《Hearts of Ice (completed)》Chapter 28: Joy Amidst Death


“He survived?! No way!” the young man stood abruptly. There was one more medal shining on his uniform showing that he'd captured a 'living weapon' alive.

“He seems more alive than his records show,” the physician replied.

The young man slammed his fist on the table and hissed, “Where's Kaylie?”

“The young lady is still in a coma...”

“There must be a way to get her up!”

“Sir, I must admit that her system is above our level of knowledge. She has foreign...”

“I don't care what! Just get her to wake up!”

“The lady will wake up in approximately 5 hours now, considering the rate she heals.”

“Five hours, then. If she isn't here by then... you'll have to answer to me.”


Annie... I'm coming soon. When the sun goes just past the second bar from the top, I'll get out. I'll break through. Wait for me, little girl.



Ah... here comes the morning round of security. I hope they leave an edible breakfast today.



“Any new weapons or anything that could be used as a weapon?”




“Ok then, role call over! Let's get him a bowl of gruel and a slice of black bread. His present condition does not allow coffee or tea. And yes! Throw ground greens into the porridge.”

Sounds.... slightly edible.

“Make sure to close the door behind you.”

The door slammed shut and Afton was left to himself in the room. He flexed his leg muscles to relieve a cramp and sighed. They'd left a recorder in the room for as long as he was conscious. He hadn't exactly picked it up and given it a full examination, but he was sure their technology was more advanced than Isumton's.

With the slightest rattle of the chains, they'd come running.

The Chrisianon recorder could send information to a base without a carrier.

Recorders are replaced four times a day. The officer who replaces it has been slacking off recently, leaving the room before the blue light turns on, signaling the beginning of the recording. By then, I'd have to get out of the straitjacket and chains. They won't hear my footsteps... but wait. How do I know I'll be able to walk, much less run, after all that happened? Would I even keep my agility? Argh... I'd have to risk it anyway.

The door flew open and a tray was set on a foldable table before Afton. Half the bed was lifted and held up with a half-dozen metal rods, pushing Afton into a sitting up position. The chains that kept his hands to the side of the bed were loosened slightly so that he could lift his hands.

In around five minutes, the meager portion of watery 'gruel' was downed.

Meanwhile, the officer had entered the room and replaced the recorder.


And there... the sun is at the position.

He left the room... the blue light hadn't turned on. The nurse had taken the tray and she too left the room. What's left was a couple of guards were trying to lower him back down...


Afton lifted the chain that hung at the side of his bed and threw it down on one of the guard's back, causing the other to startle. The bed fell; the price of startling was paid with his life

A few more seconds...

The other officer had recovered himself and was picking shouting, apparently trying to call for help through the recorder.

Afton had, by this time, gotten free and was only held back by the restrains around his shin and ankles.

He swung off the bed and bent down to pick up a metal pole.

The crunching of metal against skull was an old, yet familiar sound to his ears. The second guard fell just before the light blinked on.

No... to actually believe I could have done the impossible.

He'd lost a considerable amount of stomach muscles, for he was left hanging for a short while with the metal of the chains cutting into his flesh slightly below the knees and about the ankles.

The smell of metal (blood) agitated him and he struggled to piece a plan B together as it overtook his senses.

I could just take the chance and... Blood. And... and what? Gah! Think! Blood... Stop it, snap out of it! Blood isn't... Argh!

The door flew open again and someone gasped.

I'm dead... And I was so close, too.

“Afton? Are you tr... ”

Afton pulled out a tiny metal knob from the second guard's pocket and quickly loosened his chains. He was free... except not. Kaylie stood between him and freedom.

“Don't try to stop me, Kaylie.” he hissed, stepping past her and out the door.

“I... I think you forgot something,” she whispered.

Afton whirled on his heels, preparing another retort when he saw her...

The pretty dark blue hair had grown longer, slightly past the waist. It was as straight as ever... as pretty as ever. The purple eyes sparkled with fresh tears, but her lips curved into a little smile.

She was holding a dagger, a wooden dagger.

“Don't leave without this; don't leave without me. If either is left behind, you will regret it again... as much as I do.”

“I don't have time to play, Kaylie, I need to find my daught...”

“Annie? She's definitely safe somewhere.”

“I need to see her with my own two eyes.”

“But you won't recognize her, Afton. You see... I've turned her into a Falconer.”

Afton stopped walking and turned abruptly, “You... what?!”

“I've turned her...”

“You know what, Kaylie? Don't tell me. I'm going to see for myself,” Afton said coldly turning back onto his path.


Kaylie kept pace with him, pulling him along the halls and secret paths he never knew existed.

Of course, there were the couple of patrollers who were left sprawled on the floor, un-armed and with a couple of limbs detached. Also, there was one unlucky fellow who fell to the ground decapitated. Not to mention the ten guards at the entrance whose hearts were frozen in their chests while the rest of the blood flowed freely from their shredded stomachs.

It was no surprise that the two of them worked well together. They were trained since young to fend for themselves as well as one or two other loved ones who died on their journey through life. But those one or two only served to lower the temperature in their hearts and produce a fire of revenge in their seemingly nonchalant eyes that lit up as blood splattered on their faces. Together, they were weapons of mass destruction.

She went to walking beside him with her lips pursed even after they'd come from the underground. Afton didn't even try to make a move to execute the threat. He...

...am grateful to her, nothing more.

“So... what do you plan on doing after you find her?” Kaylie asked quietly.

“I'm going to say sorry... and then I'm going to see what she wants.”

“I see,” came the equally quiet reply.

We'd dance in the rain. We'd play in the sun. I'd teach her to swim. And I will never... ever... ever let her get hurt again. I will never let the world know who she is. But she'd be the brightest, smartest, prettiest little girl...

“She'll be here soon.”

Afton turned to Kaylie, “How do you know that?”

Kaylie gave a one-sided smile, “There's a lot a secret weapon can do. Don't tell me you've forgotten that, Afton.”

They walked for five more minutes into the shades of the trees.

I'm back...


The voice was soft and faraway. Still, Afton froze. A few months, years even, will never be able to crush his memory of her voice.

“Papa,” it came again.

A soft sweet quiver... from his little daughter.

Annie... it's Annie.”

Kaylie stepped aside to let Afton see Annie.

Except, he didn't just see. He ran, slid on his knees, and hugged her as if he'd never let go.

“You're safe. Little Annie. My little Annie... You're safe.”

“You knew I'd be, didn't you, papa? You weren't worried, were you?”

“Of course I wasn't. You know how to take care of yourself.”

The father-daughter reunion was heart-warming... except, there was no one there to be touched.

Kaylie and Afton weather-beaten pieces of ice who had frozen blocks as hearts. They were, after all, secret weapons. Death visited daily, almost hourly. Eyes with that faraway hazy look and distorted chunks of flesh affected them no more than a leaf on their path would.

Not that it wouldn't haunt either.

Indifference and the freezing of hearts was the only way to survive in a world as cruel as theirs. Where happiness is an illusion, family is a myth, assassination a livelihood... that is Nexus.

“Why did you disappear so quickly then, Annie, I worried for a second there.”

You pass these scars over your face as worries? Papa... I know I made you more than worried. I know my disappearance sent Fear over. But... I'll survive everything now.(Anastasia)

“You need never worry about me again, Papa. I'm a Falconer now,” Anastasia laughed, releasing her hold around his neck and tilting her face upwards. There was the mark of the Falconers on her neck.

Pretty little baby... I've made the mistake of leaving Alistair and Rain in the blizzard, but I've learned from my lesson.(Afton)

Afton smiled and hugged her again without saying a word.

I'll never let the world have a chance at you while I can help it.(Afton)

“Papa, She took you here to me, didn't she?” Anastasia whispered, “Can she... can she be trusted?”

Afton swallowed. Yes, in his rush to hug his daughter, he'd forgotten about the silent by-stander who'd been watching all the while with a bored face.

“Yeah,” Afton whispered back, “her name... it's Kaylie and... Annie, would you mind...”

“Having her as a sister? Of course not!”

Wait, what?!(Afton)

“No, Annie,” Afton said harshly, “she's your human shield and I'm your bodyguard. She's definitely not your sister, do you understand? Remember, you can't trust anyone and no matter what... I will never let you get hurt.”

Anastasia just laughed. A short giggly laugh that Afton would've cringed at. But, she laughed some more... and fell onto the floor laughing until it was funny.

Afton smiled and watched as she laughed harder than ever.

Laughter... it comes so easy for her. So what if Kaylie and I could learn to laugh like... Wait... Why did I include Kaylie?!

Just a laugh from her brought a smile to his face.

Afton turned to look at Kaylie, who cleared her throat and looked away, though not before he caught a smile on her lips too.

Maybe... we can still live happily together...(All three)

Because wherever they went, there'd always be one who defies Death, one who beats Fate at his best, and one who smiled in all innocence even as the sun set over the land.

Together... they'd create their own world of happiness with each other at the centers. So, even if happiness is an illusion, there'd be those two who'd storm Heaven and crush Hell to protect that little ray of sunlight.

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