《The Daily Cheats System》Ch.5 : Blacksmithing will be a hard.
Cloud received the Additional Quest reward which was an S Grade Lottery Ticket, after he said his goodbyes to the receptionist and the examiner. He went to his new home and took the book Flamethrower which was a C Grade Skillbook and headed to the Skillbook Shop to find new books he wants. He stored it into the inventory with a thought ‘convenient.’ He thought. Then he saw the ring the system gave him after the god of mana died.’Lets check it out’
[Ring of Disrupting Mana][ Grade Godly+ ] When equipped the wearer will not be detected or identified with skills or abilities requiring mana.
When mana is infused into the ring, it creates a field of chaotic mana. When a spell enters this field it will weaken any magic or skill using mana or completely [Dispel] it. The range and strength of the field depends on the amount mana infused.
Effect only lasts 10 seconds no matter how much mana is infused.
If the magic used is for examples C Grade and you have infused 1000 mana then the C Grade magic will only be weakened by 50%. If it is a B Grade it will be weakened by 20% if above B Grade the magic will not be weakened.
1000 mana to [Dispel] any magic below C Grade when it enters the field.
4000 Mana B Grade and below
16,000 Mana A Grade and below
32,000 Mana S Grade and below
64,000 Mana SS Grade and below
256,000 Mana SSS Grade and below
2,560,000 Mana Goldy Grade and below
25,600,000 Mana ??????? Grade and below
‘Wow it’s a godly+? So there is something above God? Except the system?’
‘Not really something I should worry about at my current level, not like I can do anything about it.’ ‘This item is seriously not bad though. It can help me a lot if I have enough mana and if the skills they use against me are magic or mana based……’ ‘A lot of restrictions on the whole mana thing though…...if a become a blacksmith could I modify this part?’
Yes but you would need to become someone above a godly blacksmith. Very long and hard task. System suggests you just make a seperate ring with a similar effect. But involving Qi instead and improve it as you get to higher levels of blacksmithing. System will analyze your chances of doing this successfully as you level blacksmithing up.
‘Thanks for the heads up system buddy. haha.’Cloud laughs awkwardly. He was never one to be able to talk with people. Except online when gaming. Since people playing the game had the same interest, the game. He had few friends in School and he was the quiet one in the group, except when playing cards at break times. He would chip in a comment or two on things but he wouldn’t start the conversation or hold it for that matter. Hence normal communication became a bit hard and complex for him to do.The same thing happened in college which didn’t improve things.
As he walked he passed by a shop selling and installing forges. ‘Since I plan to start smithing might as well have a look at what they got.’ Cloud entered the shop and the shop staff member greeted him.
Hello sir. Here to buy a new forge,some supplies or something else?-SS
Ummmm. I would like to buy a good forge and get it installed at home. All the groundwork has been done as there was a forge there before.As well as other stuff needed to forge I guess.-Cloud stops and thinks over something.
Basically I want the best forge you have and all the best equipment a blacksmith might and will need.All the latest technology you have. I have the coin if you have the ware.-Cloud.
We can certainly do that for you Sir-SS respectfully bows to him and continues.
Please come this way to show you a few examples of what we can offer you and the prices-SS She leads him further inside the shop and stops in front of a few round crystal balls which look similar to the Identify ones. The difference being the colour was green while the other ones were white. Cloud looks confusedly at the lady.
Let me explain these are memory stones. They store short memories. We ask all our clients to record a few memories and experiences on our products. So we can then show them to potential clients and so the clients will know what they are getting instead of just describing it to them with words alone.-SS
Aha. that's quite good that way I can see exactly what I want.Really nice. So which one has the best forge? I want nothing but the best.-Cloud
It depends on ones perspective. You might think one thing is better than the other even if I say something is the best you might not agree. So we let our clients decide what is the ‘best’. I suggest you go from the stone on the left first which is the most expensive one and the ‘best’ in our opinion-SS
*sigh* Okay. I see your point. I will check all of them and see which one is the best in my opinion. Also I would like it to be installed perfectly with the best configuration.-Cloud
No problem sir. It can be done within 8 hours of the purchase for an additional fee of course as we would need to get expert earth mages to assist. That would cost 10P. Also the forge you are about to look at fully equipped will cost 500P.-SS
No problem as long is it doesn’t break after a few uses or a year.-Cloud
That would not be a problem sir we guarantee our products will last you a lifetime.If something does break, but it is not your fault, we will replace it free of charge.You can ask any blacksmith that owns our products.-SS
Cloud look at all the forges and equipment that come with it.Finally he decided on everything. Which was mostly automated by enchantments and engravings with many different functions which allow him to regulate temp and power the whole forge with a mana crystals. It was almost like a modern earth forge and equipment except it was all operated by mana instead of electricity.
I would like you to modify the mana crystal engravings so they can use bigger than usual mana crystal and well as a higher grade.Also modify your products to be able to draw more power and withstand it, about 4 times the power should be good enough. Let me show you an example of the mana crystal I want to use to power everything.-Cloud takes the SSS+ Grade mana crystal out of the inventory on to the floor of the shop.
The SSS+ Mana crystal was as tall (1.85m) as him and thick enough to have 2 people holding hands to hug it. A vibrant and glowing light blue which indicates the quality and grade. The brighter and lighter the colour of the crystal the higher the grade and quality.
Certainly we shall try our best to accommodate your needs…. Let me show you one more memory stone I think what you are look for is something similar…. It is just a bit expensive even for rich people but I don't think I need to worry about that with you Sir.-SS takes out 1 more memory stone out of a drawer behind the desk and gives it to Cloud. He takes it and looks at the recorded memories. After being immersed in the memories for 10 minutes, he opens his eyes.
Yes! That is what I want! *cough* How much would that cost?-Cloud
….These products can only be exchanged for SS crystals or above. This is the best forge we have currently developed and it is not sold for money because of the material required to make it are too expensive and valuable as well some can not be bought with money…. It costs 200 SSS crystals and the owner of this establishment will not sell for money or other materials in exchange.-SS
……………...So how much SSS crystals would my SSS+ Crystal be equivalent to?-Cloud
That’s an SSS+ Crystal? I thought it is just a giant SSS crystal….. If it was Just SSS then that crystal would be equivalent to 200 SSS crystals…. As they are usually as big as a fist….I would need to get this appraised by a professional. I would guess then it would be about 10 times the original price…-SS
‘Holy shit and I have 120 of these things?! I could have gotten 10 Million of these if I had Unlocked inventory sooner?!?!?!’ ‘No wonder the system pitied me…..Just how much mana did that god suppress and for how long damn!’
…….Okay then. Would you call the owner for me? Maybe..... you are not qualified to deal with this?......-Cloud
Right away Sir!-SS went into the back room and after about 5 minutes
*Slam!!!* Something was heard breaking ‘’WHAT?!!?!?!?!’’ and then a dwarf came running through the door the Shop Staff went through.
Put that AWAY NOW!!!!-Dwarf. Cloud immediately collected the crystal in his inventory.
Phew…-Dwarf. The Dwarf takes out a breath of relief.
Kid are you stupid?!Nevermind come to the back with me and we can make some deal I hope-Dwarf.
Cloud nods and the Dwarf nod back and they head into the back room which was the forge in the last memory stone. No wonder Cloud recognised the voice. It was the voice of this Dwarf in the memory when he was talking about all the equipment and how it worked.
Cloud POV.
Damn! All that noise and shouting got my heart pumping like a 20000W pump ( very powerful pump for ordinary people ) or at least it feels that way. So that should be the owner I guess.
I follow the dwarf to a table in the corner of the forge with 3 seats there. The Dwarf sits on one of the chairs which has a small stool in front of it so he can reach and points to the opposite seat in front of him. I guess I should sit as well. I take a seat as well and the Shop Staff leaves us alone.
So kid you say that is an SSS+ Grade mana crystal?Take it out here since now we’re in private. If it really is such a Crystal I admit it is priceless.-Dwarf
I stand up and go to an open space where I can place the crystal and take it out. The tall and bright mana crystal is once again on display.
The Dwarf observes it attentively from where he is and closes his eyes he sighs and opens his eyes again. He nods to me and I guessed that meant I can take it back in the inventory which I do. Then I go back to my seat.
You’re lucky no one was in the shop while the mana crystal was out. You would likely be killed if someone finds out you have such a crystals. If someone did found out, even if they don’t have bad intentions it might just slip their tongue in a bar and then someone will come after you if not, more than one. Anyway. I hear you want the best Smithy you can get. As well as you want to make a deal. I am very much interested. Do say this deal.-D
I take a deep breath and think over what exactly to say. Can a deal like this really be made my mana crystal exceeds the price of the smithy he has by way too much…...Maybe ask him to teach me all he can about smithing and get the best smithy he can make, and then give me 500 SSS grade mana crystals? It’s not like I have only 1 such crystal…..
I want to trade you this mana crystals. In exchange you will build me the best Smithy you could possibly build. Also teach me Blacksmithing and everything you know, techniques,properties of metals , mixing of different metals to create better ones. Everything. Lastly 500 SSS stones or continuous improving of my Smithy until this value is achieved.Also make it possible for the Smithy to operate on this type of mana crystal- Cloud makes a smile which he didn’t want to show at the end of the last sentence.
The Dwarf mulls over the deal I proposed. Looking like he has some internal dilemma. After 10 minutes of silence I have already leaned on the table with one hand supporting my head. Could it be he is debating if he should teach me all the secrets of blacksmithing the dwarfs have?Ahhh this is taking so long….. After 10 more minutes the dwarf makes a resigned face.
The deal seems fair I don’t see how my knowledge is more expensive than 1,500 SSS crystals. Even if it is Dwarven secrets. I also have a condition. We shall Sign a soul binding contract. As the Aspect of Souls as a witness. As well as the System. The contract will stop you from passing on the dwarven techniques and knowledge I give you. You shall have only 1 person of your own blood only, inherit your knowledge as well as mine but must sign the same contract we will sign.If you break your contract your soul will be taken out of your body and burned till nothing is left. If I don’t fulfil my part to the best of my ability the same consequences are to happen.-Dwarf
That sounds reasonable. Secret blacksmithing should be taken seriously.
Okay I agree to this deal. You prepare everything and I will go to the Skill Book shop Mr. Kain owns. I need to buy some skill books.-C
If you plan to buy the blacksmithing one don’t bother I will give you one personally written by me. It will be finished tomorrow. The contract will be done today. Come after 30 minutes and we can sign it.-D
I could just learn both blacksmithing skills then. I could just tell him I already have it.
I already have the blacksmithing skill but it’s low leveled.I would still like to get a copy of the skill book you’re writing. Maybe my one can become Dwarf Blacksmithing .-C
Okay then that would make things a bit easier then.Also you will need the skill book I have written even if you don’t learn ‘Dwarf blacksmithing’ from it. My skillbook involves both blacksmithing even if the human side one is not my forte.-Dwarf.
That sounds interesting.
Okay then see you in 30 minutes.-Cloud
End of POV.
Cloud goes out of the shop and heads to the Book shop. To pick up blacksmithing skill book and to return the low grade book flamethrower.
Cloud enters the book store.
Hey Mr.Kain I’m back to buy some skill books from you.-C
Welcome back boy. What are you looking for today?-K
Some high grade skill books from different elements, also the best blacksmithing book you have available. I don’t mind the price of it, I recently got quite a bit of money.-C
Here is the list of High Grade magic skill books. Look through it and pick the ones you need. As for the blacksmithing skill books. I only have one special one but the requirements to learn are very very high. Would you still like to have a look?-K
Yes the higher requirements the better! Don’t worry about it I’m getting it for a friends I have no knowledge of blacksmithing at all hahaha.-C
I see. That makes sense you don’t look like to have rough hands or the build for blacksmithing-k
Hahaha…. That’s true. Anyways please do bring the book I would like to see it while you do that, I will look at the list and decide on the rest of the books I want.-C
Okay ,okay. Don’t rush this old man. My bones are not what they used to be…-K
…..Sorry-C Kain went to get the blacksmithing book while Cloud looked through the list and picked the skill books he thought were good. While doing this Kain came back with a book that looked quite worn out.
I brought the book you want boy. It’s the original one. I have made a copy of it but I couldn’t get the spirit of the writing in the copy. To a good blacksmith this could bring inspiration and unlock some epiphany. I hope you’re friends find such fortune from this book.-K
Thanks a bunch. I will pay extra if I have to. Also can I get these skill books xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Extreme Heat Ray. Also how much would all these cost?-C
Quite the skills you chose there. I’m guessing the heat ray is to help your friend in blacksmithing?Also all of them will cost you...1,600P. That’s with a discount from me….If you can’t pay it you can always choose some other skillbooks.-K
No problem! Please get the rest of the skill books on the list-C Cloud places the Coin on the desk and Kain Quickly puts it away.
I will be with you in a few minutes.With all of your books.-Kain He again disappears at the back of the shop. Cloud touches the blacksmithing book Kain brough and the usual blue system window pops up.
Human Blacksmithing(Special) Skill Book. Grade Special
This Skillbook was written by the best human blacksmith that ever existed in human history. It wall written by Dolden Blackrock at the peak of his blacksmithing career and at the old age of 200 he died early because he did not level up past 65. He was offered many times by others to join them on a hunting trip to level him up to at least level 75 to get 50 years more to his lifespan. But he always refused. ‘’What is the point in living longer when I can no longer reach higher heights in the thing I love doing’’ was his response. At his peak was rumored to be just a step away from beating the best dwarf blacksmith with his human blacksmithing techniques. But ultimately failed.So he wrote this book in the hope of someone more talented than him could learn and surpass his techniques. He put his soul into writing everything he knew and a piece of his soul actually entered. Allowing the one who reads this to have a chance at epiphany.
Has a very small part of the soul still remaining even after 1200 years.
Requirements to learn: Blacksmithing level 60, Int 100 Wis 120, Aptitude for blacksmithing Excellent or better.
Requirements can be bypassed by the Ability [Instant learning]. Book will be lost if you do use it.
Learn Y/N<<
I’ll let the Dwarf read it first who know he might learn something. If he does I might learn something too.
Cloud uses his Instant Learning ability on the way to the blacksmithing shop to sign the contract.
You have learned the skill Mana Culativation Special level 5,You have learned the skill Extreme Heat Ray level 10. Fire affinity unlocked. Affinity 40% Very Good.
Cloud checks the skill descriptions provided by the system.
Mana Cultivation Lv5 (Spacial) Grade Special.
This skill was created by the God of Mana which was once a gifted young man of the extinct race Royal Zelons. Which were highly gifted in mana sensing and control. But he had 0% affinity for mana,instead he had Godly Mana Aptitude. Many year later he finally created a whirlpool of mana in his heart.
The Zelons unfortunately went to war with Dragons after the God of Mana became a God. They were able to kill thousands of sentient dragons, but in the end the Dragon king, which was close to becoming a God stepped in and with a dragon breath scarred the planet and wiped the army of Zelons. After that he went and destroyed all their cities. From then on the rest of the dragons hunted the rest of them down and killed them all by the orders of the Dragon King.
This skill was thought of and invented by the talented Zelon which became a God. This is one of the skills that helped him reach such a height.
When you start cultivating mana, unlike usual, you don't create a sphere of condensed mana and wait for it to become solid.
Instead collect all the mana in your body into the heart and create a whirlpool. With this whirlpool, collect the mana around you, until the whirlpool can sustain itself. From then on everything will become automatic. At different levels, different changes will occur. Which will let your body contain more mana at lower levels without having a body with 100% affinity. This skill will also increase your body and souls affinity for mana, because all the mana which is contained in the whirlpool will start mixing with your hearts blood naturally over time and adapt your body to have a better affinity, until it reaches 100%.
After Affinity reaches 100% Usage restriction will be removed. Max lv 300
Mana regeneration +50% +10% for every level
Mana usage restriction -50% of your total mana. Warning if you use more than 50% of your current mana at any point all efforts made to increase mana capacity will need to be done all over again. Or the skill will level down.
Mana Capacity Increase 25% +5% for each level.
Current Affinity to mana 70% Perfect. +1% for every 3 levels Currently +1%
'This is quite the skill. I already have 70% affinity to mana? Didn't think I will have such a high Affinity if any at all.'
'Glad that the restriction will be gone after level 90. Which I hope doesn't mean 100 years.......'
'Lets check the Extreme Heat Ray'
Extreme Heat Ray Lv10. Grade SS.
A skill that lets the user make a round ray of heat 50cm in diameter. The heat is decided by the amount of mana inserted into the spell. For each point of mana 1C is generated until 2000C is reached, from then on 10 mana per 1C is generated until 4000C is reached and so on.The spell lasts 30 seconds and takes 10 seconds to cast. For each 10 levels gained the mana needed will decrease by 10% Max lv 100.
2000C = 2000 mana
4000C = 20000 mana
6000C = 200,000 mana Diameter increases to 2 meters if the users wishes.
8000C = 2,000,000 mana Diameter increases to 10 meters if the users wishes.
10000C= 4,000,000 mana Diameter increases to 100 meters if the user wishes.
No affinity to fire will be given for using this skill.
'In the description of the book it only wrote down up to 6000C. So the system optimises the skills?'
The system does not do such,things. The system only recovered the missing parts of the information from the main data base. This is the originally created spell. Which was recorded and named by the maker of the skill. All skills created by system users is recorded and passed on to the base system.
'I kind of understand, but not really.... I just know now that this is the original and full spell created and you somehow recovered it.'
'I forgot to check the first magic skill I learned previosuly, Might as well check that one as well while walking'
Flowing Lightning Lv10 Grade A (SSS).
This is an SSS skill. But because of it’s difficulty and high req. of the user it has been ranked as an A rank skill. The skill requires the user to have a good understanding of electricity and basic physics. A good or better manipulation/control of mana and a quick mind to use this skill to it full potential.
This skill Allows the user to manipulate/control lightning like how water mages can control water. Hence where the Flowing came from.
The more mana used the stronger the skill but the more mana will make the skill harder to control and expend more mana faster. To learn how to control this skill you will need to try it multiple times.
Continuous skill.Lasts as long as the user feeds it mana.
Will increase your affinity to lightning the more you use it. Current Affinity 20% Average.
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