《In the Naruto world (1)》Chapter 10 A promise to yourself to become stronger
I never stopped running after that incident, I wish I could stop and take a break but the blue box KEEPS SCREAMING AT ME!
Blue screen we’re already 2 days away from the land of waves and it’s been 2 days that i’ve been running non-stop. I’m gonna take a break, look i haven’t even gotten the chance to release everyone from Itachi’s genjutsu.
‘Sigh’ guess you’re right I can’t sense it anymore, you might as well take a break...
For these last few days I haven’t even gotten the chance to eat, sleep, or release everyone from the genjutsu, just how did Itachi get the rinnegan I will figure that out later. So I lied down everyone on the grass and used my healing Kekkai Genkai to release them from Itachi’s genjutsu.
It was surprising to learn that my healing Kekkai Genkai can even get people out of a genjutsu, of course before I did that I let one of my shadow clones take the unconcious Haku as far away from here as possible, I don’t want to see him go to prison because he’s a nice guy.
I ordered my shadow clone to give Haku some money and tell him what happened back at the land of waves, as for Zabuza’s meat cleaver it was in my space inventory. It was a good sword and I needed a good sword, it might be big and heavy but it’s still a good sword, so until I find one that’s more to my liking then i’m gonna keep this sword
“Huh! Shit everyone get out of here.” (Kakashi) was the first one to wake up but looks like he doesn’t know that we just escaped from them.
“Kakashi it’s alright, i’ve managed to get us all out.” (Chris) I tried to reason the confused Kakashi.
“Chris you’re here, ‘sigh’ good everyone’s here and they’re alright.” (Kakashi) sighed in relieve, knowing that everyone was okay.
“Not everyone is here, I still don’t know where Dom is.” (Chris)
“Dom! Where did he go, wasn’t he fighting those creepy sharks.” (Kakashi)
“Yes he was but Kizame hit him with his shark sword and Dom was launched like a baseball ball.” (Chris)
“Ow! My head hurts” (Kat) woke up and was experiencing some light headaches.
“Kat you’re alright.” (Chris)
“Where are we?” (Luna)
Everyone was waking up and they were confused, as soon as everyone woke up I told them what happened. I even told them about the green alien figure fighting Kizame, they were shocked to hear such a thing exists in this world. I was shocked as well that whatever this thing is as able to make even blue box so afraid of it.
And of course Sasuke didn’t listen to my words at all, he was so angry at me because I didn’t heal him when Itachi appeared before us. He figured out my healing Kekkai Genkai when Kakashi told me how did I release them from Itachi’s genjutsu, and I had to confess and tell them a part of my healing Kekkai Genkai.
Sasuke didn’t dare say anything to me because the memory of me beating him was still fresh, but I could read minds, and all I could hear was curses and other things that I don’t even know mean.
Luna was still scared when she thought of Itachi, the horrific events that happened that night were still fresh in her memory. But when she looked at me some even more tears escaped from her eyes? why. As for Naruto he was still asleep? How could he be so tired when he didn’t even do anything at all.
Kat’s memories were still a bit blurry and Sakura was more or less the same as before.
And I don’t know why everyone here hasn’t asked me about Itachi’s rinnegan eyes, I didn’t raise the question since nobody here was asking, maybe Itachi did something to them that made them forget about his rinnegan eyes.
Kakashi however was more curious to how I have so many abiltites, I used Natural liar and acting and made up another half assed excuse and said
“I don’t know, I had these abilities for as long as I remember” (Chris) And it worked, never underestimate a skill when it is MAXED
After that we headed home, I made up my mind to become stronger than anyone else. I was angry at myself for not being strong enough to beat them and I couldn’t protect anyone, I needed to train even harder than ever before.
This place was dark and very secret, there are currently several people in this hiding place waiting for someone. The door opened and two individuals entered.
“Why did you call us here Itachi” (Pain) was currently sitting in a chair while there was a blue haired girl beside him wearing the same clothes as everyone else in the room.
“I came here to tell you something that we encountered during our mission in the land of waves” (Itachi) Everyone had their ears perked up to listen to Itachi
“Well speak!” (Pain)
“We did encounter Naruto and were about to take him with us, but when we were about to, this weird thing showed up and attacked Kizame” (Itachi)
“So you mean to say you failed your mission, do you know that we need to capture the nine tailed host as fast as possible before he learns how to use it’s powers.” (Pain)
“We did fail our mission but I believe that this other creature is much more important and dangerous than Naruto” (Itachi)
“What do you mean?” (Pain)
Itachi turned and faced Kizame “show them, Kizame” (Itachi) said.
Then Kizame did a series of handseals and nothing happened.
“?” (everyone) was confused.
“When Kizame fought the creature it somehow managed to take Kizame’s chakra, now as you saw before your very eyes Kizame can’t use chakra because it got stolen from him” (Itachi)
“I see!” (Pain) said a little more intrigued
“After it stole Kizame’s chakra it charged straight to Kizame and was also able to take the Samehada’s abilities. After that it multiplied into three and attacked us both, I forced them to kneel but they prove to have super strength and were able to get up. I didn’t want to fight an enemy that I have no information about and teleported away with Kizame and contacted all of you, after that here we are.” (Itachi)
“Hm! Kizame do you feel different at all, besides not having any chakra at all.” (Pain)
“I don’t feel any different from that, my power has been reduced but my physical prowess is still the same.” (Kizame)
“Hahaha! Oh Kizame you were feared for your huge chakra pool that rivaled a tailed beast, and now that it’s all gone you are no different from a useless person. Even your so called 'amazing sword' lost all it’s abilities.” (Hidan) laughed at Kizame’s misfortune.
“Shut up! I can still cut you down with my sword,” (Kizame) said angrily
“Enough!” (Pain)
Everyone got quiet after that.
“So Itachi what are we supposed to do against this thing, I can just use my art on him and make it explode.” (Deidara)
“I’d avoid that for now, if someone launches a ninjutsu on that thing it will absorb it and you won’t be able to use chakra again. And avoid it on close combat since it is super strong and very fast. If you encounter the thing don’t under estimate it and run.” (itachi)
“So you expect us to run like cowards from that thingt” (Kakuzu) said angrily
“Until we find out more about this thing like his weakness then we will be able to destroy it, until then I suggest all of you to avoid it at all costs. If you want to fight it then i’ll take it as not listening to my warning.” (Itachi)
“Hm! I agree” (Pain)
“Pain?” (Konan)
“You guys saw that it took Kizame’s chakra and samehada’s abilities just now, if this thing is able to do such thing then it might also take away our powers and become stronger and stronger. We have to act smart and avoid this thing at all costs.” (Pain)
“So what do you want us to do now.” (Deidara)
“Right now we stick to our original plan and proceed to kidnap all the nine tailed beasts. As for Kizame since your chakra was taken away your power has dropped a lot and it could badly affect your future missions.” (Pain)
“Don’t worry I still have my physical strength and my kenjutsu mastery.” (Kizame) mood was down since his chakra was gone but there is nothing he could do about it.
“Very well, everyone is dismissed.” (Pain)
Everyone left and soon Pain and Konan were left alone.
“Do you know anything about this, black zetsu” (Pain)
Then a humanoid thing appeared from the shadows, it was half white and half black.
“I have been living for a very long time and this is the first time I have heard of such a thing.” (Black zetsu)
“Hey do you think that it tastes good.” (White zetsu) drooled about the thought of eating it
“I need you to find it and observe it very carefully, if it finds you then avoid it at all costs. I believe that if we understand it’s power then it will help us greatly to achieve our plans.” (Pain)
“Understood, I will be right back.” (Black zetsu) said and left.
We managed to come back to the leaf village without any further casualties, Dom still hasn’t come back, either he’s dead or lost. Right now i’m in the middle of a huge park with a giant waterfall, I made this huge waterfall all by myself.
I used an earth jutsu and a water jutsu to make this water fall, now if you’re wondering how can I use earth jutsu when I don’t even have an affinity for earth. Well that’s because you don’t need to have an elemental affinity to use other types of ninjutsus
In the anime there have been people who have mastered all 5 elements such as Orochimaru, the first three hokages and the 2nd tsuchikage. This proves that you don’t need an elemental trait to learn other jutsus. But it’s a very hard task to complete.
But i’m gonna focus on the one’s that I have an affinity for. Oh and I learned the earth jutsu when I asked the Hokage for some earth jutsu scrolls, poor old man can’t resist it when I use acting, persuade, natural liar and I even used charm just to be sure he gives it to me. It’s not gay since i’m technically still a kid.
Anways back on topic, i’m using this area as my own training ground, it’s the perfect place for me to learn my air jutsu. That’s right i’m gonna fully master my wind nature, then after that i’ll master the water nature and lastly i’ll master the fire nature.
If I fully master them all i’ll combine the three elements together and have an overkill skill just like Naruto made the rasen-shuriken, but i’ll make an even more terrifying skill than the rasen-shuriken. I think that the 3rd raikage did something similar and combined three elements and got a very powerful technique.
Ever since I came here i’ve been slacking off and learning a bunch of things that I liked from the anime, but right now I need to get the power that I need to protect everyone here.
I am even using the same training methods as Naruto did in the anime by using my wind nature by cutting a small leaf, after that happens i’ll head over to the water fall and stop the flow of the waterfall.
I brought a bunch of leafs and summoned 2000 shadow clones to cut down the leafs in their hands.
“I see, are you sure that this is everything in your report Kakashi” (Hokage)
“Yes lord Hokage.” (Kakashi)
Kakashi just finished explaining everything to the Hokage including the green alien figure that Chris explained to them not too long ago. Of course Kakashi didn’t mention about Itachi’s rinnegan eyes since he doesn’t even remember them at all. Chris didn’t mention them since it would be too troublesome, even if he mentions the rinnegan, Chris doesn’t know how many other abilities Itachi’s eyes have.
“If you see Dom report to me at once.” (Hokage)
“Yes lord Hokage” (Kakashi)
“Dismissed” (Hokage)
After that Kakashi dissapeared.
“Hmmm! This is very troublesome, first we have the Chuunin exams coming up, one of our Sages is either missing or dead, an now we have another enemy to deal with.” (Hokage) was scratching his chin.
“Lord Hokage, the Kazekage has arrived with his own Genin's and a group of Jonin’s, what should we do.” (male assistant) asked
“They’re here already?!, the chuunin exams aren’t gonna start in another week.” (Hokage)
“They say that they weren’t planning on coming here so early but the Kazekage needed to talk to you about something” (Male assistant)
“Did he mention what he wants to talk about” (Hokage)
“No, the kazekage said that he needs to tell you in person and it is very secret!” (Male assistant)
“I see, bring him in here, and as for the others take them to a hotel.” (Hokage)
“Yes lord Hokage” (Male assistant) left
Then another man came to the hokage’s office, he had the same outfit as the Hokage but the difference is the words ‘Kazekage’ written on the back.
“Kazekage, what brings you here so early.” (Hokage)
“I have come to give you a valuable piece of information that you really need to hear.” (Kazekage)
“Hm! May I ask what you need for this information.” (Hokage)
“I don’t need anything because this involves the safety of my village and yours as well.” (Kazekage)
“So you need me to spare some of our military units to help whatever it is you’re dealing” (Hokage) caught on with the kazekage’s plans
“As always you’re so sharp Hokage, indeed I need some of your military forces to help us.” (Kazekage) was embarrased since he said just now that he said that he didn't need anything from the him.
“May I ask what kind of monster you’re dealing that you need our help.” (Hokage)
“I believe it is one of the tailed beasts.” (Kazekage)
“Hm!” (Hokage) The hokage’s face now turned serious, ever since the 9 tails attacked Konoha he was well aware of a tailed beasts terrifying power.
“Our scouts say that the tailed beasts is definitely the 3-tailed beast, it was spotted near several of my viilages, but last time it was seen it was headed straight for this village.” (Kazekage)
“I see, I also heard about the disaster of your villages but I have never heard of the beast headed our way.” (hokage)
“My scouts are very reliable and are one of the best when it comes with bringing reliable information. So you can trust me as well.” (Kazekage)
“But that’s not right at all, if we participate we will lose military power in attempt to catch the beast. We also don’t have a treaty or even an alliance that states that whenever one of our village is in trouble we have to help each other immediately. And there is also the topic of who keeps the tailed beast in the end, we might end up going to war with each other if we were to discuss who keeps the tailed beast, either your sand village or our leaf village.” (Hokage)
“Yes I have considered that and I have a very good solution of which village keeps the tailed beast.” (Kazekage)
“And what solution is that may I ask!” (Hokage)
“The Chuunin exams are coming up and I thought of making a bet, whoever’s village comes in first place in the Chuunin exams gets to keep the 3rd tailed beast.” (Kazekage)
“I see, so you’re taking advantage of the fact that the chuunin exams are coming soon.” (Hokage)
“Not only that but it will also strengthen our relationship and perhaps make a truce of some sort.” (Kazekage)
“Not a bad idea, may I ask when the three tails is coming to our village.” (Hokage)
“My scouts estimate in about 3 days, if we let it roam freely it will greatly harm the leaf village. If you were to intercept it mid-way it will lower the casualties.” (Kazekage)
“3 days is more than enough time, we will head out tomorrow. Assistant!” (Hokage)
“Yes” (Male assistant) (I didn’t want to give him a name since i’m only gonna give him like 5 lines in the Light novel)
“Gather every single Jonin and experienced Chuunin in the meeting in 2 hours tops.” (Hokage)
“Y-yes lord Hokage, right away” (male assistant) ran.
“I guess i’ll head back then hokage, i’ll see you in 2 hours then” (Kazekage)
“Hm’’ (Hokage)
The Kazegake left and the Hokage was left in his office.
“Do you seriously believe him that much, he might secretly will take this advantage and kill you and/or raid our leaf village, lord Hokage” (???)
A man in Anbu clothes appeared before the Hokage, he was listening to their talk the whole time
“Relax I am not a Hokage for nothing, if he had a reason to raid our village than I would have known by now, Yamato” (Hokage)
“Heh I guess you’re right” (Yamato)
Yamato was the one who helped Naruto supress the nine-tails from taking over Naruto’s body. The reason that the Kazekage didn’t notice him was because Yamato used a camouflage skill that can fully hide him from enemies presence, the only downside to this skill was that his scent wasn’t hidden and he can’t move at all or he will be exposed.
So this ability is useless when using it to kill others or to sneak up on them. And this skill can only be used by those who posess the wood style Kekkai Genkai.
“So do you think that the Kazekage doesn’t have an evil plan to harm our village” (Yamato)
“I don’t think so, the Kazekage is a very trustworthy person, but I don’t know why he needs our help to subdue the three tails, he should have enough strength to handle the beast.” (Hokage)
“Hm! Maybe he just doesn’t want to have as many casualties, think about it lord Hokage. If word got out that the sand village captured a tailed beast the other villages won’t stand around and let it become a part of the sand village’s power. So just incase, the Kazekage asked for your help to subdue the beast then the other villages will have to think twice before attacking us, and on the plus side we will gain an ally with the sand village.” (Yamato)
“Perhaps you’re right Yamato, still just to be sure I want you and several strong experienced Jonin to stay behind and keep an eye on any ‘uninvited guests’” (Hokage)
“Yes lord Hokage” (Yamato) then left
“Damn it, if only Chris wasn’t around I would have never experienced such shame. If it wasn’t for him I would have killed Itachi by now, if it wasn’t for him my sister wouldn’t have been distant from me, if it weren’t for him Naruto wouldn’t have learned that strong jutsu” (Sasuke) was having a tantrum and was right now destroying several stuff in his house to relieve his anger.
*knock* *knock* someone knocked on Sasuke’s door
“Who ever it is go away!.” (Sasuke)
“It’s me Kakashi, may I come in” (Kakashi)
Sasuke angrily marched to the door and opened it.
“What do you want!” (Sasuke) said rudelu
“I came here to tell you something.” (Kakashi)
“Well quickly tell me.” (Sasuke)
“Hm! How would you like to learn a jutsu that rivals Naruto’s rasengan.” (Kakashi)
“A jutsu that can even rival Naruto’s jutsu, quick tell me” (Sasuke) said a bit more calm and relaxed now
“Well it’s something that I call Chidori!” (Kakashi) then showed the chidori to Sasuke
“What an amazing jutsu, quick teach it to me” (Sasuke)
“Well I can’t just teach you now, there are 2 things you need to do before you can learn the Chidori.” (Kakashi)
“Well! What is it.” (Sasuke) asked impatiently
“You have to unlock your sharingan first,” (Kakashi)
“Hmmm! You honestly think I haven’t tried that, ever since that day Itachi killed my parents i’ve been trying to unlock it but I can’t. It’s that bastard Chris’s fault, is it wasn’t for him I would have unlocked it by now.” (Kakashi)
“Don’t make excuses Sasuke” (Kakashi) (Actually it really is Chris’s fault that Sasuke hasn’t unlocked it yet XD) “Come with me, I have an idea to unlock it right now” (Kakashi)
“Wait! Why are you teaching me this skill all of a sudden, is it because of Itachi.” (Sasuke)
“...Yes it is, to be honest I have been slacking off on my training a lot. And this fight has taught me that I need more strength to protect my students, if it wasn’t because of Chris and that green alien maybe we all would have been dead by now.” (Kakashi)
“Tch! Don’t mention that bastard's name again, if it weren’t for him life would have been better for all of us.” (Sasuke)
“Actually, the only person right now who can unlock your sharingan is Chris.” (Kakashi)
“What do you mean by that?” (Sasuke)
“Follow me.” (Kakashi) then let Sasuke to somehere, but why is he taking Sasuke to Chris. I doubt that Chris is gonna help Sasuke unlock his at all.
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