《Dirge》Motley 1.10-2


I set out and, scaling back over the wall, took up my bike to go as fast as I could. My feet were killing me, but I still had steam.

Aku had my path back to Kendall. I was far behind. I didn't regret going after Anna, but the situation had been unfortunate.

After a while of intense and uncomfortable peddling, Kendall radioed. "We're in the street cleaner, ditch the bike."

I threw the bike away and jogged up to the street cleaner. Kendall and Odessa were in the cockpit. They opened the door for me and I climbed in.

"Alright," Kendall said and addressed someone distant. "This is Kendall. My Summons are present. There're enemies between... Yes, we can... Thank you, sir." He looked to us. "They've agreed to stop for only a short time, so we can catch up. The Utopians are assaulting them, but they're protected. Moment we step out, they'll focus us. Stay close to me." He jumped out the door.

Odessa and I followed. We quickly came into sight of the energy dome which held the Anarchists within. On rooftops above and on ground beside Utopians assailed the shield to no avail.

We made an immediate run into the open, with Kendall leading. Holding a handful of cards in his left, he transferred one to his right. The first Utopian to spot us created a rune in the air and with a punch transformed it into a black projectile.

Kendall released his card and it met the attack, forcing it to stop dead against an invisible barrier. He followed up with the same defense as two more attacks were levied. He was creating a path to the shield for us, between his dolled out invisible walls.

Odessa was holding her sword up, which protected a significant portion of her body mass. She pulled me behind her as a dark wave slipped between the barricades and hit us. Her feet lost traction as the wave tried to carry us with it, skidding. I braced behind her and she was able to force her sword forward, slicing through the miasma before it could push us out of cover.


I shot out at those I thought I could hit. They weren't covered well and were caught unaware. Only moments had passed. We were nearing the discolored field which promised safety.

"I'm going all out!" Kendall shouted, retrieving a different deck from his pocket. He had run out of shield cards and had resorted to his fire spells.

Many of these students were not as educated as him, fewer still approached his power level, apparently. He let loose carnage.

Rolling cloaks of smoke billowed out from the explosions and liquid flame that doused the area. Kendall furiously threw out cards, bathing the area in fire. Those in the field were protected, so he didn't hold back.

Buildings were collapsing. I was holding my breath the smoke was so thick as we broke through. We passed easily through the membrane of the shield and Kendall, sweeping hair out of his face, walked breathlessly into a handshake.

We kept our momentum and survived.

Kendall had carried us through.

An older gentlemen, Professor O'Reilly, I guessed. "Fine work, Kendall," he said. "Cobb was a tough old bird." He was stocky in build, wearing an Eidolon suit. He was balding, which seemed like something he could have had fixed.

"It was a... group effort... This is a strong field," Kendall said, his eyes searching. They found who they'd sought as an Arabic man in a similar suit to O'Reilly, but clearly more time preserved in face and body, came out of the crowd.

"Inside here, we're slowed to near absolute zero," he said.

Kendall went to shake his hand. "Professor Ali," he said. "Chronomancy is exceptional. That's what this is?"

"To speak to God on his own terms, we must know him. Chronomancy is something I have only scratched the surface of, in my time," Ali said sagely.


I made a note of that.

"We're mobile," O'Reilly said. "When the shield speeds up, so do we, temporally. We're going to make a push to the Statehouse, and try to secure it. You're in, Mister Kendall?"

Kendall glanced at us. Sounded good, so I nodded. "I am," he said, resolved.

"Onward then. Ali?" O'Rielly asked.

Ali stood in the middle of the bubble and started to physically push against an invisible barrier. The shield moved forward, and we walked with him.

That's one way to move it.

We marched on as a small army of Anarchists.

To victory.

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