focus on this leaf by cutting it in half with your chakra only.” (Chris)
“How do I do that?” (Naruto)
“I’ll guide you through later, but for now I want you to summon as many shadow clones and do the thing I told you about.” (Chris)
I needed to focus on Hinata as well, her specialty is the Byakugan and it’s like an enhanced version of taijutsu. And lucky for her i’m a taijutsu master.
“Yosh! SHADOW CLONE JUTSU” (Naruto) then Summoned a few hundred shadow clones and continued his training.
He also used a few hundred shadow clones when he was practicing the rasengan, too bad he doesn’t have the skill peace of mind or he would have been able to use 2 thousand shadow clones like me.
I turned and faced at the red Hinata.
“Hinata!” (Chris)
“Uh y-yes Chris” (Hinata) looked at me.
“I will not use the same training methods on you like Naruto because your specialty is the Byakugan, and now I need you to come at me at full power.” (Chris)
The only way for me to know her strength and weaknesses are by experiencing her fighting style.
“Um! I don’t want to hurt you” (Hinata)
Dammit I forgot she’s a kind person… This is gonna be a bit trickier than I thought, but good thing I just thought of a way to make her fight me
“Follow me Hinata, I need to tell you something” (Chris) I led her away from Naruto, just enough distance so Naruto doesn’t hear what i’m about to tell Hinata.
“Wh-what is it C-Chris” (Hinata) looked at me
“I know you like Naruto” (Chris) I just straight up exposed her.
Hinata took a second to process the words that I just said, then she turned even redder and smoke was starting to come out her face.
“Wh-what ar-are you talk-talking about” (Hinata) tried to deny it
“Don’t lie to me Hinata, i’ve seen how you look at Naruto, and I know that you like him.” (Chris)
“Bu-but what does th-this have to do wi-with anything” (Hinata) tried to change the subject
“Everything, listen Hinata I know you’re a good person and you like Naruto. That’s why i’m gonna make you a deal that you can’t refuse.” (Chris)
“... wh-what deal” (Hinata)
“If from now on you put a lot of effort into the training that i’m about to show you, I promise to get you and Naruto together.” (Chris)
She’s a very nice person but that’s also her biggest weakness. This is the only way I could think of that won’t change her cute personality, it will only change her fighting style.
“Re-really!” (Hinata) looked down and played with her fingers.
“Yes really, i’m his best friend, to be honest I think you and Naruto are meant for each other.” (Chris)
“Really!” (Hinata) said a bit happy
“Yes really, you’re a nice person and Naruto is a very nice guy as well. So you two are perfect for each other, but the bad thing is that Naruto likes Sakura for some reason.” (Chris)
Hinata's face turned gloomy, looks like she knew about it already.
“But the good thing is that Sakura likes Sasuke, and I also know a way to get Naruto to like you” (Chris)
“H-how!” (Hinata)
“You see Naruto wants to be the next Hokage, and he wants to fight others to prove his strength. All you need to do is become strong enough that Naruto starts to pay attention to you.” (Chris)
“I-is that the only way.” (Hinata)
“Well there are other ways but I think this is the most effective one, i’ll make you another deal. If you start to show a lot of progress in my training i’ll give you various ways to get to Naruto’s heart.” (Chris)
I once heard of a story how my mom got to my dad, by his stomach. I think HInata is a good cook and if she cooks Naruto some good ramen then he might have some feelings for her.
What I said about her getting stronger to get Naruto to notice her is also true, Naruto only looks at strong people like Sasuke. And if Hinata becomes strong enough to get the attention of Naruto then he will ask her to spar with him. After that happens, it will all be left to Hinata from here on out.
I just hope that my way will get Hinata to train and become stronger.
“I-I promise to do my best” (Hinata) looks motivated, looks like my deal worked like a charm.
“Splendid, now come at me at full power.” (Chris)
“Okay. BYAKUGAN!!!” (Hinata)
Hinata’s eyes became more series and she charged at me, I didn’t attack her I only want to see what her strengths and weaknesses are.
Once she was at close distance whe activate the 8 trigrams 64 palms.
“8 TRIGRAMS! 64 PALMS” (Hinata)
She launched a series of attacks on me and I dodged every single one, she was very quick and agile. Her punches need a bit more strength and she isn’t aiming for my eternal organs, in the Taijutsu book it states that to wound an enemy you need to hit him in his eternal organs.
I dodged one of her attacks and attacked her feet, she tripped and it broke apart her 8 trigrams 64 palms technique
“Ow! (Hinata)
“Sorry Hinata, but I needed you to listen to me. Your speed and agility is very good, but your weakness is your lack of strength you put in your punches, and you aren’t aiming for my organs. And also you didn’t dodge that attack” (Chris)
“Sorry” (Hinata) she apologizes to me.
“Okay Hinata now that I know your weaknesses i’m going to guide you, but first to make things quicker I need you to learn this technique. SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!” (Chris) then summoned a bunch of shadow clones
If I can teach her the shadow clone jutsu, it will greatly reduce her training speed and it will also enhance her strength, imagine if you faced like 20 Hinatas and they all use 8 trigrams 64 palms on you at the same time. You’d be in big trouble.
“Okay!” (Hinata)
She didn’t even ask me why she should learn the shadow clone jutsu, she’s a good student.
I guided her on her shadow clone technqiue and learned it on her 5th try. The bad thing is that this will consume a lot of her chakra, but I gave her some of my chakra so she can make lots of shadow clones.
(Remember that Chris has a million times more chakra then the nine tails, so he can give chakra to others without him being affected at all)
I only made her summon 100 shadow clones since it could damage her brain if she were to summon more.
Naruto can summon more because he had a rough chlldhood so it greatly enhanced his brain, and I think it is also thanks to the nine tails inside of him that healed his brain. If not then he would have become like Gaara.
Several hours later
We were taking a break, and as always. I gladly cooked for them since they worked so hard. Hinata seemed to really enjoy it, if she asks for cooking lessons I don’t mind teaching her at all.
Naruto was barely able to cut through the leaf, his progress is faster than I thought it would be, I think it’s due to my guiding and his use of shadow clones.
Hinata was able to learn the shadow clone jutsu technique, and her Byakugan is starting to show progress as well. She can control her strength and punch more powerful than before, the only problem is that she still needs work on aiming for my organs. And her dodging has improved quite a bit as well.
I guess the shadow clones really did the trick for all of us, as for me, my shadow clones have finally accomplished cutting the leafs every single time. They are currently trying to stop the flow of the waterfall.
Blue box, what happens if I summoned at least up to 5000 shadow clones.
Well I did the calculations, and since you’ve summoned 2000 shadow clones a lot of times. Your brain has become stronger, so summoning 5000 shadow clones should only give you a slight dizziness. Any more than that and you’ll really suffer from brain damage.
I guess, but I can always heal my brain with my healing Kekkai Genkai.
I needed more shadow clones, all of them were doing the waterfall training, and I need to work on my taijutsu and kenjutsu. Hinata is a great sparring partner but she is still too inexperienced for me. And I also had an awesome idea to go over the taijutsu limits.
I’m gonna use weights. Like Son Goku, or Rock Lee
“SHADOW CLONE JUTSU” (Chris) I summoned another 3000 shadow clones, and they knew exactly what to do. They all used the power of creation and created weighted clothes.
I estimated that Lee’s weights should be around 4600kg each
(I found how much his ankles weights weigh in this website.) https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/21yt9u/request_can_we_find_the_weight_of_one_of_rock/
But I haven’t trained as much as him so I decided to lower it down by using 100kg.
I created 2 arm bands that weighted 20kg each.
A pair of shoes what weights 20 kg each.
And an awesome black shirt that weights 20 kg each.
If you haven’t noticed I used the same weight as son Goku used in his training.
It was really heavy, but if me and my 3000 shadow clones are able to train in these, then by the end of the day I should be able to move freely in them. I also remember that Goku was able to go up to 100x normal gravity in only 6 days, I have 7 days so I have a 1 day advantage.
“What! Chris you’re able to summon more shadow clones, even I can’t summon that many” (Naruto) was shocked to see the amount of shadow clones that I produced.
“Won’t you hurt yourself if you use that many” (Hinata) since i’ve been guiding Hinata all this time she has now considered me as a good friend. So it’s natural for her to be worried about my health.
“Don’t worry guys I know my limits.” (Chris) I said to reasure them.
“YEAH!!!” (Everyone) yelled
Blue box, play an awesome Naruto song.
Playing Naruto song: Departure to the frontlines.
(it’s probably my favourite song in Naruto. Here is the link to the song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ISfifczkgM
And for the whole day we trained like hell, Hinata had to go early because it was getting late and her father is a really strict man. I said goodbye but I told Naruto to acompany her to Hinata’s house.
I did promise Hinata if she’d show me some progress in her training I would help them get together, before they left Hinata looked back at me and mouthed ‘Thank you’
I smiled. It felt nice to help them.
I stayed and practice for another few hours, it was already getting late and cold. I re-summoned the 5000 shadow clones and all of their memories and the experience they’ve gone through rushed through my head.
I did have a slight dizziness, but it only lasted for 2-3 minutes. After that I felt like I was a whole new person, now the only problem I’m facing is my quality of my swords.
I tried them during our training and their durabilty and sharpness sucks ass, I could use the meat cleaver that I took from Zabuza but it’s not my style to wield such a heavy weapon.
I could go to Ten-Ten’s place and ask her what materials I need to make a good sword, I don’t need a weapon from her since it could break.
The reason i’m only asking her for which materials to use is because my ‘creation’ is limited to my imagination, for example. I can’t make a video camera without knowing what’s inside it and how many cables it needs.
It’s the same with the sword, if I don’t have enough knowledge about them, then I would make pretty useless swords everytime, unless if I have better knowledge about them then I could even make a sword comparable to the Samehada.
And if I can make better quality swords it will help me greatly in a battle.
It’s pretty late and everyone should be asleep, so I should sleep for a bit as well.
9:00 A.M.
Wake up, right now Ten-Ten should be awake by now. ∠(ᐛ 」∠)_
I got up thanks to blue screen, I rubbed my eyes and stretched lazily. I slept on the cold hard ground, I was too lazy to sleep at my place. So I used the power of creation and made a tooth brush and tooth paste and got my hair ready as well.
I ran to Ten-Ten’s shop, I made it here thanks to blue screen’s guide through. The shop looked pretty cool, it has all types of weapons. But I don’t have time to admire the view and proceeded to talk to an old man in the counter.
“Good morning customer, how can I help you” (TenTen’s father)
(I couldn’t find TenTen’s father in the internet, so i’m calling him TenTen’s father.)
“Hello sir, I came to look for TenTen.” (Chris)
“Oh! Are you chasing after my daughter, because just so you know my daughter is not that easy to get.” (TenTen’s father)
So he’s TenTen’s father, god he looks ugly, I think TenTen got her looks from her mother, whoever that is.
“I think you’re mistaken sir, i’ve only come to see her for business about swords.” (Chris)
“Oh I see, I apologize. I’ll get her right away. TENTEN! THERE IS SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU, GET UP FROM BED!!!.” (TenTen’s father)
He yelled upstairs.
“Jeez father I was already up since 8 a.m. There’s no need to scream at me” (TenTen) annoyingly said to her father.
TenTen showed up from another room, looks like she was working on her weapons or something because her hands are dirty.
“TenTen, this guy says he has some business to talk to you about” (TenTen’s father)
“Hm! Who are you” (TenTen)
We both have never met before, so this technically is our first time meeting each other.
“Hi TenTen my name is Chris Walker, I came to acquire some knowledge about swords, I was wondering if you had a book or something about everything there is to know about making a sword” (Chris)
“Hmm! Sorry I am not taking in any apprentices, as for the books i’m afraid they’re not for sale. Everything I know about swords is in them, so I can’t help you at the moment” (TenTen) she was preparing to leave but I said first
“Yes I thought so as well, that’s why i’m willing to make a trade with you. I heard you we’re a weapons collector, and it just so happens I have a sword that you’ll definitely want.” (Chris)
TenTen stopped in her tracks, looks like my words triggered TenTen’s curiousity
“Well it depends on what you have.” (TenTen)
I then took out the meat cleaver sword and showed it to TenTen, I didn’t want this sword anymore and it was practically useless to me. So it’s better if I give it for something that will help me.
“Wait!!! Is that. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” (TenTen) screamed, that’s a first.
“What’s wrong TenTen, did he do something to you, i’ll kill you.” (TenTen’s father) came here at lightning speed and attacked me with a sword, I just dodged it and later he was stopped by TenTen
“Wait! Father! He didn’t do anything, it’s the sword that he showed me” (TenTen) said and started examining the sword, but i’m gonna be a dick and put the sword away in my space inventory thingy.
“Wait! Please show me the sword, pleeeaasssee!” (TenTen) pleaded to examine the cleaver sword.
“Sorry but it’s not for sale, since any of your books aren’t for sale then I don’t have a reason to give you my cleaver sword.” (Chris) these are the exact same words that she said to me just now, I just want to bully her for a bit. And then I pretended to turn around and walk away.
“Wait!, you can take them, but please don’t go away” (TenTen) went upstairs and came back very quickly with 5 books, they were labelled as
‘History of swords’
‘How to make the perfect sword ‘theory’
‘How to wield a sword’
‘The legend of the 7 greatest swordman’
‘Swords, what makes them so special.
I saw the books and I took ‘history of sword’ ‘how to make the perfect sword ‘theory’ ‘Swords, what makes them so special, and the legend of the 7 greatest swordman.
The only book I left out was how to wield a sword, I took out my cleaver sword and gave it to the crying/begging TenTen.
“Here you go, I just need these books for a while, i’ll return them to you in about 2 hours or so” (Chris)
"Thank you!, oh god it really is the KubikiriBocho, where did you get this sword” (TenTen)
Ah so that’s the sword’s name.
“Oh wow, it really is the KubikiriBocho, i’m really sorry young man for attacking you” (TenTen’s father) apologized
“It’s okay sir, and to answer your question TenTen. I got this sword from Zabuza.” (Chris)
“You’re kidding right!!! Zabuza is currently one of the seven swordsman, it is said that his jutsu over water is very strong and his Kenjutsu mastery is a very high level. Did you defeat him.” (TenTen)
“I didn’t defeat him Kakashi did, I only helped by assisting Kakashi to kill Zabuza.” (Chris)
“Oh my god, but are you sure you don’t want this sword, I heard that it’s worth in the black market is huge!” (TenTen)
“I know but I think it’s more important for me to learn more about swords.” (Chris) Money is usless to me anyways.
“I think this is the first time i’ve met someone who is into weapons as I am, are you by any chance a blacksmith or a weapons collector.” (TenTen)
“No, i’m practicing to master my Kenjutsu style.” (Chris)
“I see, but why do you need to learn how to make a sword, I think it’s more important to learn how to use a sword” (TenTen)
“I already know how to use a sword, but I need to learn to make a sword because it’s important to me. I can’t tell you exactly why because it’s a bit overcomplicated if I told you.” (Chris)
I can’t tell anybody about the fact that I can make anything out of chakra, or I will be caught and tested like a guinepig.
“I see, thank you very much for giving me such a precious sword. If you ever need anything from me please don’t hesitate to say it.” (TenTen)
"Sure, see ya later TenTen and TenTen’s father” (Chris)
I waved at them and left the shop, I could have sworn that TenTen looked at me funny. I just hope that she isn’t in love with me because I already have Luna. And I don’t wanna hurt Tenten’s feelings.
I reached the training ground and to my surprise I found Hinata and Naruto sparring together, it looks like they’re really enjoying it. I didn’t think Hinata could already move this fast so quickly, I underestimated her love for Naruto
Good job Hinata (thumps up)
I walked up to them and said
“Why are the both of you here so early?!” (Chris)
“Oh! Chris sensei." (Hinata) what did she just call me?
“Oh hi Chris, hahaha you’re so late and we’re here so early, you owe us a bowl of ramen” (Naruto) laughed that he got here earlier than I did
“Okay i’ll give Hinata a bowl of ramen but not you, because you still owe me for Hinata’s bowl remember.” (Chris)
“Aw! You’re so evil Chris, and so cheap.” (Naruto) protested.
“You’re the last person I wanna hear that from!” (Chris)
“*giggle*” (Hinata) laughed at the way we acted with each other.
“No but seriously why are the both of you here so early?” (Chris)
“Well, we thought about what you said about the Genin’s, and on our way to my home Naruto and I promised to make you proud and win first place.” (Hinata) blushed
Wait she didn’t stutter anymore, did her shyness dissapear in one night.
“Why do the both of you want to make me proud??” (Chris) okay now i’m really confused
“Simple really, because you have taught us more than our teachers ever did. Like how you taught me to walk on trees, and on water, the rasengan, and now you’re teaching me more. And you also corrected Hinata in her taijutsu and she is really strong by the way. And you also taught her the shadow clone jutsu, so the only way for us to repay you is by making you proud of us.” (Naruto)
I didn’t do it out of kindness, I only did it because I will need their strength in the near future. I guess I became their sensei without me even realizing it.
“Thank you guys, you have no idea how happy that makes me” (Chris) If I was their literal sensei I think I would be crying tears of joy right now.
“Hehehe! No problem, Sensei!” (Naruto) said and bowed to me.
“Thank you very much, Chris Sensei!” (Hinata) said and bowed to me as well.
These two… are really something.
“All right enough with that you two, and let’s get back to training. We have 6 days left before the Chuunin exams arrive.” (Chris)
“YOSH!!!” (Hinata and Naruto) said in unison.
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8 254