《Road to Ruin》Chapter 8 - His Majesty
Aleuas Eins
A lifeless body sprawled on the ground could make you have the most unnerving scare of your life within usual circumstances. I wasn't so lucky this time. Those irises saw in me what Julien felt about himself: guilt.
It's true what I said, I couldn't blame him for my family's, or anyone's death for that matter. That is the way of the world. He just did what he thought he could and it wasn't just for the sake of atoning. No, what he did was what he thought necessary- Like what I done have in the past. However, it's not that I forgave him about it, but more so than that I couldn't forgive myself.
I didn't want to kill him if he just stepped aside. I might've allowed some cooperation. I do long for control, but I only choose to steal freedom when there are no other options, and I won't hesitate; not now. Although, every time I do it, I still feel really unpleasant and dissatisfied. I've always believed that the heaviest crime a human could commit is steal:
Steal a life, steal wives, steal chastity, steal property- you name it.
However, there are times when you have to be steadfast in your decisions. I gave him a chance, as father did before. But he still chose to try and steal. I had to take that away from him.
That's not all. With Julien's death, I've taken away the Massarreli line's influence on the nobles, and thus I avoided the one war I didn't want to happen.
It's one thing to have another heir battle for the throne, than just some other Houses that didn't have that privelege. Still, I have to keep my eyes peeled for trouble.
I moved away from the body as spots of blood sticked to my shoes. It didn't bother me physically, but I felt that the weight of my steps were heavier than before: more from the implications of this battle than the pain.
I bit my lip and crunched my fist, before chugging a huge breath of air. I'll have to be back to normal, on top of my game, and assess my next actions. I couldn't let anything shake me. I've been through similar moments many times before.
I looked around the mess of a Throne Room. Craters were depressed in nearly every space of the floor, while gloworbs that were shattered sat on top of it, their brilliance all but lost. The carpet was in tatters, its elegance ripped away by tears and missing patches.
The few remaining audience exchanged glances between me and the body at peace just a few steps away from the Throne.
It's peculiar how the Throne is kept unharmed. Still, it'd be a chore to clean the hall.
I labored my arm up to raise them, shaking under the pull of gravity and the complaints of my muscles.
"That was easy!" I steadied my chin and proclaimed to the people as they stared agape.
What? They thought that I was going to say something flashy again? That was almost as embarrassing as the chambermaids attending to my bath when I was a kid. It was a good thing I hadn't reached puberty yet, or there might have been some upright consequences.
I gazed my sights upon the door. Two men studied my bloodied figure. A towering knight in glistening red armor ran towards me with a bounce in his step. He sucked on his teeth, but I could feel tremendous happiness from the way his eyes were tearing up.
Another guy in dandy navy-colored butler-clothes examined the battlefield after confirming my crimsoned figure's state with a poker face. He held my robe and crown in a cradle. Baldwin's always been that way. Uncaring, unflinching, uninteresting.
Creepy old man.
I must say that I like Laurin better and I can relate to his ideals: a tall, voluptuous woman of intelligence. I sincerely pray he can find someone because even I haven't found one for me yet. I wouldn't want another battle for the Throne just because I didn't have an heir. We've been there twice already.
"Your Majesty!" My ears ringed of Laurin's loud and invading voice.
Though I like his tastes in women, he's a bit of a worrywart. He shouldn't worry about someone like me. I've got tricks up my sleeve I haven't even shown him yet.
Needless to say, both these men must've thought I was awesome! All the people around were also probably curious about the specifics of my ability, and were cringing in realization. They all thought I was powerless!
Well they weren't wrong back then, but right now I can take them all on. Well no, not now, but I don't know, next time?
Well, if any other person was in that kind of bloodied state they might as well be accompanying Julien to the flaming hot pits of the unfriendly afterlife, but people like me can't be-
My legs buckled and I lost my balance before I hit my head face first on the floor. A mind-numbing ache jolted down to my neck, immediately making me hold my head in a frown.
That was so uncool.
I rolled my body to lie on my back, and caught up to my breath in a daze. My legs were starting to numb and I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers.
I closed my eyes and felt for my mana. There wasn't much left in me, but they were keeping me conscious. At least, I could take it easy.
"Your Majesty! Are you okay?" Laurin's massive armor clanged louder, and I opened my eyes.
Laurin knelt down at my side, scooping his hand under my back and carefully helped my body sit straight.
"Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine... this is fake blood" I coughed a bit of fake blood as I covered my mouth.
After a few fits, I held my shaking hand in front of me. There was a lot of fake blood. I hated personal combat, and I will hate it till' my dying breath.
Laurin's head jolted towards the door's direction.
"Guards, get the healers!" Ah, finally. Laurin worries too much and sometimes forget details like that.
I didn't really have the energy to complain though, so I just felt glad that he shouted into action.
As I rejoiced in the prospect of feeling healthy again, I barely heard muffled footsteps approach both of us, making Laurin's lips purse.
I used my hands and pushed my feet to turn my body towards the direction of the footsteps, and Laurin made sure to support me with his hands.
"Baldwin. Took you long enough." I said.
Baldwin smiled a toothy, thin smile and knelt down in front of me, my effects in tow.
"Your Majesty. I congratulate you." He spoke with a hint of sarcasm, but I felt an underscore of gratitude and expectation from him.
I wanted to kick him while he knelt, but that isn't a regal thing to do. I'll kick him next time.
"Whatever.", I replied.
Laurin stood up and hastily grabbed the crown and robe from Baldwin. The old aide simply stood up and bowed.
"I shall call all the guests back for your oath." He turned around, but before he could start making his way to the door, Laurin grabbed his shoulders.
Baldwin didn't turn around.
"What do you think you're doing, Baldwin?" Laurin scowled.
Laurin prepared a fist behind his armor. Baldwin sighed. It was obvious that he was more annoyed than threatened.
"The guests are here for the oath, aren't they? I'm just going out of my way to invite them back." said Baldwin, his tone arrogant and sounded matter-of-factly.
"I have the Royal Guards who can do that. What you'll be doing is making your way to the dungeons." Laurin prepped his shoulders and tried to pull Baldwin, but he could only bug out his eyes at the unmoving, thin body of the aide.
While Laurin was struggling, I used his other arm to pull myself up before tapping him on the shoulders.
"Enough. Let him do it." I ordered.
Laurin furrowed his brows in protest, removing his ineffective hands from Baldwin shoulders. Baldwin dusted it in response.
"But Your Majesty! He's the aide of Julien!" Laurin reminded.
I scratched my chin as I thought of a response.
I wanted Laurin to just stop being annoying. He's dutiful like that I guess, there's no helping it.
"That's true. Don't worry about it." I waved my hand in dismissal.
Laurin blinked his eyes, and stared at me in askance. I shrugged. Baldwin turned his head discretely towards me and made eye-contact before nodding slightly.
I made a silly face in response. Laurin was too late when he turned around to face Baldiwn. Baldwin was already walking away.
"Baldwin, at least have my Royal Guards escort you." Laurin pressed.
I've lost all energy in trying to stop the both of them from clashing.
"There is no need, Sir Baldwin. I'll ask my way around." Baldwin continued to walk, and replied while he faced the door.
Laurin's face screwed up and I rolled my eyes in response. Glad that was over.
"Your Majesty. If the Massarreli and the people in their faction finds out about what happened here through Baldwin and they escape, it might create large consequences." Laurin jutted his chin as he speculated.
"You did good in defeating Julien, their cause should unravel in a few months or weeks. Even so, it'd be better for us to be cautious. Our standing army isn't up to par right now." Laurin spoke softly, but I felt complied to consider every word he said; his voice digging deep into my eardrums and reverberating in my calculating mind.
"Like I said, there's no need for that. Everything's going as expected. Besides, Baldwin wouldn't do something like that." Laurin also took the time to consider every word I said.
"How can you be so sure, Your Majesty?" he inquired.
"I just know things."
More than everyone else knows.
As expected, a few minutes later people started crowding back into the Throne Room. A myriad of reactions greeted me as they looked around the destroyed and messy throne room.
Small chatters collected into a unintelligible garble while they settled back to their places with a bit of annoyance, unease, inquiry and especially surprise; maybe even a hint of fear in there.
I had a feeling though that they were more shocked about the state of the Room other than my bloodied figure resting on the Throne.
Baldwin must've given them the summary of my glorious battle. Couldn't blame him if even he was excited about it. I hope that he wasn't too excited and told them of my ability though. I want to save the best surprise for last.
The last few people who arrived were the Knight Entourage of the Massarreli's, and their kin.
Two young men, one two heads taller than the other, and both dressed in lavish robes in glowing white colors entered the room while surrounded by the wary knights.
All their faces, including the Knights, shifted to grieving and anger at the still lifeless body of Julien. The younger of the brothers bawled as the knights all turned their gazes away. He sunk down to his knees and buried his face in his hands.
I unconsciously slumped my shoulders and turned my face away from the view, but moved my eyes to the edge of its sockets to try to at least see any reaction that I had to answer to.
The other man had a different air around him.
He did look sad; his expression was shrouded in disbelief. His pupils dilated momentarily while it came to terms with his father's death, before focusing back on the Throne.
Still, he didn't look like he was going to try and fight me, and he had a look of acceptance in his face.
The young man still crying on his knees is someone I never knew and probably will never, but the resolute other is someone very familiar to me. His name is Leonard Massarreli, or as I used to call him: Leon.
I regained my composure and fixed my gaze unto Leon's eyes, the corners of my vision memorizing his grown figure. I haven't seen him in years.
He still had his blue, deep-set eyes and spiky, long red hair from back then, but instead of being a bit chubby, he has grown into a more handsome face.
He had a chiseled face, thin lips and prominent jaws. He held his chin up, empowering his already large muscular figure.
He wasn't as big as Laurin, but I could tell that it didn't mean he was any less strong. I almost dropped my jaws as I reminded myself that he was a Massarreli, but I shut it back close when I remembered that like me, he was different from his family.
"Aleuas, It's been too long." He greeted, bowing with his right hand unto his chest.
He's probably a Knight then, maybe his father's, or maybe he was from the army? I'll find out soon.
"Not long enough in my opinion, Leon." The other knights stared daggers at me as I replied, but I paid them no heed.
I stood up, supporting myself with the rests of the Throne. The Knights of Massarreli immediately went for their weapons, but before they were able to unsheath them, an abrupt glare from Leon stopped them. They hesitantly placed their swordarms beside them, before Leon turned back to me.
"It is quite unfortunate that we had to have our reunion under these circumstances, old friend. I wish it could've been under more stable circumstances.", he said as he stole a bit of look towards his father's dead body.
"Trust me, Leon. I would've preferred it some other way." Leon chuckled at my reply before kneeling down.
The audience and his Knights gasped. Leon's younger brother only looked at him perplexed, before he gestured for the younger man to kneel as he did with a nod. His brother stared blankly for a few seconds before a look of determination set on his face.
With both of them kneeled, their Knights looked towards each other, asking questions through their eyes. An uneasy clanging of metal throbbed in cacophany, before they all decided to copy their now master's kneel.
The Knights probably went about earlier this day with high expectations, so it couldn't be helped that they felt robbed. But they shouldn't. They were the ones trying to rob me. Leon here might've been sitting in the Throne after a few decades if they had succeeded.
The Knights and Leon's brother simultaneously hit their chests with their hand while on their knees.
"Your Majesty!" I smiled at their address.
The audience and the Royal Guard were jolted awake from their trance and they all knelt down, most of them with their right hand on their knees save for the Royal Knights. I patronized them with glances, looking towards one part of the room to the next.
"Leonard Massarreli, I am glad that you've understood your situation. I didn't want this to end up in another bloodbath. I'm sure even the bloodmages don't like the sight of too much blood." I said then Leon smiled as he raised his head.
"Yes, Your Majesty! The Massarreli Line has lost this battle of inheritance. As now the Head of the Noble Mage House of Massarreli, I declare that we hereby accept any punishment you deem for our treachery." he stated, his voice powerful and full of conviction.
No one could have any doubt about what was happening.
I could see that some of the audiences were slightly shaking. They ought to be. If I punish the Massarrelis, the punishment would extend to them in different ways. That is, if that is what I planned to do.
"Then, I decree that the Massarreli Line is hereby pardoned of any crimes under King Deukalion's reign, but shall be confined to their estates until further notice. That goes the same for all rebel factions."
Discussions immediately filled the hall in response. Some had voices filled with relief, but most of them were in denial and dissatisfaction. I sighed as I knit my brows and set my face into a scowl.
"Silence! You do not talk when I do not give you permission." My voice permeated every inch of the hall, echoes of it bouncing multiple times on the walls and through our ears.
The sound of chatter died down and most of them stared back down to the ground. Only Leon and the rebel factions looked at me, some with suspicion, but most had relaxed faces.
"I understand the dissatisfaction that some of you have. It's also fair to think that this is something that looks down on the lives sacrificed due to a petty war."
I had a sharp glare resting on the numerous bodies.
"I implore you to look at the bigger picture. Right now, what we need is to be one, wholly functioning kingdom," I raised a finger. "The squabbles have tainted the trust we had for each other, but do you think that we'd stand a chance against an army determined to dig our graves? Have we not learned our lesson? Should we now sacrifice more lives just to put our hearts at ease, that we may revenge our fallen?" My voice grew louder with each question I presented.
Some people couldn't control themselves and raised their heads towards me. Their faces moved around expressions of confusion, understanding, admiration, and guilt. I let them be. It's important that I understood them as much as they understood me.
"We may do that- however that will spell the end of Eins. We have no need of a country divided. Neither does this continent. Pas will not help us from the deliverance we will befall on ourselves. Now think, is that the future of Eins you live for? The once glorious Kingdom, the largest East of Pas, destroyed by the ambitions of their brethren?"
By that time, all people looked upon me expectantly. Their eyes showed resolved and determination, their breaths labored as they got excited. Most of them relaxed their shoulders, but straightened their backs as they knelt.
They'll learn to forgive themselves and each other, they had to.
"Look to your brethren, enemy or not. Remember, these are the people raised by our land. Talents adored by many, nobles who lived with their faith in noblesse oblige, we were once hand-in-hand-" I paused. "Now recall, recall how you've ordered your men to slay theirs. How you sacrificed your men to further your cause."
As they looked towards each other, I saw many unnerved and disturbed expressions. Many couldn't even make eye contact with each other. I shook my head and took a deep breath.
"That is what we did to ourselves. We didn't lose sight of our goal of a greater Eins, but we lost sight of the values of other people."
The audience probably felt uneasy or guilty, judging from their obvious want to fidget and avoid my gaze, and the gazes of other people.
"However, right now, we've gone past that hurdle. We've overcome that challenge. I even think that this is what Julien might've wanted had he come out victorious."
I looked at Julien's body, feeling a bulging sensation in my chest.
"Nevertheless, I came back because this is what I promised. That I would come back in the time of Eins' greatest need." I then gazed up at the amazingly still-steady chandelier of gloworbs hanging on the ceiling.
The gloworbs were like a faint glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I closed my eyes. I could feel Father watching me. I could feel him judging me. I can only feel sorry. But I'll do what I can.
I looked over to Laurin who was just beside the pomp. He had the robes and the crown with him. He walked over the steps, and stood behind me.
He placed the crown on the seat of the Throne, then fastened my robe unto my neck. He promptly made his way back to where he was, and then knelt down in a salute.
I took the crown from the seat, and held it with both my hands in front of my abdomen.
"That is why today, I, Prince Aleuas Eins, Second Prince of the Eins Royal Line, inheritor of the curse's oath, will ascend to the Throne!"
I placed the crown in front of my chest, it's ruby facing me so that it was closest to my heart.
"I take this promise and further it with resolve. I take my people's trust and bond with their true desires. I take my land's soil and strengthen it with my power. I take my sky's glow, and reveal the path we all strive.
I take this oath, and pledge upon the divines! This oath that seals me, will be mine until I die!"
The ruby glowed intensely and I felt my mana synching with its power.
An explosion of silver mana washed over the surroundings, exiting out of the Throne Room.
People gasped as the mana enveloped their body for a brief moment. The mana felt pristine and clear, and was even euphoric in a few moments. I felt one with all the people in the room.
I was surprised, I even felt one with the ambassadors. It confirmed one of my suspicions then.
As the wave of mana dissipated, I could see distinct auras of mana in different colors oozing out of each individual in the Throne Room.
I could feel how in control they were, how powerful their mana is, and how large their capacities are with striking detail. I smiled as I thought of its usefulness in combat, especially with my ability.
I've always wondered how my Father was able to precisely control his lightning. Aysuel, my brother, simply wasn't able to do it and he got exhausted far more easily. Our bloodline's lightning ability, well, their ability, were very powerful and quick but also demanded a lot more of the user.
It seems that the curse's oath makes your connection with your mana and other mana sources more intimate.
But as for my ability for combat effectiveness, that was for another day.
It did make my idea of ending today with a bang come to me quite easier.
The people settled down and looked back at me, waiting for me to continue.
"You all must be wondering, how I was able to defeat the Blood Mage." I stared at Leon. I saw him beam with nostalgia.
"I say this: it is only by being once weak that we can become strong! The world is unequal, but our magic though different, have always been known to be of the same potentials. I have traveled through lands far and wide, and I've been in peril more times than I remember. I forged my body, my spirit and my power through those trials, and thus I became strong!"
The people gulped as I released a bit of my mana in the surroundings. Some were visibly shaken, but they all were resolute.
"Look to yourselves and feel your mana and body. Do you not feel it? That feeling of being released from the shackles of fighting within our ranks. The feeling that you have opened up to more potential?"
I could feel them check their manas, and some were surprised enough to open their eyes wide. They probably must not have realized it. They had to realize it, or else that potential was going nowhere. Not only do we need a united front, we needed a strong backbone.
"We have the potential to grow more powerful! To become grander, to progress our society and peoples, and to set our sights upon goals only madmen could ever dream of. We have earned this right."
The hall erupted in a cheer, and stood up. It was a heartwarming scene for me, to be honest. I waved my hands as attention fell back to me.
"I promise to all of you that I will become a kind and wise King, as my Father was. But I also swear by the curse's oath that I will crush anyone who stand in our way, that I will break their bones bit by bit, and if they still choose to set their sights on our land, I will drown them in suffering."
Suddenly my mana expanded and wrapped themselves around the bodies of the crowd, forcing them back down to their knees.
Instead of a salute, they were weighed down by the intense pressure of my influence. Their faces twisted in agony, they were even trying to stop themselves from screaming.
I let up and forced the pressure to disappear as calm then returned to the hall. They were all sweating without exception as they picked themselves up off the ground.
It was good that I had them going with my pace using the speech, it makes it much easier to exert my powers.
Especially with the crown's ability.
However, it wouldn't be as simple in battle. Part of the things that I had to take note of are emotions. Extreme emotions, whatever spectrum they reside, can cause dissonances in mana that I can take advantage of. They simply cheered at just the right time, allowing me in.
And at just the right time, right after my influence, most of them had fear and apprehension.
"Remember this, my brethren: we will not make the same mistakes twice!" I reminded them, their expressions setting back to resolution.
"Rally under my banner, and I shall reward you with great sights! Today, I am now Your King, Aleuas Eins! Raise the flag of Eins, for it is the dawn of the true glory of our nation!" I demanded.
Most of them saluted, their hearts to their chests.
A sign of loyalty, like a Knight's loyalty.
The ambassadors straightened their backs and looked at me with satisfaction.
"By your will, Your Majesty!" They shouted in cadence. I felt a chill as I thought I saw Julien's body curve his lips upward. Even in death, you think of me as a fool, huh?
I walked back down to my chambers supported by Laurin. That last blast of mana pressure took a toll on me, too, but I couldn't show an unsightly appearance after that majestic speech of mine.
I wondered how historians will look back to the day of my crowning. Probably with wonder and excitement. That's how I felt from the audience.
Though it did look like that, I'm still wary of a few individuals. But Leon should keep the Massarrelis in check. Even without him though, I'm not worried.
Laurin looked at me like a dad proud of his son while he carried one of my arms in his shoulders.
"That was a good speech, Your Majesty. But was that agonizing pressure really necessary?"
I chuckled before I coughed lightly. I could still feel pain in my chest. The healers have done a great job, but there are still a few bones that will take a few more days to recuperate even with their ability.
"Not really, but they were all speechless though!" I bragged.
"Your Majesty, they're not allowed to speak." I pouted and chose to ignore him.
"Still, Your Majesty, I did not see Baldwin return to the hall. I fear that he has something planned." I curled my lip as Laurin sent a curious look to me.
Baldwin, Huh? He sure was an enigma. Though, he's not going to be able to do anything against me.
"Don't worry-" I paused for a bit to think. Laurin waited.
Things have been going according to plan so far. It was even too perfect of an execution. Imagine that. I felt guilty about father's and brother's deaths, but there was no avoiding it. It pained me to let them die like that.
The royal power though, was the power I needed to influence. Influence is the way I learned to control.
Unrestricted freedom only creates destruction; there needs to be a guide, a path, a direction for the people where they exercised freedom and progressed using that, yet did not leap over the blurred lines of corruption.
It dawned on me years ago that to get there, I had to be in actual power. Influence may mean nothing in the end, but with the power I have, if I cannot influence the people, then I will take away their freedom.
I sighed as I remembered the person who made me realize all this. It was funny how we always clashed our beliefs, yet at one point we found out that ideals are extreme. They can never be fully true. I'll get as close to that ideal as possible, I decided back then.
I felt a sudden pulse of mana, traveling in a small circle behind my back.
I continued what I wanted to say under the curious glare of Laurin.
"-No one can stop me now."
This continent will be mine.
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