《In the Naruto world (1)》Chapter 4 The fight with Dom
All right I’m up, damn blue screen, what does it take for a man to get some sleep around here.
A Bullet on his head, now get ready or you’ll be late.
Why do you care if i’m late or not
Because of the mission.
What mission?
The mission that I gave you.
You didn’t give me a mission?
I did and it says right he-... oh! I forgot to give you the mission.
How did you forget something like that!
I was gonna give it to you after your dispute with Sakura, but after the food fight I guess I forgot. It was an amazing fight by the way.
Yeah it was pretty good, now tell me this mission.
Mission: complete the task that Dom gave you.
Mission rewards: something cool.
You’re a troll when it comes with rewards you know that.
Whatever. After that I got on my shit together and set out to the meeting place, I was really looking forward to this fight, now I get to use my new jutsus on a training dummy.
I didn’t dare underestimate Dom since he’s a Sage like Jiraiya, maybe he might be weaker than him, but he’s still a Sage and I was just a frog in a well. And since I didn’t know his fighting style, I was prepared for the worst.
Who are you talking to?
Don’t ask questions you cannot understand blue screen.
Anyways… Yesterday was awesome, I got free food and I owned Sasuke's ass yesterday, and now I get to fight someone on the Sage rank. I wonder just how strong Dom really is.
I arrived at the meeting place and Kat and Luna were already here, Dom was nowhere to be seen. It looks like Luna’s memory of me owning Sasuke's ass is still a fresh memory since I can see a bit of red on her cheeks everytime she looks at me.
And kat was eating some apples, I asked for one and they tasted really good, back on topic. We waited here for at least half an hour more and still no signs of Dom anywhere, maybe he’s stuck somewhere again.
“Sorry I was late,” (Dom) yelled from afar
"There was a meat sale and everything there was half price off, so I got caught up and decided to buy it all” (Dom) came up with a lame excuse.
“...” (team 9)
“As an apology i’ll invite you all to a barbeque after this” (Dom)
“I’m a vegetarian” (Kat)
“I prefer light food” (Luna)
“I already ate barbeque last night” (Chris)
“My, all of you are very picky when it comes to food” (Dom) Then took out 2 silver bells (as expected)
“The rules are simple, only 2 of you will get the bells and one of you will be tied up to a nearby restaurant for a whole day, and you will watch and suffer as the people are eating while you’re starving to death.” (Dom) said with an evil smile
“So wait let me get this straight, as long as we get a bell we pass your task” (Chris)
“Yes that’s right Chris” (Dom) ‘this is gonna be interesting, hopefully they understand that this is a test of teamwork’
“Awesome,” I then took out 3 silver bells that looked a lot like the ones in Dom’s hands
"Here’s one for you Kat and here’s one for you Luna and here’s one for me. Alright! we passed your exam” (Chris)
“Huh” (Dom) Clearly Dom didn’t expect me to bring silver bells with me, I just made them right now with my power of creation.
“Wait that’s not right Chris, you’re supposed to get the bells from my hand” (Dom)
“No we’re not, you just said that we need a bell to pass this exam but you never said anything about getting the ones that are on your hands. You’re not gonna go back on your word are you because that is not how a legendary Sage like yourself operates right. Remember a Sage's words are like gold, if you lie or take back your words then people will start to think badly of you.” (Chris)
“...” (Dom)
“Ah! ha! ha! ha! Chris i’m dying of laughter here, you just trolled him so hard” (Kat) said while literally on the ground holding her stomach and laughing hard, I had never seen Kat like this, she would mostly do whatever she can to avoid us at all costs.
“*giggle*” (Luna)
And Luna was trying her best to not laugh at this situation, looks like she couldn’t hold it any longer because her face is entirely red from holding her laughter. How cute!
“Well that’s um. Uh! God what do I do here” (Dom) poor Dom was trying his best to find an excuse but couldn’t think of one.
“Well since we passed our test we’ll be on our way, let’s go guys.” (Chris) I prepared to leave with my team but was stopped in our tracks by Dom.
“Okay you passed this exam, but who said that I only had one task for you.” (Dom)
This sly fat pig, I knew that he wouldn’t let us go that easily
“Okay now everyone listen, the next task is very simple, the three of you are now gonna have to fight me. Don’t worry I won’t use any killer techniques on you because you’re still Genin’s I will only use 10% of my strength, if you pass this then you will be real ninjas of the leaf village” (Dom)
I used my mind reading technique on him just in case
‘If I let my students bully me like that then they won’t respect me as their teacher anymore’ (It’s not like they respected you to begin with, Dom) ‘if they work together and manage to beat me then I will allow them to continue with their ninja career, and I can use this to my advantage and teach that Chris a lesson. But how did he know to bring bells to this exam, I didn’t say anything and this news was top secret, only me and several high ranked ninjas knew about this exam. And I admit it I was trolled hard by this brat, i’m starting to like him more and more hahahahaha!’
“Sensei are we allowed to go full out” (Luna)
“Hm! Oh yes you may go full out, and don’t worry you can even use an S-ranked jutsu, that is if you know one.
but first I would like to say something to you… DIE! CHRIS!” (Dom)
He charged at me with great speed and launched his whole body to me, I manage to dodge that sneak attack since I was reading his mind, so I was able to anticipate his next move.
“Woah! What the hell Dom! if that hit me then I might have become meat paste by now” (Chris) I protested.
“Hehehe! You don’t expect your enemy to let you know when he’s gonna attack you right, when you’re fighting everything is allowed.” (Dom)
‘Hm sneaky pig.’
He then once again was using his whole body and charged at me like a cannon, but he was only aiming at me, looks like he didn’t like it when I trolled him with the bells.
He kept charging at me and I was still dodging the attacks by a hair, but enough dodging, this time i’m getting serious.
“Shadow clone jutsu!” (Chris) I summoned about 20 shadow clones, hopefully Dom can’t tell the difference between me and the rest.
“You know how to use the shadow clone jutsu, that’s really surprising. Looks like this is gonna be even more fun than I thought” (Dom) was clearly surprised but that still didn’t slow down his attacks. And soon most of my shadow clones met their emminent demise.
“Come on Kat we have to help Chris!” (Luna)
“Hm okay!” (Kat)
My two teamnates did a number of handseals and charged at Dom.
“Fire style: Fire bullet Jutsu!” (Luna)
“Water style: Water shurikens!” (Kat)
“Hm!” (Dom) saw the inoming attack from the others but stopped in his tracks, he took on their attacks. When the attacks hit their target Dom was engulfed by a cloud of dirt.
“Yes! we did it”! (Luna)
“I don’t think so.” (Kat)
The smoke cleared and there was a fat ball inside it, it was Dom still standing even though he just took on those attacks but his body seemed to glow a bright green colour.
“Hehehe you both fell for it. Body style: Reverse power jutsu” (Dom) Then soon two bright rays that felt like they had a lot of power went straight to Kat and Luna at an unimaginable speed.
“Look out” (Chris) I knew from reading Dom’s mind what exactly he was about to do, so I quickly ran to the two of them and pushed them out of the way, the two rays of light barely missed us.
“What the hell was that just now.” (Kat) said while on the ground
“That’s the reverse power jutsu, when the user activates it he can return the attacks he recieves from others and returns them with 10 times more power than normal.” (Chris) I knew this all from reading Dom’s mind just now.
(This move wasn't in the original Naruto... I think)
“You seem pretty knowledgable even for someone who had amnesia not too long ago” (Dom)
“What do you think i’ve been doing all this time in the leaf village.” (Chris)
I got up and so did my other teamnates, I knew exactly how to beat Dom even if he was using that annoying technique.
“Listen up you two, I have an idea to beat him but i’m gonna need both of your help.” (Chris)
“What do you need, as long as it’s in our power then we’ll help you” (Kat)
“Hm!” (Luna) agreed as well.
Somehow I became the leader of this team
“I have a plan but I need the both of you to distract him, use whatever jutsu you have in you to keep him away from me. I just need 20 seconds, you guys think you can hold him for that long.” (Chris)
“20 seconds is a lot of time, but I think we can do this, right Luna” (Kat) turned to face Luna.
“Sure!” (Luna) agreed as well
“Awesome I’ll leave you guys to it, and here’s a fun fact. When Dom uses that annoying technique he needs to wait 10 seconds before he can use it again” (Chris)
“Alright” (Luna and Kat)
“Ha you think I didn’t hear you Chris, I don’t know what plan you have but it’s futile” (Dom)
The 10 seconds were up and Dom charged at me with great speed again, good thing I planned this ahead. I let him hit me and I turned to smoke.
“Shadow clone? If you’re not here then where are you exactly” (Dom) looked around for me
Earlier when I summoned 20 shadow clones I took the chance and hid behind a tree and hid from Dom’s sight when he was covered on smoke, I sent a shadow clone to save the girls and tell them my plan, as long as Dom doesn’t come looking for me, then It’s all okay.
“As if we would let you take your time to find Chris Fire style: Fire bullet jutsu” (Luna) said and used the same jutsu but instead of hitting Dom she hit the ground to make dirt appear around him, this way Dom wouldn’t pay attention to me and instead her.
“Gr! Looks like i’m going to have to deal with you first Luna” (Dom) said while he was gonna launch himself but found himself stuck to the hard ground.
“Wait! How am I stuck on the ground” (Dom)
“It was me!” (Kat) said behind Dom
Earlier when Luna used the fire bullets Kat took this time and used an earth jutsu
“So your elemental traits are water and earth, that’s good for you and bad for me.” (Dom) said but his body soon dissapeared and a log replaced him
“Substitution jutsu!” (Luna)
“Yes that’s right, and now let me introduce you both permanently to the ground” (Dom) was on the air above Luna and Kat, he was about to use his body and turn them into crushed bread.
“DODGE KAT” (Luna) both of them had great reflexes and managed to dodge Dom’s heavy body.
“Whatever you guys do it’s usless against me, there isn’t a jutsu or anyone alive that can beat me” (Dom) said
“We’ll see about that” (Chris)
The 20 seconds were up and right now there were 50 shadow clones with me on the air with a rasengan on our hands, I had waited for the right time to use this jutsu on Dom.
“The rasengan!!!, that’s the jutsu that only Jiraiya knows” (Dom) said surprised but kept his composer.
“It doesn’t matter anyways, even an A-class jutsu is useless against my body” (Dom) didn’t move at all and took on the 50 rasengans.
“Hehehe! Body style: Reverse power jutsu” (Dom) and a huge light came out of Dom’s body and it disentegrated every shadow clone in the sky.
“I told ya brat, it’s all useless” (Dom) said while laughing evily at us.
“No it’s not” (???) a voice came from underneath the ground where Dom was sitting
“What?” (Dom) the voice was me and I came out and hit Dom’s balls, my plan was never to beat him with the rasengan, my plan was to distract him and punch him in the balls. Because no man, even if you’re a Sage, cannot stand the pain of getting hit on the balls.
I needed 20 seconds to dig underground and sneak up on Dom, the rasengan barrage was just a distraction.
“OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!” (Dom) a terrible cry sounded throughout the whole leaf village.
“Ag! Ah, ow, eeh, Ag!” (Dom) was on the ground while holding onto his aching balls.
“So did we pass Dom, or is there another test.” (Chris) I said without any guilt of what I just did.
“No!.. you three… passed the.. Task.. gongratz you’re.. All ninja now… go and celebrate somewhere… and leave me here… to heal for a bit...” (Dom)
So we did what he said and left him there on the ground, to be honest I wouldn’t have resorted to such a low move if Dom hadn’t launched that sneak attack on me earlier. Even the girls didn’t know what to say, and Luna’s face was red for some reason, all I did was hit our teacher’s balls
Don’t think that we were able to beat Dom because he’s weak or because i’m strong. It’s because he underestimated us, he really did use only 10% of his original power and only used 1 move during this entire fight, if he had gone 100% on us then we would have all been badly defeated.
And it looks like they forgot about the bell test, good thing too otherwise I would have to think of another lie that convinces them why I brought(made) 3 silver bells.
“You know Chris, you didn’t had to do that. Even if i’m a girl I could even feel what poor Dom is going through right now” (Kat)
“I didn’t want to do that as well but Dom said earlier that in a battle everything was allowed.” (Chris)
“HA! I guess you’re right, by the way Chris what was that move just now you used on Dom. He said that only Jiraiya knew about this technique.” (Kat)
“You mean the Rasengan, it’s an A-class ranked air jutsu. It was Originaly from the 4th Hokage but it was passed down from him to Jiraiya” (Chris)
“AN A-CLASS RANKED JUTSU FROM THE 4th Hokage, how did you learn such a technique.” (Kat)
Kat and Luna had a very surprised look, it’s not that common to see an A-rank jutsu especially when it was from the Hokage himself
(If I remember correctly Minato modified the Rasengan but he didn’t create it, I forgot)
“Before I arrived at the village I saw this funny looking old man fight against someone using this ninjutsu, when I first saw it I thought it was very cool so I learned it by myself” (Chris)
I actually learned the rasengan by memorizing what Naruto did on the anime, it was still fresh on my mind, I learned it faster thanks to my kekkai genkai which allows me to fully control chakra like a master.
“I don’t believe you” (Kat)
“What do you mean?” (Chris) I didn't use the 'natural liar' skill since I thought they were dumb enough to believe in me, I guess Kat isn't as dumb as I thought
“There is no way anyone can just learn an A-ranked jutsu just by looking at it once.” (Kat)
“That’s right Chris” (Luna) Even Luna doesn't believe me
“All right! I will prove it to you” (Chris)
“How are you gonna prove it to us?” (Kat)
“Just show me a water, fire or air jutsu and i’ll learn it in a few seconds” (Chris)
“What do you mean fire and water jutsu, most people only have one elemental trait, I have earth and water elemental traits which is very rare. But you’re saying that you have 3 elemental traits” (Kat)
“Yes that’s right” (Chris)
“All right then, try to learn this jutsu, it’s the strongest jutsu I know. Water style: Water dragon bullet jutsu” (Kat)
Kat did a series of hand seals and aimed for a nearby tree and used a B-ranked jutsu on it, the tree was gone.
“If you can use that then i’ll trust you” (Kat) said with a proud look on her face, most people in the genin level can only use C-ranked jutsus, using B-ranked jutsus when you’re still a genin is really good.
“Okay” (Chris) I did the same hand seals as kat and used the same jutsu as her, but just incase I used a bit more jutsu to increase the power of the jutsu. I aimed for 10 trees and they dissapeared from where they were originally.
“*GASP*” (Kat) I just used an A-ranked technique so how is she still this surprised after seeing a B-ranked jutsu.
“NO! I can’t believe it, Luna use your strongest fire jutsu, I don’t believe that Chris has actually 3 elemental traits” (Kat)
“Sure” (Luna) then did a different series of handseals and used a B-ranked fire Jutsu “Fire style: Great dragon fire jutsu”
I expected this much from Sasuke’s sister, she is also another talented Ninja, looks like this team is just filled with talents.
I once again used the same jutsu as Luna with a bit more power, and both of them were surprised. Guys I just used an A-ranked jutsu there is no need to be so shocked.
“*Sniff* and here I thought that I was the most talented in this group, but as it turns out i’m not. *Sniff* Chris!” Kat points at me with and her red eyes “Someday I will beat you and I will become stronger than you. Waaahh!” (Kat)
I think she thought she was special because she had two elemental traits, but once she found out that I had three her confidence broke down.
Is it really appropriate to cry about it, but I never thought she was a crybaby since she always acted cold to us ever since we were paired with each other. She looked pretty cute crying like that though.
“...’’ (kat) was just staring at me
“What?’’ I asked
“Can you teach me" (Luna)
“?” (Chris)
“You don’t want to” (Luna)
“Well it’s not like I don't want to, rather I don’t know what to teach you.” (Chris)
“Well you can teach me the strongest fire moves that you know, or something that will make me stronger as well.” (Luna)
“Well I don’t know much about fire jutsus, but I am a master when it comes with taijutsu and chakra control.” (Chris)
“... can you teach me please.” (Luna) she looked down and blushed a little when she said this, she was even fiddling with her fingers.
“Are you sure, I mean Sasuke hates my guts, and he might hate you if he knows that you’re hanging around me on your own free will” (Chris)
Luna then shook her head “I don’t care, i’ve always wanted to be stronger than my big brother but I don’t know how. I could ask Dom but he spends most of his time eating, and Sasuke doesn’t have the time to teach me. So I only have you to teach me.” (Luna)
After thinking a little bit I don’t see why I shouldn’t help her, I don’t know what to expect in this new world of Naruto, but what I do know is that we need to be stronger than we are right now. Otherwise we’ll surely die.
“All right then, tomorrow meet me near the pond, if you want you can ask Kat to come with us, if she doesn’t want to come then it’s her loss.” (Chris) I’m gonna teach her how to walk on trees then on water, after that i’ll think of something else.
“Really, thank you Chris” (Luna) said and ran to her home hapily.
After that I used this time to focus on my Kekkai Genkai’s abilities. I couldn’t use them on the fight today because I still don’t have a clear grasp on them, once I do I could even solo Dom and possibly the other Sages.
I summoned 2000 shadow clones and proceeded with my training.
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