《Elysium Online》Chapter 13


It was named the Great Chamber, but it was located inside a tree. So, it surprised Robert when they entered, and the room was nearly a hundred feet in height and at least that across. He had to remind himself that it was a fantasy world, and it was no ordinary tree. The problem was, compared to every other game he’d played, Elysium felt real. Not VR real, but actually real. It was messing with his mind.

As Robert followed Gaylia across the gleaming floor, his eyes drifted around taking in the sites. This was more amazing than anything he’d ever seen in a game before. It was one of the most impressive things he’d ever seen, period.

The floors were smooth, seamless alabaster spanning the room’s length. Embedded in the wood were elven runes and words in a flowing script of gold and silver. They created delicate patterns across the room, and he could feel a certain amount of energy emanating from the patterns. He wasn’t sensitive enough to know what it was, but it was powerful.

As they approached the opposite side of the room, a dais rose from the floor, creating a platform at least thirty feet wide with four chairs of various make on top. The two larger chairs were side by side and closer to the front of the platform. The two smaller chairs were on either side of those a few feet back. The left chair was made of tangled branches and lush green leaves that gave the appearance that it grew where it stood. In it sat a lean but muscled man of indeterminate age. He smiled at Gaylia as she approached. The man’s smile produced an aura of peace that made Robert feel relaxed. This was the king.

The right chair was made of vines that twisted and turned into one another. Unlike the king’s throne, this one was dead. Broken branches and wicked-looking thorns covered every surface. The only thing that made him think it was still a chair was the carefully placed black cloth that covered the seat. The other two chairs were plain in comparison, made of dark wood and decorated with carved runes and images.

Gaylia took a knee and motioned for Robert to join her. “Father, I have come at your request.”

Robert couldn’t see the king as his eyes were cast down at the floor, but he could almost feel his approach. He heard the soft footfalls of bare feet before he saw the king’s pale feet enter his view.


“Rise Gaylia. I called you here because I was concerned about your safety. It was reported you were chased into the Fern Woods by outsiders. Is this true?”

Robert stayed on his knee, and Gaylia said, “Yes, father, I was gathering herbs. I fell upon a group of outsiders. Three humans, to be precise. They harassed me and blocked me from returning home. So, I ran deeper into the Fern Woods to escape. That is where I was rescued by this man.”

Robert watched the king’s feet pivot towards him, and a hand gently touched the bottom of his chin, forcing him to look up. “Ah, I see a half-elf.”

Robert looked up into the nebulous eyes of the king and almost lost his balance. They were a swirling cloud of purple, black, red, and amber that unsettled Robert. This man had power, and not just because of his birthright or position. Robert suspected the king could end him with barely a thought.

“Yes, father. A half-elf attacked all three of the men holding me, allowing me to escape. He killed at least one of them and injured at least one other.”

“Hmm, very interesting. There is something different about this man.” The king took a step back and relaxed his posture. “How did you come upon my daughter in the woods?”

Robert was looking at Gaylia for a signal, and she nodded. “Your highness, I was deep inside a cave in the forest. I am uncertain how I came to be there, but when I found my way out into what you call the Fern Woods, I heard a noise. I investigated, and that’s when I saw the three men standing around the princess taunting her.”

The king turned and strode to the throne, taking a seat. “So, you just came into existence in a cave and came across them? It is not the strangest thing I have ever heard of, but still. Please continue.”

“I saw the three men were armed, and there was just one of me, so I took my time and found a place to attack from. Once I was set, I killed one man with a throwing spike and wounded another with my dagger. The third man did not engage me before the princess and I could escape. She ran off in one direction, and I chose the other direction to throw them off the trail. I was confident that I could lose them in the woods, but it was more difficult than I thought.”


Gaylia turned to her father and added, “He allowed me to run away to find Saleh and his men. I convinced them to go after the strangers, and that is when we found Robert.”

The king tented his hands in front of his face, resting each elbow on an armrest, as he thought for a moment. “Robert, please rise. It would appear that I am in your debt.”

Robert paused for a moment, thinking about his situation, and then rose. “Thank you, your highness. You owe me nothing. I only did what anyone else would have done in my place.”

The king’s smile faded slightly as he said, “If only that were true young half-elf. I think you may overestimate the character of others. Regardless of what you believe, you have done me and mine a service, and that should be rewarded. While there is nothing I could give you that can match what you have done for me. I can at least make a gesture or help you in some way important to you.”

Robert replied, “Thank you. Whatever reward you think is appropriate is more than enough for me. I am new to these lands and only ask for your friendship.”

The king’s smile returned as he rose. “Well, my friendship is another matter entirely and needs to be earned over time. My thanks are what you have today. I have an idea that may help me decide. It seems you are in short supply of equipment. One throwing dart and a single dagger were all that was found on you. From your story, I can tell you are a careful sort. One not likely to rush into danger, but not one to back away from it either. Follow me.”

The king walked down to the great chamber floor and past Robert. Gaylia followed, and he did the same. Soon they were walking outside again to a small clearing next to the base of the mother tree. As they continued to walk, Robert watched people coming and going on their daily activities. Everyone who passed the king bowed their head slightly, but that was all. He did not appear to be a man of strict formalities, contrary to every book or story Robert had ever read about Elven royalty.

After a few minutes, they came to a waist-high wooden fence that the king leaped over lightly, and Gaylia did the same. Robert attempted the same move but had the use his hand to balance himself, which earned a few chuckles from the trailing guard. On the other side of the fence were soldiers in rougher armor practicing with bows, swords, daggers, and several other weapons and tools.

As the king approached activity stopped, and an elderly elf in rough-spun trousers and a light leather jacket approached. “Good day, my king. What brings you to the practice grounds?”

The king stepped forward, shaking the elderly elf’s hand and said, “It is good to see you Vulmon. I had an idea that I wanted to get your help with.”

Over the next few minutes, the king and Vulmon discussed the situation and how Robert had helped Gaylia escape. Once the old elf was up to speed, he walked over to Robert and circled him once slowly, looking him up and down as he went. Without saying a word, Vulmon returned to stand next to the king. They whispered a few things between each other, and then the king stepped forward.

“As my reward to you, Vulmon will train you. He has been the weapons master here for nearly three hundred cycles, and there is no one better to help you find your way.”

The prospect utterly floored Robert. This was supposed to be a character creation sequence, but it turned into a full-on character creation and master trainer session. In most games, he had to find the class trainer and go on a bunch of stupid gopher missions to gain a few base-level skills. Elysium Online was skipping all of that.

“That is incredibly kind, your highness. It would be my honor.”

Vulmon smiled and said, “You may not think it is such kindness after a session or two, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. Meet me here tomorrow for our first session.”

The king wandered off, and Gaylia followed. The world around Robert began to evaporate into smoke and drift away on a gentle wind. In a few moments, the mother tree’s fantastical environment was replaced with what looked like a small study covered with books and complimented with a crackling fireplace. Sitting in the chair facing the fire was Dr. Glen Kingsley.

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